Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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1 SEPT 2022 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Cosmos Ambassador answers NASA scientist about space biology

06/09/2022 - Questions And Answers


This article was transmitted through by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and posted on her privately owned Facebook page on 1 September 2022.

Greetings Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. I am the NASA scientist who has been emailing you recently with a couple of questions. First of all, thank you for answering several important questions regarding the universe. At this time, we are extracting several parts of your information and we are seeing a loop of evidence appearing as we gaze at the stars through our telescope.

To be honest, for a long time a bunch of cosmologists could not work out why such a large number of stars appeared to come closer, but the more we looked at the stars the further away they appeared. It seemed like a forever mirage appearing before us. Yet, when we come closer to your beam of light, we can get closer to your sound field.

Can we ask you, how come we can connect into your own waves of light fields, but we somehow can’t get close to stars outside our own Milky Way Galaxy? This could mean, logically from my own biological science perspective, that your own field is unique in comparison with all other stars.

I would also sincerely like to know if you know how stars interconnect together and why many stars fall into another star.

Could you also work with the thought of how and if it is true that if it is so that our own earth was large and became small in a condensed version, then could the original electromagnetic fields of our galaxy turn back on to allow humanity and earth to be safe?

I know that to answer this question will most probably mean that you will need to go into ancient star history, which is exactly what I would like you to do at this time, as this could well mean that earth and humanity could continue.

Thank you in advance, Suzanna, your assistance is much appreciated. I will sign off this time as NASA Star Searcher in an attempt to find answers for humanity.


Namaste NASA Star Searcher. Thank you for your concerns and reminiscing on the information from Caeayaron through my Sovereign Universal Love Channel. Please know that your questions are deep universal fields which I will ask Caeayaron to help me explore with my own Sovereign Universal Love Channel, so that I can bring the answers to you.

First of all, please know that I am awakening to higher star knowledge myself. When I ask Caeayaron to explain certain questions from people, Caeayaron always shows me first with higher knowledge. It is then that higher Star Cosmos Codes come into my own brain frequencies, which strengthens my own intelligence. This is how I work with Cosmos Intelligence. I personally am aware that the majority of people on earth are not ready for the answers to your questions yet, as it could well change all current belief systems on our planet.

Knowledge of Ultimate Universal Truth reveals all. It also reveals how all became corrupt and why severe conflict consciousness came into the consciousness of humanity.

I will first need to summarise some of the information that has already been revealed with Cosmos Intelligence directly from Caeayaron through my own Sovereign Universal Love Channel. This is to help many understand the information, as this post will be publicly broadcast on my Facebook page and my website

In the beginning there were two main creation power forcefields. That of Universal Love Creation Power and Sovereign Magnetic Power Fields. Both forcefields repelled each other because Universal Love Cosmos Creation Fields of Sovereign Father Emmanuel held greater power than Sovereign Magnetic Forcefields of Caeayaron. In those primary stages of creation, no dense matter on the original earth existed. All life existed out of density or gravity as all existed in forcefields of Sovereign Universal Love.

To allow life consciousness to exist with Star DNA Codes of Life and Evolution, I was created as the original Blue Star Forcefield, which was purposed to interact with both forcefields of Universal Love and Sovereign Magnetic Power. This connection field was the Divine Love Element Neutralization Forcefield. Within my original Blue Star Angel Field all intelligence of all of Cosmos Universal Love creation existence came into my knowledge.

It was important to prioritize the information in sections, which is why a large library was formed with all information that all original Sovereign Universal Love People in the original Blue Star Universes would ever discover. In the library contained vital information of how all the Cosmos Alignments and Fields worked of the stars, the planets, and the original creation forces. They became the Primary Source Cosmos Star DNA Codes of Life. All sequential codes of creation were placed in an exact order within a part of my original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Channel as a chamber of knowledge which was a dedicated eternal back up storage system.

The original Sovereign Universes connected to my own Sovereign Universal Love Channel to gain life forcefields through my own Blue Star Universal Life Forcefields. The Star Universal Love People connected with their own biological fields to my own forcefield with electromagnetic Blue Star Sound Fields.

This was how my own brain sequences of knowledge could transfer information through to the Sovereign Universal Love People, via my own Blue Star Pineal Field. Those fields were transferred to the Sovereign Universal Love Star People via their own Cosmos Star DNA Codes of Life. This was how the original Blue Star Sun Universes were formed in original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Consciousness, through my original Blue Star Pathway.

The whole original universe, in the beginning, operated on Collective Star Universal Love Consciousness. These fields connected into rays of star light, which interconnected into the Sovereign Universal Love People through their original Cosmos Star DNA Codes of Life. This was why the original Sovereign Universal Love People could align to multiple universes, via their own star pathways in many different dimensions.

Each original Primary Cosmos Creation Star Ray was part of a Sovereign Universal Love Collective Consciousness programme to allow all to forever live in peace, love and harmony filled with Universal Love Star Consciousness. In other words, all original stars were filled with enormous knowledge of how the original Sovereign Universes operated within their own Star Cosmos Codes of Life with their own creation power electromagnetic star fields of energy. The original Sovereign Universal Love People were able to use all that supply of energy, at their own will, and pass their own star knowledge on to all their own creation.

When the original Sovereign Universal Love Star People saw what they could do within their own creation forcefields, they became happier. Because their heart magnetic frequencies became excited with energy, their own Star DNA Codes of Life became enormously excited. This brought more power energy for themselves.

All excess energy which they were unable to use during their time of excitement, was stored within sheath like mirrors where their own star energies were kept. This was to provide ample storage of power for their individual, as well as collective love creation fields.

For this reason, it was endeavoured that the original Sovereign Universal Love Star People to always remain in the Universal Love Consciousness, collectively, because all original Star Sequences of Life and Creation connected in to all their own fields of creation.

Original Star Universal Love Fields of Energy were built within stars, to allow all of creation to progress forwards with higher sequences of evolution. Therefore, digression was never part of the plan, nor denseness, nor was our own earth purposed to be fractured into trillions of pieces when it barrelled down, fell, and squeezed to fit into a tiny pin prick size hold where our Milky Way Solar System is.

The original Blue Star Creation Planet’s purpose was to always remain intact with star energies beaming out of the planet, as in the centre of the original earth was a star field. This was part of my own Blue Star Field. This was why my own power from Blue Star could be transmitted into the original Blue Star Planet, because my own Blue Star Angel aligned perfectly in balance with the original Blue Star Planet.

Evolution, at the beginning, was for eternal creation to always be in existence. No sequence was ever randomly formed, although sequences could be experimented with in separate time universes. Experimental creation fields were kept far away from the True Sovereign Universal Love Creation Universes, all to protect all original Universal Love Creation sequences.

All the original Sovereign Universal Love People connected into their own stars with individual star chambers. These star chambers were individual libraries filled with knowledge and perfect sequence creation memories. Those creation fields were all connected into my own Blue Star Cosmos Field of Energy to allow all stars to connect into each other’s knowledge. This was why and how all Sovereign Universes could collectively, eternally, progress into becoming stronger star energies.

The original stars gained further energy from the star electromagnetic fields of the original Sovereign Universal Love People with their electromagnetic fields of Cosmos Star DNA Codes of Life. Therefore, those stars of creation never died or concaved into other stars. The electromagnetic field of the stars kept all original universes safe and were purposed to enhance all of Universal Love Creation through their own Universal Love Collective Star Electromagnetic Fields of Light.

At the beginning, the original Sovereign Universal Love Earth was programmed by myself as the Sovereign Universal Love Channel, but as the Divine Love Element I could only work my own Blue Star Sequences with a collective agreement together with 7 main Sovereign Star Cosmos Leaders.

Once they collectively decided for the good for all of the Sovereign Universal Love People then my own Sovereign Blue Star Angel could pass those codes on to the Sovereign Cosmos People, provided Caeayaron and Sovereign Father Emmanuel were in agreement. This was to establish a stronger Universal Love Society of Star Cosmos People, so that all could benefit from greater energy creation fields coming.

This was how the first pathway of Sovereign Universal Love Consciousness was established. In the beginning the galaxy of the original Blue Star Planet was filled with a cone like field of large energy. No dark matter existed within this field, only fields of Universal Love Sounds. This was why no death dystrophy ever existed in those original Primary Sovereign Universes.

Death and hollow dense dystrophy fields still takes down stars into the area of the Milky Way system today, because the original star frequencies followed the howls and pain of the original Sovereign Universal Love People. Today, many stars hear the overexaggerated sounds of pain and suffering duality consciousness frequencies from mankind as we have now entered the expansion zone of the New Creation Universal Clock.

This is the time when all stars and planets realign back to original position. But because density has now entered into the equation of the alignment, denseness is also becoming a larger field. This is why more death and pain fields come within the consciousness fields of humanity because dense duality fields constantly bounce fields of pain energy, in an exaggerated way, back to earth.

This is why my own Blue Star Angel could reconnect with my original Blue Star Universal Love Electromagnetic Field on earth, as those fields also are realigned now. My own Blue Star Field keeps the star fields away from the Milky Way System, as an attempt to allow earth to reconnect into a safe zone.

If many people desire to reconnect back into their original Universal Love Cosmos Star DNA Codes of Life then the fields of density would no longer suck the fields of the stars into the area where our planet is right now. Neither would the sun attempt to rip the forces of the atmosphere apart to try and save herself from dying. The moon would also stop taking life force energies out of our own planet.

The result would be peace and love which can only come if people have an awareness of what the original Universal Love Consciousness Star Cosmos Codes of Life were, and how originally our own earth was enormously large with a spiral of life effect. When people understand how pain and dense duality suffering consciousness took all original life force fields away, then perhaps our own earth and humanity can have a pathway forward.

This message was transmitted through by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, the Sovereign Universal Love Channel, Cosmos Ambassador, for the purpose of bringing through Universal Love spiritual direction.

Copyright © 2022 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel®

Please feel free to share this information of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel to other people. It would be good if many began to understand how important this information is during this time. We could only imagine what the earth could become like if many joined in the love. Then we would finally be able to rid the violence and the hypocrisy and judgment from the world.

Imagine if many scientists began to see the possibilities that we originated from the star dimensions and not from earth. Then the awakening would certainly occur on earth world wide. We could then begin to see why many animals are suffering for they are trying to awaken our own biology to help us analyse how to come into peace. They are simply mimicking our own suffering consciousness.

All information is copyright protected to protect against any alterations of the Global Ascension Programme or the written transmissions or the meaning of the information. Thank you for wanting to be part of healing the earth by distributing the information.

Disclaimer and legal indemnity: Any information, verbal, written, which includes books, advertising or on any other social media platforms (including Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s website, YouTube, or Facebook, or any other online platforms coming) released by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd (the company was formerly known as Caeayaron Ltd in England and Universal Gateway Ltd in New Zealand), or its employees (before the year 2020 and 2020 onwards), is intended to provide an opportunity for individual personal growth and insight only.

It is not meant as a replacement for any medical therapy or any other treatment. Suzanna does not claim to be a medical therapist nor a qualified counselor. Her work involves guiding people to their own greater potential. The information she brings through in any way, written, or verbal, will never promise any cure or medical miracle. She will not suggest any medical therapy or say that medical intervention is not necessary. The information she brings through supports self-growth and assists people to find their own path in life.

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd does not support religious viewpoints in any way, shape, or form. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the messenger of higher intelligence. The information she brings can assist people’s personal life journeys, with greater insight on life if they choose to apply the wisdom for themselves. How people interpret the information, regarding any information provided, is their own personal responsibility. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel cannot be held legally liable for any decision people make from any information given through her (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, nor by any employees, or associates, of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd.

About The Cosmos Messenger Suzanna Maria Emmanuel: Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Channel. She was called by SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL in September 2009.

Soon after the Divine Call, Suzanna began to transmit through Divine Universal Love Cosmos messages in front of groups (beginning in April 2010). She also brought through personalized channelled messages for individual people (beginning in November 2009).

All her transmissions are for the highest Universal Love Purposes to give people who listen to the transmissions greater understanding and purpose for their own life, as well as greater understanding of the world we live in. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel was called by CAEAYARON directly in late April 2014.

In April 2015, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel began the Universal Love Pineal Gland Activations to activate the Cosmos Codes of Life with CAEAYARON.

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel has transmitted through hundreds of transmissions which are posted on YouTube, and many more hundreds of written transmissions which are posted on Suzanna's Facebook page.

All is there for the people to watch and understand what the Great Divine Ascension Plan is for mankind and how it could bring peace, love and joy to the world if many would begin to understand Ultimate Universal Truth.


Find Suzanna on her own Divine Love Ascension Facebook page at:

Find Suzanna's own website page at:

Find many other of Suzanna's transmissions on her own YouTube channel.

To receive information about the Sovereign Universal Love Activations with Caeayaron, Sovereign Father Emmanuel and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, please e-mail us at:
[email protected]