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23rd APRIL 2022 Cosmos Ambassador explains The Process of Thought Evolution and Consciousness

02/05/2022 - Questions And Answers


About The Cosmos Messenger Suzanna Maria Emmanuel: Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Channel. She was called by SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL in September 2009.

Soon after the Divine Call, Suzanna began to transmit through Divine Universal Love Cosmos messages in front of groups (beginning in April 2010). She also brought through personalized channelled messages for individual people (beginning in November 2009).

All her transmissions are for the highest Universal Love Purposes to give people who listen to the transmissions greater understanding and purpose for their own life, as well as greater understanding of the world we live in. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel was called by CAEAYARON directly in late April 2014.

In April 2015, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel began the Universal Love Pineal Gland Activations to activate the Cosmos Codes of Life with CAEAYARON.

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel has transmitted through hundreds of transmissions which are posted on YouTube, and many more hundreds of written transmissions which are posted on Suzanna's Facebook page. All is there for the people to watch and understand what the Great Divine Ascension Plan is for mankind and how it could bring peace, love and joy to the world if many would begin to understand Ultimate Universal Truth.


Thank you for asking this question. Once we understand how thoughts can evolve, it could then well open many other new knowledge pathways coming into the future. Perhaps many might then be able to see why Caeayaron and Sovereign Father Emmanuel have asked myself to work with Divine Universal Love, as their Cosmos Ambassador, to embrace a new pathway of Cosmos Science to come to humanity.

Once we can understand that all in the universe is connected, as one large field of Cosmos Power, we might then be prepared to begin to work as assistants with higher Cosmos Forcefields. This cosmos information could save humanity from multiple issues like chronic pollution, but how ready are the people to gain appreciation for Universal Cosmos Transmissions? How many people are ready to accept that Cosmos Intelligence could bring answers to humanity?

Unfortunately, many people on earth today believe that humanity has the strongest knowledge and intelligence of all creation possible. But how can humanity’s intelligence ‘fish us out of the pond of trouble’ that we face today? Maybe, perhaps, we could turn to Cosmos Science to allow us to understand a new perspective to our situation we have on our planet currently. Maybe, people then might begin to take my own Cosmos Transmissions more seriously if they can begin to understand that I am truly connecting to the ‘Brain of the Cosmos’.

How can thoughts of people grow into greater fields of consciousness, and how could this information change the way we perceive our own life, you might then ask?

When we can gain an awareness of how Cosmos Energy is Universal Knowledge, and that by reconnections via Universal Love Activation processes (which can only be done via my own Sovereign Universal Love Channel which is like a river of light) could bring new fields of energies to individual people who are activated with Cosmos Universal Love Intelligence, we might then be able to see how a large global consciousness shift could happen.

If human consciousness is in the pond of pain and suffering, it is the suffering fields of consciousness which need healing. If Universal Cosmos Fields can transpose over the painful thoughts, so that the individual can grasp and intellectualize how they themselves could heal their own personal emotions, then this is how the people would gain mental and emotional support. Then, rather than having to rely on each other to gain healing strength, they would become more enriched themselves with their own inner self-support and inner healing empowerment.

Are there people who can see how all ‘reality’ could change with a possible Global Earth Love Consciousness Awareness coming which is connected into Cosmos Intelligence? Would earth shift and rebalance herself if many received their Cosmos Codes of Life back?

Would earth’s own magnetic fields become stronger if people received Universal Love Activations, and became part of the star grids to bring back enough energy to the earth’s magnetic fields? Could this be enough to restore earth back to her original balance? Perhaps, this could be one large global consciousness movement ‘exercise’ that scientists could become excited about, to see how fast a collective movement towards global peace and restoration could come and the results following.

If Universal Love Activations could bring large benefits to the people in their local community, to society and to restore all earth herself, perhaps that is when many would bring awareness to their own thoughts with more thought-consciousness awareness.

Should that awakening occur globally, it would be the time when thoughts and consciousness of many could be examined. Then Global Universal Love Activations with Caeayaron’s Magnetic Creation Forcefield, channelled through me as the Sovereign Universal Love Channel, might well be taken seriously.

If many began to understand that it is the thoughts and beliefs that the people currently hold in the world that shape society and our earth (as all collective beliefs of mainstream society constantly shadows back in a mirror by earth herself), then how long would it take before people would want that to happen?

Hope in itself is a stream or forcefield of consciousness. Without people having hope and a future to look forward to, earth will reflect the same stream of consciousness back to the people. But what happens when earth can reflect hope back to those who work with Global Universal Love Consciousness? Could this not be a new active reflective pattern that could bring a whole new study of ‘Renewed Power Consciousness’ if star power constantly connected directly into the electromagnetic forcefields of the people?

A Universal Love Stream of restoration could only happen if a certain Cosmos Messenger was directly connected with a Universal Life Stream of Energy, which connects straight into Sovereign Universal Love Frequencies. If this particular person did exist, and if she constantly transmitted through new DNA signals (through her own Universal Love Electromagnetic Forcefields), her own DNA Thought Fields then could become a ‘teacher example’ for other people, if they received part of her own fields of Cosmos Intelligence via Star Cosmos DNA Activations.

DNA evolves from deciphering and learning from what other people have learned and stored within their electromagnetic sequences. But if humanity cannot understand how to gain higher consciousness, because they are gridded into lower earth’s fields, then how could humanity understand higher intelligence unless there was one who came from higher realms? Perhaps, one day people will begin to see the importance to the ‘key of knowledge’ and that that field of knowledge cannot grow from humanity’s consciousness alone, but that assistance is required from Cosmos Intelligence.

Many readers might then begin to ask questions such as: ‘At what thought frequency does our own consciousness affect other people’s thoughts, and could our thought consciousness field progress enough to come out of a ‘helpless’ state to come into a ‘peaceful consciousness state’ on earth?’

The next questions raised might then be: ‘If people would succeed at rising into a Global Consciousness of Peace and Love, with new activated Sun Consciousness Alignment Fields of Energy, could the earth environment begin to reflect the people who become aligned to Cosmos Intelligence with Activated Universal Love Frequencies?’ ‘If our collective thoughts could shift all world environment fields (which might include weather, political movements, hunger, war, sickness, and any poverty related streams of consciousness matters), then how long would it take for earth to heal and recover?’

If a new healing pathway could become part of humanity’s thought consciousness, this would show that many would need to connect to a spiritual cosmic Universal Love Consciousness pathway. Humanity’s consciousness alone cannot restore balance on earth for humanity’s consciousness is filled with conflict duality energy. This is why Universal Love Activation processes are necessary because Universal Love Cosmos Intelligence is higher Universal Consciousness.

Universal Love is able to balance consciousness, whereas human consciousness is filled with duality thoughts, constantly connected to pain and suffering frequencies.

As you can see, thought consciousness is not easy to define nor is it easy to discuss, as most people cannot relate to the importance of the mind, thought, and consciousness. All three aspects are an energy. All three aspects are related, and each aspect brings more power to the other. Intellectually speaking, based on the topic of thought consciousness, you may then begin to understand that each individual thought contains a separate energy.

These thoughts are stored in various earth magnetic fields. Thoughts with a similar vibration bind together to send out a stronger pulse of energy. If the pulse is strong enough to lock into a particular movement, it might then cause a catastrophic event which could have further devastating effects to the consciousness of the people.

Why would this analytical learning about the process of thought consciousness stream be important to humanity? By now you might be able to gather that all people are connected into one large thought consciousness pool of energy. It is those combined fields of collective thoughts which often conduct a particular pulse. This magnetic pulse sends out a particular wave which can cause a mirroring or shadowing effect on earth; based on main thoughts and belief systems of the people. This is because all DNA is connected to each other and learns from each other; via thought consciousness grids of energy.

Not many people realize that all energy they tap into concerns their day-to-day life, and how they themselves interact with the ‘seemingly’ real world around them. What if the world was made up of a combined field of thoughts which interacted messages with each other? What if our own electromagnetic fields with our own brain frequencies, conducted thoughts and messages to all other thoughts and pools of energy within the earth? Then you would begin to understand how all thoughts are part of a global network of information. Each field would then want to learn to optimize its result by building towards the next paradigm shift of information.

This would lead many to understand how thought consciousness is intelligence consciousness, as each thought builds strength upon the other.

This particularly works within the streams of science. Each theory facet leads to multiple pathways for further science theories to develop. This is also how greater technology has developed into further strength. Each new invention can stimulate further ideas to come for future possibilities. Therefore, we can understand the importance to build our knowledge to advance technology forward and how that is done via thought frequency consciousness.

Today, most people on earth have little or no understanding at all of how important it is to develop the mind, thought, and consciousness patterns. This is why it takes time for people to connect to the importance of Universal Love Consciousness, which creates power within the thoughts to speed up evolution. This could only happen through Universal Love Consciousness Field Activations with my own Sovereign Universal Love Channel’s transmissions. It is those transmissions which are not of human origin, but they come from the Greater Mind, The Universal Mind of Universal Love Consciousness.

But how long will it be before many will begin to trust in Divine Universal Love Consciousness Cosmos Fields? Perhaps it will take many years for people to finally learn to grasp the importance of Cosmos Intelligence. However, what if we do not have many years left to learn how significant Cosmos Intelligence is?

Perhaps there are certain scientists who can understand how all thoughts can shape our earth and affect every situation on a quantum level, which could well then transfer enough energy to restore life to earth’s creation as well. Perhaps they can relate to this information, and maybe they can ascertain how many could become aware of the importance of Universal Love Consciousness.

Maybe people will accept that I was sent from the Cosmos to do an enormously important task, to help guide the people back to higher Cosmos Intelligence. Maybe there will be a day when many will accept that their own Cosmos Awakening is important to themselves, and that by becoming activated with their Cosmos Codes with Caeayaron’s Universal Love Activations they will gain their own eternal spiritual freedom.

Namaste, many Universal Love Waves, my name is Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Cosmos Galactic Ambassador. I am the Voice for Sovereign Father Emmanuel, Caeayaron and many more Divine Cosmos Love Beings who exist in the Sovereign Universal Love Cosmos Galaxies.

Copyright © 2022 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel®

Please feel free to share this information of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel to other people. It would be good if many began to understand how important this information is during this time. We could only imagine what the earth could become like if many joined in the love. Then we would finally be able to rid the violence and the hypocrisy and judgment from the world.

Imagine if many scientists began to see the possibilities that we originated from the star dimensions and not from earth. Then the awakening would certainly occur on earth world wide. We could then begin to see why many animals are suffering for they are trying to awaken our own biology to help us analyze how to come into peace. They are simply mimicking our own suffering consciousness.

All information is copyright protected to protect against any alterations of the Global Ascension Programme or the written transmissions or the meaning of the information. Thank you for wanting to be part of healing the earth by distributing the information.

Disclaimer and legal indemnity: Any information, verbal, written, which includes books, advertising or on any other social media platforms (including Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s website, YouTube, or Facebook, or any other online platforms coming) released by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd (the company was formerly known as Caeayaron Ltd in England and Universal Gateway Ltd in New Zealand), or its employees (before the year 2020 and 2020 onwards), is intended to provide an opportunity for individual personal growth and insight only.

It is not meant as a replacement for any medical therapy or any other treatment. Suzanna does not claim to be a medical therapist nor a qualified counselor. Her work involves guiding people to their own greater potential. The information she brings through in any way, written, or verbal, will never promise any cure or medical miracle. She will not suggest any medical therapy or say that medical intervention is not necessary. The information she brings through supports self-growth and assists people to find their own path in life.

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd does not support religious viewpoints in any way, shape, or form. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the messenger of higher intelligence. The information she brings can assist people’s personal life journeys, with greater insight on life if they choose to apply the wisdom for themselves. How people interpret the information, regarding any information provided, is their own personal responsibility. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel cannot be held legally liable for any decision people make from any information given through her (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, nor by any employees, or associates, of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd.