Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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02/07/2021 - Latest News

'To grasp the beauty of the Universe, is to go into nature and observe how nature works with love.' By Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, (since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel.


To grasp the beauty of the Ultimate Universe and its original purpose, we can go into the forests and observe how all follows the laws of universal truth of creation and love.


When we begin to observe how Universal Love was created for us, to allow us to experience how we could take care of the earth and of all of life, we come into acceptance of our true purpose which was to love all in the universe.


We come to realize, by observing the Great Universe and its beauty of all in life that originally, well before conflicts came into human consciousness, we were created with great Codes of Life to nurture life.


Originally, in the Sovereign Love Universes, we were created to dance with all of creation to evolve ourselves upwards. We could only do that when we came together in ultimate collective purpose with harmonic flows for the purpose to work in the love together.


When we worked in the great love together we were able to work with planetary magnetic forcefields to create light rays as a collective This was to allow all, including nature, to experience love from us and this is how all evolved together.


This is pure magic of creation, would you not agree; to learn to nurture each other and learn to dwell in peace and love?


For what other purpose were we created for other than to learn to participate together, to allow life to come into existence with love, and beauty, with our heart connection ray?


This is why we have a beautiful ability to connect to nature with our spiritual heart, because this was the original purpose of our heart ray; to allow us to connect into ancient force fields with our Codes of Life, to transfer our love and wisdom from the Grids of Life into creation.


Unfortunately, after the Sovereign Universes collapsed, the darkness took these Codes of Life ( which originally had the ability to transfer our love and wisdom into creation) away from the people.


The darkness took those gifts of life and created a human forcefield instead. This switched the DNA and the brain frequencies. Instead of magic coming to creation to build loving flows within the pathway of creation, the darkness created a pathway to draw power away from the people via the magnetic grids.


This is how they transferred the power from the people into their own grids of darkness. They did this with mirrors of pain and suffering. They knew that pain, fear and suffering created more power for themselves to control society with, as then they could draw the light from people away and place it within their own grids of power. This gave the darkness more strength, leaving the people in a weakened state of consciousness.


To destroy life and nature was not part of original universal purpose. Destruction was not part of what we were asked to do.


We cannot exist without the flows of nature and nature cannot evolve if we are not there to nurture life on our planet.


The wisdom of the trees and the water is ancient and all are guides for us to learn from, to gain more empowerment flows from, to help us grow into more universal knowledge, and to allow us to come back to our ancient truth.


In the Great Sovereign Universes of Love, well before we fell to become earthlings with human consciousness, our original ultimate purpose was to have enough power within the universal grids, on our higher planets, to allow power to stream into all of life, and also to bring it to other creation on other planets.


This is why Caeayaron uses the concept of 'Sovereign Universal Love Universes' in his teachings because in our original universes we built large power collectively. We were a large power house and other universes connected into our planetary alignments to allow them also to gain the power via the magnetic force grids.


One authentic Pathway of Life and of Universal Creation was originally designed and created to flow the great universal flows through from the Star of Creation.


That one authentic Pathway of Life was the Blue Star Pathway which was able to connect into the Sovereign Planetary grids.


Her Universal Light Grid Programmer self connected into planetary alignment with her electromagnetic force field and then connected into Caeayaron's and Sovereign Emmanuel's forcefields, held within her ancient Blue Star Angel Self.


She was then able to combine these forces through her Universal Love Channel to allow a pathway of life to be formed.


When these flows entered the grids, through the Universal Love Channel, the Codes of Life transformed these flows into wisdom flows and then connected in with the Sovereign Star Leaders.


It was then that the leaders were able to engage with the Universal Love Channel, as to how these flows could best be used to assist all in creation to evolve.


They made a collective decision to allow those streams of knowledge, empowerment, and wisdom, to flow into other planetary grids, for nature and life to evolve.


All was nurtured, and all displayed the ultimate path of creation to each other, reflecting the teacher of beauty, love, and wisdom for themselves and each other.


When the people looked into the reflection of the soft gentle streams of water, they observed how beautiful creation was. The more the ancient star beings pondered within the water, the more the water became light with sparkles of light rays. This is how the water evolved, to allow more life to come into creation; by bringing more of their own wisdom and love into creation pathways, all with their heart of filled with loving rays. This is because they had the Codes of Life within them.


The Codes of Life allowed them to stream energy from the power grids into themselves. This is how all of life evolved into more beauty, love, harmony, and purpose.


When the darkness came into the Sovereign Universes, they took all the wisdom from the love beings and turned love into pain and agony. When they placed pain and agony within the love flows, the Universal Flows of Love were heavily reduced until eventually the love and power was so reduced that all fell into pain without a possible way back up.


Instead of the love shining back into their reflective mirrors, now the mirrors turned into loveless reflections. This didn't remind them of the love they were created with but reminded them of the agony of aging, death, war, suffering, and pain.


Where ever they walked they saw pain all around them. This is how their energies were reduced, because instead of reflecting on love they reflected on pain.


Once the love had disappeared from their consciousness, the gentle water turned into torrents of storms and floods. No more could the star beings bring in their wisdom and love into nature, as no more did they have the Codes of Life to bring creation loving and nurturing flows.


It would take a very long time until the Universal Love Channel could reconnect back into the New Creation Pathway of the 13th Gateway, which originally, in the higher Sovereign Universes well before the Universal Fall began, was the Messianic Alignment Gateway.


This gateway would have opened for the ultimate New Creation Path to open but because the darkness challenged Ultimate Truth and Ultimate Love, the darkness took down the treasures of love and turned those treasures into the abyss where the people experienced death and suffering, instead of eternal life.


How long has it been since we could align to life again, and when we could re-enter the original agreements of love within us, by gaining back our Codes of Life?


This could only happen if the (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel was able to reach the 13th Messianic Gateway in the year 2020.


That year would prove to be 'touch and go', as to whether the alignment could truly be won by the Ultimate Universal Love.


Only the ONE Messenger was able to link into that gateway, provided she proved to be strong enough with her Universal Love Channel. Only ONE could possibly reach it because originally that ONE was purposed to connect into planetary alignment. No one else was created to be the Voice and the Carrier of the Universal Light other than the One Woman of the New Creation Pathways.


It would be touch and go in the year 2020, since the world's situation created conflict within that year of the Great Alignment. However, despite the world's events of 2020, the Universal Love Channel was able to (just) gather together, just before lock down occurred, with a small and private group with beautiful and loving people from many countries around the world.


This Universal Love Activation was the key to reach into the Messianic Gateway which would begin in March 2020 and continue until well after June 2020. After June 2020 further Galactic Alignments would continue to open.


This large Messianic Alignment could not be revealed, nor could be known about, until Caeayaron began to explain it more fully. Until the year 2020, we would not know about the importance of the Cosmic Alignment and why the darkness originally wanted to stop it taking place in the year 2020, and what was at stake.


Caeayaron constantly asked the people to come to the Universal Activations before 2020, stating how important it was. However, because it was a test to see how many would come with their hearts of love, without actually knowing the significance of 2020, the Galactic Federations of Universal Light did not want Caeayaron to connect into the real significance of what 2020 actually stood for until in the year 2020.


Now, slowly the Sovereign Universal Love Channel is enhancing each day and each night, as her Blue Star Alignment has aligned further with her.


The alignment of her greater selves, the Cosmic Alignment of Caeayaron, Sovereign Father Emmanuel, and her Blue Star self, are aligning with their Chosen Messenger.


For the (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel it is not easy to expand on a day to day basis. Her own knowledge, as to why this world is in the state it is in, increases each day. Each night her Angel Light connects stronger within her electromagnetic force field to allow the grids of the earth to shift.


This would be the first time when true alignment could become visible to show the pathway back up, just like the ancients foresaw would happen, when the Blue Angel would rise up out of the densest of grids to show the pathway up for all who wanted to play with her cosmic self.


This certainly is a celebration for all who desire to reconnect to the pathway of life, through the Universal Love Activations coming in the next few year, and receive their Cosmic Codes of Life back.


The stronger her angel reconnects within her electromagnetic field, the stronger the Activated of Caeayaron, activated through the Pathway of Life; the Universal Love Channel become, as their light also increases because they have their Activated Codes of Life, through Caeayaron, back.


The question is, however, who will desire to play with the comic flows of light coming to earth in the near future? With each dance forward, more of her Angelic Flows of Light comes streaming in to allow the activated to grow stronger.


This certainly is a joy for all who desire to experience the ancient pathway and flow back to life to the way back home.


When will the next Divine Universal Love Activations come for the public? At this time we are not certain because of the world's situations.


Namaste, always in the love, the Universal Love Team, here to allow these messages to come through the (now since 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel.


Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel®


Disclaimer and legal indemnity: Any information, verbal, written, which includes books, advertising or on any other social media platforms (including Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s website, YouTube, or Facebook, or any other online platforms coming) released by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd (the company was formerly known as Caeayaron Ltd in England and Universal Gateway Ltd in New Zealand), or its employees (before the year 2020 and 2020 onwards), is intended to provide an opportunity for individual personal growth and insight only.


It is not meant as a replacement for any medical therapy or any other treatment. Suzanna does not claim to be a medical therapist nor a qualified counselor. Her work involves guiding people to their own greater potential. The information she brings through in any way, written, or verbal, will never promise any cure or medical miracle. She will not suggest any medical therapy or say that medical intervention is not necessary. The information she brings through supports self-growth and assists people to find their own path in life.


Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd does not support religious viewpoints in any way, shape, or form. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the messenger of higher intelligence. The information she brings can assist people’s personal life journeys, with greater insight on life if they choose to apply the wisdom for themselves. How people interpret the information, regarding any information provided, is their own personal responsibility. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel cannot be held legally liable for any decision people make from any information given through her (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, nor by any employees, or associates, of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd.