Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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03/07/2021 - Latest News

The Universal Love Teachers attending the Advanced Teachers/Leadership online classes with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, 1 October 2020.


At this time, the Universal Love Teachers who are working with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, work through modules. These modules are transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, and are to train the Universal Love Teachers to become stronger teachers to assist their many students so that they can feel the energetic shifts happening within them.


Suzanna Maria Emmanuel has consistently worked, since early 2018, to activate Universal Love Teachers with activation processes. These activation processes enable their students to feel their own shifts taking place, as the Universal Love Teachers open the way to allow their students to gain further information of important energy processes are all about. This benefits their own life tremendously. It also brings their students into the understanding of how important the Divine Universal Love Activations are all about because they feel the immensity of the flows within them. They witness their own growth happening while they do the classes.


Already this has had massive results because many of the students came to the Divine Universal Love Activations after witnessing the flows and knowing how true it is. They wanted to feel their Codes of Life coming in themselves and witness the (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel themselves. For them, this truly was a life turning situation. They could first feel it coming in as students, and then they had the opportunity to become Universal Love Teachers themselves. All this happened right until March 2020.


When the Universal Love Teachers bring the teachings through, their own teacher flows strengthen. This is because they work directly with Universal Love Flows because they have their Universal Love Teacher coding given to them by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel at the Divine Universal Love Activations when they became Universal Love Teachers.


This is why the Universal Love Teachers are so passionate about bringing the 7 Concepts of Light Foundations through to their own students, because each time they bring it through they feel how magnificent the Universal Love flows are.


The Universal Love Teachers are not able to bring the Codes of Life to their students, nor bring them into higher states of spiritual love, nor bring them into the Healing Transformation Grid, but what they can do is help their students temporarily experience spiritual heightening. This happens when the Universal Love Teachers bring the flows through with the teachings. This can show the students how real these flows are, and how much they can appreciate the Universal Love.


At the Universal Love Activations, the Divine Pineal Gland Activations, when Suzanna Maria Emmanuel first opens her Universal Love Channel to bring through the teachings of Caeayaron, little did we know what to expect. We did not know the amount of incredibly high information we would receive, nor how it felt to receive our freedom back, nor could we ever expect to receive such an elated feeling when our heart expanded.


When you listen to the Universal Love Channel speak at the activations, often it looks so easy for she brings it through in such an easy to learn style. When we as Universal Love Teachers bring the same information across to the people, we begin to appreciate the hard work of the Universal Love Channel who constantly and diligently works hard to bring through information for the Universal Love Teachers, to help us grow as a collective. Constantly, she works hard to help the activated collective of Caeayaron grow with higher knowledge, filled with more empowerment and beauty to assist many to grow stronger.


Since 2015, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel has been working hard to bring Activations with Caeayaron through for people. She began the Universal Love Activations in April 2015, in Whakatane, New Zealand, one level at a time (and there were three) and she was able to monitor the spiritual progress happening of each individual at that time.


The first level was about self-healing and self-development with concepts of spiritual communication. The second level was about manifestation and how it all works and how to achieve your greatest potential. More spiritual concepts were understood, and this led to greater strength within the activated. The third level was about embracing Angelic Love as a collective.


The first Collective Gate opened during the third Divine Pineal Gland Activation in October 2015. This would be the first time when Suzanna would feel the enormous light flowing into her body as a Universal Light Grid Programmer and when the Divine Love Element within Suzanna’s Universal light Body arrived.


This led to further activations. At first only one level at a time was able to be held, as the healing transformational grid would not be able to start forming until January 2016, during another activation. This would be when a healing transformational grid would be formed, as this was when the Codes of Transformation returned within the Universal Light Grid Programmer.


The Universal Light Grid Programmer has always been part of the Great Blue Archangel who was able to bring flows down to each frequency of life to allow life to exist. The original purpose was not for the flows to fall into human consciousness, for those were not purposed by Divine Love. No suffering, nor pain, nor hunger was created by Divine Love. In those original universes, only Universal Love was created. There, the Great Blue Archangel, created herself as a star being who was able to channel in the correct creation frequencies from her Blue Archangelic Self, to allow life to become experienced.


When the darkness claimed the Universal Love People (well before human consciousness existed on earth) all the Codes of healing transformation grids and alignment were taken down so that the people could no longer rise into love. No longer could the Universal Love Channel help the people to rise up because their consciousness had dropped severely. They could not possibly gain back their intelligence to allow them to make the choice. Their Codes of Life had been lost due to the darkness swallowing the codes, deep in the abyss.


In 2014, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel claimed the Codes of Caeayaron back, (the ‘KRYON’ codes) which were the codes towards the planetary alignment which would take place (the planetary alignment) in Late 2018 – early January 2019.


These Codes of ‘KRYON’ which came back to the true channel of Caeayaron, brought her greater strength with Caeayaron to allow herself to communicate with the Great Caeayaron. This allowed the pathway to Caeayaron to be aligned, who could then designate her as the Universal Light Grid Programmer and Light Coder.


In 2016, once she gained back the Codes for the Healing Transformational Grid to be formed, the activated were able to synchronize stronger together, as a collective and grow their own gifts stronger. This allowed for a stronger platform of activations to be built. In November 2016, the first Activations came to the UK in Colchester. This would be the first time when the levels of the activations came more quickly without the activated dropping down in between the activations. This allowed a stable platform for spiritual healing to take place.


Today, the activated of Caeayaron with his Universal Light Grid Programmer who is (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, are rising strongly, as the Sovereign Universal Love Channel has aligned with Caeayaron, her Great Blue Archangel, and Sovereign Father Emmanuel.


This means that her new light is coming within her light body each and every moment of the day, and especially during the night. During the night her light body now transforms into angelic frequencies, which is very difficult for herself, as her body on the physical level also is changing.


This is called transformation, when the Blue Star rises out of the dense grids to align with the higher Universal Sovereign Grids. The activated of Caeayaron, who became activated before 2020 (and also in March 2020) are expanding with their light also, as they are becoming stronger as vibrational light beings. This is because they are expanding, in what many know as star transformation.


This is because they have their Codes of Life Creation back. These codes bring them into the healing transformational grid of the Universal Light Grid Programmer, and then slowly they investigate their own vibrational selves. They do this consciously and unconsciously. Because they form one body within the healing transformational grid, they are supported within the higher loving frequencies. Their gifts grow and they are able to step out of the human limited perspective more easily now to gain a stronger perspective of life.


Among the Activated are Universal Love Teachers. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel currently works with roughly 80 Universal Love Teachers on a six month Advanced Teacher Leadership Course. Each module brings stronger activation flows to them, to assist them on their own journey of life, as well as being able to assist many people to see the importance of the Coding of Life Alignment which only can happen through the Universal Light Grid Programmer.


With each module, the Universal Love Teachers are encouraged to do assignments. These assignments are part of their own homework assessment, assisting each Universal Love Teacher to strengthen various abilities. These modules are transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, and the work is magnificent for the ones who are working through it.


When Suzanna transmits the information, it is not only the words which are part of the advanced learning, but it is the flows she transmits through. These are sequences of new learning, to help the Universal Love Teachers investigate higher intelligence. They enjoy learning new advanced knowledge and they enjoy applying the information.


Suzanna Maria Emmanuel initiates more learning within each Universal Love Teacher when she works through each individual assignment handed in as their homework assignment.


Because she is not only skilled in transmitting information, but also thorough with being able to psychically read each individual, she is bringing through the exact guidance each Universal Love Teacher needs at the time, assisting them to work towards the next target of information.


Because she is the Universal Light Grid Programmer, she is working with all Universal Love Teachers at the same time for when she works with one, she is working with all who are activated and are on the course. This is apparent with the way they feel their own flows and abilities rising. This is truly a work of art because the skill in the transmissions is not from this earth.


If people only knew the importance of the Activations and how the Universal Light Grid Programmer can assist people in their lives, on a one to one basis, and in a group situation, it would surely amaze many. She is not only a transmitter, a group facilitator, an incredible instructor, a course designer, a psychic communicator, a spiritual healer, a guide with enormous strength, able to hold enormous flows for individuals and a group of people to open them to new potential, but she is the Blue Archangel who works thoroughly with Caeayaron and Divine Support, each part of the way. She never works without guidance but asks Divine what it is she is to do next.


The amazing part is how strong she flows with hearing Caeayaron and her Divine Guidance. That, the people cannot know, what it is like for her to feel guidance coming within her.


This is because she always was the ONE being who came to the pit of the darkness to take us out back to the light. It is now the time of awakening to understand the great necessity to begin to see the importance of the ONE pathway up, for there is only ONE pathway up, and the other is down. We can’t afford to be taken down anymore.


We have noted some of the feedback below from the Universal Love Teachers who are currently working through the Advanced Training, online with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.


Namaste, sending much universal greetings to you, The Universal Love Team of the (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and Caeayaron, Sovereign Father Emmanuel and the Galactic Team of Universal Love and Light.


Namaste Suzanna


I would also like to express my intense gratitude for the encouraging and inspiring guidance you have been able to bring to each of us. I find this truly amazing that you are doing this for us all. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.


It is so beautiful to have received this personal guidance, it’s hard to put it into words how much this means to me. I am treasuring the information and working with it every day since receiving it.


Thank you so much, beautiful Suzanna. Thank you so much for all you do for us Advanced Teachers, all activated and for mankind and the earth.


Lots and lots of love

Petra, NZ


Thank you Suzanna from my sacred heart of love. This was so very beautiful. Thank you for working so hard and connecting with my guides. The gifts I received I will treasure for all of eternity, and I will enjoy the exercise each and every day.


Suzanna Maria Emmanuel you are the most amazing, beautiful, precious, inspiring star being on Mother Earth. You never cease to amaze me, and I am eternally grateful to you. My life is now more exciting, full of love and joy and I desire to grow greater in love. My confidence has grown, and I feel a greater inner strength. Thank you️


Thank you admin team for your love, support, and protection that you bring to Suzanna. Thank you for all your hard work helping to keep CAEAYARON’s ascension programme on track.


Thank you GREAT CAEAYARON for helping us all grow together and work in collective love once again. Thank you Suzanna, for bringing CAEAYARON through for us all. Together you both awaken and heal all our lives. Please know I truly am eternally grateful.


Much love always and forever


Julie, UK

Universal Love Star Sacred World Healer

Magnetically Attuned Angelic Frequency Healer of The GREAT CAEAYARON

Universal Love Teacher


Thanks Suzanna!

Tears of gratitude! Thanks for your great efforts purpose & love ️

Richard, Canada


Thank you, thank you, thank you, so much Dear Administration team and Dearest Suzanna for the feedback, guidance and flows.


Reading it opened my heart greater, I truly appreciate all you are doing for us.


So much love and gratitude always. I look forward to the coming lessons.


Sandra, UK

Universal Love Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by Caeayaron




Thank you dear Suzanna for the wonderful feedback and further guidance. I found it beautifully precise, inspiring, loving, and uplifting. You are immensely gifted with insight and wisdom. I'm looking forward to working with the technique you suggested. It sounds fun and challenging.


I feel very privileged to be guided in such a personal way. Extending my heart felt gratitude to you for your large effort and dedication.


With love

Andrew, USA


Namaste Suzanna


I am so grateful for your reply for my assignment for Module 1.


My desire to stay standing strong in my Universal Love Truth and to do the larger work ahead has increased thank you, thank you thank you


I love you with all my heart and will always be forever grateful for all you have done for the Lemurians and for mankind.


Huge Heart Hugs to the Admin team for all their hard work


See you Sunday


Tracy, NZ xxxx


Namaste dearest Suzanna,


My tears are falling, and I am crying buckets, as my heart is overflowing with immense love and gratitude for your spiritual assessment of my assignment. Thank you so much for your loving guidance, which I appreciate from the depths of my heart. ️ Never in my wildest dreams would I have envisaged receiving this personal gift from Caeayaron and the Sovereign Universal Love Channel, and I will certainly treasure it for all of eternity!


Thank you Suzanna and I love you forever and ever.


Lots of love and heart hugs

Caroline, Bali ️


Namaste dearest, dearest Suzanna,


Thank you so much for your personal guidance on my homework.


It touched / moved me so very deeply, I teared with gratitude. Am feeling so much gratitude for the work you do for all your students / still tearing as I write this, overwhelmed by immense gratitude & your immeasurable love I feel flowing from you.


Love can certainly move mountains and you showed me the way.


Thank you so much dearest Suzanna. I feel so blessed to have my Codes of Life back at the Divine Pineal Gland Activations. It has totally changed my life for the better.


I'm so pleased to have participated in the Online Teachers Frequencies & now the Advanced Teachers Training. Wow, these precious gifts are better than gold. Thank you


Heart hugs with lots of love

Shirley, Singapore


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