Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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11/07/2021 - Questions And Answers


 Question on the YouTube page of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, 30 December 2020.


(for the purpose of this answer, the question has been slightly reworded. This question was asked on Suzanna's YouTube page.)


Thank you for coming to these teachings of Divine Love. Please keep working through the channelled messages, as it will become clearer to you as you work through the teachings of CAEAYARON. 


Before we begin to delve into this further, understand CAEAYARON is Magnetic Power. It is with the original Divine Love Element Force that CAEAYARON became Universal Love. Universal Love allowed unlimited potential to become explored.


After Lemuria collapsed, CAEAYARON no longer belonged to the Divine Love Element Channel, as many had chosen against being in the Collective Universal Love. 


The love force from CAEAYARON was taken away by the dark channel who then locked CAEAYARON into a multidimensional gateway of the earth zone called the abyss, otherwise known as the flat zone or the dark matrix. 


To begin revealing the greater pathway, first 'KRYON' needed to work with the original channel (who brought conflict to the original universes) some decades ago. The dark channel who had removed the love creation force from 'CAEAYARON' (who later became known to many thousands as 'KRYON') after the fall of Lemuria, held the key to the dungeon. The only way to free CAEAYARON was if The Woman still held enough love for the Cosmic Universes. Only then could CAEAYARON become freed. 


This is why, during this time of the Great Awakening 'KRYON' needed to approach the owner of the abyss first for then, if he could prove he was kept in a dungeon form, the Woman could free him, provided she would still take him back. 


Before KRYON (he later revealed his true name as CAEAYARON in 2016) could return to the 'One True Messenger' (The Woman who was always the Divine Love Element in Lemuria and the original Sovereign Alignment Universes), KRYON needed to do several things: 


1) Reveal the purpose of the 'original Kryon channel' by identifying Kryon was locked in a maze of a hole. Once that had been brought through that channel, KRYON could then begin to conceptualize other theories with his listeners to allow various questions to be investigated. 


2) 'Kryon' was able to purposely place subtle 'truth' pathways which later could be revealed by the Woman, upon viewers asking the same difficult questions to her (which Suzanna would not know about. This is further explained further on in this post.) 


3) Identify both Lemurian channels, side by side, to reveal all that happened. It was revealed by KRYON/CAEAYARON which channel worked with CAEAYARON to align all Universal Love up, and also how the other channel brought CAEAYARON's love force down, once a great majority of the Lemurians decided against the love. 


4) Kryon was able to do certain things to unlock himself from the abyss to allow himself to return to the love of the 'Woman' of Lemuria (Divine Love Element) so that all could become analysed from the Universal Love mirror. Only upon doing certain things (all to move away from the spiritual 'entity' zone Kryon was kept in for a long time (since the fall of Lemuria) ), would Kryon be able to become released, however, only if the Woman had remained dedicated to her own original Universal Love Truth pathway. 


Through Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, CAEAYARON explains all times in all timelines, from the beginning of creation to how we can return to star creation where only love exists. 

In these teachings he explains how he, as a Divine Judge, is able to align all in a Divine Court of Law. He explains how he is MAGNETIC FORCE STREAMS and how he, as CAEAYARON, is able to bring all things through because the Universal Love Channel is able to translate the Cosmos history in such a way to allow us to comprehend the complexity of the universe. However, CAEAYARON can only bring in bits and pieces at a time, in a story line, to assist us to comprehend how it all works together, for the Universe is like one large mirage working in different universal timeframes. 


Nothing is what it seems in the multidimensional pathways. Nothing is simple like adding 1 + 1 or a,b,c. All in the universe works with Cosmos Intelligence, and this is why it is important to hear these teachings and then analyse how we can use it in a scientific way, because it is all there.


Even though, when you first listen to the 'story' of Lemuria and Atlantis, a 'scientific approach' may not seem to be there at first. After a while (if you are able to study it with a scientific approach) you will begin to decipher that what CAEAYARON describes (Lemurian and Atlantean energy, the rise and the fall) is energy in a Cosmic Force. 


Upon analysing it, you gain the concept of how the whole universe was originally structured. CAEAYARON describes how the original Universal Love DNA codes came into existence, and how the original universe was coded for only life to exist. Death codes only came once the people split away from Life Force from the Great Cosmos. 


The question was in Lemuria (as Lemuria came into existence after the original Cosmos Sovereign Universes had fallen into total collapse and destruction because of war); ‘Would they, the people, desire CAEAYARON to rise stronger to allow them to come into freedom, or did they want to drop into another state of spiritual death?’


This was the choice the Lemurians had. If they pulled together in the collective love, with the Blue Star Divine Love Element, all would have aligned into total freedom. The timelines were altered, however, when the channel of darkness appeared to the Lemurians. He brought through their own previous universal consciousness which brought many in the original greater universes to fall in the first place. That consciousness was to appear radiant, light and knowledgeable, but without love for the collective or for the greater good.


When the greater majority of Lemurians had chosen for the dark channel’s pathway of consciousness, all fell into his own conflict mirrors of consciousness. This was the dark abyss which he had placed all in, before Lemuria came into existence. This is how the Cosmos works in many timelines, and why CAEAYARON states we are in a multidimensional time zone. 

When timelines collapsed, others could rise. The Divine Love Element had the ability to rise the grids up enough to allow another timeline to come into place, as she nurtured the people with her own love. This is also why she is able to take us into the next timeline, for those who become activated with their Codes of Life.


While the Divine Love Element was with the people, CAEAYARON would softly hear her sing and slowly she would align back to her own original Sovereign Universal Love Channel, to awaken her to the mirrors of the Cosmos. This she could only awaken to during the time of the Great Alignment, as all her original, her own, memories were placed in the 13th spiritual gateway. 


To work towards that alignment would prove to be enormously difficult for her. She would need to stand in her own Covenant of Universal Love and never, not once, stray away from her own Universal Love. Otherwise, she would have lost the whole Messianic Alignment to the original dark self made channel who ‘KRYON’ (before 'CAEAYARON' could rejoin the 'Woman' after the separation in Lemuria) came through. 


Because the original (who went into opposition against Universal Love) channel of 'KRYON' was unable to hold on to his own previous channelled messages (in this lifetime, because he was unable to answer them) he lost the Codes of 'KRYON' and so CAEAYARON was able to be reclaimed by the 'Woman', all to realign to Cosmic Intelligence Universal Love to bring the people out of the dark black hole, the abyss, back into the Universes of Love. 


This allowed her to fulfil her original mission: 'To go to the dark places of the universe to see if the 'lost' people would return to the true spiritual love,' which is what the spiritual nation of Israel knew to be the original Covenant. 


The Sacred Covenant was a sacred agreement Jesus made with the people to align the people back to the freedom of the universes of 'EMMANUEL'. These were the universes the people originally were from. EMMANUEL's universes is where only Universal Love exists. The EMMANUEL grids were always the grids of Sovereign Love and eternal happiness and joy, which Jesus referred to as the Eternal Fountains of Spiritual Waters.' He mentioned many times that in those Universes only love exists and that those universes were always free from suffering, pain and death. 



Now that the Divine Love Element has been claimed by CAEAYARON (CAEAYARON being the Divine Cosmic Judge, as HE is the Aligner where all Universal Coding originated from who he then gave to the 'Woman' to give to the people), that Covenant is now a 'legal binding contract' which allows the people to return to their own spiritual codes. 


By coming to the Universal Love Activations CAEAYARON then brings the activated into the fold of 'EMMANUEL' and then brings them their Eternal Freedom Codes of Life which is their personal sealed contract between the Divine Cosmos and themselves. This agreement is that they will return eternal life in the Universal Love Universes and they will grow into their original Star Intelligence and Power, provided they want to be in the collective love universes, not because they want to take the Universal Love away from the people, or try to take over the Sovereign Universal Love Channel like has happened in previous times such as in the original Sovereign Universal Love Universes, in the times of Lemuria and Atlantis, and again in the times of Jesus. 


By CAEAYARON returning to his true authentic channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel it symbolized a significant alignment. (CAEAYARON approached Suzanna in 2014 and it was then she received The Codes of Alignment of CAEAYARON. This is why CAEAYARON was able to work with her, only if she gained those Codes back could CAEAYARON begin to realign all to original Universal Love.)


Slowly, through all time gateways, the Divine Love Element needed to bring the people into a safe time gateway (which is now), to allow all to become neutralized for those who become activated, as this is what the Codes of Life do. Those Codes of Life neutralize all karma that the people fell into during the Yahweh/Thoth wars. 


Those Codes of Life (can only be received at the Universal Love Activations with CAEAYARON and the Channel of Ultimate Truth, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel) also allow the people to come to the next gate - the Star Cosmos Gateway. 


Once activated, those Codes of Life transfer the energy from the conflict grids of these earth dimensions to the grid of Universal Love which then connects into the original Sovereign Galactic Star dimensions. The Universal Love Grid is a Universal Love Mirror where the Blue Star Universal Love is stored (for the purpose to bring healing to the Activated of CAEAYARON which is where CAEAYARON aligns the people back to Sacred Universal Love), which magnifies all the work the Activated do with their own heart, as that grid anchors in all their own love. 

Those Codes of Life have the ability to become fully aligned to the New Cosmos Creation Body. They basically transfer information into the DNA that help them to align to higher Star Elements. 


This is the only time when this 'transfer' can happen, during the Great Alignment, as then the Great Cosmos 'speaks' to each other with a cosmos language that only the Divine Love Element can understand and relate to, as she is the Assigned Blue Star Creation Path who came here to assist us out of the 'pit hole.'


The ancients knew this time was coming but how exactly they could not define, until now when it happens before our eyes.


Now CAEAYARON has fully aligned with the True Blue Creation Path which is what needed to happen if she was to be declared as the Messianic Aligner in the year of 2020, which he announced in June 2020 and those 'waves' of Cosmos Alignment keep streaming into to the 'spiritual light body' of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.


When KRYON first appeared, many knew there were subtle hints of various difficult concepts. Through the original 'KRYON' channel people found it too difficult to comprehend what was 'truth' and what was not truth. Now many are asking the same difficult questions to CAEAYARON through the Divine Love Element (who CAEAYARON calls the True Divine Truth Revealer, who is the genuine True Channel of Lemuria and the Creation Blue Pathway of the Sovereign Universes when people were friendly and in the love.)


The difficulty in the concept of Kryon and Caeayaron was to define that Magnetic Force is not a 'being' as such but a Magnetic Force, who aligns with the truth path of a particular channel. This is to allow the people to figure out who has the highest vibration pathway of all, for the highest Cosmos Pathway is the pathway of Universal Ultimate Truth. When we key in to that 'truth' we allow ourselves to begin to see a whole new pathway of spirituality. 


When KRYON announced (in 2016 to the viewers on YouTube through the Pathway of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel) that his name was truly CAEAYARON, many began to awaken as they remembered who the Mountain of Light was. They began to see the path of conflict and why KRYON often spoke about the duality pathway, and the 'freedom' pathway and the 'choice' pathway through the original ‘Kryon’ channel. They then were able to delve into these same areas with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel with questions such as Thoth and the relation to Lemuria and Atlantis, the serious matter of karma; how and when karma came into the consciousness and if there was a way out of it.


Serious researchers asked these questions while she was in a state of trance herself when she could not consciously grasp the information. This is because when she is in a state of trance her brain frequencies are too high to allow her to consciously think in a day-to-day manner. 

This is why many are so happy that she has the Messianic Alignment back. When the people had it, originally in the Sovereign Universal Love Universes, they lived in love and collective peace. Now when the lovers of Universal Love finally unite with her once more, as one force with collective love consciousness, the frequencies of the world can change to allow a whole new pathway to form.


This is why the question of CAEAYARON is always (through the pathway of the 'Woman'): 'Are we in or are we out?' We can only do this 'magnificent' work together, however, if we come together in a field of desire. By becoming activated we will gain more strength and unity and then we can all work collectively in the Universal Love with the Blue Star Angel. This desire will allow her to grow back into her Blue Star Angel Connection, as then more people can hold her greater love element within their consciousness. 


Namaste and much love always, The Universal Love Administration Team of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.


(Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel from the Galactic Federations of Universal Love, for the purpose of explaining the question regarding Kryon and Caeayaron, 30 December 2020) 




Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel®


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It is not meant as a replacement for any medical therapy or any other treatment. Suzanna does not claim to be a medical therapist nor a qualified counselor. Her work involves guiding people to their own greater potential. The information she brings through in any way, written, or verbal, will never promise any cure or medical miracle. She will not suggest any medical therapy or say that medical intervention is not necessary. The information she brings through supports self-growth and assists people to find their own path in life.

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd does not support religious viewpoints in any way, shape, or form. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the messenger of higher intelligence. The information she brings can assist people’s personal life journeys, with greater insight on life if they choose to apply the wisdom for themselves. How people interpret the information, regarding any information provided, is their own personal responsibility. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel cannot be held legally liable for any decision people make from any information given through her (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, nor by any employees, or associates, of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd.