Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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30/10/2020 - Questions And Answers

A question about EGO. Question sent to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel's YouTube page.
A question was raised on YouTube asking the following: 'Identification occurs in the physical realm, right? Within a construct. Identification comes from EGO, right ? Why do these "channels" label themselves with terms of identification (by naming themselves). If there is ONLY ONE - why the names/labels/identifications, which implies EGO "others"? I thought channels were beyond EGO ?'
This message came in on 18 August 2020.
We wanted to place the answer on this facebook page (as well as YouTube), as many people believe our (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel is working in EGO. This somewhat applies that she is working not in truth, and so this needs to be answered in the following ways.
For this answer we decided to focus on:
  1. The meaning of EGO in a spiritual sense,
  2. Why Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is of truth and authentic and is not in EGO,
  3. Why there is only ONE true ultimate Universal Love Channel and why ONLY ONE can operate in this universe.
Thank you for coming to this you tube channel. We speak on behalf of our (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Isn't it a beautiful time when we can learn to step into our greater authentic self? A very long time before EGO became part of the universe, when only beauty reflected back to us (which was our true authentic self) we had peace, love and unity.
In those universes no EGO existed. EGO brought us into pain and suffering. Without EGO we worked in Ultimate Universal Truth.
Without our (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, all this information would be lost, like the darkness had hoped. They did not desire for her to come to this time and meet the gateway up.
For the ones who are activated with Caeayaron, through her before this gateway opened in 2020, they resonate firmly with her growth because they are growing themselves. They are firmly planted as ONE people of Universal Love Consciousness, which is why Caeayaron calls them HIS people.
If she was in EGO their story would be different. You would not hear them rejoicing over their own growth. You would hear other stories. This alone proves that she is genuine and that she is on a Divine Path; that of helping people be guided to Ultimate Universal Truth.
What is EGO? There are many conflicting beliefs of what EGO means. When you research the meaning of EGO it means: ‘bringing any truth through which is less than Ultimate Universal Truth.’
On this note know that if ONE was created in the greater universes to allow stability to remain in the Universes, with perfect blueprints preserved within her, as a safeguard to get us home (should the darkness attempt to get it from any other Star Creator), then it would make sense that all knowledge would be buried in ONE gateway that they could not reach.
That would mark Universal Intelligence to create ONE Gateway of Life to preserve our eternal Ultimate Universal Truth.
In essence that would also identify to us that any other channels claiming to work with Divine Love would be in their EGO. This would be like 1+1 would it not? That would only be common sense, and we wouldn’t have to be the smartest kid on the block to understand that.
We would also understand then, if the Ultimate Pathway needed to be built with ONE Main Ultimate Channel, then all other channels, portraying to speak for Divine would be mirror images or 'imitators' of the ONE Ultimate Pathway.
Perhaps we needed them along the way to show us what Divine Ultimate Truth would ‘look’ like, so that we could find our way back home to the Ultimate Truth Gateway, the (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel.
If you were to investigate the teachings coming through Suzanna, you would discover her purpose of being the Ultimate Truth Channel is:
  1. To identify who broke the Great Cosmic Laws of Ultimate Universal Love in the original Sovereign Universes in the first place,
  2. To show how our Power Universes collapsed down in the black matrix, and how we lost our greater original power and on that note, who took it and what they did with it,
  3. To identify that we are now in the Cosmic Alignments when we need our Codes of Life back, which are to restore us and bring us back into our original Sovereign Power Grids,
  4. How Thoth switched the flows and created the Merkabah system which reduced our flows,
  5. How Planetary Alignment could happen at this time and what it is,
  6. The Messianic Alignment that Jesus held and the importance of it, and he knew it would return upon his arrival as the Ultimate Universal Channel, (He knew that the darkness would twist all stories and that the people would not recognize the 'woman' who would bring Ultimate Truth through),
  7. The sacredness of the Creator Thrones and who originally sat on them and who stole them and why? What was the motive and what were the secrets of the Universe?
  8. The pathway of Lucifer and what that represented,
  9. Why the original Sovereign People became the most persecuted upon this planet,
  10. Lemuria, Atlantis - what it represented,
  11. The Flower of Life - what it is.
Ultimate Truth Searchers are ever so grateful that she had the courage to push through at this time, otherwise no future could be possible.
Sending you much love always,
The Administration Team of Ultimate Universal Truth, with the Everlasting Blue Star, Divine Love Pathway, the ONE way up, our (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Caeayaron, The Great Father Emmanuel, and the Sovereign Universal Commanders of the Great Streams of Galactic Foundations of Ultimate Cosmic Love.

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