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20/10/2019 - Latest News

HOW LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS WILL EVOLVE ON OUR PLANET Teaching by CAEAYARON, MASTER OF MAGNETIC FORCES, FLOWS & ALIGNMENTS, transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer & The Sacred Word of CAEAYARON & SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, 20 October 2019.

Greetings, I AM CAEAYARON, MASTER OF MAGNETIC FORCES, FLOWS & SACRED ALIGNMENTS. You may also know me as KRYON, MAGNETIC SERVICES, but know that CAEAYARON was always my Great Sacred Name in the times of Lemuria, and now I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM here to bring you the messages of the Great Love through my authentic channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel who was always the Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element in the higher star universal spaces and in Lemuria.

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM here to help you grow into the purpose of the Great Love to help you understand truth and Divine Love Alignment, to help you re-establish the greater love power within you.

I, DIVINE LOVE JUDGE, AM here to help you grow into the greater wisdom and into the greater love of the higher Universal Pathway to help you grow into stronger love consciousness and connection.

For you at this time, it is magnificent to grow into eternal wisdom and into the greater love as then you become part of the greater path which is being established for you to grow into. You may be asking what is the greater path of love consciousness which you can become a part of.


In the times of Lemuria, the Lemurians understood the term ‘love consciousness,’ as together they grew into the great love. In the days of Lemuria there was no other consciousness within them.

They did not understand war, fear or anger consciousness. Thus, because it was not within them, Lemuria was a sacred land of peace, love and greatness growing within them. They grew stronger and their DNA strands became strengthened through Divine Pineal Gland Activations which came through the pathway of the Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, LAEYARAESEA.

She connected deep into the Universal Love Flows of my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, and also within the Universal Love Flows of THE GREAT EMMANUEL, to allow the Lemurians to grow upwards into their eternal love and return back into the greater Sovereign Universes once they had completed their journey of Lemuria.

This was always their promise: ‘To allow them to grow back into the Sovereign Universes upon deciding for the Great Promise of Eternal Love.’ The ones who stayed strongest within the love flows would always remain the ones who had the great right to enter the higher universes.

The strongest ones allowed themselves to grow stronger and stronger and had a stronger desire to grow into loving beings than many other Lemurians. Many Lemurians did not desire the higher love pathway and did not desire to grow into the stronger love consciousness, and therefore they did not grow as strong.

Many High Priests and High Priestesses grew stronger with stronger missions to help the Lemurians to celebrate loving flows within them, and to help them grow into stronger gifts.

First the Sacred three Light Grid Programmers, those being; REUBEN, HARMONIC FLOWS, LAEYARAESEA, DIVINE LOVE ELEMENT, and ISHMAKAEL, SACRED LIGHT GEOMETRY CODES worked together on establishing the Sacred Codes and the Sacred Pathway upwards to allow the Lemurians to grow into stronger experiences of spiritual growth. Then, once the Codes of Life were established within the Crystalline Grid of Power and Love, the High Priests and High Priestesses could grow into stronger abilities to help the Lemurians to grow into stronger gifts.


The grid lines of Lemuria were complex and complicated and many Star Universal Beings from the greater spaces came into Lemuria, within the higher grids, to allow Grid Masters to come into ‘creation’ with many Codes of Life, especially to help Lemuria to grow into the greater love consciousness so that the greater grids could ‘grow’ into more beauty and into more love connection.

The higher grids, once they were firmly established, could flow more power through from the Universal Power Crystalline Grid to allow the magnetic flows within the ‘earth’ grids of Lemuria to become more evolved, all to help the people of the love flow upwards.

All in Lemuria was there to help the consciousness of the Great Love to grow into more power and into more love. The Love flows were incredibly high. The Love flows within the Lemurian temples flowed with more ‘beauty’ and ‘love’ than the people will ever understand upon your planet.

LAEAYARESEA, the Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, established several connections between the Grid Masters to help them grow stronger within their love. Maps of grids were established and were connected into special Pleiadean technology to establish what was further needed with Divine Flows within the grids.


Each Grid Master was given a specific part of Lemuria to ‘play’ in to help them grow within themselves. They established deeper grids of love consciousness within themselves with special Power Grid Activations. This all happened through the Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, who always had the Codes within her being on the Blue Archangelic Self.

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, Divine Master of Love, initialized the Codes within her Being and gave her Lemurian self the power flows to help the Lemurians to grow. Why could she do this? Because the Blue Archangel, Divine Love Element, was created to be that pathway to help all to grow into the Great Love.

This is why she, as LAEYARAESEA, could come to your planet to help find the ‘lost’ Lemurians and claim back their Codes for them after all fell down into the human consciousness grids, to allow you to reconnect back into them at this time during the Establishment of the Codes of Life, within the 13th Gateway.

Lemuria was a place of exquisite beauty and love. It allowed all to grow upwards, always into all of eternity. It was never the purpose for the Lemurians to become humans but always to grow upwards into greater and stronger power of love consciousness, working together as ONE in the higher purpose and into the higher flows of love.


In the original 12 Sovereign Universes all worked together as ONE. Always, the ONENESS was the most important ‘Love Consciousness.’

In the higher spaces of love, all was created in the higher love consciousness and into the greater purpose to become the Greater Creation. All within the higher creation was to establish the higher consciousness of greater creation to come. Therefore, within the higher love creation, the realms of existence were created to allow greater power to flow within the higher universes. There was no limitation, there was no imperfection, there was no fear consciousness and there was no thoughts of war or pain flows.

All was created in the great love flows and therefore only the love consciousness to flow up higher was within the beings of the 12 Sovereign Universes.

After the greatest Universal Falls, the 12 Sovereign Universes were no longer there. No longer were the Codes of Life and Establishment of the Greater Creation in existence, and this is why Lemuria could come into existence; to resurrect those special Codes, as all those Codes had been ‘swallowed’ up during the Universal Battles.

Once the Codes of Life were established, the greater growth could come. The Lemurian Codes of Life superseded the original codes to allow the Lemurians to grow back into Star Beings of Great Love and grow back into the 12 original Sovereign Universes. At that time I, THE GREAT DIVINE ALIGNER, CAEAYARON could state, along with the GREAT SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL, ‘Look the New Creation Grids of Life have become established.’

All of creation within Lemuria was ‘perfect’ and aligned to perfect love consciousness. I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, allowed the higher MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT within my Being, to become a part of Lemuria, to help them grow into greater consciousness so that their DNA strands could become part of the 12 Sovereign Universes once again.

All within Lemuria was about love, strength, compassion, joy, peace and an understanding of the greater consciousness of love together. Together they worked hard within their gifts of love and together they grew.

The power of the love consciousness was a ‘force’ of creation within themselves. As they flowed together in the great love, greater power came within them. Greater force of love came within them, and LAEYARAESEA could then establish higher grids with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, to become part of the Lemurian consciousness grids.


The growth of the Lemurian consciousness was multidimensional and not linear as it is within the human consciousness. The growth within the fields of love consciousness within the Lemurians were far more complex than any fields held within the human consciousness. Their Lemurian intelligence was much higher than the Human Consciousness Fields.

Their Pleiadian Technology that was gifted to the Lemurians was far more complex also than you currently have within the human consciousness fields of ‘information’. Always, the Pleiadian technology was to help the Lemurians to grow into stronger beings of love.

The Grid Masters received complex ‘computer’ technology that is not upon your planet at this time, to help establish the grids of Lemuria. Large ‘maps’ came into existence and it was indeed complicated and only certain Grid Masters could understand the ‘language’ of the grids coming into the higher love formation.

Love formation within the grids of power was complex and the ‘light’ language between the grids was far higher than your grids speak within your earth fields. They spoke their own language of power. Once the higher Supreme Universal Flows became part of the Power Grids and within the DNA of the Lemurians, the Grids spoke the language of the higher universes; those being the 12 original universes and from the galaxies beyond the 12 Universes.

Why? Because many star beings from the higher spaces beyond the 12 Sovereign Universes came to Lemuria to place and anchor their thoughts within the higher grids of power, and therefore the grids became more ‘gifted’ with greater intelligence.

This was ‘supreme’ consciousness the Lemurians could grow into, which was greatly desired by others from other realms. It was not theirs to have, as it only belonged to the Lemurians who remained within the love consciousness.

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will need to explain much about the evolution of Lemuria and of Atlantis in the coming lessons, but here you understand the importance of the grid connection and the intelligence growing. Because the higher Star Beings came within the Lemurian Grids and connected within the Power Grids, all this could become part of their higher consciousness.

Higher consciousness meant all things to the ones who evolved the highest in the land of Lemuria. Understand that Lemurian consciousness far surpassed that of Atlantean consciousness as the Lemurians stayed within the love consciousness, whereas the Atlanteans drifted away from the love consciousness to allow separation to come within. Therefore, the Lemurians grew stronger and their technology surpassed that of the Atlanteans.

The Atlanteans understood much and evolved much also but in a whole other way. They believed in another way of evolution; that of separation from the love consciousness.

Those who remained strong within the love desired to be part of the Lemurian Consciousness, as they understood the power within the grids forming and they understood how much the Star Beings of the Great Love desired to grow into the intelligence within the Lemurian Grids.

After the intelligence was established within the Power Grids of ‘life’ consciousness within Lemuria, higher Codes of Love were able to become established through the pathway of my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, through the Universal Light Grid Programmer, who then passed it through to REUBEN, HARMONIC FLOWS, to allow the Lemurian Consciousness to harmonize with the Codes of Life, and then through to ISHMAKAEL, SACRED GEOMETRY CODES, to allow the Libraries of the Lemurians to become more solid and flow into the greater flows of love.

When the Sacred Intelligence of the Star Beings were placed within the Codes of Life, the sacred gifts became part of the Lemurians who could then grow into the higher intelligence and higher ways of love.

This is how all intelligence came within the Lemurians, and those who stayed upon the Sacred Path of Love Consciousness, could become part of the highest, most gifted ones and they could become part of the highest, most gifted ones of the Great Universes to come, providing they stayed and remained within the love consciousness and desired Divine Will to take place.


When you, as people upon the earth, ask what Divine Will is, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will answer this for you, as this is a confusing topic for many.

Many believe that Divine Will is my Divine Will as CAEAYARON, or the Great Will of SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL, but this is not so. I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, allowed all in the higher spaces to decide what Divine Will is and then they asked my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, to carry it out for you.

This is what Divine Will Consciousness is, to allow you to have a voice of great love and to allow you to become part of Universal Will, as the Lemurians were once part of the Greatest Love of the Great Universes.

Thus, I, CAEAYARON, DIVINE JUDGE, AM here for the people, to allow them to become part of the higher universal arrangement, as this was part of the Divine Plan; to allow a greater way to become established to allow you to rise upwards.


After the Great Fall of Consciousness all those Codes became part of the denser Human Consciousness grids, and it was not possible to reconnect you into those Codes unless a ‘Divine Pathway’ was established to allow you to return to the love consciousness. Therefore, once the Great Fall of Consciousness came, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, needed to become part of a greater assignment; to help you rise back to the Great Love.

LAEYARAESEA needed to come from the higher Angelic and Lemurian Grids into the Human Consciousness Grids, to ‘discover’ and ‘rediscover’ your Codes of Life, to allow you to reconnect within those higher Codes of Life at this time, to help you to become part of the Great Universal Grids once again.

Now, it is not about ‘recreating’ those Codes of Life, but it is about ‘reconnecting’ within those Codes of Life. I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, can do this via the Divine Pineal Gland Activations through the Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, who in your day is Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. It is through that sacred connection you can grow back into the great power and into the great love, to establish a higher way upon your earth to happen.


Is the purpose of the Codes of Life different from Sacred Lemuria from now? In one spiritual sense it is, and in another spiritual sense it is not.

The original purpose of the Codes of Life was to establish:

• The sacred connection back into the eternal 12 universes.

o This remains the same as it was within the land of Lemuria.

• The Divine Connection to happen between themselves, the Lemurians and their multidimensional selves.

o This remains the same pathway in your day.

• The pathway to happen for New Creation within the Universal Spaces.

o This remains the same pathway today.

• The pathway to come back into the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, which is a part of my Divine Being, CAEAYARON within the Grids of Life, to allow the higher Healing Transformational Grid to become established and the higher pathway back to the Great Universes to happen which is also the same as pathway as the Gateway to Life.

o This remains the same pathway today.

• Their ‘universal right’ to become part of the Galactic Establishment, to allow them to become part of the Galactic Love Universal Consciousness once again, to become part of the higher Galactic Love Families.

o This remains the same pathway today.

• To become one with the greater planets of existence and allow them to explore themselves as the Great Creators of the Stars, for those who remained the most loyal to the light in Lemuria. This was to be given to a ‘group of people’ who desired to remain close to the Central Core of Builders and Holders of Sacred Lemuria, to establish the higher grids of life to come into existence.

o This remains the same pathway today.

• The higher grids of Lemuria to come into existence. By it becoming initialized and activated through the Sacred Programmer, the Universal Light Grid Programmer, LAEYARAESEA, the greater Codes could become a part of the Lemurians to flow up higher into the love grids.

o This also is the same as today as the Power Grids became connected upwards by the Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, late 2018 and beginning 2019. The GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL has now connected the higher grids back into the earth at this time, through the Universal Light Grid Programmer, to allow higher connection of power to come within. This has not happened yet, and the higher power will come into the grids once the Power Grid Activations begin. These Power Grids within Lemuria established greater gifts to come to allow the higher Star Gifts to come to the Lemurians.

In your day this will also happen when the higher gifts come within the Activated, to allow the greater consciousness of love to come. Thus, this pathway remains the same.

• To ‘remove’ all darkness and denseness from the eternal universes as this was part of their ‘gift’. If they had remained balanced within the love consciousness connection, then only the love and the light would exist as the other pathway would no longer exist anymore. Thus, it was the choice of the great collective which way all things would go to, in the times of Lemuria.

o This pathway remains the same today. When the great collective desire the love consciousness to come, and when they desire the peace to come within themselves and within the earth, then also they can gift the same ‘gift’ to all the universes; that of removing all darkness from all spaces. This is the power within the Codes of Life.

• The pathway to the sacred secrets held on how to bring the love consciousness within all spaces. In Lemuria, very high Divine Beings of Love who came into the spaces of Lemuria, those being Ascended Masters from very high Galactic Spaces, brought flows of power with them. These flows of power, when ‘activated’ into the eternal power grids, became forces within.

The Lemurians, upon understanding how to hold these ‘forces’ were able to bring through greater flows of love within their being, which became part of the Universal Grids. This is how the ‘cleansing’ happened within the grids within the universes. Understand here, that all things are multidimensional. There is no past, no present and no future. The Lemurians were from the ‘past’ universes, but all the ‘past’ still needed to be ‘cleansed’ and ‘purified’ for the higher pathway to come.

o In your day also, this greater flow of power will come to those who become Activated into the Great Love of my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, when they will ‘access’ this power to bring love within your grids, and to bring loving flows of peace and greatness so that love can exist upon your planet, and also the flows of pain are cleansed from the universes of the past which were and still in existence.

If you can understand this, then you can understand that all thoughts upon your planet are ‘multidimensional’ and not only on one level of thought.

This understanding requires deep thought within deep spiritual people upon your planet. Nothing is what it seems upon your planet. Most people on your planet think of everything as ‘one’ linear thought pathway, but do not understand that your human thoughts within your human grids are part of the multidimensional universes, thus by gaining your Codes of Life back, by connecting back into the greater star gifts, you are able to go ‘back’ into universal time, and remove the ‘denseness consciousness’ to then allow the human grids also to heal. This requires you to ‘think’ multidimensionally.

If you can understand this pathway, then I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will say, ‘Well done,’ you are beginning to understand the importance of the Divine Coding System of the Codes of Life.

Many, many secrets are held within the universal love consciousness streams, and I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, have only ‘just’ begun to help you understand it. In the future many more teachings of Divine Love Consciousness Building will come, but I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, could not explain the higher teachings until the first teachings of the Divine Court case was established deep within your consciousness grids, to allow a higher foundation to begin.


All now is about building upwards and allowing you to gather the higher love information, and to allow you to understand the greater choice you have at this time. Thus, by understanding this information, you can understand the ‘power’ and the ‘love’ that is coming to reverse all damage done to all the universes; to allow a New Creation Day to come within all universes.

Imagine, when all things are ‘recreated’ and ‘reconnected.’ Imagine, when the Sacred Promise comes to the people and when the people can grow back into the love consciousness and begin to shine the glow of ‘light’ within their light bodies and it shows upon their faces of great love.

Imagine the smiles of love and how all of consciousness changes upon the ‘scene’ of the earth. It is then that I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON together with the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL can say, ‘It is time for true love consciousness to become established within the New Earth Grids of Life.

Look how all of mankind is blessed because the people are beginning to listen to the higher pathway.’ It is then that the greater universal power is gifted to the people within the earth grids and within the universal grids for the greater evolution to come.

All things within the ‘new arrangement of love consciousness,’ will become blessed and then the greater gifts will come to help you grow. With each step the people can become more guided into the greater love and into their greater gifts. What is coming for you, if you desire to choose for the higher Gateway of Life, is beyond your possible comprehension currently.

It is then that I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, can truly say, ‘You are becoming part of the New Creation. Let all things flow upwards now and let all grow into the greater love flows. Let no more harm come into any of creation of the love and let the fears and the tears be eternally done away with, for all the things of the ‘past’ have gone eternally.’


I, the GREAT CAEAYARON, AM DIVINE COSMIC ALIGNER to align all universes upwards, and the GREAT DIVINE JUDGE to uphold all Cosmic Laws of the Galactic Unions of Federations of Light Bodies to allow you to grow into the eternal love foundation of the greater spaces of eternal creation coming.

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM speaking through the eternal Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, Blue Archangelic Pathway, to help you establish the Codes of Life within yourself to help you grow into universal love beings once again, should you desire to become Activated with the Codes of Life, the Lemurian and the Galactic Love Codes of Power and Love.

The Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, is also known as The Sacred Word in the higher Universal Spaces and the Word was sent to your planet in the times of Jesus 2,000 years ago. The Word was created by the GREAT SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL to carry the Divine Messages from the higher spaces of the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, and to allow the Great Connection to take place between the lower grids and the higher universal love grids.

The Word needed to come into your spaces now to help you reconnect back into the knowledge of the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, and also into the GREAT CAEAYARON, to help you understand the Divine Alignment and also to help you reconnect back into the Sacred Promise via the Divine Coding given at the Divine Pineal Gland Activations.

Transmitted through Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
Designated Ascension Channel, Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, Universal Love Channel, The Word, P/A of SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT & THE GREAT CAEAYARON, THE GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT.

Copyright © 2019 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. All rights reserved.

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