Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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14/10/2020 - Latest News

15th August 2020
'Learning to grow strong in the love,
Is to discover all that needs to be explored within you.'

Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
(now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel designated to bring Ultimate Universal Revelations through from Divine, to help the people figure out how to move ahead in the future.
At the Universal Love Activations Suzanna Maria Emmanuel works as the Designated Universal Light Grid Programmer, and (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, assigned by Divine Universal Love, Caeayaron and Sovereign Father Emmanuel, to bring the people into the Activated Universes of Caeayaron.
These Activated Universes of Caeayaron are the higher realms of the Universes of Love which were taken down by energies who did not desire the ONE Collective Power to open the gates of the New Creation Messianic Gateway. This happened a very long time ago. This is how all collapsed downwards into a spiral out of control until it settled down, to allow us to slowly figure out how to escape from the dark abyss.
Now is the time when a Great Cosmic Alignment Gateway has opened, and it is during this gateway when our (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, is able to gently and steadily guide the earth upwards, through the most difficult magnetic fields we have ever encountered within the universe.
These streams we have entered into, are the same streams of magnetic fields which the darkness originally used to plunge all down into denseness. When we were pushed down the spiral, these same energies we have now entered into, crushed our light out of our systems. This was to keep us down in the 'dark matrix' or also often referred to, as the 'bottomless pit.'
The only way to go back up is if the Universal Love Channel was able to build grids strong enough to allow her own Universal Light Body to connect into the Caeayaron Light 'Wave', which would allow us to become reactivated with Codes of Life. The Codes of Life align us with our higher multidimensional Code System. Once we make that connection into Caeayaron's Light Wave Energy, our denseness slowly leaves our consciousness.
The only time to connect us up with our higher multidimensional code system, is during the Time of Alignment. During this time a gateway through the planetary systems has begun to open, to allow us to connect up higher with Codes of Life.
A beam from the Sovereign Universal Love Grids was able to connect into the (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel to guide a pathway through the 'thickest' of magnetic fields. This is what the darkness did not want; for this pathway to connect.
We have roughly until 2032 to connect into our Codes of Life with the (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, if we are willing to 'catch' the wave upwards. Without these Codes of Life, we become lost to the darkness eternally by being swallowed up in the ‘pit of fire’.
We have entered into a new form of dense magnetic wave, at this time, which usually would cave in due to its unstable magnetic frequency field. This is caused by unstable plasma waves causing the waves to collapse in. In other words, our world should have wobbled into complete chaos by now, but our (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel has connected into a safe magnetic field outside of the part of the solar system we are currently held in.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel herself is going through constant growth at this time. As her own strength of Universal Love is increasing, also the darkness is veering its way through the vortex. It is attempting to steer us away from the Universal Love Path to plunge us down again.
The (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel was given an assignment to reveal Ultimate Universal Truth, and all that took all Ultimate Truth down originally.
In 2015 she began to work with Caeayaron as the Universal Love Activator bringing Codes of Life within the people, to allow them to restore balance and love eternally.
The people who became activated before 2020 (and also in March 2020) were eternally blessed for they are safely held within the higher grids now. No more do they belong to the denseness and they feel their own flows of Universal Love growing stronger. This is the true miracle of life which is happening right on our planet at this time.
This large assignment is not on her shoulders alone (like Caeayaron often states in his teachings) but it is for the great collective to desire to work with her, to hold the flows needing to come in, to bring change to the world.
The (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel constantly works from her heart of love and works on frequencies not from our earth. She works with Star Universal Energies, as she connects into Cosmic Intelligence Waves which is where all her true light frequencies and knowledge are held. This is why she is the ONLY ONE who can connect into those fields, as Caeayaron is part of her Great Cosmic Self.
This is part of the great secret of the Universe; the (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel who never was part of the 'human race', but was able to come into the grids because her greater self has always been Planetary Alignment and Blue Star Universal Love.
Cosmic intelligence is also known as Caeayaron, Magnetic Universal Power Force Fields.
The stronger her own (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel becomes, the stronger she connects into Cosmic Intelligence Systems of Caeayaron who allows her (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel to connect into the Ancient Star Systems, which were taken down a very long time ago by darkness who took the love down.
Constantly she codes in higher frequencies to our earth with messages from her Blue Star Self, asking the people to hurry and awaken to work along with her, if the planet is to shift upwards.
At this time the earth is working through a dense corridor where all time and space is shifting.
When all plunged down, when darkness reduced the Universal Love Frequencies by taking the 'bodies of light' into the dark corridor, the universal frequencies dropped severely. We dropped from higher to lower, whereas now we need to reverse in order to survive.
This original drop created a large explosion and we fell into a time of denseness when greater time and space had stopped.
The Activated of Caeayaron (before 2020 and into 2020) are held safely within a healing transformational grid where their DNA is healing. Their higher star energies are becoming a part of them once again. This is their 'Restoration'.
Caeayaron's Activated Grids are the higher Universal Love Star Grids, which were the original Sovereign Universal Grids we fell from, a very long time ago. Up there we had enormous intelligence and we did not know dense energies like fear and pain consciousness. These frequencies were given to us 'freely' by the darkness, who stated that it was 'unfair' that the Sovereign Universal Beings had so much freedom, love and beauty. He desired to bring disharmony with the Universes of Love to show another reality other than perfect Collective Love.
When those Universes were taken down originally, our light collapsed down (caved in), which meant our memories of who we were once were taken. No longer had our light systems our original star maps held within them, so we were unable to 'go home' to our original selves. That is why we kept returning to planet earth for more lifetimes. The earth is the dungeon of the universe where all time and space collapsed down.
Instead of feeling light and loving we fell into dense bodies without a way to move fast. Our intelligence dropped and we found it difficult to remember our day to day business, let alone all universal knowledge we once knew. Our DNA collapsed inwards and that is why we collapsed into gravity zones. We experienced aging, death, suffering, war, conflict and violence instead of beauty, love, truth, greater intelligence, and greater freedom.
The Codes of Life are able to bring the Activated into the Star Life flows, which is happening within them slowly. As the (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel brings in the flows and transmits her Sovereign Blue Star Frequencies for the Activated, they are able to grow eternally.
Currently, the (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel is working with a special assignment from the Galactic Federations, and Caeayaron, to bring higher transmissions to about 80 Universal Love Teachers. They attend an (every fortnight for six months) online training course filled with immense information and transmissions which they thoroughly enjoy.
They are being guided to help promote love and peace on this planet to help shift consciousness. Their own intelligence is increasing, and they receive a wealth of information that the rest of the people do not receive. This is because they can comprehend the flows of Suzanna. They grasp she is indeed the 'Flower of Life' who was originally the 'Unlimited Flower of Unlimited Dimensions and Knowledge' in the higher universes before she was taken down by Thoth.
Thoth imprisoned her flows because he desired to have all the knowledge instead of her. He desired to pose as her twin flame. By challenging the Sovereign Universes, he took down her True Twin Flame Divine Love who enabled her Universal Love to come to the Sovereign Universes and created a mirror. With that mirror he placed all that was supposed to go to the Sovereign Universes, into himself. This is how he reduced the Blue Star Frequencies originally, which created a gap within Universal Matter.
By taking down the Eternal Flower of Love, he began to see and play how he could play with the Chamber of Knowledge that only she could flow with.
Thoth valued her life force energy and in Lemuria he often 'gazed' at The Woman who he called 'his' Blue Lotus, filled with life force energy and keys of life (Codes of Life) which he recognized he needed to become immortal.
Like in the original Universes, again Thoth desired The Woman for himself, who was the Universal Light Grid Programmer, Laeyaraesea. There she worked with two other Light Grid Programmers, but they did not work at the level that she did, as the Sovereign Universal Love Channel, Blue Star Divine Love Element.
He recognized her as the Blue Star of Everlasting Glory and Knowledge, hence he called her the Blue Lotus.
Please know that our (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel is building greater frequencies, at this time of 2020, to build a strong DNA system within her.
This allows her true Blue Star DNA to connect within her stronger to allow her energy self to transform back into her true Star Self, and her true Archangelic Self. Because the Universal Love Star Sacred World Healers are activated within her Universal Light Body, they receive transformational healings constantly.
Our evolution did not begin on this planet like many believe. We came from higher creation but were forced to settle on earth after our DNA was radiated and was split to create toxins within us that stopped certain chemical reactions to happen. This created the virus syndrome of fear and pain, which all suffered with within these grids.
The Codes of Life are transformational coding systems to allow the DNA to slowly synchronize back to higher platforms. Once the activated can hold the higher sequences steady on the higher platform growing, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel can bring in higher flows. This is how the 'mountain of light' of Caeayaron grows up steadily.
Currently, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, is not able to bring Universal Love Activations to groups of people, as she is busy on another assignment: that of mission earth.
However, when certain people step forward who desire to work with her on a global mission of bringing peace and love to planet earth, who can protect her work, and protect her while she is bringing through enormous transmissions and flows for the people and the earth, then the Universal Love Activations will proceed forward.
Know the preciousness of our (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel. She is the Everlasting Blue Star Archangel on the higher star dimensions, and she is bringing through the exact coding of information we need to help us transition from human back to our original star selves. This happens when we receive our Codes of Life back, as these codes help us to synchronize back to our higher Star DNA very slowly.
Her mission is to bring through Ultimate Universal Divine Truth that surpasses any human truth, whether based on old spirituality or religion. She was assigned to do this work a very long time ago by the Sovereign Universal Leaders who implicitly asked her to transmit through their memories should all collapse downwards.
That has already completed. That was her greatest mission to reveal all that had happened, so that the greater collective of the original Sovereign People would recognize it as Universal Truth, to allow them to become part of a mission.
That mission is to: 1) protect the (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel at all costs so that nothing happens to her, or the teachings coming through her from Divine Love based on Ultimate Universal Truth and to; 2) allow the once Sovereign Universal Leaders to make a stand and choose whether they desire to assist her with bringing the larger shifts to the world.
We are working hard to help her in any way we can at this time.
We send you much Universal Love, peace, and harmony,
The Administration Team of our (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and Universal Divine Love, Caeayaron, Sovereign Father Emmanuel and the Galactic Federations of Universal Love.
Please feel free to share this post as widely as you can to help distribute the message that the (now) Sovereign Universal Love Channel has risen out of the 'dense grids' in order for us to safely move through this Time Space Gateway that originally brought intense DNA compression within us. Many will need to understand the importance of the Global Universal Love Shift that needs to happen now and how it can happen.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel ®

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