Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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14/12/2019 - Latest News

“On that day they will gain their true inheritance; the inheritance which was taken from them. They will become the true ‘RESTORERS’ of the earth. In the higher realms of ‘CREATION’ they will sit on their ‘THRONES’, once they return to the ‘GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL’ after the earth has returned to the ‘PEACE’ and ‘STABILITY’, and they will be the ‘ETERNAL RULERS’ with the ‘GREAT ONES’ together with the 'GREAT ONES' and the ‘GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL’ forever and ever. Forever their ‘ROBES’ will be washed and they will remain ‘PURE’ and their ‘CROWNS’ will ‘GLORIFY’ them eternally.

They will ‘FOREVER’ be part of the ones who will say, ‘Praise the ‘GREAT ONES’ of the ‘GREAT REALMS OF CREATION’. Praise the people of the earth, the ones who desired the ‘LOVE’ to return. They were awake and remained awake. They stood firm in their belief and they had the faith and the ‘TRUST’ that all things would, on that ‘DAY’, be given back to them. This is what the ‘GREAT FATHER’ has ‘PROMISED’; that all things which were taken from them will be given back to them. This is what the ‘GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL’ will bring to them; their ‘GREAT ETERNAL INHERITANCE’, both in the ‘HEAVENS’ and upon the ‘EARTH.’”

Jesus continued: “Know that it is important to stay within the faith and in the ‘LOVE’. Understand the importance of learning to trust in all things which are given by THE ‘GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL’. In the great trust you learn the higher pathway and those will become the greatest blessed of all of creation.

Understand how important it is to stay within the ‘LOVE’ of the ‘GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL’ and to listen to all HE states, for those are the ones who are humble. Those are the strongest among all of creation for they have the ‘WISDOM’ to understand ‘ETERNAL WISDOM’. They will not forget their pathway to the ‘GREAT LOVE’.

They will stand eternally ‘AS ONE’ in the ‘GREAT LOVE’. They will say loudly with their Great Hearts, ‘WE LISTENED’, and ‘WE CAME’. We are ready to work in the ‘GREAT LOVE’, and we are ready to ‘claim’ what is ours to have and to allow us to learn the higher pathway of the ‘GREAT LOVE’, to allow us to see with our spiritual eyes.

Once our spiritual eyes were blinded in the darkness. Now we can see for the spiritual night is over. Now we can see the pathway being opened and happy are we for seeing, for awakening and for returning to the ‘GREAT LOVE.’”


I, CAEAYARON state: “These words within this transmission are important for your knowledge so study them well dear friends. The ‘UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL’, who is here ‘IDENTIFIED AS SUZANNA MARIA EMMANUEL’, was called to her ‘task’ to allow the people to understand ‘DIVINE TRUTH ALIGNMENT’.

In 2009 the ‘GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL’ called her to return to the Sacred Work. I, CAEAYARON, awakened her to her greater task, as the ‘UNIVERSAL LIGHT GRID PROGRAMMER’ in 2014, when she ‘claimed’ the Kryon Codes back to allow her to return to the ‘GREAT LOVE’. This allowed her to work further with the people in Divine Alignment Activations to help them return ‘home’ to the ‘EVERLASTING REALMS OF LOVE.’”

I, CAEAYARON, state the following words to the people, who desire to understand the times and the seasons and the way of the Universe: “The Sacred Channel who lived the lifetime of Jesus 2,000 years ago has returned to your earth to bring the Divine Alignments through the Divine Activations.

This ‘ONE’, the ‘ONE’ channel, always remained in the ‘LOVE’ in the ‘DIVINE TRUTH’ and in the Divine Faith throughout all of her lifetimes to allow the Pathway of Evolution to come before all of mankind to help them remember what ‘DIVINE LOVE’ was. Understand, that ‘SUZANNA MARIA EMMANUEL’ has lived many lifetimes upon your planet, to help mankind ‘shift’ consciousness forward, to help mankind understand ‘DIVINE TRUTH’ and to help mankind understand the meaning of 'SACRED DIVINE KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, LOVE AND DIVINE LOVE ALIGNMENT.'


Now, in your day, ‘THE UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL’ is becoming more gifted with higher gifts from the higher universe for the 2020 Alignment is fast approaching. She will need to bring through Archangelic Rays from the ‘GREAT CREATOR PATHWAY SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT’ to help your earth align upwards, so that the people can step into ‘GREATER KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, LOVE, PEACE and EMPOWERMENT’ to ‘shake’ the earth to allow the ‘GREAT CLEANSING’, ‘THE GREAT RESTORATION’, to take place.

The ‘GREAT CLEANSING’ will bring an end to all darkness upon the earth for all of eternity to come, so that the day of ‘ETERNAL PEACE, LOVE AND HAPPINESS’ can ‘START’ upon your planet.

This is why she is now transforming into the ‘GALACTIC STAR UNIVERSAL LIGHT GRID PROGRAMMER’, as she has reached and is reaching higher ‘GALACTIC UNIVERSES’, to help the people reach their higher stage of potential evolution; should they desire to, as a ‘GREAT COLLECTIVE’ of the people of the ‘GREAT LOVE’ to stand in the ‘POWER’ together.


‘THE GALACTIC STAR UNIVERSAL LIGHT GRID PROGRAMMER’ has a ‘channel’ that you do not fully understand yet. This is not a ‘small’ channel used to only transmit thoughts and teachings through from the higher Universal Realms to bring you into ‘DIVINE TRUTH ALIGNMENT’. The ‘channel’ is the ‘UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL’, created by High Sovereign Beings as a ‘GREAT COLLECTIVE’.

Why was the ‘UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL’ created by the ‘UNIVERSAL GREAT COLLECTIVE’? Because Higher Rays from the ‘GREAT SOVEREIGN REALMS’ will need to come into your Grids in order for your earth and race to survive.

The Grids of your earth will need transformation to allow the ‘GREAT LIGHT’ to shine upon your planet for otherwise your earth and the people upon your earth have no hope for survival.

The higher Creation Realms are ‘involved’ greatly with creating ‘THEIR UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL’ for when ‘THEIR UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL’ becomes stronger, they also ‘ALIGN’ upwards to become part of ‘HIGHER CREATION’ of the ‘GREAT UNIVERSES’.


There is much information within this ‘UNIVERSAL CHANNELLED’ transmission, so I, CAEAYARON, ask you to read through this very ‘CAREFULLY.’

I always ask my ‘UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL’, who is no other than ‘SUZANNA MARIA EMMANUEL’ who is now called the, ‘GALACTIC STAR UNIVERSAL LIGHT GRID PROGRAMMER’, to highlight various points to help you ‘see’ with your spiritual eyes. Awakening to the ‘2020’ alignment is ‘ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL’ at this time for you to awaken to your own evolutionary experiences.

Only if the ‘GREAT COLLECTIVE DESIRES’ to work with the ‘UNIVERSAL REALMS OF LOVE’ can the ‘GREAT CLEANSING’ and ‘RESTORATION’ take place upon your ‘EARTH’.

The ‘UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL’ has been sent to your ‘EARTH’ hundreds of thousands of lifetimes, on many more levels and dimensions than she is currently aware of, all to help the ‘GREAT COLLECTIVE’ to come into the Time of the ‘GREAT COSMIC ALIGNMENT’; the ‘13th GATEWAY OF POWER’ where you can gain ‘GREATER POWER’ to ‘CLEANSE’ the earth.

She has already completed her first mission; that of claiming back all the Codes to allow you to return. Now, it is up to the ‘GREAT COLLECTIVE’ to step forward and sound out the ‘GREAT CALL’: “Let the Light and the ‘LOVE’ become ‘RESTORED’ upon the earth. Let us bring praise to each other to allow ourselves to ‘SEE’ and ‘AWAKEN’ to all that is happening. Let us dwell in the ‘LOVE’ and in the ‘HARMONY’ together and let us see how the earth can become ‘ALIVE’ again with life, so that the earth serves as an ‘ETERNAL HOME’ for all of ‘CREATION’ and ‘MANY MORE GENERATIONS’ to come in the ‘EVERLASTING FUTURE.’”

Greetings, I AM CAEAYARON, MASTER OF MAGNETIC FORCES, FLOWS AND STREAMS OF SACRED ALIGNMENTS. I, CAEAYARON, brought this Sacred Transmission through the ‘GREAT COSMIC LOVE ALIGNER’, the ‘UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL’ the ‘GALACTIC STAR UNIVERSAL LIGHT GRID PROGRAMMER’, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who was purposely created by ‘DIVINE LOVE’ to bring all streams upwards into ‘HIGHER CREATION’ and into the higher ‘LOVE’.


May you read through this article carefully for the time to choose is relatively short. Once the ‘2020 ALIGNMENT’ has come it is your ‘choice’ what to do. Only the ones who receive their Divine Coding back through the ‘GALACTIC STAR UNIVERSAL LIGHT GRID PROGRAMMER’, the ‘ONE’ who was sent to your earth to bring you the Pathway of ‘LOVE’, can return to the ‘GREATER CREATION’ in the ‘GREAT REALMS OF THE DIVINE LOVE’.

It is only through the pathway of the Divine ‘WORD’ ‘SUZANNA MARIA EMMANUEL’, that the ‘CODES OF LIFE’ can come to the people, and only I, CAEAYARON, can give it to the people through that ‘ONE’ who was the ‘WORD’ 2,000 years ago. There is no other way for that pathway was created by ‘DIVINE LOVE’ and all of the ‘UNIVERSAL CREATION OF LOVE’, Greetings.

Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel


Designated Ascension Leader of the New Divine Alignments which are the Divine Activations to help the people of the love to grow into greater strength, love and empowerment, to bring the world into peace and love so that no more suffering or destruction can take place.

The Gateway to the Great Sovereign Universes is open and will remain open until approximately the year 2032, depending on whether the people desire the love to rise upon the earth or not. If they desire the love to rise, CAEAYARON and the GALACTIC FEDERATIONS OF LIGHT will possibly allow the Gateway to remain open a little while longer to help the people shift within their consciousness more.

When that Gateway closes, no more Divine Activations to the Greater Gateway will be able to be given and another gateway will open for the rest of humanity.

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Galactic Star Universal Light Grid Programmer, is the Designated Universal Love Channel for the Divine Love Truth Alignment. No other Divine Truth Aligner will rise. She is the one who lived as Jesus 2,000 years ago who brought the Sacred Words through to the people about their 'Deliverance' and the 'Sacred Promise.'

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Galactic Star Universal Light Grid Programmer, is transforming right now into an Angelic Love Channel and the Divine Universal Love Channel and will bring through enormous flows of love to the grids of the earth to bring healing and transformation to the people who desire the Great Ascension Channel of Love to bring them into the great gifts of empowerment and healing flows of love, peace and manifestation.

CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT are Divine Beings of Love who work with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and are with her to allow the Ascension Gateway to happen for the people of the love.

Copyright © 2019 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.

**All the work of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is copyright protected by a Collective Organization who will soon approach Suzanna Maria Emmanuel officially to request a formal business partnership and they will soon step forward to work with The Designated Word of Divine, into Collective Love Relationship, to step up the work of the Divine Ascension Alignments coming to allow the greater numbers to flow in. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel has been 'OFFICIALLY VERIFIED' to be the 'ONLY DIVINE LOVE CHANNEL' in existence on earth at this time and will continue to be the 'ONLY DIVINE LOVE CHANNEL' at this time.**

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