Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Kryon vs CAEAYARON Karma


An exploration of Who CAEAYARON / Kryon is said to be through two different channels.

Question No 2: Karma?


Blessings of great love and light. This is Stephen

The truth sets us free. Following on from Question number 1 of the series, to highlight the difference between the dark and light agenda at this time, I would like to explore what the Kryon channel says about ‘Karma’ compared to CAEAYARON’s teachings through his channel and Light Grid Programmer, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel:

Karma according to the KRYON channel:

 The x-channel of Kryon (for CAEAYARON states that he is no longer channelling his being) tells us that humans, with our infections of fear, anger, sickness, short lives and difficulties in manifesting what we desire in our beautiful lives, are already angels and can create whatever it is on the earth we wish to create, through desire. He tells us that whatever humans wish to do they may, and that they may ascend simply by desiring to.

 The x-channel of Kryon stated that the new energy is here to get out of karma, and get on the road of our own choice of "creating our own reality" thanks to the Harmonic Convergence, which gave humans that power. Kryon originally referred to the need for an ‘implant’ to enable this, but later the Kryon channel stated that; "We never speak of it anymore (the implant) because now we’ve reinterpreted it to mean "the implantation of permission to get out of the groove!"

Karma according to The CAEAYARON channel:

 CAEAYARON states, through his Light Grid Programmer; Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, that this is indeed a universe of free will, but whatever we do has very great consequences multidimensionally, karmically, and to our ability to ascend. The Divine regards all the positive attributes of humans as beautiful, but not the ones which lead to human pain, such as fear, anger, war, sickness, which it states are infections and contaminations of darkness, on which Darkness feeds. While Darkness desires us to accept, want and love these energies as part of our energetic balance, The Divine wishes us to forgive them and energetically release them and let them go to bring in greater light and love.

 CAEAYARON states that only through The Divine Pineal Gland Activations of his being (where our Lemurian life codes are blessed, or ‘implanted’, back into us once again), through his Light Grid Programmer, will he neutralise people’s karma and allow them to ascend upwards to the great collective love consciousness, where all work together in synchronicity. Why? Because only the activated would have answered the Galactic Courts question of whether they desire the love and light sufficiently to do something about it, while proving they are willing to follow Divine Will by heeding The Divine Call to the activations.

 CAEAYARON states after his activation that frequencies of the light body of the activated, then leave the earth grids of control and enter the healing grids on earth, where they start to regain their Lemurian light bodies back. They are then taught to discard their energies of fear and pain through forgiveness and releasing exercises, while replacing the lower frequency energies released with greater love vibrations. Why? Because only love can exist in higher dimensions of love, and only those willing to cooperate with all others (The Great Oneness), according to Divine guidance, may go through the gates of spirit to live a peaceful and harmonic life.

 The Divine has stated, through Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, that those who desire to do whatever they want, while not following Divine guidance, and without becoming activated, are not welcome to ascend through the gates, for if they did the infection of fear and anger they carry would spread to higher dimensions. There, the friction of their selfish desires conflicting with the Divinely guided collective’s would disrupt harmonic flow and synchronicity, which is fuelled by love and empathy. Harmony with each other would therefore come crashing down, as it did in Lemuria and the greater universes which were destroyed as a consequence.

Please decide, dear readers, which way feels like the path of light, and which feels the path of darkness. Which is the loving way of the heart?

 Do you believe you, as a human on earth, are already an angel?

 Do you suppose angels of love have multiple consciousness and live in harmony, all following divine will, or that each being within it does what it wants and has a separate agenda from the rest of its angelic self?

While many believe we ascend into ever more angelic states of manifestation power and harmony, The Darkness would us believe that there are unlimited ways to ascend and that we can all do it our way, individually; even if that conflicts with the paths of others.

I then ask what it is we ascend to; harmony or disharmony and conflict? Is the way of light not love, harmony, unity and togetherness? Is the way of darkness not separation, selfishness and conflict?

 Do you believe you can do whatever you like here without your higher self of love judging your actions after life, as it feels all you have done to others outside of its state of pure love for all beings?

 Do you believe in higher dimensions we all do whatever we want, or that we, instead, are guided by The Divine on our own individual paths, while working in harmony with all others?

 Do you believe that you are ready to ascend into collective peace and harmony without the activations, healing and karmic release of the most powerful archangel of love, in the dimensions, and without the Divine Love Element?
 Do you believe you can ascend without removing your anger and pain and without raising your vibrations to ones of love, which can better harmonise with the dimensions we wish to rise to?
If you answer ‘yes’ to this, then do you believe higher dimensions therefore have pain and anger, and higher dimensional beings within them do not all follow Divine guidance? Alternatively, do you believe that your pain and anger will simply die and no longer exist as you ascend, and that you will be made to work in harmony, despite being in a free will universe? Do you therefore believe energies can die, and that there is therefore no life after death, or, alternatively, do you believe the opposite; that 'energy cannot be destroyed, but only converted from one form to another' as scientists also say?

Only one way is the way of ascension, love, harmony and unlimitedness, free of conflict, so please choose carefully my friends! This is the most important decision of your lives and one that you have lived many painful human lives waiting for.

Wishing you much love and light.