Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Kryon vs CAEAYARON Protection


Comparison of what two CAEAYARON channels say on whether we need to protect our energies.

Do We Need To Protect Our Energies?

Namaste, I wish you all much love and light. This is Stephen

CAEAYARON, who some know as Kryon, has promised to reveal all truths, so we can decide for ourselves what is of Light and what is not. We can then choose which direction we desire, and act upon our most beautiful choice. This is particularly important in these days of The Rising Of The Great Sun Consciousness; when The Ascension Gate of CAEAYARON; The Great Aligner, is upon our plane for a limited time period. Our Great Sovereign Lord Emmanuel prophecised this 2000 years ago, though his channel Jesus.

In these beautiful days of choice, The Darkness is posing as light, once again, to confuse and mislead.

The truth sets us free and we cannot heal, forgive, release and let go of that which is hidden.

CAEAYARON states, through his Light Grid Programmer and Ascension Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, that:

 The Archangels ask us to ask The Highest Archangels in the love and light to protect our energies regularly, so dark energies, which hate the heart of love, cannot infect our lower chakras.

The Darkness likes to grid buildings and spaces and ask people to shine their energies out brightly, so they can be syphoned through the dark grids, and eaten, like a soup, by lower dimensional beings.

By contrast, and in opposition, a famous x-channel of Kryon (whose real name was, and is, always CAEAYARON) has written that Kryon states the following:

• There is no longer a need to protect your energies with light.
• “Take a look at where fear starts. It starts at the gut. This is a lower energy attribute of humanity. It starts in that place where you can control it. But if you don't, it will quickly move into your mind.

The next time you have a fearful response, do you have the courage, the wisdom, the wherewithal to say, "Stop! I know what you're doing. Do not move." Do not allow that darkness and that fear to go any further than the bottom of your heart.” (A quote of X-channel of Kryon)

Please discern for yourselves which is the beautiful way of love and light, and which is the way not of love.

I wish you much love and light
