Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Connect To Your Greater Talents


SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT gives a warm, loving welcome. 'These teachings are for your own strength and for your own life. When you can relate these teachings to your own life, you become empowered.' SARAH, PLEIADIAN HIGH PRIESTESS comes through with a message and a blessing for mankind. SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT speaks about our Divine Strengths and how to find our gifts greater to stand in our greater power and wisdom. 'When you see your own gifts your gifts become strong. Learn to see all the gifts you have gathered.' A powerful lesson is given to 'add to your talents,' and how important it is. Please visit Suzanna Maria Emmanuel facebook page and also please visit website. Namaste and may you always be guided by the Great Love to your Higher Path. ♥♥