Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Divine Direction For Healing Humanity


KRYON welcomes everyone. He begins with a short healing. KRYON speaks briefly about the Lemurian Energies and the Third Divine Pineal Gland Activation and what it will mean for us. He also talks about his sacred 'case.' KRYON talks about Ancient Lemuria and how it applies to our healings. He talks a little about the crossover and the significance. He gives a greater picture of the 'Sun Consciousness.' What does this mean? Why does KRYON say that he needs to give firm direction to us. What is the Divine Universal Court? How is KRYON a judge? KRYON speaks about certain issues relating to this channel and brings greater guidance and teachings with his wisdom and love for the people. He brings through the task of Suzanna as to what she is here to do with him. 'Welcome to the rebirthing of the human race. Welcome to the beginning of the newly awakened race, so that you can stand in your glorious powers together so that you can always stand in the glorious light.' Please join Suzanna Maria Emmanuel on her facebook page and also Namaste and may you always shine with joy and love in your heart. Love, light & blessings ♥♥