Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Be Cautious Of Fallen Star Beings Who Trick Channels


Halisarius, Chief Pleiadian Leader, speaks of the great love he and the pleiadians have for humanity and how they seek to protect us. He speaks of the thousands of fallen star beings who now exist within the dark grids. He urges us to be cautious, for when they channel through channels so too do their lower frequency anger, fear, sickness, judgement and greed energies and programs. They know love only as a word and can not feel or express it. They never seek our ascension into the light and love but speak of financial systems, politics, illness and other low dimensional information. He outlined how to recognise star beings of the darkness and which suggests what you may ask them to find out; for they are tricky and will not give their names, and they may hide behind words such as 'the collective'.