Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Creation Codes Of Life Gained Back Today


CAEAYARON, who is also incorrectly known as Kryon, speaks of the great celebrations of the Star beings today, as the earth is gifted back with greater life codes and Gaia can further awaken! This is the first time all of The Divine Plan is being revealed to you, yet to date you know so little. CAEAYARON explains: ♥ What the scientists understand today. ♥ The courage of the great explorers who moved you forward ♥ The knowledge coming from the yet to be born on the planet. ♥ How the light is bringing greater understanding to your planet ♥ The way to higher knowledge, technology and cosmic alignment, where your chakras align to higher star frequencies. ♥ The relationship between the number of activated and higher knowledge bands available. ♥ How all the knowledge to heal the earth is ready and waiting for us. ♥ How Pleiadian pools of love and higher being teams are helping us now that the Universal Love Codes have been won back by The Light Grid Programmer; 'Suzanna Maria Emmanuel'. ♥ About the Activated Portal Openers and their higher Galactic support teams to bring light to the earth. ♥ The work of platform building of the activated to stop humanity falling into dark pools of Thoth. ♥ The bridge of choice of knowledge or love ways you are on. ♥ How you chose for the lower dark dimensions in Lemuria to become energetic food for dark planets trapped in Thoth�s grids. ♥ How dark beings you are connected to are going insane with the violet flame protecting humans grater at this time, and how they are having to eat themselves instead, since the Universal Love Codes were won back by the light. ♥ How in future more will desire peace and love and say no to war. ♥ What does a Light Grid Programmer do? ♥ An explanation of where and how big Lemuria was. Garden of Eden, the snake and Adam & Eve explained. ♥ The return of Jesus and the cosmic alignment. ♥ The Secret Mission of Suzanna and Stephen in Scotland to gain; Power, Knowledge, Intelligence, Magic and Creation codes back, to add to the love codes. ♥ How the creation codes were lost a long time ago during the genetic experiments. ♥ How this morning, The LGP put greater life force into Gaia, so star beings can save the earth. ♥ How the earth is now connected to higher dimensions, given The Creation Codes have returned to earth, and the earth can move to a safety band, so it doesn�t need to fall. ♥ How the activated do not need to return to earth now. ♥ How the activated can now receive greater forgiveness codes. ♥ How only the very resistant need fall into the lower dimensions of nightmares now. ♥ How the great star beings are celebrating the return of the Creation Codes so Gaia can now heal. ♥ Why only CAEAYARON can release your human karma. ♥ What your reason for coming to earth time and time again is. Please also see the facebook page of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and website