Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Do You Desire The Great Healing Of The Universe


KRYON speaks very gently and lovingly about the Great Divine Love from the Universe to a private group of people. He brings through how we can expand our gifts and how we can work with Angelic Love Flows deeper. KRYON explains the Ascension Plan and how important this is for our evolution. He also explains the Collective Healing that will be done. 'When people stand in the Love together then only Love can exist upon your earth.' The greater the numbers connect into the Divine Love, the greater the Love Flows can come upon your earth.' KRYON brings through a healing with Lemurian Tones with a meditation. You are warmly invited to join Suzanna Maria Emmanuel on her Facebook Page and Thank you for watching. Namaste and much love and light to your hearts of love. ♥♥