Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Federations Of Light And Dark.


Halisarius, Chief Pleiadian Leader & Commander and a great leader of The Galactic Federation of Light Society speaks of The Pleiadians great love for us and the help they provide for us to ascend into the love and light. He states that if we wish to let this ascension programme opportunity go they will let us go, however. He also talks of the confusion caused by the non-love building Ascension Programs of the darkness (who put thoughts into the grids for the unsuspecting to realize & carry out), with their knowledge and machines, in their hope to create such confusion that we will not choose to ascend with the divine programme, but rather to let the opportunity go. He states what happens to the darkness when humanity ascend through the divine pineal gland activations of Caeayaron and how the ascended and their families gain greatly in the beautiful love and the light.