Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Find Your Inner Guide


You may find the deep spiritual love connection of the inner voice within your heart, if you have the courage to go within. Trust, patience and forgiveness are required. Learn to forgive yourself and all others for all anger and angst. Never blame another or The Divine but learn to forgive them. When you have the courage to go within, and you let go and relax, and all the treasures of all the Heavens may be found, within. Always ask for the highest divine sources and beings to surround and protect you, to know you are safe. Do you have the courage to go within? Do you have the desire to forgive? Will you have the determination to work on this desire? Will you love yourself and become more divine everyday? Sarah; Pleiadian High Priestess, comes through with a beautiful healing / toning.