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How Pleiadians Are Changing Earth Grid Magnetic Fields Now And Why


HALISARIUS, Pleiadian Chief Leader and Commander and Galactic Federation of Light Society Leader blesses us with a Galactic News Update: ♥ Of his task and role ♥ How mankind was saves from destruction ♥ How all we do and have done is recorded and safe ♥ The celebrations that we are now in the times of the Great Sun Rising ♥ The trillions who clap each activated person. ♥ Why Pleiadians stepped down for us. ♥ Update on Light Work of the Light Grid Programmer; Suzanna Maria Emmanuel ♥ Healings of HALISARIUS for higher star alignment at the next activations ♥ How the earth magnetic grids will change now for the next phase of our Alignment and why ♥ Gratitude to the activated ♥ Gifts of the higher star creator beings to Pleiadians and the activated at this time. ♥ Light Grid Work to power up light pools upon our earth plane. ♥ Great gifts to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Light Grid Programmer, at this time. Please also see the facebook page of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and website