Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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I Am Not A God- I Am Divine Love


Our Beautiful Sovereign Great Father in the higher dimensional heavens, speaks of the happy ones who are rejoicing and stating; �Finally Great Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, you have returned as promised to bring in the great times of peace and love within the ones who desire the higher path of healing.� He states how these ones know his great being and do not hide in the caves, as so many will. He states how man has been shepherded in the ways of fear and that is what many follow, while happy are the ones who do all things in the strength and the heart and who have sought the Father out and know who he is. They honour 'The Way' and 'Path' for they know it leads to Eternal Freedom. They will not judge themselves, but will ask The Great Father to look at and examine them. In this video he gives beautiful teachings on: What Our Father will say to the ones who will say; �Do not look at me, for I desired my own worship� How the ways of man are not the higher ways of truth. The lesson Jesus gave on the importance of change and forgiveness. How SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT is not a god of judgement and does not desire to be worshipped. Idle worship Church prayers The invitation The Great Father will make to the ones of love and truth who ask to know him. How the people today, as 2000 years ago, fear the judgement of others. A question to the church goers. What SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT can bless and what not. An invitation to all reading this from our beautiful Father Of Love. The mood of many in the churches at this time and why. Jesus on how SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT is not a God to be worshipped, but is Divine Love and always has been. Jesus on how The Sovereign Lord and Father desires all to come into peace and love, for he is love. A request to examine yourself constantly and change to be more of love and a personal question; �Will you be one of these or one who sits in the preaching houses to please the preachers, while asking if you have done enough? Please also see the Facebook page of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and www.caeayaron .com for more Divine information and opportunities.