Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Jesus on The Mark, The Examiner and The Assigned One


Suzanna first consciously channelled her gratitude for the activated of CAEAYARON being able to go up again into the collective. She speaks of the amazing, life changing activations starting in November 2018. Our Great Sovereign Lord and Father, EMMANUEL, then gives a beautiful teaching on who the happy ones at this time are, and how to be one amongst them. He then states: � He is the Great Examiner of the Hearts. � How he blesses those worthy with a special mark and asks the Great CAEAYARON to awaken those ones worthy of coming to the great kingdom. � He quotes Jesus speaking of the mark, the examiner and the one assigned for the great work of awakening those ones who are marked. � How Jesus asked the people if they would be prepared to climb a mountain or walk the planes to be ready and awake for the return of the Great Father and how the people said they would. � Who the assigned one is. � What blessings the activated of CAEAYARON before 2020 will receive . � How the activated must still demonstrate their desire to grow in the collective love to grow into great creators in the higher realms, which no other will have the opportunity to do. � Who is the most trust worthy of all creation and why. Please also see the Facebook page of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and for more information and courses to grow into greater health, wealth and abundance.