Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Magic, The Rejuvenation Temple, Keys of Life and Death


CAEAYARON (Kryon) brings a pertinent lesson on why it is necessary for the people to awaken to Divine Wisdom at this time, as time is running out. Do you desire to understand the deeper spiritual teachings of knowledge and how the 'transformation' is happening? Please listen to CAEAYARON if you are searching for spiritual answers and truth as HE is slowly revealing more parts of the Universal Game. In HIS teachings HE explains why we came to be in human suffering, and how we can become powerful star beings once again, as that is what we were before the greatest Universal Battles began. CAEAYARON explains the following parts in HIS discussion: * How all spirituality and religions need to be studied and examined at this time. Why? * Why does CAEAYARON call HIS channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, the Divine Channel sent from Divine Realms to reveal truth? * The 13th gateway. More knowledge revealed. * The 13th gateway and YOU. Why is this important to understand for your eternal evolution in all lifetimes coming? * The Time of the Great Transformation - what is that? * The Keys of Life - what are they? Why are they needed to go to the highest universes and who is the ONLY Divine Master to be able to gift it to you? Why? CAEAYARON explains and reasons. * Why is the Divine Love Element, in human form, the greatest gift from Divine for the people? * The Stairway to Heaven. * One gate closed because of the massive rejection towards the Divine Pathway and so another one has opened. Why? What does it mean? * The New Grids are rising. What have they got to do with the Blue Creation Planet? What does it mean for all eternity to come, for those who gain their living Codes of Life back? * Why are the people on earth called 'memories only?' * The 'Womb of Creation,' and the Blue Archangel. * Was it ever part of the original Divine Plan for humankind to come into existence? * In the higher Creation Universes, how is all designed to grow upwards? * What did the darkness do to stop evolution in the higher Creation Realms to grow? How did it all fall? * What did Thoth understand as far as the 'Keys of Life,' and 'The Woman?' Why did he desire to keep her enslaved in the Flower of Life? What was in it for him? * The Universal Flower of Life was created in the higher universes for what? Do you know? * How did the Divine Love Element work with the Great Collective Supreme Universes? For what purpose? * Why do the DIVINE CREATORS NOT desire worship? What spiritual reason does CAEAYARON give? * Why do 'Gods' desire and expect worship? What do they gain out of it? * Where does 'magic' come from? How was it able to be used for 'black magic?' * What is happening with 'black magic' now and why is it LOSING ITS POWER? * The Rejuvenation Temple - What was its purpose in Lemuria and Atlantis? * What did the darkness do to create suffering within the DNA to create the Keys of Death? With what result? * Why was Thoth after the greatest Key of Life and why did he write the tablets? What is within the tablets? What is happening now when people read the tablets of Thoth? * The KRYON Codes were claimed in 2014 by the Divine Love Element. Why is this important for the eternal freedom of the people who desire to rise into CAEAYARON's Eternal Universes of Love? * The Power Grids - How important are they at this time? Who has claimed them? * The Healing Grid of the Activated of CAEAYARON through the Divine Love Element is likened to what? How does it bring 'transformation?' * What does the darkness know of the Divine Love Element 'Woman' that many people on earth fail to realize and recognize? * Why does CAEAYARON state, 'You have until 2032 to bring in the millions if you desire to survive.' * 'YOU NEED TO ACT NOW.' Why does CAEAYARON say that so loudly at this time? * Why are the Divine Activations of CAEAYARON through the Divine Love Element so crucial for the earth and the people at this time? CAEAYARON reveals. * CAEAYARON says: 'I desire to bring mankind into a band of safety and to bring earth up to a higher band.' How can that happen? Please discover the reasoning CAEAYARON gives. Sending you much love, hugs, eternal healing flows, to help you desire love, peace and wisdom to see how much we need Divine Guidance to become one nation, and to have love and peace on earth, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Divine Ascension Channel, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, The Word and Author for Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, and the Great Caeayaron, who is The Eternal Mountain of Light. Please also see Suzanna's main facebook page with much more information regarding her work with Divine, and the importance of the Divine Activations of CAEAYARON.