Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Not Much Time To Wake Up


HALISARIUS, Chief Leader of the Galactic Federations of Light and Love greets you from the Pleiadians and the higher Star Love Federations. * New vacancies are opening up in the higher galactic realms. Who can fill them? * Congratulations to the Divine Love Element for completing what? * What was her Divine Mission from the Galactic Federations of Light? * How and why they are studying human consciousness? * The plan they have to bring peace to planet earth but what do they need us to do as a collective? * The power grids and the data of human thought. * How can people evolve into higher existence? * We live in the time of transformation and what that means. * Galactic Collective Love Consciousness, what is that? * How can Star Beings of Love work together with people on earth as one Voice? * What are the Galactic Federations of Light offering certain people, but what do they need to do first before the power can be given to them? * HALISARIUS will only work with the Divine Love Element who is also their Universal Star Light Grid Programmer. What is she to the higher federations in the higher love universes? * HALISARIUS speaks of the growth of the channel which is needed to bring the sacred gifts to the sacred people who desire the shifts to happen on earth. * What kind of love is needed to bring change to our planet? * Why CAEAYARON cannot reveal all things at this time yet. * The call is urgent. Please wake up. Sending you much love, hugs, eternal healing flows, to help you desire love, peace and wisdom to see how much we need Divine Guidance to become one nation, and to have love and peace on earth, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Divine Ascension Channel, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, The Word and Author for Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, and the Great Caeayaron, who is The Eternal Mountain of Light. Please also see Suzanna's main facebook page with much more information regarding her work with Divine, and the importance of the Divine Activations of CAEAYARON.