Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Protection And Energy Management


CAEAYARON (Kryon), the lovely Great Master of Magnetic Forces, Flows and Streams of Alignment, blesses us with an entertaining and humorous magnificent teaching on: * How so many are afraid of the love frequency because of their buried memories of how they went right against Divine Love. * How the Divine Pineal Gland Activations means freedom from all fear, pain, disease, anger and darkness. * How Suzanna was Jesus and Moses. * How the collective is within CAEAYARON who created them, but he does not need them to exist himself. * How the star beings do not need humans to exist and have proven this, yet want them to through love. * How the Yahweh channel took all the memories of the people and stashed them in his cave of Wo, yet CAEAYARON remembers all things so all memories have a back up. * How listening to the teachings of CAEAYARON grows ones intelligence. * How the people travelled for months in Lemuria to sacrifice all they had in exchange for going to the universes of Yahweh and Thoth. * How CAEAYARON does not give tasks to anyone other than the three Light Grid Programmers, but the Darkness does and punishes the people if they do not do them. * How the Darkness took away the DNA coding of greater compassion which is related to love. * PROTECTION: * The Darkness teaches to not protect your energies so they can eat them. * CAEAYARON teaches to protect your energies always. * How, like the spiritual channels of darkness, church goers lose their energies through their crowns during services. * How the protection of the highest archangels allows you to build your light ship, help others, live fuller and greater lives, recognize the light and love and ascend. * How the Divine Love Element brings energy down through her own grid system to build the people (the activated in particular) up to heal and manifest greater. * How the powerful Lemurians also protected themselves. * Who was ruled to be a �Liar and cheater� in the Divine Courts? * How wars lose you energy to darkness. * The energetic consequences of working with, compared to against the Universal Light Grid Programmer. * THE AFTERLIFE: * How the physical and spiritual planes work together with energy. * How energy is conserved in the universe but the Universal Light Grid Programmer could still bring in violet flame to build people's energies up. * About the violet flame. * How METATRON gave you three life choices to reincarnate into. * How METATRON fell due to being contaminated with Yahweh. * How you can only evolve on human earth and not in spirit. * The new Teachings of 2020 and how new teachings will be given after 2032, when Lemurians can no longer go up. Please also see the Facebook and Youtube pages of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for more information, research and courses for self-growth. Catch the light wave of 2020 for your greater evolution eternally!