Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Recognize Your Greater Spiritual Purpose And Grow Energetically


KRYON speaks about the importance of our 'earth life' and 'spiritual life.' He discusses our multi-dimensional selves, to help us have a greater appreciation of our spiritual lives. How can we access our ancient knowledge and wisdom? KRYON discusses the beauty of our energetic layers and how important they are to our lives. KRYON discusses how to become stronger energetic beings. He gives an exercise to become stronger energetically without giving all our energies to others so that we become depleted with our strength. He also shares how he, KRYON works hard with this channel Suzanna. He reveals how he is working with her and what some of her gifts are. Please join Suzanna Maria Emmanuel on her facebook page and also visit our website, Namaste and many blessings of Great Love and Light from the Angels who love you so much ♥♥