Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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The Kingdom of God Is Within Us


Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great brings through the beautiful words of his Heavenly Father and is the one Jesus spoke to and channelled. He states we are already perfect and we need no man who died on the cross to enable us to reach the higher paradise, for the kingdom of God is within. He confirms there is no judgement and we do not need to worship any being, God or angel. All is great love in the universe. He states we do not need cleansing or frightening and that there is no angry vengeful God, for these concepts are the creations of darkness. He states that the truth will set you free and Churches do not have the truth. He asks you to read the bible to see if it speaks of another vengeful God, and if so to discern how this being came to be. The truth will never be extinguished; it will always be.♥