Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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The New Science Of The Universe And Evolution


Namaste, this is Stephen. This is an incredible channelling which rewrites the foundation of science and biology, physics, psychology, cosmology and evolution theory as humans know them to be. Put so simply that a child can understand it; those who do will surpass the truth of those who believe they are the greatest scientific minds on the planet, until the scientists catch up and realize the knowledge and great truth CAEAYARON continues to reveal to the world through his Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, Christ Child and Divine WORD, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please know that THE GREAT CAEAYARON is NEVER EVER WRONG so this is a gift of knowledge to the world. This post of The Great Science Master, CAEAYARON, builds on his previous teachings and unifies TRUE science and spirituality for the first time in human existence. He teaches that there are only two forces in the universe; magnetics and love. The other perceived forces come from the pressure and density and gravity of falling into ever greater entropy within the fast moving Blackhole Yahweh vortex. The unactivated humans do not know the power of love, but only its shadow emotion, because the Yahweh channel caused you to be disconnected from the Sacred Heart of the crystalline grid at the time of the fall of Lemuria. He then removed your memories to cause amnesia and removed chromosomes and spliced your DNA millions of times to fit his enclosed thought system template within Blackhole Yahweh. CAEAYARON teaches how all energy has thought consciousness and magnetic power consciousness is METATRON who is more conscious and alive than any human within his universal system. He teaches of how humans live within an enclosed thought system collectively and energy can not be created or destroyed within that system; it is conserved and can only be converted from one form to another within a devolving universe of entropy. (Entropy being the ever greater breaking down of more angelic collective consciousness order, synergy and harmony to greater disorder and separation/loneliness. In this beautiful teaching The Great Master Teacher, CAEAYARON, teaches the following: � The intelligence of trees and how they help human intelligence to grow while holding memories (and people wonder why human I.Q is dropping). � How technology and computers are eroding human intelligence, and time spent talking and being with trees, which helps all to descend. � How there is only one cell in the universe and the human plane with fear, disease and pain is disconnected. � How there are many star planets in the love flows, all exploring their own rays of evolution. � The enclosed thought bubble humans are in, within Blackhole Yahweh, and how humans can therefore not evolve upwards, for all in their bubble is conserved without the Lemurian Light Codes back. � How only the Light Grid Programmer could bring in new energy. � How the thoughts within the human bubble are programmed by Yahweh via the Lemurian collective, but the whales and dolphins are also needed to hold this down. � How Yahweh removed much of your chromosomes and spliced your DNA to bring you into fear and anger consciousness, to bring you into his Blackhole veil. � The vortex of DNA evolution. � The two forces that create all of life; LOVE Force and Magnetic Force. � How there is no denseness or gravity in higher star realms so greater love power can be built ever higher. � How humans cannot evolve by bringing in positive thoughts of light to eliminate war, sickness and fear because they are in an enclosed system together with the fear and disease programs, with no ability of working collectively, for that DNA ability was removed. � How humans are also programmed by TV, politics and education systems. � How the activated of CAEAYARON leave the isolated, enclosed, though bubble and evolve with the help of star beings. � How the universe and all things are within your light body and the darkness desired to take your light body away. � How the alignment of the activated puts together the millions and billions of pieces the activated were spliced into. � How people were not supposed to fall to become human in Lemuria. � The 2020 alignments of activated DNA which is ready to receive the higher gifts and codes, and the Divine Love Element, to go into the Sacred Heart of the crystalline grid so alignment can happen. � How the people fell from the Sacred Heart and greater Crystalline Grid and the layers of universal ascension from the activated, through the Sacred Heart of the crystalline grid (connected to the Divine Love Grids), to the Cosmic brain and new universe creation. � How the activated are escaping linear time illusion and becoming more multidimensional thinkers. Please also see the facebook page of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and for greater information and courses for your personal growth.