Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Welcome To The Times You Can Awaken


The Great Sovereign Lord, Our Father, welcomes us to the times we can awaken to collective love consciousness. He states that the future is going to the time people desire the great love within their hearts, and Divine prophecy must happen. ♥ What did Jesus say to those who asked him to bring them the love and knowledge of The Father? ♥ Can others change us? ♥ Will we ascend whether we desire to or not? ♥ Can you feel judged by another is you do not judge yourself? ♥ Can you be gifted with that which you do not ask for? ♥ Are you awake to these times or are you fast asleep? Please also see the website and The Facebook page of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for more information.♥