Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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What Is It You Wish To Happen To Your World


Welcome to the teachings of CAEAYARON. He states in this teaching, 'I AM here to help the people understand Divine Love Consciousness. For years I have been helping humanity understand how Divine Love Consciousness was lost in the Great Universes.' What are some of the points you will discover during this teaching? * CAEAYARON states how important it is for us to consider what is important to us at this time. He asks us, 'What is it we desire to have? Do we desire a world of further pain and suffering and to see our world being destroyed? Or do we desire to be part of a love consciousness to bring healing to mankind and our earth?' * Why is it all a choice that we have at this time? Why can Divine Love not force the choice upon us? * The Divine Pineal Gland Activations with CAEAYARON through the Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer. Why are they so important? * What is love? How powerful is love? What can it do? * The 13th gateway which is open now, and why is the call so urgent at this time? * How can 'all things be an illusion?' * The teachings CAEAYARON has brought through so far, through the Divine Love Element, have been to bring a Divine Court Case through 'so that you can see all things and make the choice.' How was that our collective desire for all to be seen upon our plane in this time, so that we awaken to the importance of the choice? Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Divine Ascension Channel, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, The Word and Author for Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, and the Great Caeayaron, The Eternal Mountain of Light. Please also see Suzanna's Facebook Page filled with Divine Guidance and for more information.