Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Who Will Sit On The Thrones Of The New Universal Creation


Welcome to the teachings of CAEAYARON. CAEAYARON brings through messages to help us understand the Time of Alignment and how important it is for us. HE brings through messages for us, to help us understand how we can rise into beauty and strength and why it is important to make the choice during these times. Please have a pen and paper ready to take notes, as you will learn much during the teachings of CAEAYARON. In each lesson HE brings through, HE builds upon the last lessons. HE is building a sacred library filled with information to help us understand Divine Alignment Truth. In this teaching you will discover: * Why is CAEAYARON bringing through New Alignment Teachings? In what way are they 'new' to our planet at this time, and yet in what way are they 'ancient'? * Why is Divine Guidance important and why is it coming through now? * In what way is this the first time people on earth can learn about the New Universes coming into Creation? * CAEAYARON discusses the information we can receive that the people did not understand before HE began to teach, such as: The Fall of Lemuria and how and why Lucifer was created? This is the very first time we can discover deeper spiritual secrets. * CAEAYARON talks about only the strong spiritually minded ones who realize the deeper truth. Why does HE state this? * Why does CAEAYARON liken this time to the Titanic? Why is it important to awaken? * CAEAYARON discusses how important it is to find the ONE pathway upwards. Why is there only ONE? * CAEAYARON explains HIS creation force and HIS power. * The 13th gateway more explained. How many gateways did we fall down once we became human? * How do the stars react during the 13th gateway? * What are the 12 gateways upwards and how can we gain the 'key' to become part of them? * If we do not find the 'key' in our lifetime now, we cannot enter them. Why? * The 'Father of the Lie' is exposed more. Who is he, and how serious were his lies? How did those lies cause us suffering? Why is he likened to a 'sneaky snake?' * Listen to what the 'Father of the Lie' stated to the Lemurians. How were they promised greatness and freedom, but what did they receive instead? * How did he promise the 'new template,' and why did he believe himself to be so powerful to be able to promise the people freedom? * Why did KRYON (CAEAYARON) call 'The Father of the Lie' in this time and what did KRYON (CAEAYARON) force him to undo? * CAEAYARON answers a question many people have: 'Why does CAEAYARON consider the human to be 'limited' when many people state that CAEAYARON is 'wrong' and that the humans are completely 'unlimited'? How does CAEAYARON answer them? * The difference, in CAEAYARON's eyes, between the human template limitation versus the freedom of the star beings in unlimited zones. CAEAYARON weighs each side to allow us to reason higher. * When people state to CAEAYARON, as the DIVINE JUDGE, that HE is bringing judgement as HE offers the people a choice, how does CAEAYARON, DIVINE JUDGE answer them? * How and why is mankind and the earth being protected by CAEAYARON and the GALACTIC FEDERATIONS OF LIGHT, at this time, in the 13th Gateway? * The NEW CREATION DAY has begun in the 13th gateway. How is this possible? In what way is it beginning? * Why does CAEAYARON say we are memories of who we once were? HE discusses the mirrors and how we believe life to be real. * HE speaks about our earth and states how our earth is beyond the point of no return. How can it be saved then? * The 12 high universes are explained in more depth. How did they work together? * How did Jesus also refer to these same 12 universes and the 'ones seated on the 'thrones?' * What new light is coming into the New Grids and who is able to access the New Light within the New Grids? * What and who are the old grids programmed for? What and who are the New Grids programmed for? * Why does CAEAYARON state that HE will not bring the Divine Activations through to anyone who is not at the Divine Activations? Why is it necessary for CAEAYARON to work through the Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, and why is CAEAYARON asking the people to make an effort to receive their Keys of Life back? * How the Divine Activations of CAEAYARON are the Keys of Life. * CAEAYARON speaks about the protection HE will give to all who become Activated with HIM as they will be 'In the light,' and they will be part of HIS people. * HE finishes the teaching with a song of New Creation where the joy, peace and love are to evolve. Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Divine Ascension Channel, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, The Word and Author for Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, and the Great Caeayaron, The Eternal Mountain of Light. Please also see Suzanna's Facebook Page filled with Divine Guidance and for more information.