Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Your Multidimensional Family And Activations


CAEAYARON (Kryon); What happens in spirit when you get activated? ♥ The Divine Plan is to bring all beings love and light; even the dark beings when they desire it of their own free will! The road for those who decide not to listen at this time will take a long, long, long, long, long time before they may come to the love again. ♥ Your loved ones and soul groups of millions are there clapping when you get activated. ♥ When you become activated you rise to a larger soul group connected to many others, for you leave your old group and move up, leaving space for so many others to follow. ♥ Suzanna carries the codes to power everyone up for she is The Divine Love Element who carries the keys to The Sacred Heart of the crystalline grid. ♥ All your future journeys depend on the choice in front of you and by resisting you are not denying my being, Caeayaron, but yourselves. ♥ Enough people have seen and understand the teachings on Suzanna�s facebook page and you are now being asked to spread the love and light, even if you are not activated! Caeayaron explains what the multidimensional benefits of The Divine Pineal Gland Activations are: 1) Healing Self: You will be happy, confident, forgiving, joyful and send healings to your loved ones. Your activated pineal gland can connect upwards to your Lemurian codes to receive greater gifts and heal individually and collectively. You are also given a manual attuned to your personal activation to continue aligning all your chakras upwards after the activations. Your DNA vibration will rise into greater love. Physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally you heal! 2) Karma�s release: Caeayaron gifts us with the balancing of all things we have done and we do not need to return to the low levels of Planet Earth again if that is what you desire, no matter what you have dome in the past. Building on your exercises gives you the choice of leaving your human frequencies and rising into your greater star ones. 3) Healing mankind: You are able to open up portals of light to bring in Divine gifts and healing for yourself and others. The star bodies of The Great Star Sacred World Healers expand so much. 4) Ascension upwards: Once you leave this plane you can reach higher gates of evolution to become universal teachers on the star realms for playing the earth game. This is evolution like never before for on earth you are learning greater levels of love collectively. 5) Freeing many multidimensional star beings, as well as Gaia and angels: As you free another greater healings come to you. Dark and light beings are freed through your activation for the dark beings were holding down the light and as they become freed, so too are all others. 6) Your soul groups, who you are representing, ascend with you. They can then speak to many others on your plane; imagine the congratulations and blessings for that! 7) The activated carry the light/magnetic frequencies of Caeayaron and this is going up. Very soon the activated will be taught how to heal with magnetic flows! Golden Category: During activation your lower and higher frequencies are harmonised and Suzanna stands to be able to achieve this. Each activation is unique and your spirit guides, star beings and Lemurian guides help provide me with the information I need to do this and they are also activated to harmonize with your energies greater. This will bring you greater gifts and in the next activation I will also harmonize greater with you. So what happens to your son or daughter who died? They are also invited to your activations to become activated and go to a special school to learn to become greater guides to go to the earth and help you. I, Caeayaron, also bless all who have ever received a healing from my Light grid programmer ♥