Reviews ...

Thank you Caeayaraon, Thank you Suzanna and all the Light and the Star team for this opportunity you are giving to us! I love you so much!Thank you for all that you have done and you are doing for us, for humankind and for the Planet Earth and the Universe. It is a real blessing to be here and to be able to meet my brothers and sisters and to meet you after so long time.To get Activated it is the beginning of a new life. Thank you eternally!
Ana, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Argentina

I was activated in June 2018 and it was an awesome experience. This is the third time I have returned for the activations and they are more awesome now.My life has changed in such an unbelievable way and my manifestation abilities have been incredible.I would urge anyone who is still searching for the “meaning of life” to come for the activations.Thank you Caeayaron and thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for everything you do for mankind.
Caroline, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Bali

This is new to me. Fully believe in it but not yet clear connection to say something but all going/expanding into something exciting, very soon and continuing.I see the divine in you, as you see the divine in I. There is only you, me is no more.
Ali, Star Sacred World Healer, Sweden

Initially, I was not sure what to expect. While at the activation, I discovered that this was the best thing I have done for my life.I learned a lot about myself, creation and our world, how I can develop myself and heal myself, and what positive difference I can bring to our earth.I met a lot of wonderful people who I can only describe as family relatives.I learnt about love of self and how to forgive and how to be in true love frequency for more manifestation.I learned about divine creation and to resolve issue in our earth.
Robert, Star Sacred World Healer, UK/Uganda

I am so grateful to be able to return again and to witness and experience incredible growth within myself and of the Activations. Each activation feels like an upgrade for me and a deepening of understanding of how I can really implement everything I have learnt and been gifted with into my life greater.My experiences and insights this weekend have been immense and so very real. My vision has opened more, I feel the flows working deeply within me and my foundation building, my being healing.We are gifted with so many spiritual tools to use to make our lives more beautiful, loving and full of abundance. We learned the importance and effect of grounding, protecting our fields, claiming our energies back purified that was lost from us, to upbuild ourselves again. We have learned the value of connecting into ourselves to be able to express and understand us in order to heal us. The power of forgiveness and how it can removes the pain frequencies so everything can shift energetically. We have learned how we lose energy and how we then upbuild it by claiming our energy back.We have learned the power of our thoughts being activated and what we can manifest with our heart’s desire and how we are constantly manifesting and becoming aware of what it is.We have learned in beautiful steps how to manifest so much and I’m so excited to implement into my life now to build beautiful things that mean I heal on my path - to build a strong foundation, so I can then help others on their path and help to bring more people into this magical, prosperous, rich, deep and loving new life, that we receive by attending the Divine Pineal Gland Activations of Caeayaron.My life has been changed forever- and only just begun by becoming activated by Caeayaron.My heart's desire to grow into more love has increased so much, and I truly appreciate my healing journey. To be able to increase my spiritual gifts is very exciting! I am feeling it immensely already.There is no greater gift you could give yourself by coming to Caeayaron’s activations. I am growing back into my most true and authentic self and feeling my purpose reveal itself within me.I am a whole new person since becoming activated in 2017. Freed from so much I used to suffer with and now with my treasure chest of tools, healing back into my most beautiful, higher self. Thank forever Caeayaron. Thank you forever Suzanna.
Makkala, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, UK/New Zealand

For me, these experiences are the most precious and unique I’ve ever made in my life.So much love energy, light energy, wisdom, and learning.So much understanding - IT IS REAL. I had some struggles, too. Resistance because of old patterns programmed by the darkness. Now I feel huge shifts happening in my light, energy and physical body.I am ready to grow (in baby-steps).Thank you, so very very, much CAEAYARONI am grateful eternally.
Marcus, Star Sacred World Healer.

Unbelievable clarity, self reflection and understanding.Everything is starting to make sense.Finally my heart is opened, and I don't feel lost and alone anymore. All people in the classes are my family.It’s hard to describe in human words the feeling of group toning when you can see Angels and feel their love.Angel’s love and singing are magnificent.There is a unknown before confidence, trust in Divine and desire to grow.It is wonderful. Please come to Activations.You will see for yourself.Thank you!
Anastasia, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Russia

Heart more open expand,Grow more stronger,Gratitude, more peace, more forgive,CAEAYARON DIVINE LIGHT more white came into my crown,MORE LOVE FROM DEEP HEART,MORE FORGIVE,GREAT LOVE,STRONGER THAN BEFORE,STRONG VOICE,I am now ready to heal, forgive, more LOVE.I am ready to open more to become a healer. Thank you CAEAYARON
Kadek, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Bali

I felt strong energy the first day. At night I slept better.When I returned to my hotel I felt like I am in an egg, warm and protected.On the second day I felt a strong energy around my hands.The information was grateful. I am thankful for the deep information.Thank you Caeayaron and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.

I am so grateful to attend the activations and receive back my Codes.I am so grateful to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for her courage and strength to bring through the important teaching to mankind.The learning environment is so beautiful and safe and we are provided with wonderful tools to help heal ourselves first, in order to be able to help mankind rise up out of darkness.We are provided with a space free of judgement and full of Love, joy, happiness, peace and harmony. Listen as your heart hears the truth.Thank you Caeayaron, Thank you Great Divine Love.
Sarah, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand

Well what can I say, I am so blessed that I came to be activated. To also receive my codes back. I learnt so much. I learnt to love myself, it was all about love. The healings I got.The activations are so important it teaches you about how to love yourself. How can I manifest more love, being positive. Reaching the love forever going home. The Universal laws, learning what it is. Becoming a healer, teacher of love, being a collective group, is why you need to come to the activations. To put self first LOVE, JOY, PEACE, HARMONY.Thank you Caeayaron. Namaste. Sandra, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand

The Activations are beyond important to describe. We are on the cusp of the Aquarian age and Leo, the age of information. With information comes knowledge and the ability to make an educated decision. My search for truth led me straight to Suzanna, and I have not been disappointed. I may not be as sensitive to energy as of writing this, but I felt the shifting within me and within the room, I cannot wait for the rest of the week.Remember this is not a mind-based decision but one felt with the heart consciousness.Eternally Grateful.
Michael, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, South Africa

The journey of coming out of victim consciousness with just the forgiveness statement up to changing through opening the heart to feel vibration and energy of everything.Caeayaron amplifies the energy felt in the heart, as everything is felt with the heart.The journey to the heart is the purpose of why we are here with the choice at this time.Caeayaron creates all miracles to get you to Suzanna Emmanuel to get your codes back.
Owen, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand

This weekend blew me away, more than I could ever imagined. Everyone needs to be activated to save humanity. It’s the only way. I have learned so much and I am so moved by the wisdom of it all.
Marie, France

Being my first time here, I came with an open mind. Caeayaron mentioned about forgiveness and love which is so important for us to practice. I also learn to heal myself first.When Caeayaron channels, I could feel the energy coming through my palms.Also could feel my heart expanding.Thank you Caeayaron, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and Stephen for a Pineal Gland Activation Workshop.
Molly, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON

Dugy, Australia
Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Australia

To come to this was a push and pull but after the first day I could feel such a rush of love flows my body received.You cannot even realize all the words of wisdom, love, encouragement, support and help mankind to heal, forgive and be in LOVE, which is what it is all about.Much love and Aloha to Suzanna and Caeayaron I Love You.

Power energies which cannot be found anywhere else, which reflect your final choice as to go to the higher love realms or devolve into the darker realms of pain.2032 is when that happens.It’s your choice.Not getting Activated is your choice for the darkness. It’s that simple.
Richard, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Canada

The love and healing flows of Caeayaron were the most beautiful and empowering experiences. You cannot understand the true forces of love until you feel it pouring straight into you from Divine.Laughing alongside Divine, and the Light Grid Programmer, and the other growing Star Sacred World Healers helped me to understand what Unity and Belonging feels like.My gratitude is so deep and I am excited to keep growing.
Rosanna, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand

I cannot believe this only Level 1! I have had the activations before but this is incredible. The word that comes to mind is ‘EPIC’. Many time I caught the eye of others as we were listening to the information and we just mouthed, ‘WOW’!The flows were so strong, so beautiful. The growth within me is magnificent. Many times I was speechless. This IS DIVINE. This IS happening. This is the greatest course on the planet. This is what you’ve been waiting for. Please don’t wait. Act now.
Glenda, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand

Amazing teachings! Now the task is to share the knowledge with others. To tell people: “Wake up! Open your eyes and your hearts! Come back home!
Marina, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Russia

It is a great weekend. I managed to stay with ‘in’ me. Not to think. I felt the spirit and got my flower grid THANK YOU.It is great to feel the waves of energy. It was very easy to get into the course because of the loving people around.I would like to do the same for others and I will try to become a healer of/for the light with my heart. At least I will bring people up. I will concentrate on my thoughts to encourage people and bring love to the people.
Irene, Germany

This weekend blew me away, more than I could ever imagined. Everyone needs to be activated to save humanity. It’s the only way. I have learned so much and I am so moved by the wisdom of it all.
Marie, France

Being my first time here, I came with an open mind. Caeayaron mentioned about forgiveness and love which is so important for us to practice. I also learn to heal myself first.When Caeayaron channels, I could feel the energy coming through my palms.Also could feel my heart expanding.Thank you Caeayaron, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and Stephen for a Pineal Gland Activation Workshop.
Molly, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON

Dugy, Australia
Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Australia

To come to this was a push and pull but after the first day I could feel such a rush of love flows my body received. You cannot even realize all the words of wisdom, love, encouragement, support and help mankind to heal, forgive and be in LOVE, which is what it is all about.Much love and Aloha to Suzanna and Caeayaron I Love You.
Sarah 15/05/2019

Power energies which cannot be found anywhere else, which reflect your final choice as to go to the higher love realms or devolve into the darker realms of pain.2032 is when that happens.It’s your choice.Not getting Activated is your choice for the darkness. It’s that simple.
Richard, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Canada

The love and healing flows of Caeayaron were the most beautiful and empowering experiences. You cannot understand the true forces of love until you feel it pouring straight into you from Divine.Laughing alongside Divine, and the Light Grid Programmer, and the other growing Star Sacred World Healers helped me to understand what Unity and Belonging feels like.My gratitude is so deep and I am excited to keep growing.
Rosanna, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand

I cannot believe this only Level 1! I have had the activations before but this is incredible. The word that comes to mind is ‘EPIC’. Many time I caught the eye of others as we were listening to the information and we just mouthed, ‘WOW’!The flows were so strong, so beautiful. The growth within me is magnificent. Many times I was speechless. This IS DIVINE. This IS happening. This is the greatest course on the planet. This is what you’ve been waiting for. Please don’t wait. Act now.
Glenda, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand

Amazing teachings! Now the task is to share the knowledge with others. To tell people: “Wake up! Open your eyes and your hearts! Come back home!
Marina, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Russia

There is great important information here. I received many answers and resolutions in my mind and probably healings in my body.
Suzanna is a great channel that allows for many high dimensional beings to come through and teach us about energy, cords between people, fear, anger and how to heal and release what holds us back and what doesn’t serve us.
She talks of much new information & it feels like she talks in layers where there is multiple things and energies coming through at once.
I believe everyone benefits here and that no-one is left out. Everyone is welcome and there is much love & guidance waiting for you to realize that it’s there.
Thank you Suzanna and all the other Divine Love Beings.
Tom Nath - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned by CAEAYARON, England
Tom Nath14/05/2019

Things were very new and it is taking time to sink in. What Caeayaron is saying makes understanding the importance of the Activations very clear. I liked very much my time in the First Activation.
Ari Kangasniemi – Finland
Ari Kangasniemi19/03/2019

Much of what was taught resonated with me and expanded my thinking.Grounding: I am deeply into astrology and my ascendant lord is in my 7th house, so others opinions of me can affect me greatly. I feel like I was given the beginning of a new habit to help me protect myself.Gratefulness/Desires: I feel like it is an incredibly powerful positive feedback loop to understand your desires to grow and evolve powerfully.Higher Frequencies: If I am too restrictive and perfectionistic, my authentic self may be hidden and not be able to shine. Especially since my 10th house is Aries and I need to not be afraid of other’s reactions.Giving and receiving: This reinforced my conviction about distancing myself from heavy energy drains in my life, so that I can redirect that energy more effectively for the benefit of myself and those around me.
Kyle Savage – Student of CAEAYARON’s Universal Love Frequency Course, Kentucky, U.S.A
Kyle Savage19/03/2019

I have learned about collective love consciousness – together we are one.The importance to ground, to grow in the love.Heart opening to heal other bodies.We learn of accepting of ourselves and others.Talk to angels, call in love and protection.How beautiful it is to be in the Love flow.Learning is really powerful.Forgive everything – especially yourself.Grow in the love force.Wonderful learning, awesome.Thank you.
Bonnie Lim – Singapore
Bonnie Lim19/03/2019

- Connecting with self to allow desire to flow from my heart.-Grounding to create strength.-Letting go/forgiving lower self’s frequencies.-Higher experiences with meditations.-Connection with magnetic energy.
Alex Caulfield - Student of CAEAYARON’s Universal Love Frequency Course, Ohope, New Zealand
Alex Caulfield 19/03/2019

Being ourselves, accepting, forgiving and releasing our lower selves, allows more room, clarity, space and love to create a higher, stronger love field life that can heal ourselves, our families and our world.We are an experience of our thoughts. The stronger, and more high and stable our thought grids are the more we are able to manifest and receive guidance from the higher realms.If we are aligned with higher purpose, truth, love and we are able to trust these, we are free to heal and create.Love is the strongest force in the universe. Thank you.
Nicole Burt - Student of CAEAYARON’s Universal Love Frequency Course, Ohope, New Zealand
Nicole Burt 19/03/2019

Gently & slowly introduced to grounding, protection, claiming and releasing of energies. As time progressed energies became stronger and the lessons were well received.
The building blocks of the foundation expanded adding more on top. As like with the bodies there are also important chakras.
The base chakra, I have likened this to a maunga. Standing tall and strong where I can go to be nurtured & supported.
Selina Eruera - Student of CAEAYARON’s Universal Love Frequency Course, Whakatane, New Zealand
Selina Eruera19/03/2019

It has been an incredible loving weekend. To be part of the University of Light with Caeayaron is the best gift I have ever received in this lifetime after so many lifetimes.This is my second time and it has been so much easier and beautiful to learn about how important it is to ask for Divine assistance. We learned how important it is to work on our own healing and how we can control and protect our energies. To be mindful about how we waste our energies and who we give our energies to. We have learned so much, the energy here increased, learning with people that have their hearts open to the truth and the love power, is a breath of the huge love the Divine Love has for us.I am so grateful to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and so grateful to my higher self that has made my way to this beautiful experience.Lots of love
Patricia Berry - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, England/Ecuador
Patricia Berry31/01/2019

It was fascinating to learn exactly how to manifest and how to work with energy. The ability to consciously transform energy by being in the now was so easy to do and so exciting.As someone with a beautifully logical mind it was so exciting to tap into a higher power to create with. I want to explore this far more to see what I can create with Divine love.We learned about the history of humanity and the need to forgive all things and master healing to be able to bring in more love power to build power. This replaces Law of Attraction of the old energies and it seems we have far more control over the outcome.This then leads us to receiving our star fields and becoming aware of how to consciously work with DNA.
Micheline Mauvis - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, France/Zimbabwe
Micheline Mauvis31/01/2019

I have learned and felt so much love. It is so real, so wonderful, how we can heal our lives and how important it is to feel FREE. Our mind has such an important job because it has to remember how to make a connection with Divine Love to help us heal our body, our emotions and spirit.We are discovering our truth and authenticity, we are healing ourselves and healing our countries.Can you imagine our earth with no wars, with no conflicts, just peace and love inside each one of us? It is easy - by becoming activated by Caeayaron. It seems like a small step but it is huge.Loving yourself is so big because you can heal everything inside bit by bit. The Love has won, the Light has risen and the only way to be part of it is if you have the desire to be part of it and come to the Divine Activations.Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Thank you Caeayaron. Millions of love, Patricia.
Patricia Berry - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, England/Equador
Patricia Berry 31/01/2019

WOW; how does one describe the huge rise from human to greater star being of love and light in such a small amount of time?How does one describe the huge leaps of DNA vibration and collective star and spirit being love wave that washes through ones being and seeing; washing away the old and heralding in a new era of creation and transformation to the dancing stars of collective freedom, harmony and thought manifestation blessed through Caeayaron’s activations of his greatest channel of love in all universal existence - Suzanna Maria Emmanuel?
Stephen - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, England

I am so happy that I attended this time. So much deep knowledge and wisdom was given by Caeayaron and Suzanna.The healing was huge for me. My mind and thoughts became calm and great peace came to my heart. I am happy and content.My Star DNA code is alive and changes me forever. I am completely new.Suzanna holds a lot of wisdom which comes from her past lifetimes. It was amazing to hear these stories from Lemuria.I am grateful eternally for Suzanna that I can feel Divine Love and heal by Divine Love. Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and Caeayaron, Universe of Love, for all that you do for all of us.With my love,
Marija Laurineniene - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, England/Lithuania
Marija Laurineniene31/01/2019

I have received much love and information over the last two days. I feel so determined and strong after all the manifestation lessons. I desire to heal and manifest so much more than two days ago.The flows of love and knowing have awakened a new desire in me to be stronger and more focused on my path of love.Caeayaron is such fun and always makes me laugh so much.Thank you Suzanna. Thank you Caeayaron.My heart is so full of gratitude for activations. I love you with all my heart.
Tina Kane - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, England
Tina Kane13/12/2018

A magical tour to freedom with the GREAT CAEAYARON explaining the science of life in the most beautiful ways - how to heal our lives, our thoughts, how to manifest greater love and beauty in our lives, how our chakra systems manifest, what is truly important, our DNA and how we ended up the way we are, and why we need to forgive so much as we evolve and grow.It is amazing to feel and experience the huge shifts upwards in love flows, information, healing and beauty since the last activations only a few months ago.All that I have learned before from CAEAYARON and all the love beings Suzanna channels has suddenly become so much greater in these few days of weekend one. My knowledge is transforming into deeper understanding.It has been the most amazing 2 1/2 days of the highest love flows ever at a first weekend and it is further proof of CAEAYARON’s teachings of building his lightship foundation strongly that all those newly activated star babies are able to hold these immensely high love flows so beautifully.I am so excited looking forward to how all things will progress from here onwards, growing and healing in the love for all.Thank you Suzanna, CAEAYARON, GREAT DIVINE LOVE, and all the love beings of the BLUE STAR TEAM helping us upwards in all dimensions and realms. Love forever, Jacqui. 💙 Jacqui Hanson - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Jacqui Hanson13/12/2018

Learning to stay in the love.Ko Te Aroha te me nui o nga ma katoa.
DeeJay Te Pou - Student of CAEAYARON’s Universal Love Frequency Course, New Zealand
Deejay Te Pou13/12/2018

I learned that forgiveness is important, releasing what we need to and then move on instead of staying stuck.
Thought forms create our reality and we need to be aware of our thought forms.
Learned to live life with fun, be happy & joyful, be accepting & allowing whatever comes to us. Look at situations as lessons, thank them, learn from them and move on.
Live life joyously from the heart, forgive ourselves of our guilt. Give not from guilt, but from the heart. Allow myself to go up.
Important to protect our energy fields, ground ourselves, claim back what belongs to us.
Shirley Khoo – Singapore
Shirley Khoo13/12/2018

This level one Activation was so unlike any previous. Deeper knowledge & gifts flowed at a great speed, they were noticeably more powerful and intensely beautiful. We all received huge healings and greater tools to help heal ourselves and our lives and no doubt whatsoever of the incredible realness of this programme.
Caeayaron never ceases to amaze me with his wisdom, love, truth, power and awesome wit!
It really is a Blue Star Show, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s channelling seems humanly impossible, something that needs to be experienced to fully comprehend. My gratitude for Suzanna has grown immensely as a greater understanding of all she has done for thousands of lifetimes to be able to bring us this chance to return home after this life.
Thank you Caeayaron, thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, I love you greatly and am eternally grateful to you, Caeayaron, & the Divine Love team xxx
Donna Richmond - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Donna Richmond13/12/2018

The lessons were intense in the level of information transferred within us. We learned about how energy works & how to work with intelligence from the being state. Differences were highlighted between phase 1 & 2 of the evolution of humans & thus how thinking or rather consciousness needs to change to adapt successfully to higher frequencies.
We tested out new tools, in the form of exercises, which were both fun & blissful. Caeayaron is a great entertainer & delivers messages very kindly as he explains the impact of low frequency thoughts & programming which creates human consciousness.
Love of humans was a message given repeatedly by Caeayaron & the Star beings who came through.
Micheline Mauvis - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, France/Zimbabwe
Micheline Mauvis10/11/2018

This first activation weekend was so incredibly amazing beyond words. The first day was so relieving, heartfelt & emotional. It felt like I was was finally coming home and that all my determination & courage to get here was paying off.
Caeayaron brought through a lovely meditation that made my heart sing with joy and streams of tears just flowed and flowed. I felt such a profound relief, joy and happiness. To be a part of these activations is a miracle within itself.
Then, on day 2, there was a lovely exercise Caeayaron had us do that involved a glass of water and tonings to begin this activation process that was incredible!! My glass filled with bubbles and while I was holding it by the end there was condensation on the outside, my hands were very hot and the water was warm, quite warm, and I felt so much lighter, happier and more in the love flows already.
On day three there was vast knowledge on manifestation protection and the chakras which are important for our healing and transformation into Star babies and Star Sacred World Healers. Not to mention how much Reuben and Lord Maitreya taught us about the mirrors in Lemuria and how we have different sides of self.
Michelle Kmieciak - Student of CAEAYARON’s Universal Love Frequency Course, USA
Michelle Kmieciak10/11/2018

It is entertainment at its best.
It is healing at its best.
It is fun at its best.
It is the event of a lifetime & just what the world needs.
If you have to travel around the world to get to the activations it is worth the trip.
It’s love at its best.
Michelene Theodore - USA
Michelene Theodore10/11/2018

So grateful and appreciative of this time to be blessed by Caeayaron, Reuben, Adama, and Lord Maitreya to speak of greater manifestation and tools that we as a Collective Love Consciousness can work with to bring greater healing to self, others, humanity and the Spirit of the Earth.I enjoyed the meditations especially using the Violet Flame and flower grid to heal greater and the beautiful toning that took place.We learned incredible information about the chakras and how to build greater power to work collectively.The biggest theme for myself personally to learn is for greater forgiveness, protection and clearing of low vibrational energies to strengthen our energetic bodies.I learned how powerful thoughts can truly create our reality as I have gone through these lessons before the Activations and to appreciate and protect my wealth, which I know I hadn’t.Thank you Caeayaron. Thank you Suzanna, for all you do. Thank you highest beings of love and lightLeon Patrick Maloney - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Leon Patrick Maloney10/11/2018

Learning has been amazing. We’re learning about evolution, forgiveness, grounding, manifestations, use of the Violet Flame, energetic boundaries, thought programmes.
All of these teachings will enable us to live a life filled with joy, peace & harmony, not just for us but for everyone in our lives.
What greater blessings can anyone receive!
Ali Wickman - Student of CAEAYARON’s Universal Love Frequency Course, New Zealand
Ali Wickman25/07/2018

I feel so blessed, enormously blessed. I am so grateful I was allowed to be part of another activation weekend. To be here in these most beautiful flows. To be in the high love vibrations, surrounded by all those divine love beings. My heart is filled with gratitude! Being part of such a wonderful event is such a privilege!We witnessed the opening of the gate for higher manifestation, what an honour! So so many gifts were received. These teachings are very special ancient information! It is so beautiful to be in this divine love partnership. Being part of these Pineal Gland Activations with Caeayaron and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the most precious happening to my being. Feeling the connection, the oneness in the higher love vibrations, and the strength of these high love streams – a wonderful time.There is no other work I would rather be doing than fulfilling my divine purpose.Become beings of love, awaken, step into your love codes, bring healing to yourself, your family and all around you.Thank you so much Caeayaron,Thank you so much Suzanna Maria Emmanuel”Kathrina Hagler - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (Switzerland/New Zealand)
Kathrina Haglar25/07/2018

Would you like to live in a world where love is paramount?
Caeayaron & many Divine Star Love Beings are here to help us if we desire to bring the love & peace back (doing it alone hasn’t worked in the past).
Through the activations we were given tools to help us achieve -collective love, manifestation, how to forgive greater, to be in gratitude, connect more with spirit and follow our guides, how to use the violet flame greater.
Divine is helping us stay strong by strengthening our DNA. This blessing is a Divine Partnership. We need to work together in collective love with divine to heal ourselves and our world.
My life is now lighter.
Karen Ladd - previously activated with CAEAYARON to Level One and a Student of CAEAYARON’s Universal Love Frequency Course with Donna Richmond (New Zealand)
Karen Ladd25/07/2018

Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel!
This activation weekend has been astonishing and magnificent. It feels so magical to be here. I am so forever grateful <3
The channellings were so incredible, so grandiose in love, light & guidance – they are priceless.
I ask for all my friends & family to become activated into the love codes, as I wish for all to ascend into the higher dimensions. For more beauty, love and grace to be on this wonderful planet and full of smiles, joy & happiness.
I am so blessed to be present for the opening of the third awakening gate! Yay! I felt and saw the most beautiful flows in the channellings. The teachings are from such high realms, I am excited to say “I am learning to gently become my authentic self”. I am learning to love myself more Wow!
My manifestation codes are definitely working. I am currently searching for a new job & am using Caeayaron’s manifestation exercises. I got asked to a job interview this weekend, but as attending would mean missing the second Activation weekend, I was able to stand strong and say; I won’t be available until Monday, to which they replied perfect, Monday will be great.
Let’s see where my mission takes me CAEAYARON. Thank you, lots of Love
Natalie Wojak - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Natalie Wojak25/07/2018

The whole weekend was like a spiritual eye-opener and a lift to a whole new level of clarity and greater love.
The grounding teachings were greatly helpful in anchoring the greater energies. The different teachers that came through all added to the total transformation package. I’m immensely grateful for all the practical exercises & learnings that have put me firmly on the path to more & more love, to become a lover of life & a Love being.
I had multiple instances of spontaneous emotion & tears coming out – all very healing.
Giovanni Luijten (Holland/New Zealand)
Giovanni Luijten25/07/2018

First weekend Activations filled me with Great Love and I can feel my heart expand. I have become aware of how Galactic Collective Love Consciousness works. This gives me greater appreciation for myself and all of the activated.
When Caeayaron brought through the first activation to release karma, I saw the energy break up and flow into a variety of light which was healing and then I saw Star Beings standing strong in collective powerful forgiveness.
As Activated beings we walk on beautiful Mother Earth, and Caeayaron and the Star Beings give us the correct flows & frequencies for healing, forgiveness and love which transforms energy. This is Galactic Collective Love at work and it is the greatest privilege to work as part of that.
Ammorah bought me to tears as the overwhelming energy of gratitude came within, I became extremely aware of how we are connected, as I felt the most beautiful love flows from Ammorah enter my light field.
Caeayaron’s tones gave me visions of healing the earth and Gaia which filled me with joy. The collective healings are going to become magnificent. I became aware, all connections are made with the Pineal Gland. Many healings gifts, visions and codes came in and I witnessed a beautiful gate being opened.
Caeayaron’s meditation with the flower was so beautiful and it gave me the energy of fun and joy.
Thank you Caeayaron with all my heart for activating us, teaching us, healing us, I love you Caeayaron – Thank you thank you. I love and appreciate the beautiful Pleiadians for their love and protection.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, these times of great awakening would not be possible without you, I love you and appreciate you with all my heart and soul – Thank you, May the love and light rise greatly
Julie Kane - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (England)
Julie Kane 13/06/2018

"Still coming down after being in the highest Divine Love Flows with Caeayaron & the most powerful channel on the planet.
This weekend was something else! The gifts poured in like no previous Activation. Just when you think 'how could it possibly get better?', Caeayaron proves yet again how clever he is.
We have waited for lifetimes for this opportunity to get our light codes back & now it is finally here. You will begin a mind-blowing journey of learning to heal self like you never imagined possible, to feel Divine love flow within, gain abundance, have peace every day and so much more. Your cells will come alive again ‐ it's totally awesome!!
Thank you Caeayaron, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great & all The Star Beings present this weekend & a huge thank you to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel ( the Divine Channel) who delivered it all, tirelessly, hour upon hour without many breaks. A marathon effort!
Much love & deepest gratitude forever & ever."
Donna Richmond - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Donna Richmond 13/06/2018

"My heart is more open to gratitude, to greater flows of love. I feel more grounded, more connected within my Divine Self, more protected, calmer after this incredible weekend.The energies that were built were completely different from what I have experienced before. Many gifts were given to us and higher and deeper teachings came from the most loving higher Divine Beings, Ascended Masters, and beautiful Star Beings of Love.It was a privilege for me to experience it, to received so many blessings and healings. I am more loving, more gentle, more grounded, more focused, more grateful.Now I am more aware of how important it is to love self, to heal self and to protect self so more love can come and then we can help others to do so.The Divine Pineal Gland Activations are the greatest gift one can give to self.Thank you so much Divine. Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for bringing so much love. Thank you for standing for so many hours, channeling in the most magnificent way.Much love and eternal gratitude!"Monica Carvajal Salmeron - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (Spain)
Monica Carvajal Salmeron13/06/2018

"Very privileged I am and grateful to be around people of great heart love.
I felt healing and new energy coming to my body. I feel the love of Holy Archangel Caeayaron.
I learned about chakras, how to manifest love, protect and manifest life. How to work with manifestation codes.
I received healings from Star Beings.
I learned how to connect to codes and work with crystals.
I learned how to attune deeper to spiritual vibrations and how to be in the moment in my life for changes coming, how to bring love to self and release pain.
The Love from the highest realms was very very high and loving, something I have never experienced before.
I became stronger, and totally changed in my way of feelings & being, to more peace and determination, to have no more fear and anger. Only love, harmony, peace. I feel more Me.
I am eternally grateful to Suzanna and Caeayaron and the Star Love Beings, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, to allow it to happen at this time."
Marija Laurineniene - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (Lithuania/England)
Marija Laurineniene13/06/2018

"I feel like I have waited all of my life for these flows. My soul has been crying out for this for many many lifetimes..... tears of release.
Being in the class was like the best day of my life x 1000000. Going back into the world was like being in a thick fog.
I love Halisarius's book, it's riveting and I could not put it down....
Sunshine on the inside now, the fog inside has lifted.
Being in the buzzing energies is fun. The humour of the lessons kept it light.
Toning was powerful, right through my body, blasting out the dross with the violet flame.
Brilliant illumination of all that is not of love. Being shown the violet flame & how to use it, gently, to correct old programming.
Many questions were answered without me even having to ask them."
Lee Marie Breeze - Student of CAEAYARON's Universal Love Frequency Course with Jules Boonen (New Zealand)
Lee Marie Breeze13/06/2018

"I was guided to come and received many healing energies, I had much flushing pass through my physical body & learned a lot that will help me greatly in the future.
I am thankful to Caeayaron & the Star Beings, it was very intense for me.
I look forward to the changes in my life ahead. I also met many wonderful people.
Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel"
Tom Nath (England)
Tom Nath13/06/2018

"Wow, what an incredible gift these activations are!
Over the weekend I experienced so much love, peace, relaxation and gratitude flowing into my being. I felt my chakra system open to divine and beauty and love gifted to us.
We connected deeply to our unlimited flower grids, which I personally feel very attached to and so grateful for, as our flows grow up through our chakras, changing and bringing healing where it is needed. I began to be able to see and visualise so much more.
We were taught to ground our precious energies and claim back our energy flows, cleansed & purified within us.
We were taught how great the gift of forgiveness is for ourselves & others. This strengthened over the weekend and I am so grateful for its power to change our inner worlds and the freedom it gives you.
Our human karma was released. We were taught, by healing self we help bring healing to others, to be gentle & loving to self, to be grateful & see the beauty in all things.
I am so very grateful in my heart to Caeayaron, Suzanna and all of the Divine beings of love and light.
There is so much to be gained in healing your life if you can open your hearts and give yourself the greatest gift by coming to these activations,
Much love."
Makkala Palleson - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand/USA)
Makkala Palleson13/06/2018

"Take a journey of self-healing and inner growth that is priceless and unlimited, with Caeayaron, the highest Archangel and Great Magnetic Aligner. Become a student of Divine and learn the highest ways of living, thinking, healing and most of all manifesting and transforming your human life into the life of a great being, where abundance will flow and change the course of your eternal lifetimes.
I personally experienced shifts in all parts of my being, that felt like unlocking all of my true potential as a human being. My energy body will now be the key to all things flowing in my life. I felt all the shifts of energetic flows brought in by the highest Divine Masters, who gently healed me and guided me into my own inner world, to discover who I truly am and what I can truly become.
My heart was unlocked, and I felt so many loving energies and beings around me to help me grow and flow with the energies brought in. These energies were so great that I felt my physical body tingle and my head become so airy, as if I were floating in a cloud of love.
Join the love flows and become a member of the Divine Love family and become eternally free, never again to be controlled by the pain and fear and limitation tied into human life. Bring healing to yourself and explore the higher states of love & peace and join into the Collective Love Consciousness with all the highest Divine Beings who have created a way to free you from your limited human state, forever! It will be the best and most important decision of your entire lifetime.
What are you waiting for?"
Kaylynn Pagoria (USA)
Kaylynn Pagoria13/06/2018

"We have received the greatest teachings and healings condensed into such a short space of human time. It was incredible how much healing and awakening I felt for myself yet it was so gentle.We learned deeper forgiveness, self-love, thought power, patterns, chakra pathways, manifestation with angels, how to protect your energies and why, how to grow the love within, and so much more, all with the codes so that we are holding it within to access when we are ready.I have experienced, in person, all the activations since August 2015 and the energies of love have grown so much more than we could ever have imagined back then. Now again the teachings have deepened as our consciousness has evolved with all that Suzanna is reclaiming back for the Love and the Light.We even had the great privilege of receiving teachings from QUAN YIN, LORD MAITREYA, GUATRAMA, AMMORAH, and HALISARIUS for the first time at a Weekend One. They were so beautiful, loving, making us laugh so much yet bringing through important messages we need to understand.I am stronger, happier, more loving, and so grateful for being here.With love and gratitude eternally to Suzanna, CAEAYARON and all the DIVINE and Star Love Beings for helping us to heal so we can return home to the higher love realms.Love always. "Jacqui Hanson - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Jacqui Hanson13/06/2018

"I wasn't sure what to expect really and I am not someone who is particularly in touch with my spiritual energy. However, I was in complete awe of Suzanna! She is an amazing channel! She really is 'out of this world', truly unique. All teachings seemed bathed in LOVE. LOVE was the basis for all teachings.I felt amazing energy when Adama gifted us our Lemurian gowns back - this was an exciting experience for me personally and I wanted to 'shout from the rooftops'!After giving and receiving heart hugs with the group in order to help open our hearts, I felt my heart palpitating which I was also excited about because I was actually feeling something.I enjoyed the flower grid meditation and found it quite easy to visualise.I 'saw' lots of swirling energy inside my head at the point the pineal gland was activated - again I felt amazed and excited.I am looking forward to practising the exercises we have learnt to step into the Divine Love and to change my life for the better and for those that I love, indeed to help the planet as a whole.My deepest thanks to Suzanna, Caeayaron, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, Adama, Halisarius, Quan Yin, Ammorah, Lord Maitreya, Guatrama, and all the beings present over the weekend.Namaste, I see the Divine in you as you see the Divine in me."Karen Handley (England)
Karen Handley 31/01/2018

The healings we received this weekend were stronger and more powerful than I could have ever imagined. It was so beautiful to be here surrounded by beautiful Divine Beings of Great Love and Star Love Beings. We were gifted so much healing and teachings far greater than at any other activation before now.I am so grateful Caeayaron has returned with his Light Grid Programmer, Suzanna. The deep memories are returning of how they work together in the higher spaces too.Caeayaron is the greatest entertainer, making us all laugh so much while healing us with great love. There is nothing on earth like feeling and experiencing a weekend of activations with Caeayaron and Suzanna.Come and get your love codes back, feel the love flows again, remember the ancient ways of love, begin to heal your life and start your journey Home. Love always, Jacqui
Jacqui Hanson - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Jacqui Hanson31/01/2018

The learning and the shifts are amazing. Caeayaron brought through learning that was just perfect for me, to help me to shift obstacles so that I can step forward into greater love flows and gifts. He has given me some amazing tools so that I can continue to grow and flourish on my divine pathway as a newly activated star baby.My understanding has increased and will continue to do so as I continue to utilise the tools I have learned. I have so much gratitude and love for such beautiful learning.Much Love Georgianne
Georgianne Crawford (New Zealand)
Georgianne Crawford31/01/2018

This has been the greatest level 1 activation weekend ever. Even though I have been before, the healing that has taken place for me with my trust in divine, my desire & determination to work on healing myself & life greater has grown. My desire to work on divine purpose greater with archangels & star beings of the love has grown greater. Solutions were brought through from Caeayaron that I felt spoke to me strongly, to help me move forward with certain areas of my life.
I'm grateful to be here to have received greater healing for belief systems & thought patterns that have been holding me back in my life from a greater life of love, security & abundance. I'm so grateful for the greatest manifesting exercises & lessons available to us in our whole existence. These exercises & lessons were very practical and relevant to human life.
We learnt how to programme crystals in the highest ways of love, to bring in great higher programmes of love ways to change our lives and to connect greater to star selves & star love guides.
This weekend was so magnificent. These words don't cover the experiences of feelings I felt, these activations are truly something you need to experience for yourself to appreciate. Please if you desire healing in your life, come to these activations - they will bring you to the greatest love & greatest healing/manifestation tools in creation on our human level.
Thankyou Caeayaron, Thankyou Galactic Federations of Love & Light Society & Halasarius, Thankyou to all love star beings & spiritual Lemurians present and Thankyou Suzanna for these activations in our existence, for never letting us go, for all your hard work and dedication to the rise of humanity back into the love levels.
I'm also grateful for all the markers, guidance, people, gifts & blessings I have & am receiving to be here again growing greater in the love and I am grateful to myself for listening to my heart & trust and coming.
Lots of love always
Danielle Roberts - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Danielle Roberts31/01/2018

I am so grateful and humble to be here for the activations. It has been awesome and so expansive to feel and be present in the frequencies.Self-love to me was the most important thing I have learnt. The simplicity of self-love and knowing that this is the basis of moving up into bringing love thru for myself, my family and many others around me is so beautiful. The lesson and emphasis on these are building blocks for taking me on my divine journey back home.Thank you so much. I feel so blessed and grateful.Thank You Caeayaron, Suzanna and Stephen.Much love from me to You All.
Karen Bell - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Karen Bell31/01/2018

This is the beginning of a huge energy shift. I can't describe the types of energy I felt, received, and learned to love during this weekend, but I will try.Suzanna is a huge vibration herself. She taught us what it takes to reach higher consciousness, let go of any fear and anger we keep down inside of us, and how to love ourselves... the good and the bad. Although, there is no good or bad there just IS.I advise everyone to become intrigued in this guidance by Suzanna because it is nothing less than LIFE CHANGING! Caeayaron channels through Suzanna and gives us the codes to an abundance of love and energy flow.I cried a lot, I laughed a lot, but most importantly, I loved the most.I feel blessed to be here. I am here for a reason.... PROJECT ME. Nobody can take this away from me, from us, and the best part is.... There is no limit to self-development!
Namaste. Stephanie Strom (USA)
Stephanie Strom31/01/2018

I am so grateful to Caeayaron and Suzanna Maria for all of the knowledge I received to grow ever more into a Spiritual Healer.The Activations I felt physically like very strong tingles in every cell of my body. I grounded myself in the Divine Light. I am so happy my husband came with me this time.It's so beautiful to see the changes that are happening. Powerful LOVE energies were poured and poured into our mind, body and soul.Everyone should come to the Great Pineal Gland Activations.Much Love, Jennifer.
Jennifer Petro-Goth - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (USA)
Jennifer Petro-Goth31/01/2018

Thank you Suzanna & Stephen for a wonderful weekend of activations and deep spiritual readings and experiences, filled with love, laughter and wisdom.
The flows and epiphanies are profound & I am looking forward to bringing them in earth school and continue growing and clearing my system of unneeded frequencies and living in higher love, trust, peace, freedom and wisdom.
Sophie (Switzerland)

Thank you CAEAYARON, Suzanna and to all the Starbeings, Lemurians & Archangels for the most incredible healings this weekend.
This is a whole new way of living. To walk hand in hand with the highest guides & angels to live a blessed abundant life without suffering & pain.
Lifetimes of pain dropped away during the beautiful tones of CAEAYARON. I am stronger and more empowered than ever before. I have not seen any beautiful human teacher or healer reach these levels of love.
How blessed we are for Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. The Light Grid Programmer, working with CAEAYARON to re-activate our light codes.
Glenda Rainey - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Glenda Rainey31/01/2018

You can heal yourself from illness by changing your thoughts. How many of us believe that sickness will always be a part of your life? How many of us believe that we cannot heal? There will be millions. Imagine how much energy goes into that thought. So why not change that thought.We can start by loving our self. But how do we do that? Well, CAEAYARON has given mankind a Forgiveness Statement.This statement helps you to let go of all fear within you. It helps you to forgive all that has caused your pain to happen. And when you say this, that's SELF LOVE. Come to the Divine Pineal Gland Activations with CAEAYARON, Builder of Light Frequencies and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, his Light Grid Programmer.
Shannon Wetini (New Zealand)
Shannon Wetini31/01/2018

A lot of growth and understanding about the importance of self-love and manifestations. Reprogramming the mind to manifest what you want in life. Shifting my own energy and clearing.Having courage, determination, intention and desire to do what I'm meant to do on this earth. The importance of grounding.
Leon Maloney (New Zealand)
Leon Maloney25/01/2018

"What a beautiful weekend with the Mighty Caeayaron channelled by Suzanna. Soooo many teachings were given. The energies were enormous & felt by all who attended. The love flows were magnificent as were the healings given by Caeayaron.
I have learned so much about love flows, energies, crystals, chakras & how important the sacral chakra is and all about manifesting. Oh so much to take in, the manuals given are beautiful.
Roll on the next 2 weeks when I will receive activation 2 and 3 also the Magnetic alignment and teacher training.
Thankyou Caeayaron, thankyou Suzanna, thankyou everyone who enrolled to the University of Love on Earth."
Sue Carr (England)
Sue Carr25/01/2018

I am very grateful & excited to have had the chance (thanks to my father) to be here. I have learned so much & feel so excited to bring all these beautiful activations codes into my life, & to live without pain, suffering, or fear.
I know my divine life plan & I am going to work towards it & manifest my divine soul mission through self love, universal love, willpower & determination.
I am so glad I have gained this beautiful knowledge.
Thank you so much. I am a star seed baby!!! I recommend this course for anyone looking to bring more love into their life!!
Samantha Strom (USA)
Samantha Strom25/01/2018

Thank you. I really had no idea what this weekend would be like. I loved the fact that it was FUN - not serious - I learned so much. I am so grateful to you for opening my mind to this.
My friend had gone here in August & said I needed this to help me so I could help stress. I help midlife women get out of their midlife meltdown & I believe even this first weekend that I can help them but also, or more importantly, that I can release my fears & anything that is holding me back from becoming my greater self.
Thank you so much. I'm so looking forward to next weekend & the one after.
Much Love, Adrienne xx
Adrienne Marks25/01/2018

How excited I am. These activations are what makes my excitement so strong. The flows I have felt have been so strong, loving, and graceful.The teachings are enormous and are not taught anywhere else.Caeayaron is so beautiful, playful, clever, and strong. He has become my best friend in the universe. I allow "him" into my life every day and I have never been happier. Thank you Caeayaron.What a beautiful group to be a part of, just so much love and kindness.Giddy Up Caeayaron. Bring it on.
James Donaldson - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (Australia)
James Donaldson25/01/2018

The blame game is over. It's time to heal now. Allow yourself to flow in the love.The only way to do this is to get activated with Caeayaron thru his Light Grid Programmer Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.This is my second activation. The information is so clear to me this time round. Not that it wasn't the 1st time. It just seals it.I am grateful for the lessons because I know this is the only way to heal greater. I trust that Divine will always take care of me.
Lisa Wetini - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Lisa Wetini25/01/2018

When you open your heart to Love and make the commitment daily to forgiveness and unconditional Love, with the purpose to heal life and our planet, despite huge pain challenges, anger, resentment, and darkness experience in the past, feelings of being stuck, unloved, unworthy, there is a powerful beacon of Love that fires from your open heart, that holds you up and guides you, keeps you from giving up and one day you arrive at the Pineal Gland Activation.Having faith in the Divine and Love, always know that you cannot go far from the path of purpose and the gift is the P.G.A. and CAEAYARON, Suzanna and the deep knowledge that there is always Light, growth, purpose and the Love that we can change, heal, and help others, helping ourselves first, healing boundaries and ultimate desire to offer up our lives to work for the divine to serve to help in all the activations and making Love be the daily medicine for everyone.The Pineal Gland Activations are a gift from the divine that brings you back home to yourself to the ultimate peace and Love we all desire and crave.We are taught the two greatest gifts - forgiveness and Love.Nothing else matters. Our Light Love Bodies stay with us forever so focusing on this and not false things that don't matter.Becoming a Light being is something I am forever grateful to always. And the miracle teachings are something I am so grateful for.Coming here is the answers to my prayers. So always listen to the guidance and take the desired action decide with love from an open heart NOT with fear and all will be perfect.
Darryl Anne Mooney - Ireland/England
Darryl Anne Mooney14/12/2017

From attending CAEAYARON’s Divine Pineal Gland Activations Level 1 - 4th-6th August 2017CAEAYARON has just delivered THE most amazing and comprehensive teachings and frequencies of love healings available on this planet!Two years ago I attended my first Level 1 Activation weekend in New Zealand and I was completely blown away by what I received then. But now these teachings and love flows were way way way way way WAY higher and more powerful than anything I have experienced since then. WAY WAY WAY HIGHER!!!!!!Wowee!!! The strength of the energies was amazing, the depth of the teachings was even past what we had learned in previous levels of 1, 2, and 3 combined with all other workshops.Every time I am amazed but really it isn’t anything that CAEAYARON hasn’t said that he will do. He is preparing those who desire to come to the activations well before they arrive and so they are holding flows so advanced even for previous Level 3s. And for those who are here as the already activated ones, well we are experiencing shifts of the greatest magnitude, greater gifts, beautiful blessings, and we know we are becoming more of love.I am always so grateful and so in awe and amazement at how Suzanna works. She is so diligent, so strong, so loving, so funny, so courageous, so beautiful and CAEAYARON is building her power up so much. There is no one else who would work so hard for so long to bring this programme into fruition, no one and I am forever and ever grateful to her for this. Thank you SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, CAEAYARON, HALISARIUS, ADAMA, the Galactic Federations of Love and Light Societies, all the Divine and Star Beings of great love, all of our spiritual Lemurian brothers and sisters, and always to Suzanna, my gratitude grows as my heart awakens."Jacqui Hanson, New Zealand (Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON)
Jacqui Hanson, New Zealand17/09/2017

I am from Hamilton New Zealand and I have been blessed to have been able to witness every Divine Pineal Gland Activation with CAEAYARON and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel since April 2015 in New Zealand.
All of the gifts you receive above are only a scratch on the surface to the gifts you actually receive. There is so much evidence to show that these Activations are the highest divine love path there is on this plane.
You too can ask for evidence as to whether or not this is the highest truth - ask Caeayaron to help to you remember this truth through divine signs and markers - he will gift these to you. He desires all of those wanting to create positive, loving change in the world to come on board with this divine plan, rebuilding a love collective so great on our plane to align to a higher love dimension, finally bringing us peace, love, harmony and freedom.
Every time I have done this weekend one
- I have discovered greater trust in divine guidance, stronger spiritual truth within myself, a greater loving partnership with my guides of the highest love and a greater desire to heal all things not serving me in my life. With which we are given powerful healings and tools to be able to do this. It is a divine healing system like no other! You have the ability to choose your path you wish to enter in this life as we have free will on our plane - this was our privilege. So investigate all things - their is a library of resources on youtube under Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for you to feel into. Read the testimonies from people all over the world and feel into your heart - there really is nothing to lose to become activated and everything to gain. I am grateful for the continuous gifts, healings, support and teachings we receive from divine and Suzanna as the designated channel for this great Divine Plan. May all the light code carriers awaken and come to these activations so all things can come into the love once more.
Lots of love and Namaste Danielle
Danielle Roberts