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'One day the people would hear Ultimate Universal Truth being spoken, but who would reveal it and how would it come?', Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, 16 September 2020.


To allow a global shift consciousness to come, what would it require? What effort would it require to create a shift of global peace and love to come? Would anyone have the answers to allow world consciousness to change, to create a shift forward to global love consciousness coming?


A very long time ago, it was foretold a large shift could take place at a time when no more answers could be found by mankind, to shift the world forward. Only then the people might listen to higher Universal Knowledge because mankind would then have proven that they could not bring the people into a future with love, peace and harmony.


Why not? Because mankind does not have the ultimate solution to end conflict and suffering.


This higher knowledge that was foretold that could bring possible hope and unity, would come from one who was sent from Divine Source to speak to the people. This is because Divine Intelligence knows all and understands our human makeup.


A long time ago, the people saw a vision that could allow civilization to change, providing the people were ready to change. It would come at a time when intelligence within creation was aligned to be strong enough, to allow them to come into the time of the Great Pathway of the Choice.


In the higher Universes, well before mankind came to earth and well before creation existed on earth, only Universal Love ever existed. Its purpose was to grow more power with Divine Love consciousness, to allow further changes and growth of purpose to come into existence.


Only Cosmic Laws of Love existed in those universes, to further the consciousness of potential creation power, to allow further evolution creation to come into being.


In the higher love universes, only evolution to increase power existed. All flowed in harmony together, with increasing love universal power, to allow the people to participate with more beauty, empowerment, and creation potential energy. This served the greater purpose to allow more universes in the love to come into existence.


Almost before the Great Creation Door opened, of the 13th Gateway of the New Creation Alignment, the Great Universal Love Potential Frequencies were challenged. There were those who desired Ultimate Power for themselves, and they knew that no judgment existed because the Great Divine Courts had not yet been challenged with the Cosmic Codes of Love prior to that time.


Once the resistance claimed the great power for themselves, they began to quickly reduce the frequencies of Universal Love which resulted in the Universal Falls.


The Codes of Life, which held the memory grids of the original Sovereign Universal People, were challenged and disconnected. This meant that no longer could they live in the higher Sovereign Universes for there was no anchor grid to hold their former memories any longer. These anchor grids were filled with memories of information and coding to allow them to connect back in.


Because the grids were disconnected, the information grids on the higher Sovereign Universal Love Dimensions, fell into the lost spaces. This is why the people became lost in space because the people lost their Divine Love Coding.


The ancients recognized a way back could be received. They knew that ONE would be able to anchor the people into their original Coding System, which would bring them back into true life. True life, in the spiritual love dimensions, is to be able to flow in the Great Universal Love with eternal harmony, beauty, love, and peace within.


The original universes, in the Great Sovereign Love Universes, held no pain or fear conflict within them. Inner conflict only came when the Universal Love Frequencies fell and reduced in power, and when the darkness began to bring the conflict into the soul and star alignment with higher and lower battles within the reflection mirrors.


The darkness who created the fall by reducing the frequencies of Universal Love decided this was good for creation, for according to the darkness this taught the original people of the Great Sovereign Love Universes, 'lessons' like 'humility', 'respect', 'appreciation' and a need to serve their masters.


The darkness believed that it served the people 'right' after having had it good for so long in their previous Universal Love Universes.


Once Lemuria and Atlantis fell the people had no way back up. This was why Jesus came 2,000 years ago to the people in an attempt to align the gate back up again, to allow the people to go back home to the Realms of the GREAT SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL.


Jesus was the Universal Love Channel of SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL. He came with a message that would allow the people to come into the pathway of freedom, love, and peace. This could be done because he held the key to the Sacred Messianic Alignment, as he was the deliverer of the Messianic Promise of eternal freedom.


The people in those days, celebrated the message of Jesus. They knew, should he and his close friends step into rulership power together with the Guidance of SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL, that peace and love could come to the people for Jesus was 'The Way, The Path, and The Freedom.'


The authorities, however, did not desire Jesus' message to be heard. They claimed he was 'false' and that he promised the people salvation. This is why they called him, sarcastically, the Chosen Messiah.


They didn't want Jesus to bring more empowerment to the people, for the authorities desired the people to stay enslaved within their consciousness.


For these reasons, and more, Jesus became crucified for being able to speak with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. Jesus knew that all answers of freedom were within his Universal Love Channel, as he was the Light Coder, able to bring wisdom to the people to allow answers and knowledge to be heard. He also knew that love and peace could only happen if the people appreciated the knowledge coming through, and if they were willing to work with him as the Universal Love Channel.


Before the day of his crucifixion began, a large court case happened. In that court case Jesus was asked several questions, such as: ‘Who speaks through you, Jesus?’ ‘With whose right do you bring through the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL?’ ‘Do you claim to be the Ultimate Saviour, Jesus? If so, that would mean that you claim to be the Ultimate Creator, for only the Great Creator has the power to bring the nations to freedom.’


This was why Jesus was called a blasphemer in those days. Jesus, however, always stated he spoke with Ultimate Truth. He stated that they were not his words he spoke with but they were the words of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.


He could never carry the message of freedom through on his own but it was THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL who could guide the people to eternal freedom and salvation.


Jesus was not crucified (like the churches base their main main beliefs on) to be a sacrifice for the sins of mankind. He did not teach that the people were impure, or that he was to be looked at as a Saint.


He always stated he was a man sent by Divine to allow the message of Love to be spoken.


The authorities found no remains, nor evidence that his body died from the day of his crucifixion. They found plenty of evidence to state that he had survived. Many witnesses stated that they saw Jesus and that he somehow had miraculously escaped.


Jesus escaped death, that day, for he was helped by his close friends who guarded the life of Jesus. His close friends knew that they needed to guard Jesus, as Jesus had the key to life. They knew about the Universal Love Channel and the power of it. They knew Jesus spoke Universal Truth and they did not want to lose him.


Many who witnessed that day of the crucifixion knew that Jesus was falsely charged as a criminal, for he was innocent and pure. Jesus wanted to bring freedom to the people but could only ever do so if the people desired to have him open his Universal Love Channel, with guidance coming through from SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL.


Paul, the self-acclaimed apostle, once Jesus had left the area, claimed he was approached by the Lord to carry the message of Jesus. Paul began to severely alter the teachings by stating that Jesus was the lamb and that Jesus was the sacrifice for the sins of the nations and the people.


Jesus and his close friends heard what Paul had done to the teachings and how many of their friends were severely persecuted by the actions of Paul.


Paul, still working with the authorities in those days, attempted to remove all traces of Jesus' pure transmissions coming through his Universal Love Channel. Paul gave the names of Jesus’ true followers to the authorities to stop the teachings of Jesus being spread.


This brings us to several interesting issues. The church, who based their teachings on Paul rather than Jesus, created their salvation story to ensure that truth remained hidden. They claimed that they had the authority to speak for the lord, and that the lord had told them that salvation could only be received if the people repented and turned to 'Jesus Christ', the lord and saviour.


The church also placed other teachings in their belief systems that had nothing to do with Jesus. One of these teachings was the actual torture 'cross' of Jesus.


It may interest you to know that Jesus never was crucified on an actual 'cross'. It is not possible that a man could hang from the cross, as the body will not support the weight distribution. When you do research, you will find that Jesus was crucified on a stauros, which is an upright stake.


They placed nails within his hands, ankles, and wrists with long, thick nails. They pushed in large thorns in his brain, ensuring he could never communicate with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL ever again. They made sure that he could not lean his head back while he hung there to rest because of his thorn crown.


Jesus never wanted to be sacrificed for the sins of the people. His purpose was to bring freedom to the nations. He knew that sin did not exist in the eyes of THE GREAT SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL. His message was to bring freedom from enslavement consciousness.


The church brought in teachings not only of 'salvation', 'sin', and the 'cross' but also the resurrection day. The resurrection day heightened their theories of a saviour further. There never was any evidence to state that Jesus died on that day in the first place, but there was plenty of evidence to state that Jesus had survived that day.


Jesus never believed in the trinity. When you research history you will discover that the trinity comes from old beliefs from Babylon. The church placed the trinity belief with their core beliefs to further their own salvation teachings. Jesus always stated he was sent by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL as the Divine Messenger, The Word, to bring the message to the people. He never desired worship, nor did he claim to be part of a ‘god head.’


As for his ‘virgin’ mother Mary, this ‘virgin miracle’ was created on purpose by Jesus’ close friends and family to protect baby Jesus from being killed by King Herod, after Jesus was born. Unfortunately this false illusive story, created to protect baby Jesus, worked well to 'prove' the story of Jesus being the 'Saviour.'


Mary was found pregnant while not being married to Joseph. In those days it was unlawful to fall pregnant in those circumstances. Mary knew that her own and the baby's life would be in danger so they created the story of Mary being a virgin. This created a safety net for both Mary and Jesus.


They needed to go into hiding because large persecution had entered the land, upon King Herod and certain High Priests hearing of a baby being born to bring the Sacred Promise to the people.


This Sacred Promise was to bring them freedom from the persecuted state they were in during those days. King Herod, and other officials, refused to give up their authority to some baby who was the deliverer and who held the message of the promise.


King Herod sent out his wise men, at that time, to see if they could find out any information, as to whereabouts the baby could be hidden, if he could be found outside of the city.


Soldiers of the authorities in those days killed many babies in torturous ways in front of their mothers. Many other babies were taken away from their parents and their parents were unable to find them ever again. This was purposely done as a warning to the people, to never overtake the rulership of the king or any other authority.


Jesus knew the high risk possibility of torture coming his way, for he was the one foretold to bring through the message of Messianic Freedom, and yet he also knew that the future for the people relied on his courage to keep going.


He knew that in that lifetime the Gate of Life needed to connect (even though he did not have any idea how and when that would take place at that time. He did not know that it would happen in Glastonbury, well after the time of his crucifixion), if the people would ever have an opportunity to align back up to the Great Promise of Freedom.


Jesus always talked about the ONE pathway of life that could lead to eternal salvation, and that true salvation could only come if the people desired to come into the love and listen to SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL, which is why he often taught his listeners to pray to THE GREAT FATHER asking HIM to give them strength, love and council.


Well after the time of the crucifixion, about 400 years after that day, the council of Nicaea set up a new cornerstone foundation, based on the teachings of Apostle Paul. They created a church based on those teachings knowing full well that evidence of Ultimate Truth still existed which is why they decided to hide more information during those times.


Many people fought against the church for they knew that the church was based on false teachings. This is why many people were killed and persecuted, in those days, and many were burned alive.


The councillors knew that it was possible that Jesus would return because it was within the evidence that a man came with an unusual gift, and that the teachings came from SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL.


This is why the foundation of the church was so easy to build upon Jesus because of this unusual gift. In those days they did not understand what a transmitter was, or the gift of Jesus being the Ultimate Truth Revealer; that being the Universal Love Channel.


The church did not want spiritual gifts to be accepted, so they tried hard to remove all forms of mediumship or communication with higher beings from the consciousness of the people by means of severe judgment.


Jesus was the ultimate spiritual communicator for he brought the VOICE of THE GREAT SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL through. Channelling is the greatest form of mediumship. A channel is able to bring through messages from the spirit realms.


Jesus was the Universal Love Channel and, like he said, he was sent by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL directly to the people, for only ONE could directly communicate with DIVINE PURPOSE. He himself stated that is why the GREAT FATHER sent him to the earth, and he became 'flesh' and walked with the people.


The people, in those days, who listened to him, knew that Jesus walked with EMMANUEL. Many called him EMMANUEL when Jesus was in communication with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. They knew that Jesus spoke with Divine Authority, as when Jesus was in direct communication with THE GREAT FATHER, the words from DIVINE CREATION EMMANUEL came through with messages through Jesus.


This is why the authorities did not desire Jesus to be with the people because they did not want THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to lead the people forward to Ultimate Freedom.


The questions here are:


* What if The Word came back, and if she was a woman in this lifetime, would the people recognize the True Messenger?


* Would they want to support her and protect her in this lifetime? Or would her end be the same as Jesus?


* But what would happen if the people discovered afterwards that all she said and brought through was in actual fact 'Ultimate Truth?'


* What if The Word was stopped right now from bringing Divine Messages through to the people? What would happen to the world then?


* But what would happen if she was to carry on working as The Word as The Divine Messenger at this time? For then Ultimate Truth could be further explored.


If she was to carry on with her work questions would be asked and answered such as:


* How would the world need to change?


* Would the people care enough about the foundations on which society is built upon at this time?


For when the people begin to explore how society is built upon the power of the church, and the false belief systems, all will crumble down. Then the global consciousness shifts will take place, would it not?


People would then need to face reality, that Jesus was a man sent from Divine Realms, and that he did actually reincarnate many times, to bring the people into a time when he could return as a 'she'.


* They would begin to understand the Universal Love consciousness and,


* Why Jesus was strong with the Divine Message of Great Love.


Now, through the Word and The Truth Channel Revealer THE GREAT CAEAYARON comes through, as well as THE GREAT EMMANUEL.


CAEAYARON comes through as THE GREAT REVEALER, like the bible explains in Revelations, as the Great Archangel who was foretold would come to speak his messages through The Word.


What if all these prophecies were coming true at this time? What if:


* Jesus held the same purpose as Suzanna Maria Emmanuel?


* What if reincarnation was true, then that would explain why both of them aligned to the same purpose?


* What if all Jesus stated was true, and that he spoke with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL with his Universal Love Channel?


* What if Suzanna Maria Emmanuel also speaks with the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and CAEAYARON WITH her Universal Love Channel?


* What if they both were The Everlasting Blue Ray, the Blue Star the ancients saw coming?


* What if Jesus has the same purpose as Moses to lead the spiritual nation forward to allow this timeline to come about? What if Jesus and Moses both were The Everlasting Blue Ray, Divine Love?


* What if Suzanna Maria Emmanuel has the same purpose as Jesus and Moses, and many other leaders and prophets, including ordinary people living alongside many other people, to allow this one gateway to open: The Messianic Gateway Alignment where all could become restored back to True Divine Alignment?


Many people will believe this to be a fairy tale, as if that ONE Messenger could never be true. No where else in the world can you find that ONE channel, other than when you are with that ONE channel yourself.


When the people hear that ONE channel speak with Divine speaking through her, and when they are with that ONE channel, they begin to open to a whole new paradigm shift.


At that moment, of witnessing this miracle taking place, they begin to consciously understand the mission of Jesus, why he was crucified, and why all crumbled down into religious dogma stories. They also see why the church based all their religions on the miracle of Jesus, as twisting those truths gained them mass power.


It was always foretold through Jesus himself, and others also, that one day all would become exposed and that again Jesus would rise, though in another body.


Would the people still desire his death at that time, or would they see all things as they truly are, and begin to realize that ONE was sent to bring Divine Alignment to the people?


Would they be intelligent enough to analyse all in the world, and would they begin to open enough within their heart to care for humanity, and all that needs to be done to expose truth to allow all to align upwards?


Please stay in the forgiveness for all that has happened, and study the teachings coming through my (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel which are posted on YouTube for all to study and watch.


Personally, I remember the pain and the agony of not only that lifetime, but many other lifetimes I was sent to the planet, in an attempt to expose all what the darkness had done.


Again, I am being asked to allow all to become seen through my Universal Channel, and each day I am being asked to allow my Universal Love Channel to strengthen.


I personally ask CAEAYARON that the people, this time, can begin to accept that this extraordinary gift is in fact true and that ONE was sent to the earth to bring Divine Messages through, in the hope that people will begin to listen and turn to Divine Guidance, to allow the time of the Great Restoration to happen. This can only happen if a large collective of people desire the Universal Love Alignment work.


I was asked to bring this information through. Please know that this was transmitted through from the Galactic Federations of Light Societies because it is important that I stand witness to all that is revealed through me.


I send you much love always, from my heart to your heart,


Suzanna Maria Emmanuel


(now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, for this I was assigned to do to be the Sovereign Universal Love Channel. I was assigned by Divine and they gave me the titles of the Sovereign Universal Love Channel, the Word, The Gift of Creation, Universal Light Grid Programmer, Messianic Alignment Universal Love Channel, Universal Love Revealer, and Blue Star Divine Love Element.


My titles are not given by me personally but by Divine Universal Love Creation Source. My Universal Love Channel is my gift to all of creation from Divine Source, for the purpose to assist Divine Love to lift people out of the dense earth grids, to allow Universal Love to come into the Grids. This will allow the New Day of Universal Love Creation to begin.


CAEAYARON created me for the purpose to bring light to all the light grids (which is where my purpose of the Universal Light Grid Programmer comes from). My greater self is the Everlasting Blue Star which is why I am called the Divine Ray of Love. SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL comes through to explain to the people the Realms of Everlasting Creation and how significant the Time of Restoration is.


Disclaimer and legal indemnity: Any information, verbal, written, which includes books, advertising or on any other social media (including Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s website, YouTube, or Facebook, or any other online platforms coming) released by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd (the company was formerly known as Caeayaron Ltd in England and Universal Gateway Ltd in New Zealand), or its employees (before the year 2020 and since the year 2020 began), is intended to provide an opportunity for individual personal growth and insight only.


It is not meant as a replacement for any medical therapy or any other treatment. Suzanna does not claim to be a medical therapist nor a qualified counselor. Her work involves guiding people to their own greater potential. The information she brings through in any way, written, or verbal, will never promise any cure or medical miracle. She will not suggest any medical therapy to anyone. The information she brings through supports self-growth and assists people to find their own path in life.


Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd does not support religious viewpoints in any way, shape, or form. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the messenger of higher intelligence. The information she brings can assist people’s personal life journeys, with greater insight on life if they choose to apply the wisdom for themselves. How people interpret the information, regarding any information provided, is their own personal responsibility. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel cannot be held responsible for any decision people make from any information given through her (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel nor by any employees, or associates, of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd.


Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s work promotes peace, love, and well-being for the world. She allows Universal Guidance to come through her Universal Love Channel as a guide for mankind. In no way will she bring judgment to the people, nor dispute the beliefs of other people.


All is given to the people to allow them to make their own decision. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel operates in the ways of Universal Love and allows all to understand the way to Universal Love. She does not claim to be the Messiah, nor to be the Saviour. She allows Universal Divine Love to explain Ultimate Universal Truth through to the people, to allow all to be seen and recognized as to how consciousness became conflicted and why the Universal Love is the only way forward.


Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel®