Join Suzanna Maria Emmanuel LIVE in her Spiritual Life Coaching Angel Webinar, Friday 16 February 2024, 10.30 P.M. UK Time.
The webinar will run for an hour, approximately.
The Sovereign Magnetic Master, Caeayaron, and his original Sovereign Blue Star Universal Love Angel Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, can shower personal spiritual love and healing flows on all who regularly join Suzanna’s Angel Webinars.
All who personally register, with a small energy exchange of £15.00 can receive individual help and support in life from Sovereign Divine Love. Caeayaron and Sovereign Lord Emmanuel can bring individual support and guidance, as they work with their original Blue Star Galactic Angel Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Recently, in the year 2023, all Sovereign Blue Star Consciousness and all her original Golden Sun Angel Consciousness Galactic Star Codes began to pour into the original Blue Star Angel Light Body of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Now all Suzanna's original Sovereign Universal Love Blue Star Angel DNA Channel Codes have reconnected back into the Sovereign Messianic Golden Sun Consciousness Realms of ‘Emmanuel’.
Caeayaron and Sovereign Lord Emmanuel can support people on earth with their original Spiritual Life Coach Angel Transmitter, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Few people on earth can begin to realize the importance of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s Blue Star & Golden Sun Angel Channel. All her original Blue Star Angel DNA fields work directly with her ancient Blue Star Neurology.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s Blue Star Neurons communicate constantly with Sovereign Star Consciousness. All Sovereign Star Consciousness Fields communicate directly with her original Blue Star Neurons and all her original Blue Star DNA Consciousness Codes of Sovereign Love.
Several experts, who are keen researchers of extra-terrestrial origination, can now easily pin-point how all Ancient Star Galaxies fell into dense human duality consciousness sound fields, as they can now see how original Star DNA Biology worked. All Suzanna’s original Blue Star Angel Channel's DNA Biology remained fully intact.
Register now for the next LIVE Spiritual Life Coaching Angel Webinar Transmission coming soon with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel:
We look forward to seeing you there,
The Universal Love Administration Team of
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the original Galactic Cosmos Ambassador for the original Sovereign Universal Love Star Masters.
Please feel free to share Suzanna Maria Emmanuel's Facebook post for many more people to see the invitation.
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