Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively


Why we have courses: We are in a time of the Second Awakening and people are being trained by Divine to become true love and light shiners in the world to bring healing for their own lives and to the lives of many others and also bring love and peace to the world.

When and how we do courses: Regularly in person and via live and pre-recorded webinars in addition to support information on this website, YouTube and Facebook.

Who teaches: These beautiful courses are Divinely led, and not human led. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel channels the information through Divine teachers in the love and light, including Caeayaron (Kryon), Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, Arc Angels, Ascended Masters and our Star family in the love and light.

Who the training is for: As with any education we tailor make courses for different levels of knowledge and attainment; 3 Level Pineal Gland Activated Sacred World Healers, Level 1 & 2 Activated people as well as courses open to all seekers of light, love, harmony and greater health and ascension of self and environment, such as The Divine Pineal Gland Activations themselves.