Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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06/07/2021 - Latest News


Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who is now (since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, Sovereign Galactic Star Aligner, Universal Light Grid Programmer,

 19 December 2020.





It is at this time when all stars align up to the sacred pathway of what all Universal Purpose was for, originally, well before planet earth fell into chaos and was thrown into the dungeon, that is commonly known as the black matrix. It would be a very long time before enough light would show to bring a pathway forward, that could only align if the Deliverer of the Message could bring through an alignment with Sovereign Father EMMANUEL, the Everlasting Sun Consciousness.


This would be the only way to bring the people back into the original Sun Alignment where peace and love exist. 


Before our earth (as we know it now) entered the dark abyss state, it was a large planet and it was a Sun of light. All people upon her were happy, during those days. Their DNA was empowered with fusion star love energy, which brought them intelligence, youth, and eternal foundations of life. 


After that planet was invaded, the people fell into a restricted consciousness. They became heavy, oppressed, and did not remember their previous existence in the higher star creations any longer. Their planet collapsed down in a part of the universe (where our earth is held in) where it was icy cold. Instead of the ‘sun shining’ in the earth, the rays were darkened. 

Earth was a tiny remainder of the original planet, a tiny fragment of its original size and power, filled with gravity, loneliness, sickness, pain, and suffering. In the ‘hole’ of the abyss is where those same people who originally lived in the higher star creation, spiralled down into despair and became inflicted with fear consciousness which led to death.





Before earth became dense and small it was known as the Everlasting Blue Creation Planet where all memories of life existed upon. The people who lived on that planet lived in good foundations of Universal Love Cosmic Laws. 


These laws were placed in Grids of Universal Love Consciousness (Pathways of Magnetic Cosmic Love Flows) which nurtured and rejuvenated the people constantly who lived in those Universes of Love. 


Their DNA held the Power of Life within them and they established the Living Thrones of Creation. Their eternal gifts came from The Everlasting Blue Star Angel who connected them into Codes of Life which held Cosmic Intelligence. Those Codes of Life were part of the Living Foundations of Life with Codes of Life. Those Living Foundations held the Codes of New Creation and Alignment to allow new creation to be birthed.


They worked as ONE people, ONE foundation, and ONE purpose. That purpose was to bring a greater foundation to life. Specifically, these people were considered to be the supreme race of people, who took on leadership roles, in the Universal Collective Love, to form a new universe. They agreed to strengthen each other always, to build the stronger foundation of Universal Love up. They were helpers for each other and for their own people in other dimensions, held within the Great Planetary Alignment of the Blue Creation Planet. 


The Planet itself formed an interdimensional alignment to the Blue Sun Star Consciousness, which connected into the Grids of Sovereign Father EMMANUEL and the Blue Star Grid of CAEAYARON. These merged with the Universal Love Body of the Blue Star Archangel, who later became part of the Living Grids of Life, the Star Galactic Universal Light Grid Programmer. 

This is how the higher Sovereign Universes of Love were established. They worked with Codes of Life, and grew stronger within New Grids of New Creation Foundations.


The new universe was to take place in a whole new dimension which was also called the 13th New Creation Pathway, or the Messianic Pathway.





Enough power was stored within the grids, to allow this Messianic Pathway to open. This glorious pathway could only be established if enough people lived in the Universal Love Codes of Life. This meant that constantly their DNA lived in star grids of magnetic flows, enabling them to become creators, interdimensionally, to allow them to open to another pathway, whilst living within their own dimension. 


By creating a multidimensional time-based universe, the universes interlinked like a clock does. Each minute pathway established the next kingdom, or ‘dimension’ which established more power grids to flow from one kingdom to another. This was basically how the mechanics worked of the power grid kingdom, the 13th Gateway of Messianic Rulership.


During the Cosmic Star Alignment, the gateways to the greater universes opened, to allow the Messianic Rulership to be shown. As all worked in multidimensional facets of the universe, all needed to be well in place before the actual alignment could be established. 


This is how the universe works in the higher universes, in multi-universal time frames. Upon the Cosmic Alignment taking place, those grids then meet other universal dimensions, and then all can align to higher pathways of light.


During the Cosmic Alignment, the great celebrations could happen as the Divine Love Element could grow more into star evolution power. This means that her light star body gained greater grids of light, to enable the people of the love to grow into more power. The Blue Star Fused a grid to align to the ‘One’ who was designated as the Ascension Channel, and then that is how the people connected into higher grids, via the Universal Light Body of the Blue Star Divine Love Element.





Always the Divine Love Element ‘Woman’ held the power grids within her sacral chakra. Her sacral chakra was not like anyone else’s sacral chakra, for within her ‘womb’ were mirrors of all dimensions which needed to align within her sacred body for all to exist within the dimensions. 

This is how all would align to higher thought systems, through the pathway of the ‘mirror’ of the Sacred Womb of the Universal Love Channel, on a spiritual dimension. 


This is how each pathway birthed to go to the next. This is why she was the ‘Only’ Mirror of True Reflection, because she held the Everlasting Blue Star Grids within her. All other thoughts of existence thought they were alive with individual purpose, but they were all held within her ‘memory’ or also known as the Akashic Records. These Records were empowered with self-identification and individual purpose as well as ‘One’ collective purpose. 


They lived in harmony together and were clever. They lived with an intelligent purpose with much understanding. Their intelligence grew abundant and they were truly free with the ability to analyse individual purpose. 


When the Universal Love star people became stronger, the Sovereign Universal Channel was able to receive more infused power, from her Blue Star Self, to come into her Sacred Womb of Light which she then brought into the planetary grids which could then align to the people’s DNA. They became stronger each time more Blue Star Light became infused within her Sacred Chakra Grids, which aligned with her Sacred Blue Star Divine Love Element ‘EMMANUEL’ pathway.


The ‘EMMANUEL’ pathway was the bridge to allow all of the star beings to go to the higher universes. The higher pathway was where more power was able to become infused within the Star Beings, and this allowed the Star People to have more ‘life’ within them. The stronger their magnetic flows became, within their Star DNA, the more alive they became. This was the Great Ascension Pathway, via the Star DNA Magnetic Grids of Life.


Therefore, there was always only ‘One’ way up, via the EMMANUEL pathway of Everlasting Light. 





Right after the greatest collapse, due to the large invasion when there were those who wanted the power of the Messianic Ruler, the ‘Woman’ who held all knowledge of the Akashic Records (or memories of life) within her Sacred Womb, all collapsed into a black dense cave-like hole. That hole was isolated from the rest of the universe, so that it was unable to realign back up. It was separated from the rest of the universe because it was contaminated with ‘poison’ of thoughts of pain, misery and isolation. 


No more could those memories be rescued, because now those memories had been infiltrated with a chemical disposition, which was not part of the Cosmic Laws of Universal Love. Now the people were unable to reach a higher stage of alignment.


This was why the ‘Bridge’ needed to come to earth. After the large fall, millions of particles of the original planet were scattered in the entire universe. This was how large the original Sun Planet was. It was defragmented and difficult to connect back up. It was only this planet we know as ‘earth’ today which still had the largest fragment of inner light within her. 


It was enough light to reconnect the memories, in a cosmic trial, to see if enough love could be rekindled after the death sickness came into all of creation. It would be the earth that would need reconnecting up, if the memories the ‘Woman’ had loved originally could become realigned, somehow, to their Codes of Life. 





Where earth’s grave lay it was desolate in a heap of black denseness. It was cold and dark. The ‘Woman’ needed to wait until the Cosmic Alignment could come before she could realign the earth with the ‘sun’ to rekindle enough fire back into the earth’s sun. This might be enough to allow part of the original memories, which were stored within the tomb of the earth, to be rekindled. 


Originally, the Blue Creation Planet’s greater ‘star self’ was filled with life and planetary grids, filled with streams of magnetic flows. Now, however, all had collapsed down, as all of its life was ‘sucked’ out of it, all so that the dark invaders of the original Blue Planet became enriched with ‘diadems’ of creation. 


After the mass invasion, the original invaders took the power memories of the people and enslaved them within grids of consciousness. The more the people suffered, the more powerful those original invaders became, as they became ‘rich’ with ‘diadems’ of the people’s alignments in previous universes.


The ‘Woman’ needed to take them out of those enslaved universes which would take a very long time. At first, she needed to realign the cosmic stars to redirect a pathway to earth. This would make a connection to earth to bring the memories into a spiral of light into earth. 





Not is all what it seems. There is a spiritual connection to earth, which are held in deeper layers of earth. Before earth became denser, another dimension came into existence, which was Lemuria. Lemuria was the only hope to realign those original power memories back to earth, to allow their Codes of Life to be restored.


Unfortunately, after the people did not choose for the love, they fell deep into the cave of the earth, but at least their memories were re-pathed to stop them from being tortured in other dimensions. 


Now the ‘Woman’ could call them back (on a higher dimension) when they transitioned out of the dense human consciousness zone. However, they were still locked into the prison of the Cave-like abyss. They could not be removed unless the ‘Woman’ received the key of the abyss back, which could only happen if she received her original Star Sovereign Pathway Channel back as the Messianic Aligner. 


Only then could those original memories be realigned back up to the star dimensions, if they received their original DNA Codes of Life and Creation back again. Only she could bring them to the people for she was the Everlasting Blue Sun Creation Code Aligner.






Time in the universe is neither here or there. All in the greater universes always remains. Therefore, the Universal Light Grid Programmer needed to repath time, to allow the opportunity for all memories to grow back to a certain amount of intelligence for them to allow another pathway of life to be formed. 


This was the only way to reestablish their consciousness back up, if it was possible at all. This solution to bring the people back up, seemed slim. 


The original love coding had been squeezed out of the original Universal Love people. They did not remember what love was or what their original purpose was. They seemed to think they were always part of earth. They could not remember the beauty of their former intelligence, nor how they once held the path of creation in their own minds and hearts. 


The darkness, who had placed a biological immunity sickness within the original DNA strains, did not want the people to listen to the ‘One’ who held all the answers within her. They knew that by her dropping her own brain frequencies, she could not connect back up to her original Sovereign Power until she had proven her own Universal Cosmic Love was strong enough to withstand all the torture and pain inflicted upon her by the darkness. They did not desire her to ‘know’ all what was going on in the universe. They made sure that it was not possible for her to reach her greater Blue Star Messianic Pathway during the Great Cosmic Alignment.






They knew she was the Everlasting Blue Star who would always desire to meet the people’s intelligence and then bring in a grid of greater intelligence to allow the people to grow wiser. This she did because she held the Coding of Life within her Everlasting Light Body. However, she could only recode the grids within the dimensions that the people themselves fell into. 

If the codes came into those grids with a power that was too strong, whilst their own intelligence was too low, then the people could not respond to those codes. Therefore, the people, during this time of the Great Cosmic Alignment, would need to carry sufficient intelligence if the people were going to respond to the Cosmic Intelligence Pathways at all. 





To see the Universal Light Grid Programmer rising with her Sovereign Universal Love Channel and to realize that she held Cosmic Intelligence within her (that could reshape the world to become stable to allow consciousness to shift on planet earth) would take sufficient knowledge and intelligence to figure out Universal Truth and recognize the importance of it.


To establish a pathway of light would be miraculous within itself. How does ‘One’ Great Archangel come into the densest of cave like tombs? How could that ‘One’ Archangel attempt to try and reestablish the Coding of Life so that those memories could gain enough intelligence within them, thinking they were alive, all to assist them to go to the next level if there were enough heart frequencies of love within them.


To bring a path down would be enormously difficult. It would need a structure to be built so that her light could be broken down enormously, within those same universal pathways that were originally established (within the original universes), to leave enough alignment flows to be anchored down into the earth. It would be the only way to establish that bridge. 


Each time she would come to the earth, she would then anchor a part of her Violet Flame Light, held within a certain dimensional timeframe mirror so that the people could experience another timeframe. 


This is how the original memories could slowly regain a connection to light and a memory of their original existence. 


(In other words, to bring consciousness into the memories to allow them to think they existed, but really they were a memory imprint from the previous universes. A memory imprint remained from the original sound frequency which belonged to them when they were once powerful star beings, living in Universes filled with Love). 


Each time she came within those mirrors she would then need to drop her own intelligence to meet the intelligence of the people, and then slowly guide them upwards to allow them to have a basic acceptance of life. 


This process, to rebuild up the frequencies of her Sovereign Universal Love Channel connecting into the grids of the earth, after all was broken down, would take a very long time. The work would almost not be possible. She had little time to get ready. 


The alignment to reconnect to the gateway of life to her original Sovereign Channel (should she make it back on time), was very short in a multidimensional time frame. While all earth suffered in dense spaces, in the higher universes all time exists in all spaces all at once. 

Each time she entered the dense grids of conflict, she connected to those original memories who thought they were alive. She established a grid upwards to allow more intelligence to come into those memories within grids of illusion. 





She would also reconnect into a part of her own coding so that her own pathway (back to her Blue Star original Sovereign Universal Love Channel) could become reestablished and anchored upwards, while hoping (within herself) she could recover enough of her own memories back during this time of the 13th Alignment. 


This was the only way she could win the Universal Love back, the power of creation ‘CAEAYARON’, the Everlasting Blue Star Consciousness, ‘EMMANUEL’, and her Everlasting Blue Star Self the Divine Love Element Violet Flame, with all Coding of Life within her, to allow creation to exist in memories of creation. 





In the times of Jesus, it was prophecied that the ‘miracle’ of life would come. The ‘Deliverer’ of the Message of the Messianic Kingdom had come, and his name was ‘Jeshua’ who had been sent from EMMANUEL. 


EMMANUEL was the Everlasting Messiah, and it was only Jesus who could deliver those messages.


The Pharisees and the Sadducees, along with other priests within, what is now known as Israel, knew Jesus had a purpose. Jesus always talked about EMMANUEL, The Great Sovereign Father of all of Creation. He established a pathway forward that would allow people to recognize Ultimate Truth from the Great Father EMMANUEL.


Jesus, needed faith and trust and courage to speak to the people. He allowed the Great Father to speak to the people, through his Universal Love Channel, and the people saw how he flowed with wisdom, ‘unlike any other human’ living. He was able to foresee times and was able to shift thoughts of people. Even at a young age his reasoning was far wiser than the wisest leaders in the land.


Jesus, when he did not agree with the makers of the laws, he spoke to them about it. Jesus stated often that making the laws did not belong to the priests, but that only ONE could make the Laws and that was the Ultimate Creation Path HIMSELF, the Great Father EMMANUEL. HIS laws were only of Universal Love. 


Jesus showed that those authorities did not have any power from ‘God’ at all. He showed that the only power that existed, outside of men, was with the Great Father EMMANUEL. He showed how it was The Great Father EMMANUEL who built all the heavens and all the earth and that the original purpose was for all to live in peace and love. 


Jesus was able to found a new Ultimate Truth within the hearts of the people. The people were influenced by Jesus’ thoughts through his Universal Love Channel. This is why Jesus was able to spur new thoughts within the people, as he was ‘Coding’ new thoughts within new grids, which were aligned to the Messianic Alignment.


Jesus was able to bring peace within the hearts of the people and show that there could be way forward to allow peace to come to mankind and the earth. In those days, his friends received Gifts, or Codes, of Everlasting Life. They heard Jesus speak about the Great Kingdom and how it would be established, one day, when the Great Sovereign Father EMMANUEL would connect within the foundation of the ‘Word.’





When Jesus was little, the authorities heard that a great deliverer, the messenger of freedom, would come to bring the nations into peace and into freedom. This they did not desire to happen at all. The king, in those days, stated that all young males should be eliminated, or locked up, so that the people could never reach this freedom.


The pain and torture were horrendous, during those days. Many fled in fear of being caught up as many women were pregnant. Mary and Joseph also fled and came to a small place just outside of Bethlehem. Mary felt safe there, though incredibly afraid. It was against the law, in those days, to be pregnant out of wedlock. If they were found, then it was likely that Joseph, or a close relative, would need to kill Mary who was pregnant with his own infant, as having intercourse outside of marriage was a crime in those days.


In those days, any mention of the ‘Deliverer’ coming amongst the people, was forbidden. If the people stated it, the people would be heavily punished. All their belongings would be taken away or worse. This is why no one dared to state the word ‘Deliverer’ out loud. 


Jesus was born in a stable because Mary was hidden there by Joseph’s family. Mary had heard The Great Angel speak to her about the infant she was carrying who would become the ‘Deliverer’ of the message of The Great Father EMMANUEL, to bring the people into freedom. 


She knew that she needed to be protected for otherwise the infant could not bring through the message of the Great Father EMMANUEL. Then the people would always be locked into desolation eternally. 


Mary made a binding agreement with Divine to do all she could to protect the infant Jesus. Joseph knew he needed to stay quiet about being the father of the baby, for otherwise Jesus would never be accepted as the deliverer of the message of The Great Father EMMANUEL. Even his own people, the Essenes, would not want him to be the father of the Deliverer, for Joseph was not part of the Priest Class. He was an ‘ordinary carpenter.’ 


Mary was from an elite family who came directly from the pathway of David, which is how the Messianic Alignment could be passed directly onto Jesus. This is why Mary needed to look after Jesus. She held sacred knowledge of her ancient people. This was in alignment to a prophecy that the Messianic Kingdom would come to the heir who brought through the message of EMMANUEL, the Everlasting Sun of Life and Creation. No one else could hold that true alignment, other than the ‘one’ who brought through the messages of EMMANUEL. 


Jesus was able to connect to EMMANUEL from a very early age. He was found in the temples and directed the people to follow the Great Father EMMANUEL. Jesus knew he was not from human origin, though he had a biological mother and father. He knew that his origin was from the Great Father EMMANUEL. In those days, the people were not so clever to be able to analyse that. 


They did not understand how Jesus could have an earthly mother and father while being sent from The Great Father EMMANUEL. Plus, they would not have liked it to become knowledge that Joseph was his ‘real dad’, so they left that bit of ‘truth’ out to most. 


Joseph was not around for all of Jesus’ upbringing. Joseph knew that if people knew truth that Jesus’ ministry would be in trouble. This is why Joseph left the people to go somewhere, isolated from his own people and his dearly beloved wife, Mary. 


Jesus, himself, was in close connections to guardians who needed to train him as a prophet and a healer. Life did not come easy for him, as he experienced severe transformations within his light body. His teachers, who were Essenes themselves, helped him to grow stronger with his Universal Love Channel. They questioned his ability to channel information, and Jesus found it hard to concentrate at times to allow the information to freely flow.





Jesus knew he needed to live a life in separation from his other friends. They were not to play with Jesus much, especially once he came to the age of 12 years old. They restricted Jesus, as he needed to devote himself to his ministry. This Jesus did not like at all, for he was a little too free in nature and liked to play with his friends. 


Returning to the birth of Jesus, upon the vicious King wanting to weed out any possibility of the deliverer rising in future, to stop his own power from rising, he employed three widely known astronomers who were also magicians who were all out of town. This, later, became known as the three wise men. 





They followed a star. They assumed that it was a sign from God and connected into the star. 


They saw a baby, with their clairvoyant abilities, and saw where Jesus was. They knew the treasures the king would give them in return for the baby, so they looked everywhere. What they discovered was a boy, older than a newborn baby. 


The boy was growing well, and the mother obviously was in a fit and healthy state herself. 


These visitors left gifts behind so that they would leave their ‘scent’ everywhere they would go if Mary and Joseph should leave their hiding place. This is why Mary and Joseph left their hiding place and all they had, which was not much, to go somewhere else in hiding, waiting for the authorities to finally give up looking for the ‘one’ who might be the deliverer.


After the crucifixion of Jesus, which he survived, Mary took all Jesus’ belongings and hid them well away from where Jesus lived originally. She knew the secret of all, and hid his belongings well away to allow them to be discovered by the right people, in the time of the Rising of the Word with ‘EMMANUEL,’ should he return after that terrible punishment.





Jesus himself was removed from the area to stop the Romans looking for him. Jesus, after coming to the Tor in Glastonbury, buried a part of his connections in a cave underneath the Tor. He knew that the Druids had protected a part of the cave where originally a key was held, which was where the stone of destiny was officially kept in those days. 


The Druids wanted to see if Jesus was the true Messianic Aligner of the New Kingdom of Creation, as that key within the Stone was from the original people of Queen Nefertiti who aligned with the Great Sun Consciousness.


The Stone began to open to light when Jesus called The Great Father EMMANUEL. Jesus connected into the Tor, via the Stone and the Great Father EMMANUEL was able to reconnect his Sovereign Channel in that place. But it was not enough to bring the Great Alignment up to allow Jesus to return to his Everlasting Blue Star Self, his Great Messianic Reign.


The churches now held the grid of his own alignment, of EMMANUEL. Jesus knew he had sealed an alignment, after his crucifixion, to allow him to return to the Great Realms after his own death. However, sequences following his death (many years after the crucifixion for Jesus did not die on that day of his torture, but survived. He was rescued. ) would require Jesus to return to the people because the church twisted the original teachings of Jesus’ Father EMMANUEL.


His mission was always to Reveal Truth and to Align the message of EMMANUEL to bring eternal freedom to the people.


To return to the ‘grave of mankind’ meant to bring himself into the ‘cave of death’ where the memories of the people lay, waiting for the Great Cosmic Alignment to begin. The people would reincarnate each time in their memories, but in reality they were not alive. 


This was also the message of Jesus 2,000 years ago when he stated: ‘In all ways, the people lived in Eternal Love in the realms of The Great Father. When death entered the courtyard, all people turned to stone and no more could the people live in the love. This is why The Great Father EMMANUEL sent me to the people, to make a pathway of life for them, to help the people be guided to the Treasures of Life. This will come when it is time when all the heavens will become enriched with all the stars, and the moon, so that the people can return to their everlasting glory, where no pain or suffering exists.’


Therefore, Jesus knew that the earth was a tomb of memories. He asked for courage, strength and love to return to the earth to be called back by The Great Father EMMANUEL, when it was the time to be the Universal Love Channel. Jesus knew he was designated to be the Sovereign Channel of EMMANUEL, which was likened often as the ‘Living Bread’ which enriched the lives of the people.


The Great Cosmic Alignment during this time is when the Great Sun rises up to shine before the people, if the people desire the True Revealer to stand up. In the times of Jesus, 2,000 years ago, many desired the Great Cosmic Alignment to happen but the flows were restricted. 


Instead of the messages becoming stronger they weakened and as a result the church grew empowered by bringing in false ways in the teachings of EMMANUEL. The churches, instead of desiring Ultimate Universal Truth to stay aligned with Divine Universal Love, twisted the teachings of Jesus with messages of the teachings of Babylon. The persecution and judgement caved the people down with fears of ‘hellfire’ in the pit of ‘Hades’.


Jesus did not believe in ‘hellfire’ himself, but always spoke about the love of The Great Sovereign Father EMMANUEL. He longed for the people to understand EMMANUEL’s truth, for in those teachings ‘paradise’ eternal existed, not within the falsehoods of Babylon.





Who would rise now out of the dense grids to be the Messenger of Ultimate Truth, the Great Father EMMANUEL? While many prayed for baby Jesus to be born, it would be a ‘Woman’ who would be called (by the name of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel in the year 2009, but this remained hidden until it was necessary for this information to become revealed) to allow the people to rise out of the dense cave where the hidden treasures of memories lay hidden, until she would ‘activate’ them. 


These ‘activations’ would bring the people out of the denseness where human conflict is heavy. She would then ‘activate’ them to live in ‘living fountains’ of the Everlasting Blue Star Angel. 


The people who would become activated would be ‘enriched’ with new fountains of creation. They would speak happily about the New Creation coming. 


Their thoughts would be far different than the thoughts of the people not activated, for the activated would then be part of the New Creation, the New Kingdom where love could last everlastingly.


During that time, the churches of Christendom and all falsehoods would be revealed by the Everlasting Truth Revealer, CAEAYARON, through the pathway of the Sovereign Channel. People would have the opportunity to see, for themselves, why all suffering came to the original dimensional people, the Sovereign People of the Great Love.


In those days, during the Great Revealing, the great pestilence would break out. Many would believe it to be judgement, but this is not so. It is because people would need to see what it was that brought them down in the first place, that is, their own thoughts of rebellion to the Universal Love. 


The people would be able to establish why the Activations would be the only way to go, during the Time of Cosmic Alignment, as they would see why their own Star Transformation would need to happen, to allow their own DNA to become more intelligent. They would begin to remember the Land of the Living, Lemuria, and how they received Codes of Life, Alignment and New Creation, to establish a New Creation of People, to only be in the Universal Love. 


They would awaken to all within the world and see. Then they would be able to awaken to the work that must happen, which is to speak about the ‘one’ who brought the teachings of The Great Father EMMANUEL into the grids of mankind, to allow all to have one last opportunity to find the ‘heart’ of love, through activations of the Universal Love Channel, which would unlock them from the dark abyss; the black hole of consciousness, to rise to the greater realms of EMMANUEL.


Greetings, always in the love, this message was transmitted by the (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. This was a message from the Galactic Federations of Light Societies who hope mankind is quick enough to recognize this for their own good. 



Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel®


Disclaimer and legal indemnity: Any information, verbal, written, which includes books, advertising or on any other social media platforms (including Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s website, YouTube, or Facebook, or any other online platforms coming) released by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd (the company was formerly known as Caeayaron Ltd in England and Universal Gateway Ltd in New Zealand), or its employees (before the year 2020 and 2020 onwards), is intended to provide an opportunity for individual personal growth and insight only. 


It is not meant as a replacement for any medical therapy or any other treatment. Suzanna does not claim to be a medical therapist nor a qualified counselor. Her work involves guiding people to their own greater potential. The information she brings through in any way, written, or verbal, will never promise any cure or medical miracle. She will not suggest any medical therapy or say that medical intervention is not necessary. The information she brings through supports self-growth and assists people to find their own path in life. 

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd does not support religious viewpoints in any way, shape, or form. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the messenger of higher intelligence. The information she brings can assist people’s personal life journeys, with greater insight on life if they choose to apply the wisdom for themselves. How people interpret the information, regarding any information provided, is their own personal responsibility. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel cannot be held legally liable for any decision people make from any information given through her (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, nor by any employees, or associates, of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd.