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04/07/2021 - Latest News

'PAUL, WAS HE A TRUE MESSENGER OF TRUTH?' - by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, 19 October 2020.


When we consider what Ultimate Universal Truth means, how do you interpret it? The word interpreted must be analysed further to get to the bottom of the truth, would you not agree?





Many experts have tried to focus on the word 'truth' for many thousands of years. What is truth? How can truth be analysed? What techniques are used to discover truth? Who can know truth? 


Many scriptures have been read and worked through, hoping to discover the key to Ultimate Universal Truth. Surely, they reasoned, if Ultimate Truth could be found then all answers to the greater purpose could be established. 


How many people have created interpretations and perhaps misinterpretations by bringing through their own thoughts and wisdom, only to discover some discrepancies later with questions arising without any answers available?


Many saints in the past were established who brought through enormous belief systems, based on their own truth and their own interpretation. Because they were sufficiently supported by a collective group, these saints became known as having ‘truth’ many still believe in today. 

Let us look at an example and see how a belief structure of misinterpretation could easily be formed: 


For example, if one person receives a part of a scripture, highlighting the word truth and connected into the frequency they believed truth to be, they could come up with the following interpretation: 'Truth is to look for it within the heart and then true freedom will be found. Therefore, keep searching for truth and it will come.'


The other interprets truth also but with an entire other frequency. This interpretation says: 'Serve the path of truth and salvation and that will bring you eternal freedom.' 


Both, at first glance would look the same but on doing deeper research, do they both have the same meaning? 


The first analogy of truth permits the seekers to keep searching for their own ways of truth. It connects into the seekers and even asks the seekers to keep examining to see all things to be true. 

The second analogy of truth warns people away from seeking other pathways, for if another pathway is found, then the opposite to freedom will occur for that person. 

Thus, looking at how interpretation could be placed on ancient texts, it is absolutely critical to keep examining, and to see how all truths reflect back to ancient written text.


This too is how many religions were formed. Each belief system scrutinized their own interpretation, and many branched off to other belief structures. 





Why is this of interest today? What if our entire future connected to the Ultimate Truth of the Great Universe? What if there was, like Jesus stated, ONE messenger sent to earth who could bring Ultimate Universal Truth through, because he was the Ultimate Universal Love Channel. He transmitted words through from the Great Creator, Sovereign Father Emmanuel directly. 

If Jesus was a true transmitter of The Great Father Emmanuel, then he would have had ultimate truth. This would pose a few interesting questions, for the ones who desired ultimate truth to be discovered, and the meaning of his sacred transmissions. 


**Did the religious leaders in those days accept the teachings of The Great Sovereign Father Emmanuel with the ONLY Transmitter Jesus? Or did they deny those teachings and create diversions to sway people away from Ultimate Truth?**


If so, if they denied the teachings coming through Jesus, as being the Ultimate Universal Truth, then none of the religions today hold Ultimate Truth. Then they cannot bring the greater path of freedom through to the people.





Also, this will bring up many other questions. Who was Apostle Paul and why did Jesus and his friends say, well after his crucifixion, that Paul was the great blasphemer?

Then, the next question could be posed, how did the churches become empowered on the teachings of Paul? And, following on with that particular question, how can the churches still present the body of Christ to their followers if Jesus was denied by early Christendom? 


All this relates to today. Why? Because if Jesus was the ONLY ONE who could direct people back to Universal Ultimate Truth then Jesus was the ONE Messenger sent from Divine to allow Ultimate Truth to come through. 

No one else would be able to bring through Divine Truth except the ONE who lived the lifetime of Jesus 2,000 years ago.





It might interest you to know that it took about 400 years, after the crucifixion of Jesus, that a Council of Nicaea was formed. They desired to stop rebellion of the people happening and created a pathway to force society to conform.

Because they were analytical people, they wanted to be the ultimate voice of supremacy. They wanted to be the authoritative voice of God. To do this, they needed to incorporate the teachings of Jesus into their own belief systems of Paul. 

Paul was never ordained by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. How could Paul be the messenger of the same Father Emmanuel that Jesus was sent to be? That would not make sense for Jesus always stated that he was sent as The Word, and that he was the Messenger of Divine Father Emmanuel. 


Jesus even said that if anyone else tried to persuade the people that another messenger would come, in those days, that it was a false messenger and that that messenger was not of truth.

Thus, Jesus’ close followers understood that Jesus was the ONLY True Universal Love Channel who could bring the Ultimate Truth with the Great Father Emmanuel. 


They knew that no other could exist, and that Jesus would return, possibly as a woman, as that is what he foresaw could happen, in the times of the great prophecies becoming revealed. 





Paul was an enforcer of the laws of the people. He was a Pharisee and brought to justice all who claimed to study the law but did not uphold it. 

Paul worked against the followers of Jesus especially after the crucifixion, as he was paid well by the spiritual authorities to dissuade the true followers of Jesus from staying within the teachings of Ultimate Love. 


Paul needed to connect into the truth of Jesus to bring about his own teachings, aligning with the teachings of early Christendom. 

Thus, he went to the followers of Jesus in an attempt to find where the true teachings were kept and how many followers there were. 

These same teachings, based on the teachings of Paul, reflected in the council of Nicaea approximately 400 years after the crucifixion of Jesus. 





The council of Nicaea needed to create a saviour as the path to follow, and to keep the people’s consciousness aligned with their truth. This was not the Universal Truth of Jesus with the Great Father Emmanuel, but the ‘truth’ of Paul and the people he worked for.

Paul created the thought of the Messiah. He began to preach about the connection of Jesus the Saviour and the lamb of salvation and how it was necessary for Jesus to be sacrificed and tortured, as if a lamb was bled before Passover. He related the importance of this, as then the people felt bad and then they could be forced to confess all their sins.


When the people confessed their sins, Paul got to know all their secrets and brought those people to the officials. The officials would then come into their homes and take much of their possessions in punishment. 

Many of the true followers of Jesus were severely tortured for trying to keep the truth of Jesus alive. Paul lined his pockets well, as he was paid a handsome amount of money to keep trouble at a distance.





Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah. In those days, during the Sanhedrin Court Trial, where he was judged and persecuted, they claimed Jesus stated that he was the way to eternal salvation. They charged him with blasphemy. 


This was one of the main reasons why Jesus was brought to trial, as they charged Jesus with him claiming to be the Messiah.


Jesus always maintained he never was the Messiah. 


He stated: “I am the Word, the chosen messenger, sent to the people to bring through truth from my Great Father Emmanuel. He sent me to the people to lead them back to freedom. The people came from the Great Father Emmanuel’s Temple where only Everlasting Life existed." 

Jesus then continued: "When all fell from their great states of perfection, they could not reach freedom any longer. The Great Father Emmanuel desired them to come into freedom, and so I was sent as The Word. I travelled far to see them. This is how much The Great Father Emmanuel loved them, to send HIS only begotten messenger to tell the Universal Truth. 

This is why I speak with The Great Father Emmanuel. I have not betrayed HIS Great Laws, for I am in the Great Love and I bring peace and love to the great nations. I speak not against HIS Great Will, but I was sent to come here as The Messenger." 


Jesus further added: "You state I am the Messiah, but how can I, as a mere man, bring the people to Eternal Salvation? Here I am but a man, can you not see? I eat with the people. I speak to the people. I cannot bring eternal life to the people. The Great Father Emmanuel is the Eternal Messiah. He can bring Eternal Freedom through to the people. I allow myself to be his Word, but HE is the Great Shepherd who guides the people when HE speaks through me.

This is why no one can know the Father except through the messages HE speaks through me, for this is why I was created, to be The Word. No one else HE will speak through, only ONE.”


For this and other reasons, Jesus was charged with blasphemy, for they claimed Jesus stating to be the Messiah and the Son of Emmanuel, which was a sin according to their laws.


Jesus stated many times that he was not the Messiah, and that The Great Father Emmanuel stated Jesus was HIS son to prove that he was the only ONE who was sent directly by The Great Father Emmanuel to speak for The Great Father Emmanuel, for only ONE True Transmitter was created.


Thus, he remained innocent from their charges. He was wrongly charged and crucified as an innocent man.






Jesus, however, maintained that he did not sin against their own laws, for he was permitted to speak with The Great Father Emmanuel. 


Therefore, he was an innocent man. Jesus never spoke of his own sacrifice and that he needed to die for the sins of the people. 


Instead, he connected into the love of the people, and knew how much the people were loved by The Great Father Emmanuel. He was there to bring through an arrangement, which brought the people into freedom when they accepted him to be the Messenger of The Great Father Emmanuel.


This is what he stated about the New Covenant: “I was sent by The Great Father to bring the people into freedom. When the people recognize the way, the truth, and the freedom, they can be set free because they will recognize The Great Father." 


Jesus then continued to speak about The Great Father Emmanuel: "The Great Father desires all to become free. He desires all to understand the pathway of love and freedom, for it is then that the Great Father Emmanuel can bring eternal salvation and freedom to those who choose to see HIS Only Begotten Creation, HIS Firstborn which was sent to mankind to speak to the people.

The Great Father Emmanuel desired to see how much the people had love for HIM, for it was those who would receive Eternal Life. Therefore, HE sent HIS dearly begotten son and said: ‘Let us now see who desires to listen to the ONE Messenger I will send to the people.


Should the people desire to listen, then everlasting life they will receive. They will be showered in freedom and love forever. 


Should they desire not to listen, however, then eternal life they cannot be granted, for how can I, the Great Father Emmanuel, give those ones eternal life when they did not desire to listen to the son, the ONE who I had created to be The Word.”


Once the crucifixion had happened, many desired to spread the teachings of Jesus for they knew how important it was to remain vigilant and to keep on the watch and stay alert to the prophecies becoming revealed. 


They knew that it was important to remain in the truth of their heart. They knew that much resistance to their own truth, within their heart would come and vowed to stay away from anyone who would profess to be the Messiah but were not.


They also knew that Jesus would return many times, in their midst, though they might not always recognize him. Jesus promised to return to them, to assist them with new knowledge, to bring them the time when he would be called back by The Great Father to be The Word once more. 


This time it would be to reveal truth based on all evidence connected to the crucifixion and how he and the people were treated, based on misinformation from Paul, the one who brought judgment to all, and allowed the church to be the foundation on altered teachings of Jesus. 




Thus, now the Ultimate Universal Truth has risen with the Great Father Emmanuel and Caeayaron who have assigned their ONE Messenger, who is now their Sovereign Universal Love Channel, their Divine Revealer of Truth to speak for them. Divine Universal Love have clearly stated that no one else is their messenger. 


This time it is Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who was approached by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL in 2009 to speak through Universal Divine Truth.


THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL has proven time and time again why she is that ONE Messenger and that no one else was assigned to come to earth to speak directly with Divine Universal Truth. 


The Great Father Emmanuel has proven, many times over, the same true teachings which came through Jesus; all to show the Ultimate Universal Truth of Jesus, and The Great Father Emmanuel. 


This time The Universal Love Channel reached the Messianic Alignment in 2020. Jesus was unable to reach that gateway as the people tortured him and crucified him, leaving him to die. 

He did not die on that day and thus no resurrection ever came to be. He continued living, but the same energy Jesus had before the crucifixion was gone, as the darkness had chosen to take him down. 


It would take another 2,000 years approximately, before The Word would rise again and regain that same energy, and more, to allow the Great Alignment to happen. 


The question remains, how will the people treat The Messenger now, who is Suzanna Maria Emmanuel? Will they flock to her side? Will they extend their warm welcome to hear that she has returned? Or will they desire to treat her in the same way as 2,000 years ago.

This was a sacred transmission from the Galactic Universal Love Foundations, who speak for Universal Divine Truth. Greetings.


Please keep in touch with the next Universal Ultimate Truth Revelations when we discover with the Galactic Federations how the Sacred Laws of Jesus could bring the people into eternal freedom.




Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel®


Disclaimer and legal indemnity: Any information, verbal, written, which includes books, advertising or on any other social media platforms (including Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s website, YouTube, or Facebook, or any other online platforms coming) released by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd (the company was formerly known as Caeayaron Ltd in England and Universal Gateway Ltd in New Zealand), or its employees (before the year 2020 and 2020 onwards), is intended to provide an opportunity for individual personal growth and insight only. 


It is not meant as a replacement for any medical therapy or any other treatment. Suzanna does not claim to be a medical therapist nor a qualified counselor. Her work involves guiding people to their own greater potential. The information she brings through in any way, written, or verbal, will never promise any cure or medical miracle. She will not suggest any medical therapy or say that medical intervention is not necessary. The information she brings through supports self-growth and assists people to find their own path in life. 

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd does not support religious viewpoints in any way, shape, or form. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the messenger of higher intelligence. The information she brings can assist people’s personal life journeys, with greater insight on life if they choose to apply the wisdom for themselves. How people interpret the information, regarding any information provided, is their own personal responsibility. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel cannot be held legally liable for any decision people make from any information given through her (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, nor by any employees, or associates, of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd.