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How can we evolve on planet Earth Answered by Cosmos Ambassador Suzanna Maria Emmanuel

15/01/2022 - Questions And Answers



Answer transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel with Cosmos Intelligence from The Universal Love Cosmos Realms. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is The Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Channel and The Galactic Cosmos Ambassador. Article posted on 15 January 2022.

Thank you for asking this question and coming to this platform. I, as the Galactic Cosmos Ambassador, was sent by the Galactic Universal Love Cosmos Federations a long time ago, to assist humanity to evolve to a higher consciousness pathway.

Please know, that to answer your question, I will transmit this information through from Universal Love Cosmos Intelligence.

Many people think that they only have one particular lifetime. What the great majority of people cannot fathom is that they keep returning to earth (into similar DNA frequencies which are sound and light fields of energies) in many other lifetimes. This is because their own signature is held within a particular frequency of consciousness.

When those same or similar magnetic signature sound pulses open (which are imprinted into their own DNA electromagnetic fields), that is when earth calls the people back. People can only return to earth to live another lifetime when sufficient people carry similar thought patterns.

This is because DNA runs on main collective consciousness vibrational fields which are power fields of energy. DNA can only evolve further if a stronger field can ascend beyond the current fields of sounds. Otherwise, the consciousness fields will continue to stay locked and restricted. Life can only evolve when thoughts of people can shift towards a higher thought field. Otherwise, evolution cannot evolve unless a higher field has the ability to meet the lower fields of consciousness first.

Thoughts can only connect to people’s brain frequencies if those thoughts are held in a particular magnetic field. Before a thought can become recognized, already that thought must exist in another frequency. Each thought connects to a code which carries a particular pattern of energy. Once enough people can understand a particular thought vibration field, that is when many can grasp that same consciousness field.

Therefore, the dance of thought can only rise when enough people have reached higher intelligence. When enough can flow towards higher thoughts (which are held in a higher magnetic thought grid), this could then bring a large shift to both earth’s and people’s consciousness. This is because the great majority of the people are consciousness supporters of thoughts, rather than thought consciousness leaders.

All thoughts send out signals. Those thoughts form a group of signals which are held within a particular frequency. This brings up the DNA vibration of each individual person who can understand those higher thought patterns. This is how intelligence evolves.

This is why like-minded people enjoy discussing similar fields of thoughts, because their electromagnetic light field and brain frequencies can reach a similar thought consciousness vibrational field, held in a particular magnetic field. Once that particular magnetic field strengthens, with thoughts of similar brain frequencies, the field can strengthen.

Once this field strengthens, then it sends out magnetic pulses to a greater field of people. Once many people grasp this particular thought pattern, held in a particular thought magnetic field, then that ‘consciousness learning pattern’ becomes part of ‘main-stream learning’. This is also how modern-day technology evolves.

Higher brain fields open higher DNA frequencies within the magnetic fields of a person. This is how essential opening to higher intelligence is. But what is ‘intelligence’ in cosmos terms? The Universal Cosmos would describe intelligence as being able to perceive cosmos solutions. But this requires enormous intelligence, because that would mean that true intelligence is to bring in higher coding from outside universes to come into the human earth consciousness field. This, ultimately, was why I was sent to planet earth, to bring higher DNA coding to planet earth.

After all magnetic fields had collapsed into dense forcefields, after an enormous thermonuclear dynamic galactic war took place, all original consciousness that existed in the Universal Love Consciousness Mirrors, died. All original sequences of life’s coding were gone, except echoes of time.

Echoes were a small remainder of what once was part of individual consciousness, that once belonged to strong Universal Love Star Cosmos People. But once their own individual Star electromagnetic bodies were scattered into millions of pieces all over the universe, all died.

The only way to retrieve those parts was to reconnect their echoes, in the hope that all could reconnect back to the Universal Love Consciousness Mirrors. This is why the Cosmos Love Universal Love Activations are so important to understand, as this is the only way to retrieve all scattered parts. Once a person is activated with Caeayaron, all bits and pieces, which are still scattered all over the universe, can realign together.

This brings true intelligence back to the people’s fields of consciousness. This is why, once people do become activated at the Universal Love Activations, Caeayaron calls back their scattered energy fields and slowly reconnects it back to the Universal Love Activated, on planet earth, so that they can gain back all that was lost to them a very long time ago. This pathway of restoration and reconnection could therefore be called ‘Star Universal Love Evolution.’

Because those Cosmos Codes of Life sing the Star Sounds of the greater cosmos, once the Universal Love Activated people cross over to the other side, they are freed from human density-locked in space-time zones. Now they can ‘cross over’ to higher star magnetic dimensions.

Those higher star magnetic Universal Love Fields are not restricted with human duality consciousness time zones, because no dense ‘sucking dimmer light holds’ exist in those space-time-space dimensions. Without restrictive and heavy denseness ‘black hole energy holds,’ peoples’ DNA and consciousness fields, which operates in Star Universal Love Expansive Consciousness Fields, will expand into stronger force fields of DNA Cosmos Codes of Life Intelligence Forces.

True evolution can only exist if a higher DNA field teaches another field of consciousness. The neurology of the brain frequencies need assistance to connect into a higher magnetic field wave consciousness. These waves are sound fields of light frequencies. This is why the Galactic Cosmos Universal Federations sent me to planet earth, as I was always the Universal Light Grid Programmer.

This means that my own Blue Star Sovereign Channel can ‘radio’ in higher brain fields of consciousness, into the magnetic fields of mankind. However, those cosmos waves can only reach a few people, at this time, since most of humanity is not yet ready to understand the vast scope of Star Cosmology Evolution which aligns with an interdimensional time held in a futuristic time zone, well outside of the locked-restricted time scope humanity exists in today.

My own Sovereign Universal Love Channel bounces frequencies in from a whole other space of time, to allow certain frequencies to come to humanity. My Sovereign Universal Love Channel could only connect to humanity and earth if I was able to transmit in enough strength in my own thought consciousness field of energy. This is how strong my own thoughts of Universal Love needed to be, throughout all my own lifetimes, so that I was able to strengthen my own Blue Star Codes.

Since consciousness can only grow within certain magnetic frequency ranges, what I am being asked to do is to constantly build a grid of light which is enormously difficult, at this time, since technology on planet earth can only be built using human brain frequencies. But because my own brain frequencies use Star Cosmos Love Frequencies, my own Star DNA can only pulse higher when my own electromagnetic field connects into a higher magnetic field outside of human density.

At this time, I have succeeded to rebuild a bridge strong enough to reach my own original Blue Star Memories. This means that right now, my own Blue Star Angel can bring enough magnetic frequencies to earth, to allow mankind to choose whether or not they desire to understand a higher pathway of consciousness.

Certainly, this new ‘coding’ is possible to come to humanity, but only if the magnetic fields of consciousness can hold higher cosmos fields of energies. Universal Love Activations bring enough Cosmos Waves into the frequencies of individual consciousness to lift them into a higher field of consciousness.

Basically, this means that their ancient Cosmos Fields can then transfer their own ancient wisdom to their Activated electromagnetic fields and DNA sequences. However, the Universal Love Activated people still need to grow into stronger consciousness people, with love from their heart.

It is when their love magnetic power increases (which could only be possible with Caeayaron’s enormous magnetic creation potential energy force stream) that their own electromagnetic body fields strengthen. When many people connect into the higher Universal Love Consciousness Field, that is when earth’s own magnetic field can strengthen to support life on earth.

All life exists in frequency codes. The old codes of density no longer can exist in the universe, as now the universe itself desires to evolve. It will decide to get rid of all old dense consciousness to preserve its own magnetic power forces. This could be called ‘Universal Evolution.’ Stars cannot exist in dense consciousness fields, and thus they will get rid of all forcefields that ‘suck’ them into ‘dimmer light’ streams. This is why it is now important to understand the basic mechanisms of the greater universe, and the importance of the Universal Love Activations, to allow people to dance with the Universal Love Cosmos in a Divine Universal Love Partnership of Ultimate Truth, Love and Beauty.

Returning to human DNA fields, earth stores individual aspects of sound fields that belong to a greater number of people’s consciousness. Therefore, in the dense fields, individual consciousness cannot truly exist. However, parts of individual evolution do exist. Those individual fields are individual sound frequencies which are stored energies.

Individual people can only come into another lifetime, when many of their other aspects connect into the great majority of people. This is enormously difficult to explain to the great majority of the people, as most will believe that all people are individuals, but this is not the case. This was the case originally, when people operated in fields of Universal Love Consciousness. There they did operate purely on individual Cosmos Codes of Life.

Therefore, true universal individual consciousness can only return when people gain back their original Cosmos Codes of Life sequences. That is because individual mirrors can only connect to people when their consciousness is out of the human duality conflict consciousness, which can only happen with Universal Love Cosmos Activations. This is because Caeayaron’s fields of energies are Sovereign Universal Love Cosmos Alignments. Those fields of energies give life back to individual Cosmos Codes of Life energy fields.

It was through bringing dense conflict consciousness to the original Cosmos Love People that all their energy was drained into the centre when the original earth collapsed. For a small time frame in space, all sound fields were gone when a gigantic thermonuclear dynamic explosion hit the original Blue Star Cosmos Creation Planet. This forcefield created density.

All forcefields were twisted and reversed. Instead of creating higher light signals, now all pulsed down into death frequency sounds. Those death sounds rippled beyond time and created more death mirrors in space. Those death ‘holes’ ate up space-time-space and infected other universes which is why our own fields of space are classed as a ‘virus’ in space-time-space, and why Universal Love Activations are essential to purify the frequencies of the codes.

After a small time-frame in space of ‘nothingness’, space fields of time returned but all original Universal Love Consciousness Coding had disappeared. Density now existed and all original fields had warped. The whole universe had changed as original space-time-space forcefields disappeared.

Without those original sound frequencies of space-time-space, no Universal Love Forcefields could exist for all had collapsed into one tiny sink-hole in space.

All original frequencies used to connect into eternal life frequencies with space-time-space forcefields. But when all those original expansion life power fields burnt and were ripped apart in one gigantic thermonuclear dynamic explosion, only small packed forcefields of density suffering conflict consciousness remains were left behind. Those sound death syndrome beats of when the universe collapsed still exist today, which is why all biology dies within dense frequencies.

Humanity’s dense fields of consciousness connects together like one giant woven energy mat. All threads of consciousness work together simultaneously and need each other to operate. The basis of the mat, that the threads are woven into, can be likened to the magnetic field of consciousness which runs through earth. This magnetic field sustains consciousness.

Without magnetic fields, no consciousness, nor thoughts could exist. Individual thoughts of consciousness can be likened to individual coloured threads. Each individual thread holds an individual frequency of thought, which connects to the electromagnetic field of earth. Individual thoughts of individual people need a collective society to operate for otherwise DNA cannot function as the electromagnetic fields of people, life and earth can only function together. This is a whole other field of Cosmos Science.

This is why people can only exist with their own individual frequencies of sound, stored in the collective DNA frequencies, if similar fields of consciousness can operate together. This means that whole groups of people can only exist at a time, when the right magnetic waves support their consciousness field. Therefore, consciousness can only evolve when the magnetic fields work at a particular frequency to connect into their own individual sound frequency.

For readers who desire to grasp this concept, they will need to study this information carefully. Each segment of life connects to each other. DNA is part of the electromagnetic field of collective consciousness based on similar sound and light fields of energy.

Each thought is held within a particular grid of energy, which is why it is important for people to realize how crucial it is to become conscious of the Universal Love Pathway in this lifetime. Why is it important now to become conscious of the Great Cosmos Universal Love Pathway? Because that is how consciousness can evolve because higher Cosmos Intelligence is much higher than human DNA consciousness.

This is how important it is for earth’s consciousness to come out of the dense streams of energies, so that all biology can support each other within a higher magnetic wave. Again, this is Cosmos Science and a whole new pathway of learning.

When a person passes away, their own thought consciousness frequencies cannot evolve higher until they come into another lifetime on earth, in the same (or similar) DNA magnetic frequency their thought-field consciousness was held in during their many past lifetimes.

Because conflict-duality consciousness creates density, as it holds the vibration of earth down, it is humanity’s thought patterns and consciousness that need to change. That is when earth’s magnetic fields can also begin to rise and stabilize, if earth’s fields shift into greater magnetic fields of power. This can only occur when many receive Universal Love Activated Star Cosmos Codes of Life. Why? Because those cosmos codes are Cosmos Coded with life vibrations, which would stabilize the forces of the sun, the moon, the planets in the Milky Way, and earth.

Originally, earth worked as a star of light. Earth, in those days (well before Universal Love Cosmos Consciousness Power Fields fell into humanity’s restricted conflict duality fields of dense consciousness), earth’s own inner star connected into enormous Star Suns from Primary Forcefields of Creation. This was when our own earth was enormously high in magnetic fields which is why all life on earth constantly expanded in size.

Creation originally, in higher Cosmos Fields of Universal Love, strengthened each other’s brain magnetic electromagnetic creation fields. The inner sun of earth worked with enormous fields outside of earth to create higher fields on other planets also. This was because all interlinked together. This was the power of our own earth, originally.

This was also the reason why the DNA of the original Creation People were desired by dark-minded star cosmos people who wanted to have all Universal Love Cosmos Intelligence. The only way that dark-minded star beings could get hold of higher Universal Love Cosmos Intelligence, was if they brought fear into the consciousness fields of creation, which reduced the brain forcefields of the mirrors of creation. Again, this will be further discovered if enough people want to understand this information.

The original Sun Cosmos Universal Love People connected to magnetic forcefields of their own planets and creation. They worked collectively in the Universal Love. This is why, today, DNA still absorbs all thoughts of the people and all of creation. When the thought frequency of the great majority of people suffers and ‘groans’ on earth, creation then receives their groans and shows humanity what their own ‘groaning’ field of consciousness appears to look like.

This could now be reversed, but because the universal clock has now begun to tick, it is urgent that many desire to understand how the universe was originally created, and why earth’s consciousness connects so deep into humanity’s groans and has to mirror it exactly as the way humanity programmes the environment to look like; as if it is in suffering.

This is because all exists in thought illusion, held within magnetic earth consciousness waves. But, if people do not take cosmos biology seriously, the dense mirror of consciousness could well shatter and then what would become of the people? Will they then revert back into the ancient dinosaurs, the large crabs, and dragon-like beasts that walked upon the earth?

The only way for people’s consciousness of Universal Love to grow is by reconnecting back to the original Universal Love Pathway, which is why it is necessary for people to understand the importance of the Cosmos Universal Love Activations, and how those Codes of Life can evolve people individually and collectively, as well as raise the vibration of earth’s magnetic fields.

I trust that this has answered your question. I realize that this important Cosmos Intelligence Transmission will raise further questions. I realize also how difficult some of this cosmos information is. It was quite lengthy as the original question connects to many universal layers.

Sending you always Universal Love Flows of Healing and Consciousness, Star Love Hugs always and eternally, my name is Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. I am The Galactic Cosmos Ambassador and was assigned by Caeayaron in the year 2014 to be his Galactic Cosmos Ascension Channel. During the year 2009, Sovereign Father Emmanuel approached me and asked me to be his Cosmos Ambassador and Universal Love Channel. During that year Halisarius, Galactic Chief Cosmos Universal Love Federation Leader, approached me also and appointed me to be the Galactic Voice. Greetings.

Copyright © 2022 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel®

Please feel free to share this information of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel to other people. It would be good if many began to understand how important this information is during this time. We could only imagine what the earth could become like if many joined in the love. Then we would finally be able to rid the violence and the hypocrisy and judgment from the world.

Imagine if many scientists began to see the possibilities that we originated from the star dimensions and not from earth. Then the awakening would certainly occur on earth world wide. We could then begin to see why many animals are suffering for they are trying to awaken our own biology to help us analyze how to come into peace. They are simply mimicking our own suffering consciousness.

All information is copyright protected to protect against any alterations of the Global Ascension Programme or the written transmissions or the meaning of the information. Thank you for wanting to be part of healing the earth by distributing the information.

Disclaimer and legal indemnity: Any information, verbal, written, which includes books, advertising or on any other social media platforms (including Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s website, YouTube, or Facebook, or any other online platforms coming) released by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd (the company was formerly known as Caeayaron Ltd in England and Universal Gateway Ltd in New Zealand), or its employees (before the year 2020 and 2020 onwards), is intended to provide an opportunity for individual personal growth and insight only.

It is not meant as a replacement for any medical therapy or any other treatment. Suzanna does not claim to be a medical therapist nor a qualified counselor. Her work involves guiding people to their own greater potential. The information she brings through in any way, written, or verbal, will never promise any cure or medical miracle. She will not suggest any medical therapy or say that medical intervention is not necessary. The information she brings through supports self-growth and assists people to find their own path in life.

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd does not support religious viewpoints in any way, shape, or form. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the messenger of higher intelligence. The information she brings can assist people’s personal life journeys, with greater insight on life if they choose to apply the wisdom for themselves. How people interpret the information, regarding any information provided, is their own personal responsibility. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel cannot be held legally liable for any decision people make from any information given through her (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, nor by any employees, or associates, of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd.