Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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The Pathway towards New Creation and Restoration, Part 2 - October 18, 2023

24/10/2023 - The Pathway towards New Creation

The Pathway towards New Creation and Restoration, posted on Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s Facebook Page, 18 October 2023
Transmission by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
This is part of a collection of a new mini-series, to help shine the pathway forward for people and life on earth. 
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the original Designated Sovereign Universal Love Channel and the Galactic Star Ambassador for Sovereign Father Emmanuel, Caeayaron, and the original Galactic Sovereign Universal Love Federations.
This transmission was transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel directly from Sovereign Father Emmanuel, Caeayaron, and the Galactic Sovereign Universal Love Federations who care about humanity, and who desire people to stay safe from the stars collapsing into each other. 
This mini-series was published on Suzanna Maria Emmanuel's Facebook Page and was transmitted by her from Sovereign Universal Love, to assist all who are true searchers of Ultimate Universal Truth.
Mini-series published on Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s Facebook and website
Part 1:  4 October 2023
Part 2: 18 October 2023
This is the last time that the Great Cosmos Alignment can connect into our planet to pull earth away from the stars. 
Without the Sovereign Cosmos Alignment happening at this time, and without the original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Angel Channel being present on this earth, the stars would have already collided with earth and then no more could life exist. 
Earth’s inner core is in heavy density while the stars are beginning to expand in power.  This creates a colossal energy difference between earth and the stars. 
Recently, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel has succeeded to reconnect into her original Blue Star Sovereign Creation Cosmos Alignment within earth’s denseness, with her original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Angel Channel.  
This shows that her original Blue Star Universal Love DNA Consciousness Codes have greater strength than all Human DNA Duality Codes combined. 
A long time ago, well before human DNA in density existed, there was only Universal Love Consciousness DNA. The original Universal Love Consciousness Cosmos Star DNA Codes of Life, in the eternal Sovereign Cosmos Universes, existed far outside of density.  
No density could exist in the original Sovereign Star Dimensions.  There were no earthquakes.  There was no war, no famine, no pollution, no suffering, no sickness, and no death.  No conflict existed in the original Sovereign Star Realms. 
All people in original Sovereign Star Creation knew that all life was created in the love of Sovereign Father Emmanuel, through HIS original Sovereign Universal Love Channel, Cosmos Queen Laeayaraesea.  
Cosmos Queen Laeayaraesea was the original Blue Star & Golden Sun Consciousness Angel.  It was through her original Blue Star Caeayaron Angel Fields, and her original Golden Sun Emmanuel Angel fields that all life gained consciousness.  
The original Sovereign Star People recognized that Caeayaron was the original Sovereign Magnetic Balancer.  They also knew that from the fields of Caeayaron and Cosmos Queen Laeayaraesea came the original Blue Star Violet Flame, which was the original Flame of Transformation and Creation.  
But when all original Caeayaron’s Creation Cosmos Star DNA Codes of Life were lost by the original dark Merkabah technology channel operator, all their perfectly balanced Caeayaron’s Cosmos Star DNA Codes of Eternal Love, Balance, and Creation, were reduced with the original dark ‘Kryon’ Merkabah channel’s own karma.
In the previous Red Star Universes, the original dark Merkabah ‘Kryon’ Channel had gained enormous amounts of information from Thoth’s old Merkabah fields.  
The dark Merkabah ‘Kryon’ Channel considered Universal Love to be much weaker than all his own Merkabah Kabballah Tree combined.  He strengthened his own energy by taking the energy from struggling people, which is how he rose as a God.  He believed he was Sovereign Almighty God Iaovah.  
With his knowledge on the original Star Dimensions, The dark Merkabah ‘Kryon’ Channel placed his own subconscious thoughts into his own radiofrequencies and began to sound them out loud throughout the universes.  
The dark Merkabah ‘Kryon’ Channel had knowledge that his own DNA came from severe fractured energy.  When he placed his DNA signals into his own time machine capsules and sent them to the original spaces of Creation, on the multidimensional fields of creation, all stars began to hear his codes and slowly began to listen to his commands.  
Namaste, many Universal Love Waves Always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
Galactic Blue Star Angel Cosmos Ambassador
The Blue Star & Golden Sun Consciousness Angel Sovereign Universal Love Channel 
For further information about the Sovereign Universal Love Activation Events, please send us a message at [email protected]
Copyright © 2023 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel® 
Please feel free to share this information of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel to other people. 
It would be good if many began to understand how important this information is during this time. We could only imagine what the earth could become like if many joined in the love. Then we would finally be able to rid the violence and the hypocrisy and judgment from the world.
Imagine if many scientists began to see the possibilities that we originated from the star dimensions and not from earth. Then the awakening would certainly occur on earth world wide. 
We could then begin to see why many animals are suffering for they are trying to awaken our own biology to help us analyse how to come into peace. They are simply mimicking our own suffering consciousness.
All information is copyright protected to protect against any alterations of the Global Ascension Programme or the written transmissions or the meaning of the information. Thank you for wanting to be part of healing the earth by distributing the information.
Disclaimer and legal indemnity: Any information, verbal, written, which includes books, advertising or on any other social media platforms (including Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s website, YouTube, or Facebook, or any other online platforms coming) released by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd (the company was formerly known as Caeayaron Ltd in England and Universal Gateway Ltd in New Zealand),  or its employees (before the year 2020 and 2020 onwards), is intended to provide an opportunity for individual personal growth and insight only.
This information is not meant as a replacement for any medical therapy or any other treatment. Suzanna does not claim to be a medical therapist nor a qualified counselor. Her work involves guiding people to their own greater potential. 
The information she brings through in any way, written, or verbal, will never promise any cure or medical miracle. She will not suggest any medical therapy or say that medical intervention is not necessary. The information she brings through supports self-growth and assists people to find their own path in life.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd does not support religious viewpoints in any way, shape, or form. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the messenger of higher intelligence. 
The information she brings can assist people’s personal life journeys, with greater insight on life if they choose to apply the wisdom for themselves.
How people interpret the information, regarding any information provided, is their own personal responsibility. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel cannot be held legally liable for any decision people make from any information given through her Sovereign Universal Love Channel, nor by any employees, or associates, of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd.
About The Cosmos Messenger Suzanna Maria Emmanuel: Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Channel. She was called by SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL in September 2009.
Soon after the Divine Call, Suzanna began to transmit through Divine Universal Love Cosmos messages in front of groups (beginning in April 2010). She also brought through personalized channelled messages for individual people (beginning in November 2009).
All her transmissions are for the highest Universal Love Purposes to give people who listen to the transmissions greater understanding and purpose for their own life, as well as greater understanding of the world we live in. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel was called by CAEAYARON directly in late April 2014.
In April 2015, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel began the Universal Love Pineal Gland Activations to activate the Cosmos Codes of Life with CAEAYARON.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel has transmitted through hundreds of transmissions which are posted on YouTube, and many more hundreds of written transmissions which are posted on Suzanna's Facebook page.
All is there for the people to watch and understand what the Great Divine Ascension Plan is for mankind and how it could bring peace, love and joy to the world if many would begin to understand Ultimate Universal Truth.
Discover Suzanna on her own Divine Love Ascension Facebook page at:
Discover Suzanna's own website page at:
Discover many other of Suzanna's transmissions on her own YouTube channel.
To receive further information about the Sovereign Universal Love Activations with Caeayaron, Sovereign Father Emmanuel and 
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, please e-mail us at:
[email protected]