Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Blue Star Dancing with Cosmic Universal Flows


Welcome to the Time of the Great Messianic Cosmic Alignment and Expansion. What does that exactly mean? For the searchers of Ultimate Truth who have been asking Divine directly to bring through the highest pathway of Wisdom, they can become delighted with the extensive library of information of CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN EMMANUEL through their pathway of Ultimate Universal Truth, their Universal Love Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. For more than 2,000 years we have not been able to understand what the True Pathway was exactly. Many fervently hoped that the Messianic Alignment would still come once the crucifixion of Jesus happened. Many thought it was the end of all Messianic Promises that ONLY The ONE Messenger could bring through, as that ONE Messenger was called the ONE Pathway of Truth, Love and Freedom, who was none other than Jesus 2,000 years ago. For those, who have been waiting for the True Universal Love Messenger to arrive, their patience has paid off for now CAEAYARON is transmitting all answers through the Universal Love Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Even those who try hard to deny truth, that this is the Ultimate Pathway of Universal Truth, will need to surrender to the information because it does not matter what angle they attempt to find evidence against this being Ultimate Truth, they cannot find it. CAEAYARON keeps answering questions from many perspectives, and in this particular question about ONENESS and what it means, HE once again brings Universal Purpose into HIS Teaching. Upon examining HIS Teaching of ONENESS, True Universal Seekers can identify that the Universes were created with ONE purpose; that of love. But why would the Great Universes work in the Great Love? And if the Universes were created with Ultimate Love, then who placed conflict and pain within their consciousness and what was their motive?