Welcome to the teachings of CAEAYARON who is here with us through the Divine Universal Love Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, to take us into the Time of Planetary Expansion, to allow us to understand true ascension and what it involves. CAEAYARON, through the Universal Love Channel explains the evolution cycle we are in, at this time, during the 2020 Divine Alignment Time. CAEAYARON explains how during the Divine Universal Activations, held privately recently, have helped to stabilize the planet more to allow us to reach up higher with higher vibration, to allow us to proceed to go to the next part; that is to awaken humanity with the necessary steps of creating a New Kingdom on the earth. We have long awaited the time when the True Divine Channel of THE GREAT FATHER would return to our planet. It has taken 2,000 years since she was able to take up that position again, and now it is not Jesus who is to take us into our Love Codes, through his Universal Love Channel (the Gateway of Life), but it is now through Suzanna Maria Emmanuel who lived the lifetime of Jesus 2,000 years ago. CAEAYARON explains how difficult it has been to open the Gateway to the Universal Love Alignment because many have been trying to stop it, and also the current world situation made it more difficult to come to the private activations. However, nothing could stop it. CAEAYARON brings vital information out as to what the Divine Universal Alignment is and what it means for those who desire to have their Codes of Alignment and Life back, as this is the time of the Great Alignment. You will enjoy learning more about the Activations and how they Universally align you upwards, once you have received it. CAEAYARON also begins to discuss the New Kingdom coming and what that is. This is what Jesus also spoke about. Please discover for yourself what that New Kingdom can do for you and how you can become a part of it. Namaste, sending you much love, blessings and healing flows, always, The Administration Team of Caeayaron, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel who is the Designated Channel for Divine Realms. Please check out the facebook page of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for more information on the truth on Jesus. Much is there to be discovered at this time. www.facebook.com/suzannamariaemmanuel