Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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The Restoration Pathway has begun


Namaste and welcome to the Cosmos Alignment. It is now close to the next interdimensional gate opening of the New Creation and Restoration Pathway. Please watch this transmission from Sovereign Father Emmanuel which was recorded in front of several people. You will connect into several key points as to why earth was never purposed to be in dense conflict fields of energy. You will also hear from Sovereign Father Emmanuel exactly why Jesus was not able to establish Messianic Power 2,000 years ago because many were against the message of Jesus. Thank you for viewing this message and begin to see that Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the genuine and original Sovereign Universal Love Channel. For those who are interested in further information they are able to visit Suzanna's Facebook page. There are many written transmissions and she posts regular articles with Divine Universal Love Guidance on her page. So please feel free to follow her page. You can also visit her website page at see www.suzannamariaemmanuel-caeayaron. com There are hundreds of similar transmissions on Suzanna Maria Emmanuel's YouTube page. From the beginning of starting her own YouTube page, she was asked by Spirit to keep posting many transmissions on her own YouTube channel. Most of her posted transmissions were recorded in front of people. She knew from the beginning that she would evolve as a trance medium channel. Spirit shared with her that this would be the very first time ever that the messages coming through her own channel could be watched in sequence for people to see the genuine pathway back to everlasting life. Spirit also shared with her many times that one day many people around the world would ask who she was as The Channel, which is why she was asked to keep going with posting up her transmissions, even though most rejected her as a Trance Channel. Now, people are able to look back through many hundreds of messages. They will be able to watch Suzanna's own Trance Channel evolving, stage by stage. People, even through YouTube, can feel the vibration changing when Suzanna works with other interdimensional Sovereign Masters, such as Ammorah, Halisarius, Archangels, Sovereign Father Emmanuel, Caeayaron or Ascended Masters. All messages have the same theme. Each message has a key to the next message. Once people can see how Cosmos Intelligence has worked through Suzanna's Sovereign Universal Love Channel all along, they can then see the Ultimate Truth for themselves. It is now the time when the next gate is about to open. Namaste and welcome to the New Creation and Restoration Times opening before the people on earth. This message was transmitted through by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, especially for this post. Copyright � 2022 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel� Please feel free to share this information of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel to other people. All information is copyright protected to protect against any alterations of the Global Ascension Programme or the written transmissions or the meaning of the information. Thank you for wanting to be part of healing the earth by distributing the information. Please note: All extra videos and music are licensed through Story Blocks.