Welcome to the teachings of SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel introduces the teachings and speaks of what this time is about on a spiritual level. It is learning to walk in the higher flows of love and the collective love consciousness. She talks about Lemuria and how we lost our path to go to the higher love universal spaces. She speaks about CAEAYARON and how HE guided us towards a very high love DNA vibration. Please listen to SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT as HE speaks about the following points: * Happy are those who search for ways of love and peace. * THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL speaks about the time of Jesus, 2,000 years ago, during a teaching before crowds. The people did not understand what a channel was, but they recognized the wisdom from Jesus, when he spoke, was from a higher source. *Jesus was asked to bring through information about The Sacred Promise. * A time of 'freedom' was promised to the people. * THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL brings out how important it is to have humility if we desire to find Divine Truth. * What is humility in the eyes of Divine? * Why is humility an important quality and in what way is it spiritual strength? * In what way is humility not what many people believe it to be? * Who would recognize the Great Times of the GREAT RETURN OF THE GREAT FATHER? * THE GREAT FATHER, 2,000 years ago through Jesus, spoke about the 'people in the preaching houses,' and how they did not have Divine Truth. What did the spiritual leaders, in the days of Jesus follow then, if it was not of Divine Truth? * Why did the GREAT FATHER call the spiritual leaders 'haughty?' In what way are their words empty and bring fear to the people? * Who are the wise ones according to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, and how do they practice spiritual wisdom? * The people, 2,000 years ago, who heard Jesus transmit messages through from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, heard about treasures in the Great Heavens. * How did they understand that there was only ONE path upwards and NOT TWO or MORE? Why did they understand that? * The people recognized Jesus to be the Word and knew that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and The Word would return. How is this being fulfilled in this day? THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL explains. * As Jesus was The Word 2,000 years ago, who is The Word today? About the Channel Suzanna Maria Emmanuel: In 2009, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel was approached by SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT. She began to channel HIS messages a few months later in front of groups. In 2009, SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT gave Suzanna Maria Emmanuel the understanding that she was Jesus 2,000 years ago. At that time, Suzanna did not desire the people to understand this until it could no longer remain hidden. In 2014, she was approached by 'Kryon,' and in 2015, CAEAYARON (Kryon) began to bring through the Divine Activations with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who was always HIS Divine Love Element, Universal Light Programmer, Laeyaraesea, in Ancient Lemuria. in 2016, CAEAYARON (Kryon) introduced his true name and purpose through Suzanna, as Suzanna Maria Emmanuel was always HIS authentic channel, as well as the channel for SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT in her past lifetimes when she was asked to work with Divine Purpose. Please also see Suzanna's Facebook Page filled with Divine Guidance and www.caeayaron.com for more information. https://www.facebook.com/suzannamaria... To receive The Book, in two volumes, of SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, 'The Living Words of SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, Walking the Path of Life,' please visit Amazon.com www.caeayaron.com