Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Welcome To The Third Spiritual Phase


The Great Mountain Of light, CAEAYARON, welcomes us to the Third Spiritual Phase of stepping into greater light and power to step into greater abilities and protection! He then speaks of the prophesies of these times in the Lemurian language, and of the Lemurians who went to the greater dimensions to become part of the protectors. He speaks of the 13th gate we are now in and how the power is rising for those who desire to rise and evolve eternally into all the spiritual spaces, together with the Great mountain of Light and love. He speaks of how those who desire the love are marked to walk through those gates, while those who reject SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT and CAEAYARON at this time are also marked, but as rejectors. CAEAYARON speaks of the many who are against the channel and how attempts have been made to harm her, the Light Grid Programmer, and what this means to those who have done so, eternally. He speaks of the great protection required and how she will not be taken out no matter what the people try, for she has great protection. The Great Mountain of Light and Divine Universal Judge speaks of the prophesies that many Nations would come against his being and his Divine Love Element. He states, as The Divine Judge, how the light will rise now and all the Dark ones will be shown for what they are, and will fall easily! He asks those who desire to come into the light mountain, who he states will be given great protection, to begin to open their heart, even if they do not trust his being yet, and are still investigating his channel. In the heart he asks them to say; �Great CAEAYARON, Let your light rise, and let us have the opportunity please, to become part of the higher love dimensions, and to be able to peace on our planet� This is all he requires at this time. CAEAYARON states all the pain and suffering is forgiven, but not forgotten. He states how he cares much more than a human being about all the life of the planet, including the insects. He then speaks of: * The unfairness of karma. * How the activations release all the karma which otherwise stops people from evolving. * Judgement * How many nations will come together as one, but not the religions, which are ways of pain. * How all people are as one and no one is unclean in the eyes of Divine. * The need for forgiveness and acceptance to gain oneness. * How gifted the Lemurians are. * How activated Star Sacred World Healers have 1000 angels of protection around them to protect their people, land and animals also. * Past activations healing grid work vs 13th gate growth upwards with greater love and healing. * How this is the time of prophesies of the many who will rise into the light and desire to heal the earth and the animals. * How CAEAYARON is gifting the ones who are protecting the Divine Love Element and Ascension Programme greater gifts and flows to protect their countries, but how they must ask for this and promise to step into the Great Mountain of Light! * How CAEAYARON is bringing more protection to the earth and how he saved many in the last few years and how the earth would not be here today without this. * How the darkness will be seen now. * How all those who fight the rising of the light will have density for eternity after this life time. * How Lucifer�s armies are trying to rise through the churches coming together to fight the light, but nothing will come to be for them, and all will fail. * How the people are asked to understand all the torture and killing of the religions over the ages and remember this is the time of the marking. * How the churches always knew they were worshipping Lucifer. * How now is the time for the people to come together and claim the earth, for they have Divine behind them now. * How darkness did not want trees and life, but they created robots and technology and called this ascension. How there is no life in darkness; only memories. * What ascension is and how it will come to be. * How and why the darkness desire the Lemurians as slaves to serve them forever * The Dark agenda and Hitler. * The Cave Of Wo and Dark agenda to keep your loved ones in spirit down. * How only the Divine Pineal Gland activations of CAEAYARON can set your loved ones in spirit free. * Spiritual mediums * What CAEAYARON wants for eyery one. Please see also for more Divine teachings, knowledge, self-development courses and the greatest Divine gift of freedom; the Divine Pineal Gland Activations of CAEAYARON. Please also see the amazing and enlightening books of �HALISARIUS�, Chief Pleiadian and Galactic Federation Leader and �AMMORAH�, Pleiadian High Priestess and Teacher, channelled and written by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel on Amazon.