Welcome to the Great Divine Truth Revelations of CAEAYARON with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. This is a beautiful time of enlightenment when we can learn to become stronger spiritually by understanding Divine Truth Alignment. How important is spiritual knowledge to you? How much will you desire to learn what this time is all about? This particular teaching with CAEAYARON provides a brief teaching on what the way upwards is, and how important it is to search for the way upwards. A Universal Love Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON translates the teaching in Spanish. Please listen if you are interested in learning about this important time line. We look forward to helping millions understand Divine Love Alignment with the Universal Love Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. At the Divine Universal Love Alignments you will hear the channel speak as she opens up to Divine Flows. Your whole light body shifts with love vibrations. Many people are amazed when they are in the presence of the Universal Love Channel. Because this is truly a world first and a world wonder that Suzanna Maria Emmanuel can channel incredibly high energies, with sound spiritual knowledge coming through that is well above human intelligence, many keep returning time and time again because their lives are healing and they desire to feel stronger love flows happening. The stronger their love body becomes, the more the Universal Love Channel can bring to them. This is truly an amazing gift for those who have been the True Searchers of Light. This has never been seen before, and each time the Universal Love Channel works at the Divine Universal Alignments, her strength grows which is amazing. The growth of the Universal Love Channel is evidence within itself that she is truly from the higher love dimensions, for her own spiritual growth is immense and it never peaks. It never stops growing. Each time she opens she experiences new flows of love coming in and then when she harmonizes with it, more balancing flows can come in. Namaste, much love and peace, The Administration Team of CAEAYARON and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel www.facebook.com/suzannamariaemmanuel