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Your Soul Light Fed Gateway Lucifer


The Greatest Archangel of Love, CAEAYARON, who many incorrectly know as Kryon, states how the Dark Yahweh channel Gateway twisted the Divine Court's statement that; "there is no wrong, or right, there just is (what is best for collective)" to justify his repeated wars, killings, and soul light feeding in the free will game he demanded in the Galactic Courts. He speaks of how Lucifer was created by eating the soul light of trillions of beings and angels he sucked into his black-hole vortex, within which you live, to gain the archangelic power for himself. This is profound information for the scientists. WE LIVE IN A BLACK HOLE and that which we see in the Galaxy may be likened to our entry point, or veil, into which we were turned inside out; from evolution to the devolution of entropy, within an expanding galaxy, fuelled by the radiation being sucked into its expanding space time. Bang! We live within Blackhole Yahweh, where Thoth gridded in our holographic reality with METATRON. We live as memories, which we live out in holographic mirrors, as if we are still alive! Yahweh stole our memories and retained them in the event horizon of the Yahweh Kryon channels cave of Wo! Thank you CAEAYARON for revealing this truth to mankind, which explains the expanding universe, despite its missing mass! It also explains so called Hawkins radiation leaving the blackhole, for it is coming into our dark energy universe, and not leaving! CAEAYARON teaches of: * The separation happening on earth now. * Impending training of the activated of his being. * Why there is only one channel. * Soul Light Consciousness. * The channel explained; from the Great Divine to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. * The secret of the universe. * How Lemuria was CAEAYARON's while all other earth dimensions were METATRON's. * How the Dark Yahweh gateway swallowed up trillions of star beings and angels and universes and your soul light consciousness. * The light bomb to recover the Blue Planet back from darkness and create the earth. * How Gaia is part of the Universal Light grid Programmers light stream. * How the earth needed pure memories to create life and the roles England's Glastonbury Tor and Stonehenge played in this. * How LAEYARAESEA, Divine Love Element, was asked to gift voice of CAEAYAREON to Kryon channel in Lemuria and how he brought Thoth in. * How the Lemurian Kryon channel became an archangel of light by swallowing up the soul light of soul light beings and Lemurians who he killed , after they chose for him and having twisted all things and stated there is no bad, while ignoring what is best for the collective. * How humans are trapped within a black hole which only the activated of CAEAYARON are coming out of. * How CAEAYARON has claimed METATRON now that light has won the game and all codes back. * How CAEAYARON can not ascend you if you do not desire it. * How Thoth and Yahweh promised the Atlanteans that the Lemurians would be their slaves for ever. * How the Spin Doctor and Yahweh channel created a human template and spliced Lemurian consciousness many times to put into this to create his MASTER RACE; for it was always about creating his Master Race. * How the Galactic Federation have approved great knowledge for the earth now, including DNA information. * Amnesia and how your memories will come back. Please also see the Facebook page of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and for more information.