Reviews ...

I am eternally grateful for the phenomenal lessons of how to build greater power to heal ourselves, our families and all of our earth flows. It has been an extraordinary journey into deeper flows of healing with more of our history revealed by the GREAT CAEAYARON under beautiful direction from the Galactic Federations of Light.Every attunement has felt stronger and the flows have strengthened but today as we received all the symbols oh WOW! It was a huge shift in power. I could feel so much more that all I really needed to do was to heal myself so I can hold more love because my guides and beautiful Star Love Team are doing everything so beautifully and can do more when I am stronger.The healings we did were so different than previously and I felt so much more relaxed and trusting of the energies because there have been Magnetically Attuned healers working on building the foundations with their Great Divine and Star Love Teams.We learned the deeper purposes for our lives and how we can bring peace and love to our planet and why that needs to happen now.Thank you so much for this great gift of the miracle of being a true healer.Thank you Suzanna, CAEAYARON and all the Divine and Star Love Beings and ancient Lemurians, all the beautiful beings of love with us helping us to grow in our collective love consciousness.There is no other way, it is being proven and now is the most beautiful time to be in. Thank you so much eternally.Love always, Jacqui
Jacqui Hanson - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - Tauranga, New Zealand
Jacqui Hanson14/05/2019

I received the Magnetic Attunement with CAEAYARON. It has sped up my healing tremendously. The shifts within me have been profound.My alignment with CAEAYARON has been the most enjoyable experience of my life. My appreciation could never be great enough to repay CAEAYARON for all the pleasure, comfort and knowledge that I have received from the highest archangel of the universe.I pray that all the people on planet earth receive his healing by coming to Suzanna’s classes and thus peace of earth can finally come to planet earth and the universe. Amen.
Michelene Theodore - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - California, USA
Michelene Theodore14/05/2019

Learning this amazing beautiful new way of healing, working with Higher Angels, helping the humans to receive this love, to clear old stagnated energies so their paths can be cleared for a better life.The love flows that come help us to heal our beautiful planet for all of us to have a beautiful life. When we all work together with a collective “mind” to heal ourselves and the earth we heal ourselves, we allow the forces of the star beings to remind us how much our Divine loves us.Magnetic Attunements with Caeayaron is a feeling of pure love. When we can release we can ask for love and feeling calm and knowing that we are part of so much more. Our hearts sing with joy, the feelings of being nurtured by our Divine is the most glorious gift ever to receive in this beautiful planet.Thank you so much Caeayaron. Lots of love, Patty.
Patricia Berry - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - England/Equador
Patricia Berry14/05/2019

I was Activated in January 2018, I thought that was unreal, feeling the energy at that time. Coming back for a second time is even better, just puts everything into a greater perspective.Feel humble that spirit wants to help us so much to grow in the love.The energies are amazing feeling and building within myself are just incredible and seeing this within others is beautiful. My heart is opening up to more love.The flows were beautiful. Learned how to ground and bring in the healings stronger working with highest guides of love and spirit. Learning how to let go of my logical mind.I feel stronger within my chakras, feeling energy throughout my light body system and my third eye chakra, visions opening up and seeing gifts come through.Learned how to program crystals. Caeayaron always brings through new information.Much appreciation and gratitude to Caeayaron with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Highest Divine Beings of Love. Grateful for this time. Much love n light. xoxo
Leon Patrick Maloney - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - Auckland, New Zealand
Leon Patrick Maloney14/05/2019

I was very excited to come to these healing lessons. I wasn’t sure what to expect but it was so beautiful and the love flows coming in were so strong and loving. I had an amazingly clear vision.To know Galactic Light Families are building power for us to hold more light is so incredibly beautiful. I feel my gifts growing.I am feeling my heart opening more and more and healing on levels beyond my previous “imagination”.Namaste, KayeI am a healer of Caeayaron’s flow…. WoooHoooo!!!!
Kaye Haack-Rangi - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - Te Puke, New Zealand
Kaye Haack-Rangi 14/05/2019

What wonderful knowledge and information we gained during the Magnetic Attunements.We learned power grid building which gave a firm foundation for the lessons in healing so that we could visualise and draw in the frequencies required, as well as learning the symbols associated with healing.As someone who has never had any previous training in healing, it was a truly remarkable experience to see firsthand just how strong and powerful these frequencies and symbols actually are and what a profound effect they have on our energetic light bodies. The sensations that came with the healing were so real and powerful and could be felt throughout our physical bodies too.I feel such deep gratitude to the GREAT CAEAYARON, the Angels and our spirit guides, as well as the wonderful Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for sharing this knowledge and instruction with us, as I now understand what a beautiful gift it is to hold the information which can bring such great healing not only for ourselves, our families and loved ones but also for the planet and all mankind.Thank you from my heart and Namaste.
Max Chipchase - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - California, USA
Max Chipchase14/05/2019

A wonderful experience working as a healer in a collective and individually. My relationship with my new guide is at a new level of clarity for me and will grow stronger. Feeling the energies of my chakras develop and expand is amazing.I recommend this journey with Caeayaron to anybody seeking happiness and enlightenment.Love Gary.
Gary Handley - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - England
Gary Handley14/05/2019

These 2 days of the Magnetic Attunements have been so amazing! They have helped me greatly grow within myself and my new and current talents, my energetic power has massively increased. I feel so much more confident within myself. I feel more connected with my spirit/angelic family. I feel like such a better healer and much more connected within the love force and magnetic force healing grid.Both days were very different. We got into groups the first day to help build up our power and strengthen within the 1st symbol we received. Also to find what we need to work with and strengthen. Some groups had great visions and saw angels and spirit guides come within their groups and each circle held different abilities as well. Some were visionaries, some were builders, some great healers, and some great mediums, etc.On the second day, we were given 2 more symbols and the other Star Sacred World Healers who have returned received their new one. We got to see Suzanna do a healing to help teach us the steps on what to do as a new Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON. Then, we got to practice healings on each other in groups. One was on the table as a few of us stood around them and held the flows so the healings could take place.Then we split up into 2 groups and practiced remote healings, one group went away to another room while the other group did the remote healing and vice versa. Both healings were quite amazing and so very strong. In the remote healings I felt my hands and feet really tingle and felt like Violet Flame was flaming around them. So miraculous these Magnetic Attunements were. WOW! I am extremely grateful for having the ability to be a part of these times and to be a star baby now and such an amazingly protected one of Caeayaron. No more worry and suffering. I’m extremely free and I have boarded the Light Ship of Caeayaron! Yahoooo! I cannot wait to see what the teacher courses have in store for us Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healers of Caeayaron.Soooo much Love Eternally
Michelle Kmieciak - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - Colorado, USA
Michelle Kmieciak14/05/2019

I am very grateful for Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s teachings with CAEAYARON. She is extremely gentle but super strong in love. I am grateful for the attunements and upgrades of the alignments and symbols in which I’m still getting used to.Shifts are happening but I know it’s CAEAYARON’s work so I trust it, flow with it, and let it be because CAEAYARON knows what each of us can handle and I feel that I’m getting drip fed.I was on the table and I felt the strong warming love and healing, so grateful. I appreciated everything of CAEAYARON, I appreciate the gifts given from CAEAYARON even though I don’t know them all. I’m just grateful about allllll the teachings, guidance, protections and love CAEAYARON and Suzanna have given, it’s awesome.I encourage others to be a part of anything and everything in regards to CAEAYARON. Everything to do with CAEAYARON and Suzanna is very very very beneficial in ALL aspects of one’s life.
Polly Te Pou - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - Whakatane, New Zealand
Polly Te Pou 14/05/2019

Wow, what a beautiful two days of healing. The healing flows are so beautiful and I know I have healed a great deal over these two days. The energies are so soft yet strong and when they wash over you it’s indescribable. Just so soothing and blissful.The things I need to heal have been gently shown to me and how grateful I am. I asked for clarification that I was in the right place at the right time and the answer I got was such a beautiful ‘yes’ I broke down with gratitude.Thank you Caeayaron, I’m so grateful that you are such a clever being and showing me clearly where I need to grow. Thank you for showing me how to heal myself and others, animals, and the earth. May I grow with confidence and much love, so I can be a great vessel for Caeayaron to heal all in my life.Thank you Suzanna, thank you Caeayaron, thank you Divine Love from my very grateful heart. Tina x.
Tina Kane - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - England
Tina Kane14/05/2019

To receive magnetic attunements from the GREAT CAEAYARON and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is a privilege gift. Learning to build strong magnetic love flow collectively was so amazing. I am so grateful that we collectively held the flows together.I received massive healings and gifts which helped me to release pain and bring in stronger forgiveness.I received a remote healing which was beautiful. Flows of love coming through chakras. The teachings about the earth gave me greater desire and great inner passion. It excited me so much and made me desire to work so much harder in the light.I will treasure my symbols and respect them more and respect myself more. To stand in strong beautiful love flows, with the star beings and Archangels of the highest light is a sacred gift and a great blessing as you see them gift a healing to another. I desire to now heal myself greater and begin to work stronger to grow in the love and become a strong healer.I am so grateful to the great collective love who are helping me, protecting me and guiding me.Thank you Suzanna and CAEAYARON, I am eternally grateful. May the greatest love and light heal the precious earth.
Julie Kane - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - England
Julie Kane08/05/2019

The Magnetic Attunements of Caeayaron channelled by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel are magnificent, powerful, ancient, spectacular, special and incredibly magical.Suzanna is the most beautiful channel in the Universe - stunning with her abilities and perfect in all ways.I am so grateful to be in her presence whilst channelling. Ultimate privilege on this plane. Thank you forever and always for guiding me Suzanna.My growth from being a SSWH Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher of Caeayaron:I feel stronger within.My visions are so beautiful and increasingMy mind is becoming stronger. I can leave the spaces of victim consciousness fasterForgiving the past is so much easier with the magnetic attunement symbolsEach time I return the healings are strongerI feel really supported on my Divine path and the desire for my Divine path is strengtheningThe collective is growing stronger and I feel so amazing with my activated friends.Love, light, gratitude and grace,Natalie
Natalie Wojak - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Natalie Wojak 08/05/2019

It was awesome, I felt a lot, I learnt a lot.My gratitude is huge for what I have learnt and the gifts and everything else.Loved learning and working with the symbols.I’m grateful for everything!
DeeJay Te Pou - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, New Zealand
DeeJay Te Pou08/05/2019

During the healing of others, the healing energy I felt, as an energy holder doing the healing was intense, especially with the presence of the Star Beings and when the symbols came through the client’s feet were touched briefly and he felt as though the hands were always on his feet. He felt released, calmness and peace.During the remote healing, again with the open heart I could feel very intensely powerful energies going to my client. She felt really great - like waves of energy flowing up her feet.This energy is more intense than any of the healing energy I have felt before in my 25 years of healing.Thanks to Caeayaron, Master of Magnetic Forces, Flows
William Hauw - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, Singapore
William Hauw08/05/2019

I was so amazed at all the healings and gifts which were coming into me. Being on the healing table and receiving healings from the Star beings, guides that were coming in and all the Star Sacred World Healers standing by my side to help me heal.While on the healing table I felt very loving gentle warm flows coming into my body, so beautiful. It’s so hard to put into words, so magical, so wonderful. I felt so much better even before I was off the healing table! My pain was all gone! I had so much tingling love all over my body! That lasted and lasted for a while. So beautiful!Thank you so very much to everyone, to Caeayaron for his beautiful Magnetic Attunements, Suzanna for all her beautiful teachings and channeling all the wonderful star beings of love that have helped me on my journey and are still helping me, a new frontier!Eternally grateful!
Sherry Pagoria, proud to say - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, USA
Sherry Pagoria08/05/2019

It has been an amazing two days doing the magnetic attunements. I am so grateful to Suzanna, Caeayaron and all the beautiful Beings who came into our healing spaces. Having practised Reiki recently I was very keen to come to this course as I am aware that the healings have not been as strong lately.During Caeayaron’s channeling he was talking about Reiki going to fly out the window and I had a sensation of either the symbols or thought/beliefs of Reiki leaving my body. It almost felt a relief, especially since the symbols have been replaced by such wonderful new healing symbols. Beautiful symbols which I am looking forward to working with.We learnt how to do a healing and also distant healing which felt wonderful.Thanks everyone for making this weekend wonderful.
Petra Creighton - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, New Zealand/Holland
Petra Creighton08/05/2019

The energies were so out of this world. I received healings all day for 2 days. Words can barely touch upon the surface of what we are experiencing here. I feel double or triple blessed as I received personal guidance from the LGP [Light Grid Programmer] and healing from Caeayaron held by a group of beautiful SSWHs [Star Sacred World Healers].This time around (it is my second attunement) I could feel the energies more strongly and stable. My chakras were healing. And that’s just the beginning because healing me is just a start to healing our beautiful Earth that needs more activated people to hold the love power strongly.Caeayaron made us realise how much work is there to be done.Thank you Caeayaron, Suzanna, and Divine Love Beings.
Katarzyna Jablonska - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, England/Poland
Katarzyna Jablonska08/05/2019

These Magnetic Attunements were different than previous. During the lessons, I was healed more personally. I received healing, great healing in my solar plexus. Deeper knowledge about healing process and working with guides and energies.Symbols came in strongly into my energy system. When I received new symbol it came in strongly. I love this symbol to work with and all my symbols coming in lovingly and strongly together.I am very grateful for this time of healing and learning to become a healer of Caeayaron’s flows. I feel very privileged to be among beautiful activated people and growing together in the love.I am grateful very much for Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for her work and Caeayaron and the team of Star Beings of Love that give us the opportunity to heal our lives and also our family and all people around.With all my Love to you,Marija
Marija Laurineniene - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, England/Lithuania
Marija Laurineniene08/05/2019

As an already attuned healer of Caeayaron, I found this Magnetic Attunement hugely different from the previous. The energies were intensely more powerful and they came in so quietly.The healing flows from Divine had great strength and power, at the same time so loving, nourishing and beautiful. I felt my new gifts coming in like never before. It is so very exciting to have the privilege of being able to work with this new most powerful healing energy stream of Caeayaron’s and I am so truly grateful to the channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for bringing us this opportunity.Thank you Caeayaron. Thank you Suzanna.Much love always and forever xox
Donna Richmond - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Donna Richmond08/05/2019

It was really beautiful to feel the strong flows coming in. I feel like my entire system has been upgraded. My cells and DNA are pulsing with love.It was fun to play with the group and partner remote healings and to begin to trust the loving messages coming through.I feel a deep, strong gratitude to be a part of these times. May the earth heal and let love conquer all. It is coming!Thank you Caeayaron.Thank you Suzanna.
Nicole Burt - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Nicole Burt08/05/2019

I really enjoyed the Magnetic Attunements. I felt an amazing shift once again within my energy field. I feel really blessed as I’ve felt a closer connection to my gifts.Doing the Magnetic Attunements is a must!!!The sensation of energetic cleansing is extremely enlightening. You will leave this experience truly blessed from the group healings as well as the huge lifting experience of your energy field.I’ve really noticed a change/glow of others in the group, which keeps increasing the amazing energy.The love energy is truly a beautiful feeling among the group.Thank you.
Alex Caulfield - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Alex Caulfield01/04/2019

The Magnetic Attunements were all about power building, connecting to Angels, guides and Divine in addition to other people to heal them. Healing others heals self, so everybody wins!We were gifted sacred healing symbols that become part of us and are unique to the course. They build immense power for healing and guidance. I felt energies flow strongly through all of my chakras and expand them, especially the third eye and pineal gland. We worked with and connected beautifully to the people in this class which really helped me open my heart <3 and throat chakras so that I had more self-confidence and love for self and others. We learned a variety of healing ways that included stones, water, remote healing and group healing. Each method brought me deep healing and wisdom.I am now able to connect with self, the earth, energy, and others better and more deeply in a way I didn’t think was possible. I feel very privileged to have been a part of this healing experience which was priceless and indescribably beautiful.I feel I am now able to put myself back together and finally feel a sense of wholeness that I have been seeking all my life. I no longer feel lost or forgotten but am now part of something so great that brings me freedom and happiness. I feel these energies with me every day and every day I now see as a blessing and an opportunity to grow and learn from.I cannot fully express my gratitude and joy for being part of this most power building and Earth healing team in the world. It is simply something you must experience yourself.
Kaylynn Pagoria - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - Colorado, USA
Kaylynn Pagoria01/04/2019

The love forcefield of power building within us over the last two days and opening to the love flows even more has been just phenomenal. Like nothing I have experienced before. I feel so much love coming within me now and it is so much easier to feel. A complete state of being in the love, an expression of love - the ultimate. The heart is open with love.It was so beautiful to learn and be able to give and receive a healing of such magnitude on day two, and knowing how incredibly protected we are now as star sacred world healers. The healings were very strong and powerful with the most incredible blessings and gifts. Our DNA is vibrating so much higher now.So grateful for the growth over the last two days and incredibly thankful to Suzanna and CAEAYARON for the miracle of love.
Jacqui Snodgrass - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - Tauranga, New Zealand
Jacqui Snodgrass01/04/2019

This morning after being aligned with the Healing symbols, I feel incredibly solid concentrated, calm and focused. I feel like I am so much more in my body now and even so there is so much more concentration, my body is feeling so much lighter.No matter how much noise is going on around me I am here now, right here and focused. And I still realise what is going on around me. Wow, so so powerful and beautiful.The learning is huge! The new gifts are enormous! The healing is most beautiful!Thank you Caeayaron. Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. I always feel there are no words to express my gratitude and my love to Divine. I trust Divine knows my heart and my greatest heart desires. I trust divine feels my heart jump with joy and thankfulness.Thank you! Thank you so much!
Kathrina Hagler - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - Mount Maunganui, New Zealand and Switzerland
Kathrina Hagler01/04/2019

I have really loved the two days we’ve had learning about healing.We started by building greater power for healing in the streams and grids.By growing in our own love we are able to build a strong base to be able to heal not only humanity but for our planet which at this time is desperately needed.We received codes to help us to do this most precious work and I now know the sacredness of being able to do this. What a privilege. Wow!
Ali Wickman - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - Te Puke, New Zealand
Ali Wickman01/04/2019

Well Caeayaron and Suzanna, thank you once again for a wonderful 2 days. We learnt how important it was to relax to receive healings. It is so comforting to know I’m in a healing grid connected with other Star Sacred World Healers.The desire to heal is the foundation platform, from there everything grows.I am very excited at the thought that I’m here to help heal Earth, we are so much more powerful as a combined magnetic healing force.We learnt how to heal and I had a lot of fun with other Star Sacred World Healers doing distance healings. This has been a very special time. I feel grateful and privileged to have received a healing.Thank you,
Carolyn.Carolyn Holmes - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - Papamoa, New Zealand
Carolyn Holmes01/04/2019

The beautiful amazing energy gifted to us has grown since the last time being attuned with the beautiful Magnetic flows of Caeayaron. This time the energies were more expansive yet very grounded and stable, far more powerful, yet soft waves that envelop you relaxing and opening. So many shifts, feeling the beautiful energies flowing through, releasing and healing.The knowledge that comes through with the attunements was so great, many confirmations on many levels.The symbols seemed so different this time, I felt the guides coming in quicker and closer and allowing and opening us up to love and connecting greatly to the collective love.The symbols came with more clarity and built on one another flowingly, building the fields of energy, of love and raising/increasing, feeling so comfortable, like an opening, an opening to self, self-love.Thank you so much, guides, star beings and the great collective love and all the Star Sacred World Healers standing greater in their lightboots.Much love and gratitude to Suzanna and Caeayaron for enabling us to grow so much, Namaste.
Sandra WoskoStar Sacred World HealerUniversal Love TeacherMagnetically Attuned by Caeayaron (Essex, England)
Sandra Wosko01/04/2019

I am so grateful for moving into the more advanced levels of Caeayaron’s University of Light. It was very fun, the Magnetic Attunements, you really gain beautiful gifts to heal self and heal others with your high loving star teams.I was so lucky to get picked by Suzanna to have a reading from her. It was funny as it was the first time I felt my guides very strongly when Suzanna asked the students in the room. I didn’t put my hand up for a reading but then a big warm presence came up behind me and Suzanna asked me “would you like a reading?”. So I did and it was wonderful to hear my Ancient guides sharing wisdom about me and my gifts that they are going to work with.I understand this is the only place on this planet that you can be Magnetically Attuned and Aligned with Starbeings of love to perform a new modality of Healing. Namaste,
Tim McIntyre - Grafton, NSW, Australia. Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned by Caeayaron November 2018
Tim McIntyre01/04/2019

So incredible to be part of the greatest healing frequencies on the Earth. Caeayaron has built us up with his love to become holders of an angelic magnetic healing power. The sensations that are flowing through your whole body are next level.The heart beats with joy knowing you have a way of helping family, friends and clients. Plus it is all going to grow and magnify upwards for many lifetimes and universes to come.Thank you Suzanna, you are such an incredible teacher. Thank you Caeayaron, Lord Emmanuel, Starbeings, Highest Guides, for being there and helping me all along the way, and I know you will continue to guide me. SOOO MUCH LOVE!!
James Donaldson - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - Queensland, Australia
James Donaldson01/04/2019

The power of the teachings is unbelievable. The first day of teachings left me in such a forcefield of energy that I could not move for the entire morning session, which included a break with me “stuck” in my chair.On the second afternoon I received a long distance healing of Caeayaron which filled my heart with such beautiful love.Thank you Caeayaron, Suzanna, and all of the beautiful Angels, guides, and star beings of love.
Richard Sciuk - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Canada
Richard Sciuk01/04/2019

Far out, the knowing of magnetic healing is awesome! I knew nothing about healing before this. The understanding of this CAEAYARON Magnetic Healing, so so much to say, so much knowledge, to have the higher ones to work with us to heal, the symbols we got to work within us, being one and connecting with our symbols, always having and asking higher beings to work with our patients.Just knowing how to heal from the starting to the finishing, everything done from the heart not the mind. I didn’t know anything about this healing but now I’ve got a fair idea but still a lot of practice but I’m very happy now because I know now! It’s awesome, beautiful. It’s starting for my journey to know how to heal many with Divine.I thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Caeayaron and Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, the Galactic Federation Star Being Teams of Love Society, all for helping me to know the knowledge of magnetic healing.I am very very grateful to know this and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for your patience, your time and your great love in your heart to teach us how to heal to help all humanity to rise in the love, all creation. Thank you very very much.
Tutua Puutu - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - Edgecumbe, New Zealand
Tutua Puutu01/04/2019

This is my third Magnetic Attunement with Caeayaron that I have attended. Each time the Healing power has increased exponentially. As I am learning to heal others I am healing myself at the same time.I learned to trust the healing guides. It is Caeayaron and the healing team who do the Healing. All that was asked of me was to ground and open my heart to this magnificent healing Love. It’s a course to learn to love yourself so much more. And that love and trust allows the powerful healing to happen.Go on, love yourself enough to allow yourself to do this course so that you too can open your heart so much more and with it heal your life, your family, and the world.Thank you Caeayaron for bringing these most powerful Healing Flows into our world! Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for teaching us and all the other Star Sacred World Healers who are also helping to anchor these powerful healing flows!Namaste, Beate.
Beate Smirek - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - Taranaki, New Zealand and Germany
Beate Smirek20/03/2019

I first received the Magnetic Attunements in June 2018 and it was awesome since then I have used these energies every day, healing myself, my family and the world and I have seen many changes in my life.These last two days have been more than awesome. My healing abilities have increased and I have received so many beautiful gifts from Caeayaron. I also received my 4th symbol and I can’t wait to use it in addition to the first three that I received in June.I would urge everyone who feels the “calling” to come for the Divine Pineal Gland Activations and also do the Magnetic Attunements, as these will change your life forever.Thank you Caeayaron and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for this beautiful gift of healing that we have been taught. Caeayaron’s Magnetic Frequencies Healing is the highest healing that you can receive, this has never been gifted to our earth before.
Caroline Cheng - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Bali/Singapore
Caroline Cheng20/03/2019

It was interesting to learn that Magnetic Tuning replaces all the traditional healings, the Reiki healing, DNA activation, etc. It certainly is simple enough. The 3 symbols were very interesting as they appear very holistic and powerful.I find it more reliable letting my team of Angels do the healing instead of trying to do it myself. There seems to be a huge team of beings there to help us which I was not aware of before. It certainly seemed easy enough to call on them.Key is to ground at beginning and end and to hold the energies until one feels that the healing is complete. Remote healing is awesome. One does not even need to be near the patient. The same principles apply.Important to note that one receives a holistic, multi-dimensional healing. I am not aware this is available in other modalities of healing.
Wong Weng Tuck - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, Singapore
Wong Weng Tuck20/03/2019

Appreciation and gratitude and joy that is filling my heart right now. Joy and bliss for watching my son and wife receiving priceless gifts from the Divine, not to mention the tools to heal myself and others.No greater gift could possibly be given. My ability to feel, hold and let love flow through my being is giving me whole new ways of experiencing life. The power of love is indeed great and this is the only way to gain these gifts.CAEAYARON is truly the Magnetic Master! This is not something that I think but these attunements were a full body experience. From the tingling in the fingertips to the warmth and power into my heart, to the strong sensations in my third eye and pineal gland, make for more than just evidence of the magnetic attunements. But what was just as dramatic was what it did to my outlook on life. This truly is a wonderful life. Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, CAEAYARON, & Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great for doing this for all of mankind.
With much love, Dale Savage.
Dale Savage - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - Kentucky, USA
Dale Savage20/03/2019

This is the 2nd time I’ve attended the Magnetic Attunements with CAEAYARON. The growth in the collective was so high I could feel the symbols and my own flows increasing. It was quite amazing!I have gained so much more insight and inner strength but I also learned that there is a whole team supporting us from the higher star realms to work with healing ourselves, family and others.The strength of the Star Sacred World Healers present was awesome and the gifts that came through were a huge surprise to us. I don’t think that I can express how much it has meant to me to be a part of it all.
Karen Savage - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - Kentucky, USA
Karen Savage20/03/2019

I’m grateful to be one of Caeayaron’s Magnetic Alignment healers. As a healer, I love holding the angelic flows for clients. I get to discover how people are being held in the most supportive embrace (whilst the healings are given and received). My trust in the strength and power of Caeayaron’s loving modality is growing greatly.As a student of Caeayaron, I appreciate the opportunity to learn with Suzanna and a beautiful group of Star Sacred World Healers. And I appreciate how the magnificence of this healing training can help me, my loved ones, family, friends, animals, mankind and Mother Earth.May all the people who desire to bring the most powerful healing to all of Earth spaces - please investigate to discover how this may transform your life in the most beautiful and magnificent ways.Thank you Suzanna, Caeayaron, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, Blue Archangel, and the Star Love Beings for making this possible. :-) <3 <3 <3 and for all the healings that have been given to all - creating the most profound shifts and changes with love power.
Barbara Derecourt - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, England/New Zealand
Barbara Derecourt20/03/2019

I look forward to a time in the future when everyone can recognise the power and healing that is available with Caeayaron’s Magnetic Attunements.For me a great lesson was given from Caeayaron, the necessity for claiming back my energies. I can see this helping me grow and heal in leaps and bounds.My heart is continuing to open as I am directed to let go of old emotions and past wounds. I am so excited to be part of the healing of so many.To grow into this new modality with the community of all Star Sacred World Healers is a great privilege. Moving forward from my heart space.
Gail Watson - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Gail Watson20/03/2019

The Magnetic Attunements can be felt throughout our beings. We can feel our power fields building and experiencing collective power building as a group!We need more bodies all around the world to carry these energies for the health of all humans and the health of our planet and it’s creatures.Our energies are getting stronger and we did healings on each other and could feel the strength of our collective energies.Thank you, Caeayaron, for my healing and the opportunity to spread more love around the world!Our new symbols are awesome! We can hold them and know that universal wisdom is flowing in. The energy and love will always stay with us now that we are Activated. These energies benefit everyone around us so the best thing you can do for yourself and family is to come to the Activations ASAP!
Linda Elliott - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, Canada
Linda Elliott20/03/2019

Caeayaron keeps surprising us with all the teachings, the wisdom we received.The guidance I have received over the last 2 days has been extremely beautiful, helping me to grow in trust.The flows of love and light have been a wonderful place to learn the Magnetic Attunements, amazing healings which reach others levels of growth.Thank you, I am very grateful for all that I received in this course and for the new path in front of me.Namaste.
Sandrine Brosnahan - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, New Zealand/France
Sandrine Brosnahan20/03/2019

I felt myself ground very strongly, you can feel the energies building. The heat in my hands builds. I feel the warmth. I see a large green heart in front of me to protect our energies.The first Symbol appears. The connection and flows feel great. The next Symbols come and go, in and out, I hold the energy in the space, feel the flow.I feel tingling in my hands and 3rd eye, I continue to hold.I am in the gratitude to Caeayaron and Suzanna to be able to work and heal others from the heart, really no words can explain this, and it is only the start.
Liz McMillan - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Liz McMillan20/03/2019

I feel very grateful to be here for the Magnetic Attunements. On the first day our light bodies were powered up and I felt very relaxed when this was happening.When Caeayaron mentioned the Ancients my whole body fizzed with an intense energy which was very exciting to feel as I am just learning to feel energy. I also saw 2 hands in my ‘minds eye’ which I didn’t know the relevance of at first until Caeayaron started talking about healing coming into the hands and then I realised what I had seen was very synchronistic.On the second day, we were divided into healing groups holding the space for one person who was to receive a healing. It was during this healing process that I felt an intense energy when asking the highest loving Divine Beings to heal the person who was to receive the healing which again was amazing to feel.I look forward to my healing journey! Thank you Caeayaron and thank you Suzanna! Xx
Karen Handley - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, England
Karen Handley20/03/2019

I was totally awed by the Magnetic Attunements. Felt big shifts by the attunements. I could feel a huge presence handing me back my gifts and both my hands felt heavy when my gifts were given to me. Behind me were angels with huge wings rejoicing together with me.Today when I was lying on the bed receiving healing, I could feel the angels holding my feet during the entire healing session. I felt huge expansion all around my entire body, it was totally relaxing, very comforting, filled with immense love from all around me.Thank you Great Caeayaron and Suzanna for doing so much for mankind and for the great love for us.I’m so grateful to be able to attend these Divine Pineal Gland Activations, it’s a life-changing experience for me.Lots of love from Shirley Khoo.
Shirley Khoo - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, Singapore
Shirley Khoo20/03/2019

I felt the energies of love come through. I feel very grounded and solid in myself. I felt the room full of star beings and guides supporting us all. I am so very grateful to Caeayaron and Suzanna.I felt a stronger field of power supporting us all so that we can help earth to heal energetically as a collective.I felt new gifts come in without fear. We were told how important it is to heal the Earth. I received symbols that were beautiful. I learnt to do a remote healing and also a healing on another person. I learnt the love from our guides can teach us so much. I felt the spiritual connection coming through. I learnt to programme a healing stone and to charge a glass of healing water through the higher beings.I have learnt to become a healing force field. This is done through a heart flow and not through the old energies. Please give me growth and help me be a better healer.I love you Suzanna and Caeayaron - thank you very much.
Debbie Saklatvala - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, England
Debbie Saklatvala17/03/2019

Connecting to a magnetic frequency makes you more aware of your energy and other’s energy and helps build on the foundation of grounding more and protection more and bringing in your guides.Ability to feel the energy move up and down and shifting of the earth. Changes continue to happen even when not in class.Learnt about symbols and shown how these can be used to build self up.Given and received remote healing.Programmed teddy bear and programmed H2O.New abilities and new gifts with growth.You are welcome to this class. You have nothing to lose but a lot to gain.
Selina Eruera - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Selina Eruera17/03/2019

The flows this November 2018 Magnetic Alignment Attunement have been so magnificent. It’s amazing to witness how each time a new group of star sacred world healers receive the attunement it just builds like a platform and grows so much becoming more beautiful and grounded and strong.Day one was true power building. Our light bodies all learning from each other and teaching each other also.I have attended two prior magnetic alignments and each time feel so much more love and gratitude for all the gifts we receive and are able to grow into. It’s much more than I could have ever understood or realised to begin with.The more we appreciate the flows and our gifts and work with them the more we become a part of them and one with them. We become a healing force field. I feel truly blessed to have felt the call to come again.On the first day we learned about how the healing grid works with the collective and how we are able to be brought up into greater love flows and magnetic force which is power, by Caeayaron. We learned about the importance of becoming stronger healers of self and how that allows us to greater hold the beautiful flows of Divine coming through for those who desire Caeayaron’s magnetic healings.This is the most powerful method of healing I have experienced and it’s only the beginning of what the healers are growing into as the streams become so much stronger within us.I have tried many ways of healing self physically, mentally and emotionally and this is what has truly worked and continues to work as I work with it.I feel very blessed to be here now at this time, learning before the opportunity for the healers to come in closes in 2020. If you desire to become a healer of Caeayaron please ask for the way to be made for you and connect with it in your heart’s desire. This is the most special opportunity available to you.We have learned to work with our most beautiful guides, allowing healing to come to our clients. I have felt how the symbols we are gifted, the force fields, have become stronger and more grounded within us.We have been guided and taught how to bring through a healing in person and also remotely - distance healing which we experience ourselves and feel the power of.During receiving my distance healing from another beautiful SSWH magnetically attuned, I felt so much calmness, peace, and cleansing clarity coming within me, I felt a greater connection happening between my heart and throat chakra, greater expressions of the heart building. I also felt much energy pouring through my crown and pressure building and releasing in my third eye. So beautiful.I am forever grateful for this journey becoming a star sacred world healer, magnetically attuned and universal love teacher of Caeayaron.Thank you so much for this opportunity, for a way always being made, Caeayaron. And thank you so much Suzanna for your incredible love for us, for being the gateway and the channel for Divine to come through to allow us to come back into the love and into the life once again to bring healing to us, mankind, and our planet and all that exists upon it.My eternal gratitude for all of the star beings of love who support us - thank you, Makkala xxx
Makkala Pallesen - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, England/New Zealand
Makkala Pallesen17/03/2019

After receiving the Magnetic Attunement, I felt huge power coming in. I’m not really confident of myself being a healer but after this experience of receiving healing myself, it really is so amazing to actually feel the energy tingling all over - starting from my feet upwards to all over my body.When I gave remote healing to a fellow SSWH it was confirmed. He felt enormous love energy going to him, swirling all around and around his head. That gave me a lot of confidence.Thank you so much Caeayaron and Suzanna! I can never repay Divine for all what I received.P.S. It’s too good to be true what I have become. I’m not useless anymore.
Bonnie Lim - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, Singapore
Bonnie Lim17/03/2019

There are always beautiful messages in these teachings. I always feel that even if my lower energies appear, I am in such a loving place. Knowing that I can surrender my ego to the healing love consciousness is such a beautiful thing that Caeayaron fosters.I am very grateful for all of the insights that Suzanna and Caeayaron have shared about me and my energy body.Every teaching feels so personal as so many things just align to the point where it feels like it was meant to be.I received such a beautiful blue stone with white circles on it. Seemingly by chance but it was perfect because it reminded me of the rings of Saturn that contain much like magnetic fields of Caeayaron. That crystal allowed me to ground in a way that I haven’t been able to before. It felt like a blessing for my scrambled mind.As the attunements are more group based, Suzanna’s ability to sense energies shines through. I always felt like I was in good hands.
Kyle Savage - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, USA
Kyle Savage17/03/2019

The teachings and the energies that we received and felt were incredibly beautiful. It was amazing understanding how much we are growing collectively. The growth and the strength keeps building since I attended the first Magnetic Attunements of Caeayaron through the beautiful Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.I received a new symbol and could feel how different the energies of the previous symbol were.Caeayaron talked to us in the most beautiful way, the greatest vision about the Divine Plan to heal the world. It is a privilege to be part of it, to feel the love growing within me and bring it to others.If you want to be part of the collective group that Caeayaron is building to bring all the change that we have been working for, for so long and be attuned to the most beautiful and powerful healing streams ever on Earth - come to the most incredible healing workshop ever.May more and more Lemurians desire the love back within their hearts.Thank you CAEAYARON, Lemurian brothers and sisters and Galactic Federation of Light Societies.Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for your eternal love.
Monica Carvajal Salmeron - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, USA/Spain
Monica Carvajal Salmeron17/03/2019

Dearest Caeayaron and Suzanna - it has always been a dream to be a healer and I have been looking for the strongest healing on the planet and here it is!!What an amazing time, the information is awesome. We were prepared and aligned which was incredible as our large group was made up of so many different backgrounds and experiences. The energy blew us all away. Fantastic readings were given.The power of the healing is LOVE. The symbols were so strong and we were guided in our healing practices using guides and crystals. Always with gentle positive energy. We know that we will continue to grow and continue to upgrade our strength and understanding.I feel fully supported in my journey of healing.Love always, Sharon x
Sharon Bloom - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, England
Sharon Bloom17/03/2019

The Magnetic Attunements with Caeayaron has been an amazing two days, we have received so many gifts of clairaudience, clairvoyance, spiritual sight, stronger chakras and so much more.I have learnt so much information and we are growing and building with Caeayaron’s healings.I am so grateful to be able to heal people, animals, land and nature which all contribute to healing our earth. I have learnt to program healing water and crystals that I can give to my friends, family, clients and my pets.I am so grateful to have received the most powerful healing modality on our planet, I appreciated so much all the most beautiful spiritual gifts that I have received.Thank you so much Suzanna and Caeayaron. Xxxxx
Jo Sims - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, England
Jo Sims17/03/2019

I had gifts from past lives come back to me. This time it was the ability to see people’s spirit animals and I can see how the animals help and support and describe the person.I got so much value from this workshop.It is worth more than money can buy for me. It is very wise to come here. It may sound too good to be true, I understand but see for yourself and you will see that the proof is in the pudding.Please come to this and help your soul progression and help heal the people around you or even just the pets and animals around you.I received so much from this and made many friends and Suzanna is so nice and friendly. She is always happy to support everyone.There is also much to be learned here and so much knowledge being shared. Thank you eternally!I don’t want to leave and I was sceptical at first!
Tom Nath - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, England
Tom Nath23/09/2018

1. It was about two weeks after getting my June 2018 Caeayaron Activation that I did two healings on a woman and her husband. The woman, a family member, had an intention of opening up her heart to more love. When we finished the healing energy flow she said she felt like there was something inside of her heart that opened bright, and wide. Even though her husband’s intention was just for his ‘highest good’, he felt a peaceful, calm all over while he soaked in the loving energy from Caeayaron.
2. That same evening I did a ‘distance’ emitting of Caeayaron’s energy to a loved one in another city 7 hours’ drive away. She was lethargic from going through all kinds of blood treatments for a certain cancer. She said that when I sent her Caeayaron’s energy she could actually ‘feel’ my touching her feet and the energy flowing through to her crown. She was in her own relaxed meditation at the time. She told me the next day she felt ‘revitalized’ and the need to thank me for it, but I told her it was from Caeayaron, and sent her the ‘forgiveness statement.’
3. After being home for two and half months from my Activation I shared Caeayaron’s energy with a woman who was just getting a divorce, and moving into her own apartment after many years of trying to make her marriage work with an emotionally dysfunctional husband. She explained that after she moved into her new apartment (where she loved her landlady now with a change in environment) that the healing she first got from me sharing Caeayaron’s energy had freed her from the abusive heaviness she was experiencing while getting ready to move out of her marital home. Not only did she feel ‘free’ from all the less than love emotions she was experiencing, but after just the first night in her new home she slept all night long, and continued to have wonderful restful nights. Now after the fifth night there she proclaimed that the ‘heaviness’ in her heart that caused chest pains each night while living with her husband (and that she had to see a physician for) are completely gone! Caeayaron had revealed (in thought to me) that her arthritis in her knees was, also, being healed. She was surprised that I knew this, too. She is recommending my services using Caeayaron’s energy flows to another divorced woman going through agony and betrayal.
I am so in love with Caeayaron for helping me to heal my own life after my Activation! It seems he is ‘sending me’ people that I can identify with hardships. This makes it even more rewarding to see them feeling love in their lives again. Thank you, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel (Universal Light Grid Programmer of Divine Love element) for allowing Caeayaron to speak through your most beautiful, loving, pure voice. I love you so very much, and miss you! Namaste, with warm heart hugs, Risa Vendittuoli
Risa Vendittuoli08/08/2018

The power of collective love healing just stepped up a whole new level. The frequencies at this attunement were a huge step up from the previous two. Each time they grow upon the foundation of the previous.It’s very exciting to feel the higher streams knowing how powerful these new healing flows are and how humanity can begin to heal like never before. I am so very grateful to CAEAYARON for the many gifts I have received to enhance my life, bringing greater healings for myself, my family, friends, clients, land, and the animals.Come join us in bringing the highest healing frequencies mankind has ever been given to heal with. Do it for yourself and your whole family will benefit and then so will the world.Thank you CAEAYARON and thank you Suzanna for without you, our beautiful channel, none of this would be possible
Donna Richmond - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Donna Richmond08/08/2018

Soft, gentle, loving experience filled with tenderness and therapeutic support. I am so glad these Magnetic Attunements are now available. They are a smooth easy healing method that leaves you feeling clear, refreshed, rejuvenated and balanced.Thank you CAEAYARON for this special gift to help heal humanity. Here I am CAEAYARON, please send me the ones who desire to receive a healing through me of your divine love.
Phoenix Louise Herron – Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (USA)
Phoenix Louise Herron08/08/2018

The experience of this Magnetic Healing course is so powerful and mind-blowing. I feel I can now read energy stronger in people. I have learned to balance and harmonise with other energy’s, I trust and allow more and then stronger beautiful flows come through me. I feel so grateful I can hold stronger energy so the beautiful Archangels and Star Beings can give the most beautiful healings.Caeayaron gave a teaching on healings and energy and I had a most beautiful awakening. Thank you CAEAYARON for this Sacred vision of a past lifetime because now I understand why I desire strongly to heal the beautiful Earth and Gaia.When receiving a remote healing I felt great love flows and my heart chakra expand. When I gave a remote healing it felt like I reached extremely high universal levels and saw beautiful mountains and calm water.Thank you CAEAYARON for the gift of reading energy more, it is so exciting when going through the symbols, I was amazed how much stronger they felt.These healings are the most amazing healings ever! Become Activated and learn how to grow strong in CAEAYARON’S love and healings and experience MAGIC.My mind has expanded and I feel anything is possible, I am truly unlimited and to be in collective healing is so powerful. I am so grateful CAEAYARON for your incredible teachings and healings. Thank you with all my heart for returning at this time of awakening and for allowing me to grow in the most beautiful powerful love.Thank you Suzanna, you are so amazing, thank you for always guiding me a higher way and for all the activations and teachings and divine truth you bring to us. My gratitude has grown and I am eternally grateful – Thank you, Great Divine Love.May I express my deepest gratitude to all those in New Zealand who very first became Activated with the Great CAEAYARON, as I see this as a Divine seed which was planted and now growing strongly in the collective Divine Love.Namaste, here I send all the love within me to the Great Collective Love, may it rise and rise forever more.
Julie Kane - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (England)
Julie Kane08/08/2018

I feel very grateful and blessed to have been part of this healing.I was able to relax and let go, I saw two little flashes of bright light appear in my right eye. I felt very grounded within and could feel energy travelling through my feet. I was so blessed to have received this attunement. I absolutely appreciate my gifts I received from CAEAYARON. I would share with others to not judge and be open to coming to these Magnetic Attunements and enjoy the awakening healing of the body mind and spirit.
Kim Sciuk – Angelic Frequency Healer of Caeayaron (Canada)
Kim Sciuk08/08/2018

The healing flows we felt during this magnificent workshop were so high but so gentle and loving. Now I understand why the Magnetic Attunements with CAEAYARON are the most powerful healing energies. It is the most beautiful healing modality on Earth.I could feel the frequencies from the Angels and myself opening to my healing gifts, I could never have imagined I could do this.I am so grateful to Caeayaron for all the gifts I received during these two beautiful days. I know that they will grow and bless my life and the life of many others.I am also in deep gratitude to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for being the most beautiful loving and amazing teacher I have ever had.I feel different, stronger, more confident and healed on very deep levels.I will remember these days forever.
Monica Carvajal Salmeron - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (Spain)
Monica Carvajal Salmeron08/08/2018

What an amazing gift to have received the Magnetic Attunements with Caeayaron.This is the most powerful healing course on this planet. I am so glad I found it. What better way than to receive Angelic healing flows for healing myself and other people – straight from the highest archangel there is – CAEAYARONDuring the exercises, I felt these enormous powerful flows coming through me. I wish with all my heart that everyone will be able to experience these healing flows. If you have the chance, receive a healing by a practitioner (Angelic Frequency Healer of Caeayaron), or even better sign up yourself and come to receive the attunements. This course along with the Activations is freeing and life-changing.Thank you Caeayaron, Thank you, Suzanna, with all my heart.
Beate Smirek - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Beate Smirek 02/08/2018

The flows are beautifully strong and feel new xxxI receive regular energy healings in New Zealand and I have never felt the likes, strength and quickening of the energies I received on this course. WOW!!Thank you Caeayaron and Suzanna for this wonderful gift.
Claire Duggan – Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Claire Duggan02/08/2018

This was really helpful for me. I am a massage therapist and this really helped me learn how to heal people better. I am very thankful for these two days and I will definitely use the knowledge that Caeayaron taught.I can’t wait to use what I have learned here on this course to help those around me. I can see so many people who can benefit from what I have learned here and what I have now become.Thank you so very much.
Tom Nath – Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (England)
Tom Nath02/08/2018

In the two days, Suzanna and Caeayaron made the group into the greatest spiritual healers on the planet, together with those already attuned by Suzanna and Caeayaron.
The flows were huge and my DNA was singing so high as the highest Angels and Star Beings sent me so many gifts of healing & healing gifts for others.
There are simply no higher magnetic healing flows on human earth, and to be able to flow in this love energy is absolutely incredible and impossible to put into words. The remote healings were equally as powerful as the healings of the people in the same room. The feedback from both the healers & ones they were gifting healings to, was verification of miraculous healing gifts.
Stephen – Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (England)

Once I got the process down, I enjoyed the energy very much. Even though I wasn’t seeing the colours, I felt them quite strongly. The beautiful Forgiveness Statement brings many blessings.
I was very appreciative of the healing and felt an astral travel with familiar vibration & colour. I heard Caeayaron the whole time giving loving thoughts that were so comforting.
The remote healing was very familiar, it felt a bit like when you get into the latest model car & need to adjust to the higher specifications & learn to operate on a higher frequency.
Very grateful – practise was very helpful with experienced `Teachers’ activated before.
Thank You Caeayaron, Thank You Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
Risa – Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (USA)

If you would like to learn the most powerful healing modality and work alongside the highest Divine Angels, then the Magnetic Attunements are perfect for you to expand into the best healer of self and of others that you could possibly imagine!
The sacred symbols and gifts you receive are truly experiences you will treasure for the rest of your life. I was able to really connect energetically to not only myself, but others as well. I felt the evidence of this healing work, as I had a lovely buzzing in my head and even felt this in my hands, feet and into my chakra centres. I found that when I did a healing for another, I felt the healing within myself also, so both of us benefited & grew from the experience.
My connection to spirit and the Angels has increased through the Magnetic Attunements in a way that has absolutely astounded me. My joy for life and appreciation for myself and others has flourished greatly. I am eternally grateful and feel truly blessed for this growth and shifts in energy.
Thank You Caeayaron, Thank You Suzanna, Thank You Great Divine!
Kaylynn Pagoria – Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (USA)
Kaylynn Pagoria02/08/2018

I am so grateful for these beautiful healings to be available to us. The healing flows are strong but gentle, I have been doing healings on friends & family and have had some amazing results. I felt amazing shifts in my chakras.
I appreciate all the spiritual gifts I received from Caeayaron, I now feel very calm from the healings of myself.
Come to the Magnetic Attunements as this opportunity may not be around after 2020. Use these tools to heal yourself, friends and family. Caeayaron’s healing flows are out of this world because you are taken into the Angelic Divine Love realms.
Namaste Jo xxxx
Jo Sims – Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (England)
Jo Sims02/08/2018

The Magnetic Attunement flows are so beautiful, stunning and peaceful. Such bliss was felt! Layers have lifted for me and I feel a lot more comfortable in the flows. I felt this session was so much more solid, stronger and brighter. The attunements have taken the “Activation” knowledge to a new level.
I am excited as this collective work in the love and the light is strengthening with solid foundation. I am so grateful for Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, she is such a fabulous force with her channelling and Caeayaron is so enlightening. So blessed in this presence.
Love, light, gratitude & grace x Natalie
Natalie Wojak – Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Natalie Wojak02/08/2018

This is over the top beautiful!The sacred symbol I received brought deep tears as I remembered on a deep level of this sacred gift I had in Lemuria.Considering there are only one and a half years left to get these gifts, and understanding the great demand for this holy service in the years after 2020 (as explained by Suzanna) makes me so humble of the magnitude of these gifts I have received.
Richard Sciuk – Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (Canada)
Richard Scuik02/08/2018

The magnetic attunements are amazing. I truly loved learning about energy and building power. I am feeling very privileged to be able to work with Caeayaron and his Star Teams when I am facilitating a healing.
I felt my chakras being balanced and strengthened. This felt so good when my chakras aligned, my body feels amazing. I am excited about healing as an activated person. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Caeayaron & Suzanna for creating and facilitating such an amazing experience.
Why would you not come to the activations and Magnetic Attunements with Caeayaron and gain your ticket to freedom?
When you complete the activations you will receive your precious ancient gifts, better health & divine love. You will discover your life purpose and greater path. You will discover your life purpose and greater plans.
I hope you do not have the experience of explaining to your multi-dimensional selves and star teams why you didn’t take the higher path before 2020.
Once again I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Caeayaron & Suzanna for the gift of this amazing ascension program.
Your humble student
Helen Collier – Star Sacred World healer, Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Helen Collier23/07/2018

As I sit here writing, I feel deepest deepest lifechanging emotions beyond description. I wish to say gratitude, love, peace, purpose, healing, grace, strength, compassion, but I know these words will never match the beauty of the Divine Love, healing and teachings that I have so gratefully received.I feel so deeply that I have been waiting my whole lifetime and many, to arrive at this huge loving place and the knowledge that love and forgiveness are the master keys to heaven sent wishes and a life fulfilled and lived on our beautiful planet.I am grateful to be here and thank you from my heart.Suzanna is so beautiful, humble, graceful and shares so much healing and deep unconditional love.Forever in service and gratitude, Darryl Anne MooneyAngelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (England)
Darryl Anne Mooney23/07/2018

It is with all my appreciation, that I sit writing this, glowing and at peace knowing the Angels of Divine Love love us so much they want to gift us the most happy and peaceful lives.They want to bring us into joy and to heal all the lower pain and fear we carry. I experienced this for days during the course. The Magnetic Attunements from Caeayaron through Suzanna is, without doubt, the only way up.To learn how to hold the flows and feel free, knowing that as more people become attuned, the more powerful the healing becomes is true Divine Collective Love Consciousness.I deeply desire this with all my heart and cannot thank all the healers, Angels, Suzanna, guides, and Beings in the Love and Light enough.There is no other or better way than to allow Angelic love to grow and heal us all. The gift that keeps growing and giving.Namaste. Love forever, Jules.

I felt more energy flowing through my body and it was really amazing doing the group activites, feeling other people's energy flows and connecting in.
I am very grateful to Caeayaron, the Great Divine, and the Angels for the Magnetic Attunements. This will increase my abilities in partnership to bring healing to this planet.
I am grateful for the teachings from Caeayaron about how to flow with love and express appreciation & gratitude to Caeayaron and the Great Divine and for the attunements.
I appreciate the healings.
I will talk and speak of Caeayaron and give the forgiveness statement and give teachings that I have learnt here through the teaching manual. I will then send others here.
Benefits are self-healing and to heal others through Great Divine Love and how others will be able to connect to their guides and Angels, learning how to do remote healing.
I am grateful for all these teachings from Caeayaron.
Leon Maloney - Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Leon Maloney 30/06/2018

"What a beautiful experience this has been for me! This was my second magnetic alignment attunement and I have felt so much more confident in my abilities to hold the space for healings from the angels to come through. I feel like I have been able to step into this much more and I am so excited to be able to hold these magnificent flows to bring healings through for people.I have built so much trust in divine coming through because I now understand how to allow that better. My greatest learning was just how important and vital it is to allow the space for healing to happen.I am so grateful for the opportunity to come again, to learn to build a stronger foundation and move forward with much more confidence.Being here has brought so much peace and calm into my heart and my mind. I have also noticed my physical body recovering greatly which has excited me greatly! And really grounded in my trust, gratitude and I wish the English language had more expressive words for me right now!Thank you so much Caeayaron for these gifts. Thank you Suzanna for making this possible. Thank you to all the beautiful angels and star beings who were here with us and to all of the Divine beings of love and light.I am realising how precious and important everything is and how important it is to build these incredible gifts.
Makkala Pallesen - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand/USA)
Makkala Pallesen30/06/2018

"Love comes from self. I know I want to work with Divine and work on a deeper healing level to help many people heal and also bring them to the great healing works of Caeayaron.Using the healing flower grid and the violet flame in combination with the symbols is so powerful to raise the energies up so high that healing becomes so intense.I learned using healing crystals helps hold the energy.Always remember I am a facilitator of healing and to ask the angels to heal me and others. They know what to do, I just need to trust, step aside and just hold the energy to allow them to do their work."
Karen Ladd - Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON, previously activated with CAEAYARON to Level One and a Student of CAEAYARON's Universal Love Frequency Course with Donna Richmond (New Zealand)
Karen Ladd30/06/2018

"The two days of Magnetic Attunements were just mind-blowing for me. I have always doubted my own healing abilities and didn't have the courage to do any healings for others. During these 2 days, I was surprised by my healing abilities.I was really blessed to receive a personal reading/healing from Caeayaron. I felt I had known him all my life (and many lifetimes) and felt so much love and wisdom from him. Please, please come for the Magnetic Attunements, for higher healing flows in your life."
Caroline Cheng - Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (Singapore/Bali)
Caroline Cheng30/06/2018

"The Magnetic Attunements were a beautiful, gentle, empowering, soul lightening experience. It was much easier and more beautiful than the traditional healing (hands-on) approach.
I felt it as I received it, like an empowering tuning of the light body/energy body. Even as a facilitator of a healing, I felt it healing for myself.
The highlight of these two days was a personal reading with the awesome Caeayaron through Suzanna. I got some amazing insights into my past lives & found gentle direction and purpose for my future in this life.
Thank you beautiful Caeayaron, thank you beautiful Suzanna!"
Giovanni Luijten - Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (Holland/New Zealand)
Giovanni Luijten30/06/2018

"It is very hard to put all this in words because so much happened to me during this course. I felt the flows and shifts one at a time coming into me, they came into my heart chakra, solar plexus, base chakra like a warm feeling into each one so gentle and pleasant.
Caeayaron's gifts I could also feel. I'm not a person to cry at all but as I was grounding my eyes were watering, never has that happened before when grounding.
So much love and gifts were coming in and I trust the Divine, Angels, Guides and Caeayaron so much and it's building more every day. The more you trust the more they will help you grow as a healer and as a person spiritually. The gifts and blessings are abundant!
Come to the Magnetic Attunements and learn how to grow in your heart & heal like never before.
Love you Caeayaron! Divine! Suzanna!
Thank you"
Sherry Pagoria - Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (USA)
Sherry Pagoria26/06/2018

HEALING TESTIMONY: When I came to Driffield in January, my brother was diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer. I began including healing for him in portals, sending him angelic frequency healings & let a very few select Star Sacred World Healers who know the situation. In May he received an all clear scan!!!
As my brother received a clean bill of health, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer for a second time. Again, I included her in healing portals, sent angelic frequency healings & called upon the few Star Sacred World Healers I am closest with. My mother's tumor shrunk prior to surgery, to where she did not require pre-op chemo. She had a lumpectomy & lymph node removal on June 12th...the day of/after I had taken part in 3 portal openings...calling in beautiful healing. The day after surgery, she was in NO physical pain...without pain medication! No cancer cells have spread & she may only need radiation treatments at this time.
Her faith & love for Caeayaron, Suzanna & all of Divine has grown. She strongly desires to attend the next set of activations, as do I once again.
I thank you again for taking the time to read this update. Much love, protection, & gratitude always & look forward to seeing you again.
Denise Jewell13/06/2018

"An amazing day. So much transformation - thoughts, ideas, growing peace, love, to be able to move on with your life, to become free from fears, release anything that is holding you back from living your true potential.
Healing you, bringing joy & love to yourself. Accepting who you are. Knowing you are able to forgive the past & release it so you can enjoy this wonderful gift that has been given - this life to have good health, great relationships, love others from a place of self-acceptance.
Thank you Caeayaron. Thank you for bringing me here. I am so grateful."
Adrienne Marks - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (Spain/England)
Adrienne Marks 13/06/2018

* Sacred Star chaneling
* Amazing Star healings of powerful magnetic love vibration
* Beautiful Star gifts & codes
* Huge growth of the new star babies who are evolving into greater flows; who can now heal others directly or remotely; anyone, anywhere in the world!
* Simply out of this world, beautiful, life changing experience
Great gratitude to Suzanna, the angels & star beings of love & light, Stephen.
Stephen - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (England)

"These truly are the most magnificent healing light streams anyone on earth can have the honour and privilege of holding at this time.Even though I have previously been attuned to the first round of magnetic attunements with Caeayaron, this time around the healing flows have matured and grown so much, they truly are evolving flows to help us to heal in the highest love angelic flows available to us at this time.For those returning to the course further advanced healing flows and wisdom was received. I'm so grateful I have returned another time, as I desire to heal so much to become greater love, help my family to heal and also our Earth and Humanity to heal.I'm so grateful that I received a greater understanding of the privilege to be a part of these gifts to work in union with the angels to grow in love and learn to grow into an angel healer of love.If you are already a healer, come to the Divine Pineal Gland Activations, so then you can become one of Caeayaron's Angelic Frequency Healers. Why? This experience and honour is the higher gateway to heal ourselves and heal all things and people in our world.For me, in my appreciation, I could feel my heart open greater to greater love and compassion for myself and greater love and compassion for others.Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, the only channel who can bring through these attunements, has grown so much in her healing abilities, love, strength, compassion and teacher abilities.Thank you Caeayaron, Galactic Star Families of Love, Blue Archangel
Danielle Roberts16/05/2018

"Oh wow!!! The shift in the strength of the frequencies is HUGE since the last attunements in August 2017. I am in complete amazement at how the flows are so stable and loving and yet so gentle for everyone.When we 'played' with the energies on Day One we experienced how the angels brought in exactly what was required in each situation. In some, the heat felt within was enormous and then with a different intention for healing the soft love was so gentle like being hugged by an angel.The healings over these two days have stabilised my energy field. I feel more love within me. I feel more peace within me. My body has been vibrating constantly as I feel my cells being so excited about receiving so much Light and expanding greatly.I am so grateful for all I have received and there is no place I would rather be than healing with angels.I encourage all to come to CAEAYARON's Magnetic Attunements with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. The healings are real - everyone feels it as so, without exception.Thank you CAEAYARON, GREAT DIVINE LOVE and all our Star Love family.Thank you Suzanna, so much, for working so hard to bring Divine Love healings to our earth.I am forever grateful. Love always.
Jacqui Hanson - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Jacqui Hanson16/05/2018

"This has been the most amazing few days. The healing energies were tremendous and so powerful.I can't say how grateful I am to Caeayaron and Suzanna for this most amazing experience. I am so grateful and honoured to be able to attend Caeayaron's Magnetic Healing Course and be a part of something so amazing.Thank you Caeayaron.Thank you Suzanna.Thank you beautiful Light team. :-) "
Audrey Dobson - Angelic Frequency Healer (England)
Audrey Dobson16/05/2018

"Who doesn't need healing in some way?When you attend Caeayaron's Magnetic Attunement course it will blow you away. The power of the angels healing is out of this world. There is absolutely no reason for suffering anymore.Step up and become one of Caeayaron's beautiful healers and feel the magnificent love that the divine has for you. Each time you heal another you also receive a healing, with so much love and gratitude.So I say, join Caeayaron's healing team and you will never look back.Thank you Caeayaron, thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for this wonderful gift.
Tracy Bettridge - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Tracy Bettridge16/05/2018

"I feel amazing, lifted up to the stars. It's a place you want to be forever "it's like being in Heaven" the love keeps flowing, the energies keep going up & up.
The gifts we received you can't buy them online or from your supermarket. Only Suzanna Maria Emmanuel can pass these gifts to us from CAEAYARON!
So come & experience what words can't describe. You will learn what REAL HEALING is all about, where it should start from. You will know it's all about LOVE the Collective Love.
Many thanks, much gratitude Suzanna & CAEAYARON.
Rita Boyce - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (England)
Rita Boyce16/05/2018

"I am so grateful to have come to this class. I almost did not come and decided at the last minute. For my entire life I have always wanted to be a healer and now I know how to in detail, as well as put my love & my gifts to use.
When the time is right, I look forward to, with great joy, accepting my own clients to heal & work with.
The lessons I learned these past 2 days will stay with me for lifetimes & on the other side, & I am soooo grateful & excited.
I appreciate these teachings & Caeayaron and Suzanna so much for allowing me to become the person I knew I always was.
I recommend this class to everyone and anyone!!!! but most importantly to those who feel drawn to it. Do not wait or hesitate or doubt. You will not regret it. You will, though, regret not taking this class if you had the chance to."
Samantha Strom - Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (USA)
Samantha Strom14/05/2018

"It was very intensive learning. The energies were so high, nearly unbelievable. But it felt so good, you must experience it on your own, I don't know how to describe it.I had wonderful healings given by the other students and gave a healing to another person that gave me a feedback that was great.The gifts that we received were so great, I loved it very much.I am so grateful to Suzanna, Caeayaron and the Angels and to the wonderful group with people from all over the world, together in Love."
Kathrin W�lfel - Star Sacred World Healer and Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (Germany)
Kathrin W�lfel14/05/2018

"Oh Oh Oh so amazing.I started feeling these energies coming in about 3 weeks ago every time I thought about healing or this workshop. These energies from high Archangelic beings are strong but gentle. Suzanna is a great teacher who demonstrated then we all took turns of giving and receiving healings. My cells are still buzzing. Thank you Suzanna and Caeayaron for the great teachings and blessings and healings.I am privileged to be here."
Anne Hunter Star Sacred World Healer and Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Anne Hunter 14/05/2018

"I've received a great healing during this course.I recommend this course to everyone who desires to be healed or to any healer. If anyone wants to be more connected to angels this course is the right one. Blessings."
Patrice De Misse - Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (Cameroon/Germany)
Patrice De Misse14/05/2018

"I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to attend the Magnetic Attunements workshop with Caeayaron. I feel that I have been given wonderful gifts that will enable me to heal those around me so that they can feel the amazing love that is gifted to us by the Divine.I can only offer my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Caeayaron and his Divine Team. The benefits will be ongoing and I am sure I cannot even begin to imagine what it will be like.So much healing happened over the two days - truly amazing."
Jo Jones - Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Jo Jones 14/05/2018

"I have almost no words to express the magnificence of this course.I feel like I have had thousands of dollars worth of healing, and had my chakras spring cleaned and learnt some of the most profoundly life-changing abilities that I will ever be graced with.Thank you Suzanna and thank you Caeayaron for the immense difference you have made in my life at this time. I now have confirmation of my talents and abilities as a healer, both in person and remotely. This has raised my confidence, not only in my healing ability but within myself as well, to a level I have never experienced before.My strength of belief in Angels and the Divine (which was always very strong) is now unfathomable and stronger than anything I have ever thought I would have.My sense of self and sense of purpose is so centred and calm, I can't help but smile when I think of the future.I look forward to the coming days and years when I can be a conduit for the healing from Divine, for myself and others.With all of my heart and spirit felt thanks,
Vanessa Kylie Foster - Star Sacred World Healer and Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Vanessa Kylie Foster14/05/2018

"What an amazing 2 days with CAEAYARON and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel the Light Grid Programmer receiving the Magnetic Attunements.I have learnt a few healing modalities including Angelic Reiki, which I love! This new (ancient) modality is beyond them all. I have been waiting so long for this!Highest healing flows, Sacred Energies. I feel very privileged to be here and very humble.I felt the enormity, expansion and potential of magnetic healing and I'm so excited for the future.I encourage all lovers of healing to be activated and be attuned to Magnetic Frequencies by CAEAYARON.
"Glenda Rainey - Star Sacred World Healer and Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Glenda Rainey14/05/2018

I'm still buzzing with the healing energies of Caeayaron. They are oh so powerful.I know I will keep on comprehending what we were taught and what I've experienced for many days, months and beyond.Thank you angels for letting me feel what I felt (and I thought I won't be able to feel much - surprise!) The energies were building up when we were working in teams, all loving, powerful and gentle at the same time.It's amazing how Suzanna can see all different energies and team up perfect healers for a person.We all grew so much during this two days. I need to ground :-) (although the course itself was very solid.)I'm very grateful for being a part of this group today, to feel angel energy and receive the greatest gifts from Caeayaron. Still, I know I need to learn to be more grateful.
"Kataryna Jablonska - Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (Poland)
Kataryna Jablonska21/03/2018

The power of the healings that come from the angels who know what has to be healing within ourselves and in the person who receives our treatment.We are the one who allows that the treatment takes place but it is the angels who do the work.By our focus and compassion we see the work that is the great love achievement by Caeayaron.We become more gifted if we stay humble in our heart.
Jane Lanteigne - Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (Canada)
Jane Lanteigne21/03/2018

I've never thought of myself as a "healer" but there are people I know who need much healing, so I signed up.There are a lot of simple steps, not only for others' healing but myself.I can see it positively affecting my life in the future. I'm so grateful to Caeayaron and the angels for such an opportunity.
Karen Savage - Star Sacred World Healer and Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (USA)
Karen Savage21/03/2018

A big WOW! This stuff works for sure. Thank you Caeayaron for this gift. I would not have considered myself a healer by any stretch of the imagination and yet it was given and received with effect.The easiest healing modality as the beautiful angels do the work, you open the door only.This is a powerful healing modality even for the spiritual dummy such as me, for someone who is already a healer it will amaze you greatly in its power.Heal yourself, heal others, do this!
Andrew Kramer - Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (USA)
Andrew Kramer21/03/2018

An amazing 2 days not to be missed if you wish to have a closer connection with the archangelic realms and receive the gift of deeper healing and understanding.As a second timer returning to the magnetic attunement with Caeayaron I gained so much. Increased knowledge, understanding, clarity and confidence to know I can truly make a difference for myself, my family, friends and those around me in my daily life.If you have ever desired to heal greater within yourself and heal your family and friends this is the workshop for you.Never will you regret building a stronger relationship with the divine realms.Joy and happiness flow stronger within me each and every day.So much gratitude and appreciation to Suzanna, Caeayaron and their team for bringing this event to the people at this time.
Namaste, Sharan.Sharan Collier-Caskey - Star Sacred World Healer and Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand/Wales)
Sharan Collier Caskey21/03/2018

The workshop was very intense. I feel really grateful and privileged for being here both for having had the opportunity to receive deep healings and for becoming a healer through which Caeayaron can bring his blessings to other people.During the healings, I felt a release on a deeper level of emotional issues I've carried from the past for many years and I already feel deeply changed in consideration of how I was the day I arrived; I already feel more peace and love in carrying out my daily activities and in relationship with others.I feel growing stronger within me the desire to share with others this precious treasure I've received and, along with this desire, I feel growing the confidence and the abilities to fulfil this project.I also appreciated the balance between theory and practice that allowed us to apply right away what we had just learned.Moreover, the atmosphere in the group was very pleasant, therefore I'm really satisfied for the work I've done.I do recommend to anyone who really wants to free themselves from suffering and help others do the same to take part in this healing modality - the only one that now actually works!
Paulo Dottori - Star Sacred World Healer and Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (Italy)
Paulo Dottori14/12/2017

These days have been so amazing, so beautiful and so powerful on such a deep level.I feel our group connecting and our gifts together returning to our ancient ways and this is a knowing and connection so deep within, so solid within.I keep asking CAEAYARON to help me to forgive myself and to help me release all the fear and pain surrounding remembering these ancient gifts.I want so much to let go of my old lower thoughts which keep me in limitation because I know that these streams of healings, these ancient healing flows, are not so much of knowledge but are so much about allowing.I will keep asking CAEAYARON to please guide my healing, to help me release all my pain and limitation so that I can become a greater conduit for the angels to heal through.This is so magical and so beautiful. It has been such a privilege to be here watching Suzanna shine and grow and to step into her ancient gifts greater and greater.Thank you Suzanna, for your hard work, dedication and Great Love. Thank you for reaching your Blue Archangelic Self once again and bringing those healing flows for us.Thank you always and forever.Seeing you channel for four and a half days with very little breaks was an incredible journey in itself, let alone all the information, all the gifts, all the flows you brought through from Divine for the people. Absolutely magnificent!Thank you so much CAEAYARON, I feel you as my friend and my trust in you grows and grows and I am so grateful you are here to align all things upwards for that is where I desire to go - home again and beyond.Thank you GREAT DIVINE, SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, HALISARIUS, and the Galactic Federations of Love and Light Societies and all the Divine and Star Beings of Great Love for working so hard for so long to bring this ascension to fruition.I love you all and thank you so much to all those who came because of their desire to heal and return to the ways of the oneness.Namaste.Jacqui Hanson, New Zealand - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (from the Magnetic Alignment Attunements August 2017)
Jacqui Hanson30/09/2017

Dear Suzanna and Stephen - I send much love, gratitude and highest wishes from Beverley!!!Below I have shared experiences that I had with friends who received Caeayaron’s Magnetic Healings. Interestingly, I was present at my friend's medicine review, because she has a lot of drugs...and whilst in there she told me that the consultant's room was full (I'd say that it was packed with Pleiadians : ) and she could also sense that they were all taking amongst themselves about the experience. Awesome! Even whilst we sat in the pharmacy I sensed that they were checking out what was on the shelves... And later in the garden (garden that as I mentioned below in the 2nd healing) my friend asked for a hug - and she could feel that there were many more than just my energy body giving her a hug - she said there were many beings in that embrace. And she has also seen my eyes change to blue tones and has also felt 'mesmerised' at times as we talked with each other. Wow! The beautiful Star Beings work in amazing ways!Luuurve, Barbs ***Testimonial 16th September 2017 Namaste. It’s been a month since Caeayaron’s Magnetic Healing Attunements in Driffield, UK, and I have been reflecting on a couple of experiences with this beautiful modality that I would like to share.***The first healing was whilst I stayed with a friend who had developed a head cold during the week. And with my friend’s work-week fast approaching their wellbeing had not progressed. So I asked my friend if they’d like to receive Caeayaron’s Magnetic Healing, which they responded “Yes, after you’ve finished your cup of tea”. Interestingly, before my tea was drunk, my friend had fallen asleep on the couch whilst we sat together. During the healing session I observed my friend’s changing breathing patterns, as well as my body’s energy sensations whilst the process evolved. And when I’d completed, I let my friend continue sleeping because I sensed that the beautiful Angels were still giving healing flows and frequencies. Later my friend awoke and asked how the session went and so I shared my observations and experience. And what I found interesting was that my friend was also aware of energies received in two of the correlating body areas that I’d sensed during their healing. Thank you Divine Archangels.***The second healing was whilst staying with a friend that has a condition known as fibromyalgia. For the vast types of pain that my friend experiences (throughout the head and body) is an assortment of prescribed pharmaceuticals; and there are times when the medicines are do not alleviate the pain sensations. On this occasion my friend was in bed with aggressive lower back pain and so I offered Caeayaron’s Magnetic Healing; soon after calling in the Angels my friend had fallen asleep. Once I had completed the process I left my friend to sleep, later heading into town to run some errands before shops closed for the day. When I got back to my friend’s home I found them sitting on a seat in the garden seat with another friend, and so I asked how they were feeling. “Great” my friend said “the pain has gone.”Thank you Divine Archangels.***I give Love and Gratitude to Caeayaron, the beautiful Blue Archangel Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, the Pleiadians, our guides and higher selves - for all that they do for the people and our Divine selves. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!Love and highest wishes, Barbs
Barbs Derecourt September 2017