Reviews ...

Why I went to The Divine Pineal Gland Activations in April 2019 was because my son had attended the same Activations in November 2018. My son returned home so enthusiastic and committed by what he had learned, I felt compelled to learn more about it myself, so that at least I could be on the same page as he.When I arrived in Driffield, Yorkshire in April for The Divine Pineal Activations I was determined I would go with an open mind, without any preconceived ideas, that is how I was prepared to start the course.I am 80 years old and my main concern when I realised that each day of the course lasted 8 hours and for two days of the course they would be 12 hours long-how would I be able to give my attention to one person speaking for so long each day was my main concern. On that I need not have been concerned as it turned out, it was riverting.There were just over a 100 people in the room, some I learned had attended a number of activations, others were novices just like me.Suzanna Maria Emmanuel came on to the dias and started speaking in the sweetest voice which she continued, in between, CAEAYARON was being channelled speaking through Suzanna for 8 hours - with only a 20 minute break in the morning and 45 minute break for lunch. At the end of the day I found it overwhelming to the point of overpowering, I didn’t quite know what to make of it. I felt the same experience for the next 3 days.On the fourth day I started to assemble what I had heard into registering with all the information I was given from Suzanna and other Angels that also channelled through her. I should say at this point I had always believed in Angels particularly Guardian Angels, however, here I was hearing not only the Angels but also about the beginning of life on Planet Earth - overpowering and over whelming it certainly was.From there on over the next few days until the end of the Activations I was very relaxed and more open to learning more, that became more and more important to me.I was Activated and given my Certificate of Activation by Suzanna. I returned home, very tired after what had been the most extraordinary 10 days of my life. After a good night’s sleep it was only the next day, when I was alone with my own thoughts, although my head was throbbing from everything I had heard, and learned, how different I felt. After a life time of being involved in business where my decisions were based on facts and figures, where blind faith did not play any part in decision making at all, could I now accept Caeayaron and Divine Love of Angels in Blind Faith. Had I been programmed by life as I knew it to only accept hard facts. I have given a lot of thought to the matter, all I can see and feel are the physical and mental changes in myself.I feel as though my eye lids are being held open wide, just like a baby, learning to see bright lights and the world about it, learning to creep, walk and talk, as though I am seeing life through different eyes of being re born.When any of my friends ask me about my experience the only analogy I can give is when we first went to Disney Land in Florida I was so overwhelmed with it, all I could say to my friends was, ‘you will just have to go and experience it yourself’. The Divine Pineal Gland Activations were very different of course but I would say It was beyond my comprehension, too much to take in the first time around and that is why I think most people need to repeat the Activations because it is too much for the human brain to condense first time around. I know it certainly has given me a renewed perspective of life that will live with me forever.I could write a tome about my experience gained at The Divine Pineal Gland Activation but I think anyone that wants an experience that could be a life changer should attend the next Activation.Thank you for reading a sketchy brief of my 10 days in Driffield, Yorkshire with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Caeayaron, and the Angels.I am 80 years old and my main concern when I realised that each day of the course lasted 8 hours and for two days of the course they would be 12 hours long-how would I be able to give my attention to one person speaking for so long each day was my main concern. On that I need not have been concerned as it turned out, it was reverting.Namaste,Doreen, England

Attending the Divine Pineal Gland Activations has been the most awesome experience of my life. When I first found the information about Suzanna and Caeayaron, I experienced instant draw as well as resistance. My mental framework was very much challenged, but I was curious. I took time watching the videos on YouTube and reading the Facebook articles, processing everything I was learning and how I felt about it. All experiences in my life began to make more sense and I began to very much desire to make the journey to England. I knew I had to come in order to figure out what the activations were all about. It was a huge exercise in discernment and I have no regrets about making the journey, even though I had to leave my baby at home. I am so grateful to have heard the call and that I was willing to put my mind into new spaces. Each activation has created magnificent change within my being, and level three has blown me away. I feel so alive and full of hope and self-confidence. I have never felt so fearless. My vibration increased substantially and I took in so much love and healing. Receiving the Lemurian and Galactic Mantles and learning about Divine Will, and portals has been so soul satisfying! The overwhelming thoughts and feelings are about gratitude and appreciation. I now know that I have wisdom and discernment. I am excited to continue to grow my light body and to engage in all the beautiful exercises that will help me to evolve upwards. I am willing to forgive, to heal and to grow in love power. I am so grateful and ready to leave behind any mind trainings that have told me that it’s wrong to want spiritual gifts, guidance and answers from Divine! I rejoice in all the spiritual gifts growing within myself and all the Star Sacred World Healers, for these are the gifts that can save the earth. I rejoice in my relationship with Divine, and all the protection, support and love that I have been receiving since becoming activated. I was a very serious Dharma student for twelve years and I have stepped away from that path with an ease that has really surprised me. I know this is due to having the forgiveness codes I’ve received and the magnificent power of Caeayaron’s forgiveness statement. I know with certainty that I have now found the highest path of love. If you truly desire to see all the suffering of beings end, then please consider becoming activated by Caeayaron! It has taken direct personal experience for me to be able to have this certainty. The shifts within me after the level one activation were subtle at first, not a huge change in consciousness. Level three has blessed me with vast and profound changes in consciousness. I am eternally grateful to Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great, to the Divine Love Element and Caeayaron for the healings and blessings I have received. I give thanks that I now have hope for the future. I truly hope that you will be inspired to experience the same blessings for yourself!! Come and join us in the love flows!Namaste, with much love
Miranda, AlaskaStar Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned, and Universal Teacher of CAEAYARON

I am so truly grateful for all I received this weekend, the gifts, the teachings, and growth in personal understanding and love for myself, the collective and Divine. One of the highlights was the readings from Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great’s new book which revealed the truth about Jesus’s crucifixion and survival and the truth about the water into wine (blessed water) story. This brought back many memories and understandings from those times and my heart opened so greatly in love and gratitude for the Divine Love Element, Suzanna, who lived as Jesus at that time. This was the most magnificent “University of Light” where the spiritual gifts and training are not available anywhere else and never before on the earth. We all accepted we have a collective responsibility to save the earth and the people which we love so much. If your heart is open to changing the damage on the earth and your communities and countries, come, please to Caeayaron’s activations to get your life codes back and be released from your karma and to be able to work collectively to create the new earth and go up to higher star realms. There is no greater life purpose-come join with us. Namaste,
Claire, New ZealandStar Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned, and Universal Teacher of CAEAYARON

It is the time for collective love. I feel my tones in the Galactic Love Alignment streams. This feels magnificent. What an opportunity. Please look, discover, investigate this for yourself. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel shared her divine messages from her books from Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great, and the messages are profound. Please wake up little flowers, for we wish to grow greatly in the collective love together. Suzanna shared an: exquisite orchestra of divine tones reaching our planet at this time. Wake up little flowers, awaken to the light rising. For you will forever be able to play in the higher dimensions. Follow the light stream to eternal bliss. Intense flows of pure love power can be experienced this lifetime, on this planet now. With the Divine Love Element, how beautifully she shines at the Divine Pineal Gland Activations of Caeayaron. Come to the Divine Activations dear ones for you will be forever blessed. Namaste. Thank you Galactic Federations of Light, Halisarius, Reuben, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great and Caeayaron. Thank you for my ticket upwards. I am in pure bliss and so forever appreciative and grateful. Love you always, Natalie, New ZealandStar Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned, and Universal Teacher of CAEAYARON

Wow, just wonderful, just incredible how wise CAEAYARON’s teachings are! I can’t get enough! My understanding is increasing bit by bit. I just love to be in those high Divine love flows. And yes, I feel I have come a long way since I have been activated first time round in 2016.Having been given my Lemurian Love Codes back and now being in the Healing Grid makes my self-healing journey so much more powerful. My highest love guides and my star love team are most beautiful supporters on my path to higher love.Thank you Great CAEAYARON.Thank you most beautiful Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.I feel so so blessed.
Kathrina Eva Hagler - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON - Mount Maunganui, New Zealand and Switzerland
Kathrina Eva Hagler18/03/2019

The single most important thing I’d like to know about you would be: “Are you Activated by Caeayaron through Suzanna Maria Emmanuel so that you have your life codes back?” Because your response would indicate your care and love for you. Yes! I’d then understand that your life is in the best hands available to you. Comprehend that Caeayaron’s love is infinitely beyond that of any parent for a child. Caeayaron’s love, wisdom, truth, guidance and power is the strongest available to mankind. To live a most beautiful life. To return to balance, and harmony, and reach spaces not previously attainable.The choice is yours: Caeayaron’s ticket to Freedom and Love spaces or to stay in a game of snakes and ladders where life depends on the roll of the dice. Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for all that you are and do for all! You are beyond words. Thank you for your love. Thank you Caeayaron, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great, Halisarius, Adama, all Star Love Beings, and Spirit of the Earth – for a life that is possible like never before.
Barbara Derecourt - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, England/New Zealand
Barbara Derecourt18/03/2019

You learn to fall in love with YOURSELF!This love flows as well as forgiveness.These two flows weave together into harmony of the collective power. Inner gifts are bestowed back to us and understand that through inner healing we can enhance them. We learn about our important guide-dance harmonious partnership between the heart and the mind in a dance with our guides.Listen and you’ll receive rhythms of guidedance (guidance).Thank you Caeayaron and Suzanna Maria EmmanuelP.S. you receive back your Lemurian SELF with mantle and headgear.
Maria Sol Torres-Fry - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, Guatemala
Maria Sol Torres-Fry18/03/2019

These activations are HUGELY important! We all need them for us to understand the level of healing and forgiveness that must take place to save millions of humans on this planet and in the many universes. One needs to understand how DNA works – how intelligent it is! How our thoughts are part of Magnetic grids; how fear develops in the population and spreads. You need to learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones!Protection is more important than ever before! We CAN manifest a better, happier self; we CAN heal ourselves and the planet, WE CAN, collectively, make a HUGE difference for succeeding generations. Come to Caeayaron’s Activations and learn how to bring back your power; learn the history of our evolution and learn how to get your Freedom back – stop the cycle of Reincarnation and be Free to move inter-dimensionally in the Universe.Love and blessing to Caeayaron and Suzanna.
Linda Elliott - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, Canada
Linda Elliott18/03/2019

Today the energies were so very high. I was taken to a place of complete gratitude where I broke down in tears. Receiving back our Galactic Star Mantles & head gear was a beautiful moment. I am reminded of just how special this time truly is.
I am grateful too for all the understanding I now hold within my being. It is huge! And yet so little.
Thank you so much for understanding my being and knowing how much I can handle at this time. I feel so very humble.
DAY 2 –
Wow! I thought the energies were high yesterday. I had NO idea! Today was so amazing. The healing has been incredible. I could not have anticipated the feeling of healing, growing, remembering, feeling the love within growing. I am so grateful. More grateful than words can express.
I wish many to awaken to their ancient truth, as you will heal your life beyond your imagination. THIS IS REAL.
Kaye Haack-Rangi - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Kaye Haack-Rangi 18/03/2019

OMG, the energies today were so great. Caeayaron expanded us so much, the healing, the learning and the information was so great – but the inner vision was out of this world – if I had not seen it with my own ‘Eyes’ I would not believe it.Learning about our DNA was mind blowing – and I was so in awe of the sights when we ‘went inside’. What a journey of knowledge and understanding how it works and how it is programmable – by ourselves was such a revelation. I am in so much gratitude for all things.The toning in the portal took us to another level, collectively rising so high.The love flows in the room were high and amazing, enveloping all of us.The light body training is so powerful, expanding all our senses taking us out of ourselves so greatly – such beautiful colours, feelings, seeings, words just can’t describe it and do it justice. So much love and peace, being at one with yourself, going so high, knowing you are in your love power, building so much energy, growing stronger and flowing, floating and flying into spaces I never imagined I could see.The Ancient Sacred Statement was so heart felt, deep knowing and heart expanding, healing and growing, knowing we are part of the great collective working together, much love and gratitude for the experience and knowledge.Thank you so much for all the lessons, the knowledge that is given so freely by Suzanna, Caeayaron, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great and all the Star Beings who are helping us to rise up.So much love and gratitude for all.”Sandra Wosko - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, England
Sandra Wosko18/03/2019

My heart is dancing with joy when receiving Caeayaron’s teachings. The energies go higher and higher bringing deeper healing. The University of Light is far beyond human universities. It is far more advanced than any psychology school or personal development.If you need to choose, the Ascension Programme of Caeayaron will bring you far more knowledge and tools to build your beautiful life than any other school on planet Earth. The growth of Suzanna as a channel, The Divine Love Element is just immense.OUTSTANDING WEEKEND!I am very grateful for all the experiences, teachings, with Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great, Caeayaron and all the Star Beings of Love and Light. Namaste.
Sandrine Brosnahan - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Sandrine Brosnahan29/01/2019

This is my second time coming to the Activations of Caeayaron. Each time is beautiful in its own unique way. This time was a much more powerful experience for me. If you desire to learn to heal, love all of life more, manifest greatness and live a life in a true love foundation, then this is the place to be! I learned how to program my own thoughts, DNA and even crystals! I have found a new appreciation for life, myself and all of mankind. On a scientific level, I have discovered how DNA works and the power of the mind and how they link into personal sacred gifts to align to higher purpose and strong creation energy to grow and heal. I feel deeper support from my spiritual guides and other powerful beings in the love. I have gained a special lens to see the lessons within my life to overcome any obstacle and to see deeper into my true hearts desires. Having the ability to have my own spiritual skills and control my own life with my energies is something I never thought possible until I came to the Activations of Caeayaron. Never before had I realized the potential of my own being to control and direct my own life through frequencies, desire and thought. I feel stronger and more stable mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. I received the gift of better remote viewing and learned how to use it to see opportunities through past and future and to see opportunities of deeper healing. By far the best experience I had this weekend was becoming part of a Stone Circle, as if I myself was one of the stones and felt the ancient energies of times past. Those times are no longer lost to us, but have been waiting for our return. The time to come back to those energies is here, along with the return of the Great Caeayaron. Thank you Divine, for helping me find my way back home!Kaylynn Pagoria - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, USA
Kaylynn Pagoria29/01/2019

I particularly like the section on the DNA. It was so metaphysical. How it relates to the earth’s magnetic grid and our DNA. I learnt that sound can affect our DNA, hence the toning. Not to mention of thoughts as well. Very practical indeed.
It was important to understand the Divine Mission clearly too, so that there will be no confusion at all.
Understanding our Light Suit is important too & how we are different from the Human grid.
Enlightening to know that there are so many layers of dimensions in our human self.
Overall, very metaphysical & at the same time very practical in approach.
Wong Weng Tuck - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, Singapore
Wong Weng Tuck29/01/2019

One thing that I really resonated with was allowing yourself time to heal because many times, if I don’t allow myself to heal, I end up getting lost in an inauthentic version of myself. During these activations, since they are so focused on Project Me, many great ideas are both formed and bolstered by the great wisdom of Caeayaron. Truly inspiring for anybody ready to embrace a positive transformation in their life. One time when Caeayaron read the room, he talked about a few of the gifts that people had in the room and it meant so much to me and my family. I have been getting deeper into Astrology and just to have Caeayaron acknowledge it as a gift saves my father a lot of concern. Especially since it has allowed much forgiveness for our family. I am so grateful that Suzanna offered me a personal reading with her specially crafted energy cards. It meant so much to me because I am very interested in growing my sense of self as Caeayaron wisely suggests.At the end of the activation, Suzanna and her guides lead a ritual to open us to the Universal Love Realms and it had a profound effect on me, as I am more receptive to the thoughts than the feelings. I felt my temples and the top of my head in general, vibrating in a way I have not felt before.It has to be said about how open and welcoming that everyone at the activations is, as love is such a cornerstone of the activations.Kyle Savage - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, USA
Kyle Savage29/01/2019

Firstly I would want to say a huge thank you to Suzanna, you are amazing, I know are looked after and get blessings, but still, the hours of channeling, the energies and battles you deal with. Incredibly grateful. Level 3 Activations:Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great was channeled through for the first time during these activations. I enjoyed his channeling because I could feel the blessings coming through as he spoke about “Blessed are the ones who desire to listen, desire the higher path, and desire the words within their hearts.” He spoke of “Live in the Love each day”, “Will you forgive self and others each day”. These words meant so much more coming from the Great Father himself.Halisarius came through and explained more about what the Star Beings have done for us in the past, protecting England was most important, and stopped destruction. How they are helping us at this time, by protecting our healing grid and reminded us to call upon the Star Beings, they are here for us. He also stated “stay in the love” a strong message for me. We are growing slowly in the healing grid at a pace we can all deal with, which is wonderful, otherwise we might all think we have gone crazy. Spiritual families are very happy, which took me back to the first level activations when I got to see the fireworks going off when I ask my higher self to help me get back to sleep. (Not much sleeping got done that night). A Komo Ha Halima.Caeayaron’s energies are coming through so strongly, not sure sitting on the front row was going to be too much, but even though strong it was amazing and not too strong. He explained about the light and dark, how it is all a big game and that now a light cloud is coming to earth. The darkness is losing the game now but not giving up.The whole Level 3 has been an amazing experience. We can feel so much difference already. The healings are happening already, and our spiritual gifts have intensified.Everyone who wants to grow in the love can experience these beautiful gifts, and because it is in such a controlled environment everyone grows at the rate they are capable of. The shared experiences in the room show this, and you can feel the excitement and amazement of everyone’s experiences. If you feel a calling to Suzanna’s channeling I urge you to come to the activations as soon as possible. Do not waste any more of your time, because the quicker you become activated the more you can grow. It’s not just these experiences, however, the teachings are so beautiful and meaningful we are learning so much. The main focus to me was “Project Me”, heal self before healing family and then healing others. The teachings would go deeper into this and explain how we are connected to grids, and connected to earth and the universe. We have been given beautiful manuals with messages from Divine and meditations and exercises for us to grow and explore after we finished our course. I am so grateful to myself to have made it to the activations. Also very grateful to my two teachers Kathrina and Jacqui, who taught me so much on the Love Frequency course in preparation for the activations. A beautiful way to do lots of healing and learning to help understand the information at the Activations and I feel because I did so much healing before coming I was more ready to grow, and appreciate the whole experience. I wrote pages and pages during the Activations, so much information I could share, but instead I suggest you come to the Activations yourself and learn, grow and feel the experience, believe me you WILL NOT be disappointed. AMAZING! THANK YOU!!!!Petra Creighton - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Petra Creighton03/01/2019

Thank you to the Light Grid Programmer, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, & Caeayaron for giving us the freedom & giving us the Lemurian Mantle & the Light Suit.
Thank you.
William Hauw - Star Sacred World Healer, Singapore
William Hauw03/01/2019

I’m so grateful for being here at this time, this important time, to get activated and I can go through the gates now because I’m Activated, I’ve got my Mantle and codes back.I don’t have to come back any more to live through pain, fear, war, sadness, all low emotions that is upon this plane.For me now it’s about healing self, family, people wherever in the love.Thank you Caeayaron, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great and Halisarius and the Pleiadian Star People of Love Society and all that are helping us in Divine Love.I thank you all very very much in every way for your knowledge, wisdom, truth and understanding, and also the main ingredient - laughter. It’s awesome. It’s been a great experience here to feel the energies come through and the vibrations and frequencies. Thank you very much all again.Tutua Puutu - Star Sacred World Healer, New Zealand
Tutua Puutu02/10/2018

I attended the Pineal Gland Activations in January 2018, it was the most beautiful experience I have ever had. Not what I expected at all. It was so more than I had imagined it to be, I felt the LOVE flows, I felt my Lemurian Codes coming back to me it was very emotional, but exciting too. It is something you have to experience to understand. Since my activation there has been huge changes within me, and my life in ways I can not explain. Most days my life flows without and problems, I infact I have some really fun days, with lots of laughter. Everyday I feel the LOVE flows growing stronger, I feel stronger within me, I feel grounded and more connect to spirit than I ever had. I feel my DNA changing, I feel excited for the future. It is so beautiful to know that Divine, Caeayaron and all the amazing light team are working so hard to bring us home. Home to where we came from, back to the LOVE universes. No more pain and suffering ever. I say to all my beautiful friends how wonderful it is to be in this life for we are now able to make our choice again. Do you desire to go home to the LOVE universes or do you desire to stay in the dense universes of pain and suffering. It is your choice. I chose the LOVE universes for I know my family, star family and soul family are safe too. Caeayaron frees thousands of souls when we activate, it is not just about one person, this is about saving mankind from falling further into the denseness of pain and suffering. Please wake up dear freinds, please hear CAEAYARONS call. Audrey
Audrey Dobson02/08/2018

My heart is more open than ever and filled with gratitude and joy after this most wonderful weekend that I will remember forever.This has been my third activation and I am so grateful for all the learning and the energies I felt. It is difficult for me to put them down in words. It is something to be experienced.If someone has doubts or fear about what happens during the Pineal Gland Activations, my advice is to come and experience it. You receive great healings, feel incredible flows of love, and get magnificent teachings.The energies of the room are so beautiful that nobody wants to leave. We have had so much fun and received so many incredible gifts.I am so grateful for having had the privilege to be here. Thank you Caeayaron and all the team of Light for blessing us with so many gifts. Thank you, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, for your hard work, always keeping your beautiful smile and making us feel so much love.If you want to receive the greatest healings on the Earth, learn how to heal your life and your family and help to create a world of love, peace and harmony, come to the Great Mountain of Light, the Divine Pineal Gland Activations of the Great Caeayaron.Much love and the deepest gratitude.
Monica Carvajal Salmeron - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (Spain)
Minica Carvajal Salmeron02/08/2018

Another great weekend! This time many beings came through the channel to give us teachings and to share their vibrations. You can feel the different energies as all of them have different personalities.We need to be in the love, to be present at any moment, to rise our vibrations because anger, fear and when you judge other people, keeps you down and you close the doors for beautiful things coming to your life.With the activations, your communications with angels and Archangels is more direct as you become switched on to higher frequencies so they can work with you, they can hear you more.I’m very grateful for these 3 weekends of Divine Pineal Gland Activations as my batteries are fully charged to continue my spiritual path.
Claudia Aguilera - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (England/Mexico)
Claudia Aguilera02/08/2018

I felt I was connected into the largest healing space I could ever imagine and became part of all the Star Love families who I can now feel greatly and who are eager to work with me.I learned how to open and connect into the most loving frequencies and power from the highest Divine Spaces. I also learned to tone frequencies with my own voice to create a more powerful and personal healing experience and was able to feel and direct those tones to specific parts of my body to aid in their healing.I am now so excited to work with portals to heal myself and the world greatly and now have an invaluable toolset to carry with me for the rest of my life.Collectively, if we come together in the love, our individual power and power as a group can grow exponentially and once and for all bring everlasting love and peace to the people, the animals, and the Earth forevermore.
Kaylynn Pagoria - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (USA)
Kaylynn Pagoria25/07/2018

I feel like I’m back home, I’ve met soul family and the people that are drawn here are so friendly and loving, I really don’t want to leave. This is the real thing.I was sceptical at first but everything turned out to be very true and loving and everything resonated with me greatly. I definitely will come back for more activations as I can’t now be able to stay away for long.I am so thankful and grateful to Suzanna. My life has changed and I am reborn in a beautiful way and I see everything and life more clearly.All we did was so incredible, I am so speechless. Lost for words. The energy speaks for itself. If you are drawn to this, I would advise coming and seeing for yourself.
Tom Nath - Star Sacred World
Tom Nath25/07/2018

Today’s beautiful activation made everything more real to me.It has opened my heart so much and given me the courage to do this work.Listening to the reason behind the game from the Great Caeayaron, made me realise we have beautiful archangels, The Galactic Federation of Light Society, the Pleiadians in the love, Ishmakael, Reuben, and the beautiful Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, the Divine Love Channel, helping us to heal and to become more of love.How can we turn our backs on our privilege to bring all universes and dimensions into the love?I know all my star brothers and sisters are standing behind me and I don’t have to do this alone.Thank you and so much love.Karen Ladd - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Karen Ladd23/07/2018

I was first Activated in NZ 2015. This course has been outstanding. There is so much to learn and we never stop learning.The clever Caeayaron brings our spiritual frequencies up to date, challenging us to rise higher in the beautiful environment of the love consciousness. You grow with LOVE.The Higher Angelic Realm loves you and you feel it and grow into it. The beautiful group taking the couse share their LOVE with you in the Divine Love Consciousness. Your love frequencies grow higher and stronger in the light of LOVE.Your healing starts with you. Project ME Caeayaron calls it. When you learn to love yourself you learn to love others too.I can recommend this course to everyone who wishes to learn how to Love, who are yearning for peace, relaxation, and happiness in their lives. Caeayaron is a Divine Master Teacher. He leads you through each step with love and understanding of what is stopping you from enjoying life. He knows all and gives you the tools to heal yourself.I send my love and appreciation to Archangel Caeayaron and his beautiful channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and the highest Star Beings from the Angel Realm. The love and healing I received from Caeayaron, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel - Light Grid Programmer, and the Angels 12 months ago healed my body and save my life.Thank you so much, with gratitude, appreciation and love,Namaste June
Namaste June23/07/2018

Wow, the gifts we have received this weekend are beyond comprehension. I could feel shifts taking place not only within my physical body but also could feel myself being aligned to my higher star self and higher star gifts. The sensations of these shifts were real I asked for evidence and I could feel the energy moving around my head gently.During this weekend I was awakened to the programmes within me that are not of the highest love, that have been holding me back from reaching into my true heart of love. I am grateful for Caeayaron for showing me through his teachings these programmes that need healing. If he did not love us he would just have let us keep going in the pain, but no, he is showing us the way up into the higher love.No human has been able to bring through such advice or teachings to help us to grow. So he has helped my desire to grow with my healing so much so I can feel more love, so that I can form a greater bond with my star families and angels of love.Caeayaron explained the importance and great privilege we have to work in the Galactic Love Collective to open portals with each other as Star Sacred World Healers activated with Caeayaron, allowing us to help in the greatest Universal life saving mission, to help the Divine beings of love by being holders of love and peace to help bring change to our plane and also free many trapped star beings in the greater spaces.As Star Sacred World Healers who have also received the privilege of the magnetic attunements and teacher frequencies we have received frequencies to help ourselves, our families, friends and our world to have more peace, love, security, compassion, harmony, acceptance, strength, and protection in life.These activations have helped me so much to come out of my depression, my inner struggle and deepest search for purpose and love. I love the star realms so much and I am grateful for the opportunity to go home. WOOHOO! Bring it on Caeayaron! Thank you Caeayaron, Halisarius, Galactic Federations of Love and Light Societies, Blue Archangel, Blue Star, Light Grid Programmer, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, for all your work, love, dedication to help us to have this gateway home.Please come to the activations if you desire your life, your families and your world to heal to a greater consciousness of love. This is the only way to save all of life.Lots of love and gratitude, Danielle. Xoxoxo Danielle Roberts - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Danielle Robert23/07/2018

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the most precious magnificent Archangelic channel on planet earth plane.It is so obvious planet earth needs to change. I wish for all of my soul family and friends to become activated at this time, so we can all heal in the collective love conscious crystalline grid.I am so grateful for the tools to heal my victim consciousness and to be able to forgive… so I can heal on up!I am so excited to be able to heal project me and assist in the collective love consciousness.At these activaions the healing love flows were so incredibly beautiful - the love force and connecting to the codes were so real, vibrant and sparkly.Thank you Activated friends.Thank you Caeayaron.Thank you Halisarius.Thank you Galactic Federation of Light.Thank you Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great.Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Love, light and gratitude, Natalie Wojak
Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Natalie Wojak 23/07/2018

Wowee. Amazing - Beautiful - Fantastic. My heart is bursting with love & pride for my activated star family.
It's been a fabulous 3 weeks of teachings & gifts being given constantly. The frequencies we received leave a feeling inside you that's like a buzzing tingling love flow. Oh to be an activated Star Sacred World Healer through Caeayaron & his Light Grid Programmer Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
The family of love is growing within so many beautiful people. The experience has been so wonderful. The teachings were so perfect & beautiful. I saw so many star beings & felt so much love & peace in my spiritual heart. I'm eagerly awaiting to start teaching the love & peace to the world & hopefully see many many people become activated.
I'm so pleased & proud of myself to now be a Sacred Star World Healer & teacher & to also be a Magnetic Alignment healer too.
Thank you Caeayaron the great & thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Xxx
Love Sue xxx
Sue Carr13/06/2018

"How can I express the magnitude of this Activation? So much was gifted to us in this weekend and throughout the weeks between and during the Activations. I'm so grateful! I loved it all, there were so many gifts that were given to us. Information was gifted to us and beautiful frequencies of love that are helping us to heal, from so many lifetimes of pain.Finally, we are becoming free.This weekend was monumentus, we got to watch Caeayaron as he taught with all his great wisdom, singing and dancing with his channel Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Oh, the laughter that flowed and the great celebrations that were had. There were so many subjects that were addressed and Caeayaron brought through information and frequencies to help these to be forgiven, released and healed.How to heal so much and for all the energies that were lost in so many lifetimes are now being able to be returned when we follow the simple yet powerful tools gifted to us.Suzanna was just amazing with her conscious channeling and the love and compassion that she shared was so immense. Sometimes there were hard subjects that needed to be brought up and she always did so with firmness yet loving and caring.On the last day, we were honoured to open up a portal of love with Halisarius and we felt the flows of the star beings. OMG the tears that flowed from feeling the higher frequencies of star love. I felt my heart so filled with gratitude, love, more self-love, self-acceptance, determination, strength, humbled, heartfelt connections, compassion.To all those that are being called to come to the Divine Pineal Gland Activations, please jump on that plane, or bus or car or boat, do whatever it is you can to get here. This is the most important and powerful healing that is on our Earth Plane.From my sacred heart of love to yours, Namaste Ngapipi-O-Te-Rangi Herewini"Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Ngapipi-O-Te-Rangi Herewini13/06/2018

"High Love Vibration,
Caeayaron's activation,
Being Light
Seeing Light
Full of Love
From Above
Bliss of heart
Peace of mind
Loving hopes
For mankind
Stephen - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (England)

"This was my third activation course but in many ways, it was like a first activation because the energies are so magnificent and Caeayaron's teachings are so beautiful.This course is, for me, to live with love and peace in my life and to know how to help others understand the importance of this. The only way for us as humans to save our planet earth is to be activated although many will resist and pretend there are other ways. There are not because all the love codes we get from the highest Archangel in the universe give us our life back to live with peace and love in our hearts.We all have the choice and what better choice could there be to live each moment fully, being fully grounded in love, connected to both earth and divine love, able to manifest abundance, joy, healing on all levels and dimensions? Why would we want anything else? And it is only 3 weekends! To change the world and all the universes - which we learned about how we are all connected to star being families and becoming activated means they are also set free.My heart is full of gratitude for the love and healing I have received. One of the many Light gifts was the star gifts which were given by Halisarius, Pleiadian Commander and Chief, so special and amazing.My life is so changed now and I know it will continue to grow and blossom and be so beautiful.Thank you so much my beautiful star brothers and sisters, Suzanna and Caeayaron, our beautiful teacher."
Claire Guthrie - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Claire Guthrie13/06/2018

"Thank you Suzanna and Caeayaron and Halisarius for your divine teachings and healings many of which were delivered in song. A very joyful loving experience.We were connected and healed by angels of love and light.My body is buzzing and we have received many gifts. Even as far away as New Zealand, I felt the energies building.This is the way to heal your life, your family and friends and bring love and forgiveness back into your life in a gentle way. "
Anne Hunter - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Anne Hunter15/05/2018

"My first activation was in November 2016 and it was great.Now the energies have grown higher and the group was bigger than in 2016. I can hardly describe the energies but those who listen to Caeayaron's teachings through his channel Suzanna Maria Emmanuel understand what I mean. Although there is a difference if you sit and watch it on youtube or feel it live. It is amazing.Caeayaron is a great teacher, and as we all could see, a great entertainer too. There was learning as well as laughing and sometimes it was very emotional when the great love energy was flowing and people were touched on the soul level.There are others who can describe this much better than I do.I know that there are many people in the world who would like to take part but they are afraid that their English might be not good enough. I want to encourage you if you belong to them. If you can follow the teachings, and Caeayaron speaks very clearly because he wants us to understand, don't be afraid! There is no one who wants to blame any other and the chances are very high to find someone who can help a little bit.There were people from England, Scotland, Italy, Lithuania, Spain, Romania, Armenia, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden, France, Bulgaria, Netherlands, New Zealand, America, Canada, Australia, Africa, Cook Islands and Ecuador. I hope I left no one out.It was so wonderful to be in such an international group as one family together in Caeayaron's Love Flows.Maybe you come as a stranger but you will go as a loved friend.Thank you, Caeayaron.Thank you, Suzanna.Thank you, brothers and sisters, from all over the world and all over space."
Kathrin W�lfel - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (Germany)
Kathrin W�lfel 15/05/2018

"This was the most incredible learning experience I have ever had. Caeayaron delivered the lessons and activations through song frequencies brought through his amazing channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Humanly something not possible but divinely absolutely possible and incredibly beautiful and entertaining. Like a number 1 love hit show on Broadway.These activations are so important for humanity to heal, what an absolutely perfect way to receive these divine lessons. The healings we received all throughout were amazing!The transformations and healings with all were enormous. Everyone here experienced the power of love force energy working collectively and how powerful it can be.We all leave with simple but enormous tools to heal self and bring more love and peace to mankind so many star beings can be freed!The beautiful part is it is only the beginning and everything will keep growing."
Donna Richmond - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Donna Richmond