Reviews ...

Thank you it is opening to be aware of the planet history and the new that we are in now. How my skills will be awesome and the love that the planet is. My higher frequencies will work with this - healing the planet, oceans, animals and the beautiful humans.Being in the love energy and receiving the skills to grow to flow with the new earth energies.Wow this was not to be missed, working as a collective the power is so high, come quick and gain your skills and knowledge to move forward at this most important time.Activations are the only way forward. Looking forward to re-meeting you at the next activation.Love you CAEAYARON and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Denise, Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of Caeayaron, England

If you’re a beginner great for healing yourself, learning techniques to achieve healing your body, soul, and mind. And if you think you are an advanced learner, you still have a lot to learn.If you think you know everything YOU KNOW NOTHING, you are always still learning. WOW, everyone is equal, everyone has gifts, we are all talented in our own way, we all have a job to do yet we must all work as one.
R.M.R, Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of Caeayaron, New Zealand

What I would say to help people understand how important it is to become activated.ACTIVATION: I would tell them my experience with this activation.Be open-minded, open hearted, open to love. Be in the LOVE and the Forgiveness FOR MANKIND, for our planet. Our guilt, let it GO, FORGIVE it. Be willing to work for the betterment of our existence so that we can go back up to where we were in the LOVE, JOY, HAPPINESS.Allow ourselves to let go of dense thoughts and allow a higher love to come thru.Caeayaron helps you to learn, he returns your codes back to you, reawakening.Once you get activated you start remembering what you lived like back in Lemuria in the LOVE where there is NO PAIN, NO HUNGER, NO VIOLENCE. But you will know LOVE JOY HAPPINESS FORGIVENESS.YOU WILL GET A HIGHER LEARNING, The Angels and Star Beings will be rejoicing, celebrations not only for you but for your families, children, loved ones who have passed on. Come on whanau, GET ACTIVATED - WE ARE THE LIGHT, or we can be.Our learning was awesome, revealing, enlightening, rejoicing, celebrating, eye opening, mind boggling. WOW!At times I recalled stuff that had happened before.At times tears of Joy, tears of Love, tears of Forgiveness.Come and Get Activated Whanau.Bring LOVE, LAUGHTER, JOY.Thank you Caeayaron,Thank you Great Divine Love.
Merita, Mel, Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of Caeayaron, New Zealand
Merita Mel11/06/2019

So beautiful are the teachings at this activation. The energy levels from Level One to Two have truly risen. There is a deep learning of Love that comes through from Caeayaron and Sovereign Lord Emmanuel.I am truly blessed and grateful.Thank you Suzanna, Caeayaron and Sovereign Lord Emmanuel for all your love.
Diane, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, USA

OMG - how can you describe something that is so powerful - each activation gets stronger & stronger.
The love, the energies, the frequencies that are filled in the room are amazing.
Today we did lots & lots of activities and each one was so beautiful.
The last activity of today was taking part in a Stone Circle with everyone standing as Suzanna Maria Emmanuel toned throughout and then we all joined in. The toning of the group lasted such a fantastically long time and we all held the beautiful high energies.
We had Druids and Angels there with us - so beautiful and amazing.
People need to come to the activations and find out for yourself and feel the love flows coming in.
Sue, Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of Caeayaron, England

Every day of activations is wonderful. Each day it’s getting better and better. More happiness, more joy, more love. Deeper understanding is coming, and it’s not a logical understanding as the information doesn’t sound new. It’s an energetical understanding, more like remembering. So much self-reflection happened. So much needs forgiveness.
But now I have an understanding and tools to evolve and improve myself & my life. I got that true hope and true confidence. Everything is in my hands. I’ve got the power (see “Bruce Almighty” moments).
Forever grateful,
Feeling strong as never,
Thank you, Caeayaron
Thank you, Suzanna
Love, always
Anastasia , Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of Caeayaron, Russia

I talk to so many people who have the same hope, looking for the truth and asking what is their purpose. “Why am I here” “don’t belong here” “who am I?”I was one of those people - even at the beginning of this journey this weekend and questioned my reason for being here, not appreciating I had been called and now I am understanding more…… I am remembering.If you have a ‘curiosity’, a desire to be here but you don’t really fully know why - just do it - get activated and you will find a purpose … your purpose. Maybe not straight away, but enough for it to manifest - re-ignite that spark already within you.We have work to do collectively. You belong here, you know who you are, you know why you are here - you just need to remember.
Claire, Star Sacred World Healer, England

I cannot put into in words what I learned. I just felt it.It is possible to see tones.I never could sing so far - now I can tone. Thank you!
Irene, Star Sacred World Healer, Germany

Words seem inadequate. The activations are slowly allowing me to awaken to my true self, which is the greatest gift I can give to myself.
Deborah, England

I feel blessed and grateful to be here for the Pineal Gland Activations. Here I learned the importance of love, forgiveness and to relax receiving healing at all times. No judgment and to love others as they are.The part is Caeayaron is able to take away all our karma.Thank you Caeayaron and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. I would also like to thank all those working behind the scenes.Lots of love from
Molly, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Singapore

Very interesting sessions with Caeayaron, I especially liked the toning as felt the vibrations very high throughout my body. During the Stone Circle I felt I was a conduit of Light. Very powerful. Thank you with Gratitude, Carolyn
Carolyn, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Scotland

I am more grateful than I can put into words for the learning/skills/blessings I received over the Level 2 activations, so much a University of Light. I feel so privileged to be shown and taught these magical and amazing gifts/skills. To find out that stone circles are as magical as I always imagined was the greatest gift for me. This reassured me I had been working in the Light sometimes, but mostly, I loved being reconnected to those magnificent energies and being taught how to use them to use them to heal myself and the world. The teachings on remote viewing and manifestation were beyond amazing - anyone who wants to develop their spiritual gifts - come and be activated with CAEAYARON! This is the only place these learnings can be found. These are the new stages of spiritual development for use to heal the Earth. So, thank you again Caeayaron and Suzanna, you are both the most beautiful beings and I love you forever, Claire.
Claire, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand

The DPG build you up gradually with love into the most loving being to shine. I learned and feel beautiful,- self confidence building and growing within. The feeling of truly valuing and loving oneself is heart empowering. A confidence to be who we truly are without fears or insecurities we get to see ourselves for who we really are, and self confidence is just an amazing gift to receive and experience.Self confidence that confirms to you that you were always onto something right and that we belong to love. Self confidence that allows growth within and without and self confidence that allows to love all that surrounds us; to understand our path and mission better and greater. Thank you CAEAYARON and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for the gifts of love; for living a purposeful life. With love,
Maria, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Guatemala

A profound day, I realised so much about myself and other people. You can physically feel the frequencies building.I intend to spread the message as much as I can. Beautiful.
Michael Norton, South Africa
Michael Norton01/06/2019

This is the second time I am attending Level 2 of the DPGAs, and it gets better each time.My level of understanding and manifesting has certainly improved since I was first active in June 2018 and nowadays whatever I desire to manifest happens so quickly and effortlessly. Thank you so much Caeayaron.I enjoyed listening Suzanna reading out excerpts from Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great’s new 2-volume book and I eagerly look forward to reading it.Please, if you hear Caeayaron calling you, don’t hesitate to come to the Activations. It will be the best present you can give yourself in this lifetime.I am so grateful to Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great and Caeayaron for revealing the Truth at this time of the Great Choice and for Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for bringing them through.
Caroline, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Bali

It was fascinating to learn exactly how to manifest and how to work with energy. The ability to consciously transform energy by being in the now was so easy to do and so exciting.As someone with a beautifully logical mind it was so exciting to tap into a higher power to create with. I want to explore this far more to see what I can create with Divine love.We learned about the history of humanity and the need to forgive all things and master healing to be able to bring in more love power to build power. This replaces Law of Attraction of the old energies and it seems we have far more control over the outcome.This then leads us to receiving our star fields and becoming aware of how to consciously work with DNA.
Micheline Mauvis - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, France/Zimbabwe
Micheline Mauvis14/05/2019

I am so happy that I attended this time. So much deep knowledge and wisdom was given by Caeayaron and Suzanna.The healing was huge for me. My mind and thoughts became calm and great peace came to my heart. I am happy and content.My Star DNA code is alive and changes me forever. I am completely new.Suzanna holds a lot of wisdom which comes from her past lifetimes. It was amazing to hear these stories from Lemuria.I am grateful eternally for Suzanna that I can feel Divine Love and heal by Divine Love. Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and Caeayaron, Universe of Love, for all that you do for all of us.With my love, Marija
Marija Laurineniene - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, England/Lithuania
Marija Laurineniene14/05/2019

I have received much love and information over the last two days. I feel so determined and strong after all the manifestation lessons. I desire to heal and manifest so much more than two days ago.The flows of love and knowing have awakened a new desire in me to be stronger and more focused on my path of love.Caeayaron is such fun and always makes me laugh so much.Thank you Suzanna. Thank you Caeayaron.My heart is so full of gratitude for activations. I love you with all my heart.
Tina Kane - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, England
Tina Kane14/05/2019

Do you desire to heal your life and feel a deep inner peace within you?Do you desire to release all your anger, fear and pain?Do you desire to forgive yourself greatly and feel freedom within?Do you desire to manifest into being all that your heart desires?The only way to learn this is to become Activated with the GREAT CAEAYARON and his precious channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and it will be the greatest gift you will ever bring to yourself.Thank you CAEAYARON for all the gifts, codes and healings I have received over the last two days. Thank you for the incredible meditation with visions of greatness and returning me back to the Universe of Love where I was guided by Star Beings and the GREAT CAEAYARON.I will treasure this forever. I have never been so high and I felt like I returned Home.Thank you for our DNA connection to our star self. Here I felt my chakras aligning.Thank you Suzanna, none of this is possible without you and your Great Love. I love you and all of the GREAT DIVINE LOVE, eternally grateful.Much love always and forever.
Julie Kane - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, England
Julie Kane14/05/2019

I have learned and felt so much love. It is so real, so wonderful, how we can heal our lives and how important it is to feel FREE. Our mind has such an important job because it has to remember how to make a connection with Divine Love to help us heal our body, our emotions and spirit.We are discovering our truth and authenticity, we are healing ourselves and healing our countries.Can you imagine our earth with no wars, with no conflicts, just peace and love inside each one of us? It is easy - by becoming activated by Caeayaron. It seems like a small step but it is huge.Loving yourself is so big because you can heal everything inside bit by bit. The Love has won, the Light has risen and the only way to be part of it is if you have the desire to be part of it and come to the Divine Activations.Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Thank you Caeayaron. Millions of love, Patricia.
Patricia Berry - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, England/Equador
Patricia Berry 02/02/2019

Magnificent! Marvellous! Stunning Show!The Divine Pineal Gland Activations are so necessary for all to heal and progress. I trust all my family and friends will get activated.I am in awe of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel - she is such an incredible amazing channel, she’s the ultimate channel for all universes. I trust all will awaken to this. Woohoo!!The visions that I have seen during the Activations make everything so real. The veil is thinning and the light is rising. Yay! Such beautiful teachings to live on this Earth plane - WOW!I feel forever blessed and so grateful of Suzanna that I have met the Divine Blue Love Archangel in this lifetime. She is stunning! Come and see for yourself. 💙Love, light, gratitude and grace,Natalie.
Natalie Wojak - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Natalie Wojak02/02/2019

This is my third time at the activations. I travelled from the other side of the world so I could heal deeper, understand more and love more.This workshop surpassed my expectation by far. I learned to open my heart more to these intense love flows whilst at the same time to claim back my power.I learned even to heal my fears so much that I can live a free life, free to allow my body to heal, free to stop any programs that keep most of humankind imprisoned in fear.This course by Caeayaron with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is a health, wealth and empowerment course all in one. It offers real freedom that can change the world.With so much gratitude.
Beate Smirek - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, New Zealand/Germany
Beate Smirek02/02/2019

I have experienced two magnificent days filled with beautiful teachings and gifts from Caeayaron. How can I begin to describe how my life will be enhanced by putting the power of forgiveness, healing and manifestation to work.I have already made amazing steps forward since being activated 18 months ago but I can see how I will now grow, heal and manifest with these new gifts and tools to a whole new level.Thank you Caeayaron. Thank you Suzanna. It just keeps getting more exciting.
Gail Watson - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON,
Gail Watson02/02/2019

I have so much gratitude for all that has transpired over these 2 wonderous, magical, transformative days. It has been much different than anything I could have anticipated.The visions I experienced were breathtaking. A whole new realm and reality has appeared before my eyes. There are no true limits now. It’s like I just landed in Wonderland … Oz … Somewhere over the rainbow, all rolled into one. The best news is it will only get better and it now it’s not just a dream but a reality. How do I know this? Because I can feel it. Literally! My pineal gland seemed as it was shining brightly on my forehead with a pronounced warmth and gentle pressure. That is as real as the nose on my face.There is no doubt this is real and at the same time absolutely mind-blowingly glorious.
Kyle Savage, USA
Kyle Savage02/02/2019

With this Level 2, I learned so much about getting in touch with my authentic self - how important it is to heal myself before I can help others to heal. I’m reaching within myself to find my courage and desire to lead the life I choose to be more deeply satisfying and spiritually fulfilling.Much history was revealed which I found quite fascinating and touched on many of us from various parts of the world. This helped us to understand how we are all linked into a larger collective and share many similarities that we are not aware of at this time.Just beautiful love flows as always.
Karen Savage - Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and Magnetically Attuned Healer by CAEAYARON, USA
Karen Savage02/02/2019

First and foremost, I want to say how tremendously grateful I am to be able to be a part of these magnificent Divine Pineal Gland Activation before 2020.These two days of the Level 2 activations were truly 100% life changing and life altering for me. For I have now come to understand how much I was holding myself back to how deep within the victim consciousness I was.During these activations, I learned how to be able to manifest all that I desire to have in my life by learning to ground, forgive, clear, claim, and protect my light energy bodies. I have also learned all the tools and knowledge necessary to truly heal my mind, my body, my spirit, my heart, and my life.I have learned how to become the hero I always knew I was and no longer the victim. I learned how to stay in the love flows no matter what, for in doing so not only will I continue to constantly heal but I’ll continue to switch on my light body codes and allow my DNA to rise, which in turn, will help the Love of the collective to grow also. For as a collective we can heal, save and evolve this Earth. Namaste 💙💙💙Michelle Kmieciak, USA
Michelle Kmieciak02/02/2019

So much learning, so much to assimilate and all done in the most beautiful energy and environment.Lessons in manifestation, healing and forgiveness, all reaching deep down into our true authentic selves and bringing about the most wonderful frequencies that could immediately be felt running all the way through our physical bodies, as we activate the dormant DNA within.The guided meditations and toning sessions were so simple and straightforward and so easy to assimilate yet at the same time they produced the most profound effects and the most magnificent visions of past lives spent lifetimes ago in Ancient Lemuria.If I had to sum up in just one sentence then I would have to say it was akin to losing my “Spiritual Virginity” !!!I just can’t wait for Level 3!!!WOO HOO!
Max Chipchase, USA
Max Chipchase25/11/2018

Wonderful teaching and learning, connecting deeper into my heart. We learnt to forgive and release what is held in my thoughts and pain. I felt that I’ve found my way home.
All of us are beautifully gifted. We learnt to trust in divine and never be judgemental and how to have courage and determination in life. We learnt about the violet flame and how to take care of ourselves first. We learnt how abundance will come to us.
We will feel content, happy, have peace and joy, living not in fear but with love constantly every day in our life.
Healing is finding deep peace in me. Love ourselves & keep smiling and laughing.
Thank you.
Verena Ker - Malaysia
Verena Ker25/07/2018

Enlightening weekend!! Love this light work!! These activations are so spectacular, so magnificent. I have faith & trust all of my friends & family will attend the Divine Pineal Gland Activations.
I received so much wisdom for healing & am practising my grounding on new levels, I had never imagined. I have the most amazing intention to heal my life, so I can move forward with my deep desires and intentions. What a privilege this freedom is – thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for channeling the amazing magnificent Caeayaron.
Skills I have learnt to control my energy body are making me stronger in my power & building on my gifts for my divine purpose. It is a gift to be aware of this & I am & will be forever grateful.
Being with Caeayaron is stepping into the greatest love flows.
Namaste, Natalie
Natalie Wojak - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Natalie Wojak25/07/2018

This weekend, a far deeper understanding of the greatest gift of this lifetime was given. So many beautiful gifts and frequencies to understand our greater gifts were given. We got to experience the power of Collective Love as we held the space at the opening of Gaia’s grids, it felt like a beautiful gentle but powerful wave of energy rippling through from head to toe.
A beautiful simple process was taught, to build greater manifestations & create what you want in your life. More about how to transform energies up greater and many more divine truths were revealed to help us understand and live a more fulfilled, loving, peaceful, abundant, healthy, forgiving, joyful life.
We were taken to very high spaces to feel what truly being in the light feels like – mind-blowing!
So many tools & exercises are given to help you, so come join us in the collective love to heal self & the world like never before, so you too can have your ticket to freedom after this life.
Thank you Caeayaron, thank you Suzanna deepest heart gratitude to you & all of Divine
Donna Richmond - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Donna Richmond25/07/2018

How beautiful this weekend has been. I am so grateful to have met more of my Lemurian brothers and sisters. May the collective love consciousness grow ever strong, true and beautiful.
We have been so blessed to receive so much valuable information. Such beautiful and practical ways to help us grow into the love. I am so grateful to Suzanna and Caeayaron for all these teachings. When activated with Caeayaron’s Divine Love, your spiritual heart, mind and eyes open. With activated eyes you really see how beautiful & delicate a flower & nature is. You experience love when activated, as warm, beautiful & blissful as you can feel Caeayaron’s flows.
Your thoughts become clear & beautiful. I am so blessed to have golden moments of beauty, peace and love in my life. My awakening heart of love is growing ever greater.
I am so grateful with all my heart. Thank you Caeayaron, how very blessed I am to have come to this moment in my life. I love you.
Suzanna, we are all so blessed to have you. None of this would be possible without you. How can I ever thank you? I love you with all my heart and am so so grateful to you.
Thank you Suzanna
Thank you Caeayaron
Thank you Great Divine Love
Tina Kane - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (England)
Tina Kane25/07/2018

This weekend was a beautiful progression from the teachings last weekend with lots of valuable information about manifestation. We were shown how to transform stuck negative energies with the help of forgiveness, grounding, clearing, the powerful violet flame, claiming back our energies to create and manifest desires in our lives.
We were taught how to prepare and manifest healings for ourselves and others. We learned about the creation space and how powerful it is.
We got great insights into how we were all involved with the fight for the light, through the ages, to come to this beautiful time of The Great Alignment.
My gratitude to the Great Caeayaron and the beautiful Suzanna is beyond words.
Thank you Thank you Thank you!
Giovanni Luijten (Holland/New Zealand)
Giovanni Luijten25/07/2018

I am so grateful for all of the teachings and lessons that enable us to work with love force to become powerful manifestors of the heart. To create the beautiful lives our hearts and higher soul purpose is calling for.
We learned about creating a strong platform to work off. We learned exactly how to claim back energy to be able to build our beautiful lives.
We learned about the power of a strong mind and the unlimited possibilities of what we can create in the love and the light.
Everything that comes through is so perfect & resonant with everyone in the group. Caeayaron knows, sees and understands us all. If I asked a question in my mind it was answered without me physically needing to talk.
My desire to heal myself and help to heal others has never been stronger. I felt my heart call me here and I’ve never given myself a greater gift by coming.
If you feel your call, please come.
I have felt true love power and can’t wait to meet more of you who will experience this also. Have the courage and come!
Many heart hugs to you all
Thank you from my heart to yours Suzanna, Caeayaron and the Angels.
Love Makkala
Makkala Palleson - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand/USA)
Makkala Palleson25/07/2018

This activation weekend was wonderful, even after previously being activated.Working in Divine partnership, planning manifestations, is a wise means of progress.Since my first activation in December 2015, I have worked with Divine and used the Violet Flame in summer to clear my garden of white butterflies, eating cauliflower and broccoli all summer. My friends were astonished! I have also healed various pains within my body - brilliant!The skills we learn at activations help us to fulfil our life purpose. Love, forgiveness, and getting in touch with our personal essence helps us to find our own narrow pathway with Divine. I feel such gratitude for this.I have learned to forgive, mostly myself, and to see that others reflect my own insecurities. I have really understood that this weekend.My gratitude is overflowing for you, Suzanna and Caeayaron. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.Peggy Cayton - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON(New Zealand)
Peggy Cayton25/07/2018

I am totally blown away by how much information and healing we have been gifted to heal and build greater love in our lives.This morning I noticed how much lighter and of love everyone looked, shining with beauty and love. That’s how Caeayaron works, not only gifting the techniques to forgive, to release, to build greater power but to gift the healing flows so that change, transformation, can happen overnight.This is about shifting energies to transform our lives, making paths open to greater desires, learning how to plan and manifest greatness.These healings, these skills, this power to create a beautiful life, is not available anywhere other than at the Divine Pineal Gland Activations of CAEAYARON with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. No one has the power or the beauty of the Universal Light Grid Programmer Divine Love Element and I am so grateful Caeayaron has returned with Suzanna now.The activated of CAEAYARON are growing, we are experiencing it every day. Collective Love Consciousness is real and powerful and it starts by becoming activated. See you soon! :-) NamasteJacqui Hanson - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Jacqui Hanson30/06/2018

It has been another incredible weekend. We learnt about manifesting, violet flame and using power with love. We found out about many energies and how a strong mind is needed to work with the love and the light, not "fluffy bunny" issues.To heal ourselves first by forgiving and allowing change to gain higher vibrations, which means more power can be managed.Grounding is really important when working with higher energies so you can work with more light.Our "singing" and forgiveness was magical and the shifts were enormous for all of us ‐ it felt angelic.This is the highest level work I have ever experienced and we have all grown stronger in many ways and will continue to as we return to our other lives.We have been blessed x 1,000,000.
xxx Sharon Bloom (England)
Sharon Bloom30/06/2018

I was concerned about being taken care of on this trip to the U.K; rest assured everything is taken care of beautifully if you express your heart's intention to come to The Activation Weekends.
This in itself is a massive learning experience for me ‐ to trust again following years of loss of hope, at times despair, of there being a path forward opening up. Here you learn to manifest with powerful tools.
First, you must want to come & participate in becoming activated and then you must actually come and sit in the presence of The Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element - Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who is the only way to be activated with Caeayaron at the University of Light.
Mark Kennedy - Student of CAEAYARON's Universal Love Frequency Course with Lisa Wetini (Australia)
Mark Kennedy30/06/2018

This weekend has been huge, a lot of information of how to become a manifestor, very clear points to work with, to practice and see changes in your life.I could feel the flows of manifestation.We focused on the importance of forgiveness for all things, energies, that are keeping you trapped. So we need to acknowledge them and heal them to be able to claim them back. So your process of healing starts more deeply and you start having more balance in your life.With the activations you start understanding more about yourself, you see life in a different way and you receive the tools to work with to help you grow in the spiritual path.
Claudia Aguilera C (Argentina/England)
Claudia Aguilera30/06/2018

I loved the manifestation section, the skills I have gained I look forward to using in my life, along with forgiving old programs no longer required, releasing them and letting them go.Knowing how to stay calm and not lose power through anger, guilt, fear, and judgement but gaining peace by forgiving, gratitude and self-love is going to help me moving forward.
Dexter Jukes - Student of CAEAYARON's Universal Love Frequency Course with Donna Richmond (New Zealand)
Dexter Jukes30/06/2018

What I like about teachings of Divine Love is that there is a balance between giving and receiving. The more you give, the more that Divine gifts you and abundance is sure to flow if one gives from the heart.Weekend Two has taught me how to develop a strong mind and the true power of forgiveness and what forgiveness does for the mind, heart and spirit.I received a personal reading from Suzanna which was completely accurate and mind-blowing for me on such a deep level, I felt the flows of her being and the energies of Angels and my own guides around me.I felt such love and I received such an awareness of myself to look deeper and acknowledge who I truly am within and all of my inner potential which made me more confident and gave me more power to discover myself and trust spirit greater.I gained much courage and greater self-expression that I had been seeking in my life.I am eternally grateful to Suzanna and to the Divine Masters of the Divine Pineal Gland Activations, especially Caeayaron. Thank you Suzanna and Caeayaron for lighting up my life path so I could finally see the beauty of life and flow in that beauty always.Come and join the University of Light, this is truly the greatest reward you can gift yourself in this lifetime!
Kaylynn Pagoria (USA)
Kaylynn Pagoria30/06/2018

My activation weekend was life changing! I now have the gifts and tools to start changing myself & the world. Becoming activated is vital for our world and we need many more to join us in the great mission of LOVE & HEALING.
I have been set free and because of the activations, I now know my life purpose and I can share this good news.
To become activated means to be set free from all old mind frames and to become a new creation in what you think, do and say. You receive help from Caeayaron and your highest spirit guides, so you always feel safe and protected at all times.
You will begin to feel the burdens being lifted and you will start to manifest all your desires. I am grateful for this weekend and I encourage all who want to live a free and happy life filled with joy, peace, love & light to join the love family.
Yakema Eccles ( USA)
Yakema Eccles12/03/2018

The deepening of gifts already received at previous activations and the new gifts we received were so powerful and have come in so strongly and quickly I am totally amazed!
Growing and healing in the Light is the most rewarding and beautiful experience. I have been looking for this love for so long and now here it is with CAEAYARON's Divine Pineal Gland Activations.
How can I describe what this means and how this feels? These are Divine Codes being brought back within my being. My whole body is reverberating as my cells are so excited to be healing in the Light, the higher Love & Light.
Deeper star missions memories returning brings tears of release followed by great joy. The blessings to make my life flow are so beautiful and so appreciated.
Thank you Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, Caeayaron, all the Divine and Star Love Beings, and Suzanna. Team Love has returned. The Light has won and it is time for Divine Truth to be heard.
This day is the 3rd day of Suzanna channeling, deep trance and conscious, all while standing and with very few breaks��
Come to the Activations and prepare to be AMAZED!!!
Much love always. :-)
Jacqui Hanson - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Jacqui Hanson12/03/2018

Thank you Caeayaron, I have received so much love from you and Divine Star Beings. I appreciate living with angels and your love every day. I wake up every morning with a feeling of love in my heart. I have an appreciation of the gift of love and have a burning desire to share that love with others so that they can learn that they are beautiful people and they are appreciated too.Thank you, sooooooo much for the Divine love consciousness.I feel blessed by your love. I want all to experience your beautiful love and blessings so everyone can feel the beautiful joy you bring to my life. Let others realise this love is for them too.You have opened my heart to love, gratitude and appreciation.Thank you Caeayaron, Thank you Suzanna. You are amazing. Thank you for your love.With my love and appreciation, June xxx
June McHale - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
June McHale12/03/2018

We need to heal ourselves first before we can heal others. We meet people that we are meant to meet because there are lessons that need to take place.Forgiveness is one of those lessons. You might say - why would I forgive another who has hurt me? Because that person or situation is showing you that you gave away your energy and it's time to claim it back and then clear your energy then go into forgiveness.The only way to learn more is by getting your lessons on YouTube by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Use the forgiveness statement that was gifted by Caeayaron which is very powerful.To receive codes one must get activated by Caeayaron.Today I received Health Codes. When I am ready they will open up to me, something I am looking forward to. xxx
Lisa Wetini - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Lisa Wetini12/03/2018

Thank you for my star codes.
I am here to forgive pollution collectively, which is a planetary dis-ease. But firstly I am here to heal myself and I have received many new tools to do this.
Working with the higher mind is where all problems will be healed and new ways of creating a better world of love peace wisdom compassion and abundance and gratitude.
I have been enlivened expanded connected and freed. I am very honoured & grateful to Caeayaron & Suzanna Light Grid Programmer & AA of the Light
I learnt to feel the tones of love, joy & trust as another form of healing for myself.
I feel great and loved and complete.
Anne Hunter - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Anne Hunter12/03/2018

I am excited to say that these Divine Pineal Gland Activations with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel are the most profound healings & teachings on this plane at this time.
I am experiencing the most beautiful meditations ever! I am healing in the love & the light and this time is incredible. I feel more balanced, confident and love within me.
It is such a privilege to experience the beauty of Suzanna's channelings. I am calling all of my family and friends to join me at the University of Light - so we can heal together & grow into the collective love consciousness.
I am grateful to be at the Activations healing with my friends - this is such an exciting time - woohoo!!
Love, Light & gratitude.
Natalie xxx
Natalie - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Natalie 12/03/2018

Level 2 Activation Weekend was amazing.I now have a great sense of peace within myself, as I am no longer stressed about not being aware of my higher purpose yet. Caeayaron taught me that being in gratitude and self-love and healing myself is the biggest thing I can be doing right now.Learning more about manifestation was incredible. Having a greater understanding about the weigh scales makes me feel positive about doing manifestation work in the future.The energies are so much higher now and the basic exercises of grounding and clearing and claiming back my energies now are 1000 times stronger!!Also, I absolutely loved the feeling of embracing my Lemurian Self. I love the joy in being happy and loud and look forward to embracing this in my everyday life.
Thank you Caeayaron
Vanessa Foster12/03/2018

This weekend many tears flowed. Not tears of sadness but I felt my love grow within my heart, my heart opened greater and feeling became greater; so they were tears from remembering that love and being in gratitude for these healings & teachings from Caeayaron through Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Before I was activated it was easy for me to feel very depressed & not wanting to be in the pain of our Earth flows - often opening my heart and feeling victim consciousness. It was hard to come out of those limiting thought systems.
This weekend's activations we were gifted a great gift of being more stable, being able to access a higher love mind and leave the monkey mind of rubbish thoughts behind when we focus on self-healing and forgiveness, taking responsibility for transforming our lower frequencies to higher frequencies of love, sitting with our guides of love, working in divine collective love union with angels and guides of love.
We were gifted healings & teachings to help us to discover our deeper heart flows, through feeling deeper within our passion, our desires, which means we were able to receive a deeper knowing/understanding of our Divine purpose.
Caeayaron, our star galactic family and Suzanna as the LGP, brought through codes to allow us to reconnect with the Star grids of love that we are connected to on our star-self levels. I could feel such love, warmth, gratitude and honour when these flows came through I cried with joy.
These activations are real, not science fiction. I feel a greater drive & desire now to grow & heal and allow myself to be greater in the love flows & let all other things go to bring loving healing to myself, my family /friends and the world (our planet), and humanity, to come to these activations to reach the highest healings available here on Earth.
There is nothing else but this that brings us up to higher love states.
Thank you Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, Caeayaron, Galactic Federations of Love & Light, my star families of love and Suzanna (Blue Star, Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element).
I am eternally grateful, to be free & learning to grow back into my authentic love star being self.
From my heart of love to your heart of love, lots of love, Danielle xxx
Danielle Roberts - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Danielle Roberts12/03/2018

I learned to go deep within myself, discovering who I truly am, accepting myself, deepening my great divine love, discovering greater purpose and wisdom, great divine power. Claiming back my energies, grounding my physical self, so my spiritual self may enter into higher dimensions.Learning from where I truly came from, coming into great growth and focus.I am Activated, I am Love, I am Light! Great self-healer, Great self-teacher, Universal Divine Star Being. Great inner divine light codes within me have now been activated. I am now a great divine Activated Star Being. xxxI am forever learning, everything has a greater purpose, my great Divine Purpose and mission. I am aligned and in tune with my great divine higher self. Open to new blessings, new learnings, new teachings, I feel loved and now in the great love frequency.I am me, I am free, I am Lemuria.I am forever grateful.
Sean Strom (USA)
Sean Strom12/03/2018

It has been the most amazing weekend. I have learned so much.The activations have been so beautiful. Learning about manifesting and collective love consciousness it's been so much more than I had expected.Since the 1st Weekend a week ago I have experienced amazing changes within my-self. My healing has been more than I expected on so many different levels.I can't express how grateful I am and honoured to be at the activations. So grateful to Suzanna and Caeayaron for all their hard work. I can't wait for next weekend for Level 3.Thank you Thank you Thank you.
Audrey Dobson (England)
Audrey Dobson12/03/2018

This weekend has inspired & motivated me in ways that are hard to explain, but so exciting.
I am so thankful to have come this weekend & learn to harness my love & power & ask my guidance team & angels for help throughout my life journey as a Sacred World Healer & to accomplish my divine life purpose.
I feel as though I will go home a more grounded & stable person with peace in my heart & for that I am forever grateful.
Samantha Strom (USA)
Samantha Strom12/03/2018

This weekend was more in-depth than last weekend.
Yesterday (Saturday) for me was the Best Day. Higher mind, elevator, antenna. I did a huge forgiveness process last night which let me feeling very peaceful. It was quite amazing - Thank you.
Today I learned about poverty consciousness and how I need to release that before I can move on with my business (& have people pay me!). A valuable lesson. Thank you.
Project Me is, for me, learning to forgive myself and really loving myself. Really feeling it - Thank you.
I'm doing my Forgiveness Statement every night & every morning. Grounding & clearing first of course. Being grateful for my body & know that all of it is in perfect working order. Thank you.
Thank You.
Adrienne Marks (England/Spain)
Adrienne Marks12/03/2018

I am feeling so blessed to be here learning so much. I feel a deep deep peace and calm and the room is filled with love.The personal lessons have been enormous and I have new tools and understandings that will help me to grow and heal in a way I would never have felt possible.Thank you Caeayaron. Thank you Suzanna.
Jo Jones (New Zealand)
Jo Jones12/03/2018

Thank you for helping me to understand myself better.I have enjoyed and begun taking myself into my higher mind and using the violet flame to help me in any situation that I have encountered in my life so that I can rise above the pain and anguish I have been living in as an unactivated person.I feel so accepted and loved, being supported by my guides and higher love star beings. I have learned to claim parts of myself back, this is very empowering.I could feel my third eye and crown chakras opening during the activation. I am so excited to experience what comes next.Thank you Caeayaron, Thank you Suzanna.Much love,
Georgianne.Georgianne Crawford (New Zealand)
Georgianna Crawford12/03/2018

Thank you for helping me to understand myself better.I have enjoyed and begun taking myself into my higher mind and using the violet flame to help me in any situation that I have encountered in my life so that I can rise above the pain and anguish I have been living in as an unactivated person.I feel so accepted and loved, being supported by my guides and higher love star beings. I have learned to claim parts of myself back, this is very empowering.I could feel my third eye and crown chakras opening during the activation. I am so excited to experience what comes next.Thank you Caeayaron, Thank you Suzanna.Much love, Georgianne.
Georgianne Crawford (New Zealand)
Georgianne Crawford19/02/2018

I just want to say thank you.Thank you for the healing.Thank you for new codes.Thank you for freedom.Again, I'm really grateful for everything that I've received! Blessings.
Patrice De Misse (Cameroon/Germany)
Patrice De Misse19/02/2018

I feel more 'alive' this weekend, compared to my first activation weekend 1.I feel more confident in manifesting, I trust myself with my codes and I have a way bigger understanding of who I REALLY AM!!I feel my purpose in this lifetime has more meaning and my violet flames have increased all around me. I have a higher understanding of my gifts, the connection it has with my DNA, our evolution, and our collective love consciousness.The love in me is building up like wildfire and I love who I am and my spiritual growth. I accept my emotions and where it guides me.The importance and enormity of our collective love consciousness is bringing me to my higher self, opening up my DNA love codes and healing me from within! We are all connected through the healing grids through each other.I learned so much of our Lemurian ancestors, Thoth, darkness, and light and our universal intelligence.We all come from multi-dimensional planets and planes and I thank Suzanna and Caeayaron for guiding me towards my codes, the light grid and back to our highest self!I feel an abundance of love, light, wisdom, discovery, gratitude, happiness, joy!Most importantly, I know I have the codes within me, I carry light within me and everything I do, I do it with passion and purpose.
Love,Star being Stephanie Strom. (USA)
Stephanie Strom19/02/2018

Coming to the Activation weekend I thought I would be just attending the Pineal Gland Activation. I am so grateful to attend the Teacher training & Attunements also.
The Pineal Gland Activation has been the GREATEST shift of Love in my life.
I've always felt lost & a big separation and disconnection until now. It has given me so much Light, Love and Peace, understanding of my soul, my desires, my purpose and why I am here.
I have always felt a high desire within but coming here has birthed me into my greatest journey now - A new beginning leaving my past pain behind and using the greatest tool gifted on this planet as souls - grounding, forgiveness and unconditional love.
Releasing me from lifetimes of struggle and pain and now living in the moment growing into so much light & Divine love.
I am, without question, on a great Divine Mission on Planet Earth.
I am so grateful for my past. I release with love and forgiveness and am so grateful for my love codes I have received and am so blessed to work for Caeayaron and the Higher Beings to bring love to our planet and bring people to the Activations.
I am so proud to know that I can be so at peace now living my life with love, forgiveness and power. Manifesting greatness and sharing this with others.
Life is beautiful and it's been such an honour to meet Suzanna and Caeayaron and be gifted with so much healing and knowledge.
This weekend is priceless and until now I realize that I have been waiting so many lifetimes to come here!
I will continue with gratitude and love to grow and to serve with so much gratitude, love, and desire to heal and love.
Darryl Anne Mooney (Ireland/England)
Darryl Anne Mooney19/02/2018

So much to take in. I know this is so important to my life but it's a new way of life for me. Instead of being stuck in a negative way of coping in the world, we have been given blessings and teachings to make us more aware of our new abilities to be happy and loving in the world.
With Thanks
Dail Gibson19/02/2018

Grateful for the teachings of becoming a greater manifestor and working in partnership with Great Divine Love to bring the planet into a collective love consciousness.Learning about the cell and growth within the energy body and how to claim energy back. About taking the steps and planning of our purpose in life.
Amazing when receiving the codes, could feel them flooding in. Could also feel my third eye.
Learnt about self-healing and the importance of this before can heal others.
I am so happy that I am being activated before 2020. I feel honoured that I am a part of something amazing and great.
I had visions of the wall built by Pleiadians to save Lemuria, to save the light.
I am forever grateful for being here. I have become a stronger, loving, courageous person. I feel that I can go into my higher mind and heart a lot quicker now.
Thank you Caeayaron.
Leon Maloney (New Zealand)
Leon Maloney19/02/2018

Activations are necessary to break the grid.I'm honored to receive the codes and appreciate the new perspectives that bring clarity to the shifts.
Steve Strom (USA)
Steve Strom19/02/2018

It takes quite awhile to comprehend what we learned. I will probably understand it more during the 3rd weekend and after.
I enjoyed feeling different energies I never experienced in that way before: frequencies of love, joy and trust while we learned to tone.Also, the tingle of love codes wanting to connect with Divine was quite unexpected and pleasant - there is so much to grow into: connecting into higher mind focusing your thoughts in the moment, learning how to use violet flame and many more. Some huge teachings came also about the universal game and I listened with interest about our many selves working in parallel timelines and different dimensions of Earth and how we are all connected with star beings and Caeayaron. We are all great explorers of the universe inside us.Ps. It was very funny when Suzanna figured out how Jesus turned water into wine.
Katarzyna Jablonska (Poland)
Katarzyna Jablonska 19/02/2018

I am so grateful to be back at the Activations. To be able to learn Divine manifestation is such a gift. The possibilities are unlimited.
My heart is singing with love. I desire so much more joy and celebration in my life. No more losing energy to fear and pain, I know what to do with those emotions. That's Huge.
I am so excited to move into a higher life path with purpose and universal star blessings.I love being Activated so much. Everything is so much more beautiful now.
Galactic Collective Love is the most beautiful.
Thank you Caeayaron, you're awesome!Thank you Suzanna, the Activations are so fun, you're amazing.
Thank you Activated Brothers and Sisters, let's ride the light together!So much love to all.
James Donaldson - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (Australia)
James Donaldson19/02/2018

Those flows we received this weekend were just so strong, so beautiful, so high! A huge gift, huge! Not to grasp! Not to be described!I feel so grateful, so deeply touched!Thank you so much Suzanna.Thank you so much CAEAYARON.Thank you so much all the higher Star Beings.
I feel so blessed.
Kathrina Hagler - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (Switzerland/New Zealand)
Kathrina Hagler19/02/2018

It is simply not possible to describe the immense information, healing, expansion and teaching given this weekend.I am excited to explore our world with a higher mind and to access the massive library of myself held in there, to access the gifts I have yearned to have to heal and serve myself and others.Caeayaron is so clever and answers questions I had in my mind from past lives to star realms. All of this is magnificent but my deepest love I have for who I am and what that love can and will do for myself, family and beyond is blowing my mind.The proof that DIVINE LOVE wisdom through Suzanna and Caeayaron is impossible to ignore.I met my Star Being friends and family today. I learned what my purpose is and how to manifest with Divine.Growing in the love is beyond words. This is the only way to open doors to your hopes, dreams and purpose. So grateful.
Jules Boonen - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (England/New Zealand)
Jules Boonen19/02/2018

Floating in bliss.
Love and light mist.
Star being alive.
Energies arrive.
No words to describeThe beauty inside.
United at last.No longer apart.
Gratitude soars.
Violet flame roars.
Gifts coming in.
Star worlds begin.
Infinite gratitude, Stephen

Last weekend was Amazing but Activation 2 was WOWEEEE!!!
I am so grateful that I have awoken to Caeayaron's call and become activated. If you want to change your life, now is your chance.You will receive gifts that will heal yourself and your life and you will feel so amazing. You can also heal your loved ones.I feel so at peace within myself, and my heart is opening up with so much love for myself and others.Become activated and learn to let go of all your pain and suffering, learn the great gratitude for all you have, learn to forgive the pain deep within. Discover why you are really here, your greater mission.Come and dance in the light.Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the channel for Caeayaron, the highest loving ArchAngel and he will Activate you and lift up your vibrations.Come to the Activations in the future, it's the only way up. xxx
Tracy Bettridge - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Tracy Bettridge19/02/2018

I am so very grateful for these Activations.I feel so much closer to my greater self. After connecting to my higher mind I saw my greater self as a huge light being which brought beautiful peace and love to my physical self. This experience was amazing.Receiving codes again was incredible. I could see two star beings and then matter spinning which looked like something of greatness was being created. I could feel healing energy and when receiving love codes I could see pools of light all around the earth.As I sat with eyes closed I could feel myself becoming big, hands and feet and felt 8ft tall. This was so amazing.I know I have received great healings and now I want to become a greater forgiver, a being who walks strong in the light and have love for all things.Caeayaron I love you with all my heart. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.Suzanna you are amazing. I love you. 3 I am so grateful for the memories of Lemuria. I loved this with all my heart. Such joy, fun and love in Lemuria. Please forgive me if this makes no sense. Feel HIGH
Julie Kane - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (England)
Julie Kane19/02/2018

I received more personal insights at a much greater depth than I thought was possible.This understanding is helping me considerably and I know that this personal knowledge will be helping me greatly from this day forward and for this I am so grateful.
Graham Jones - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (England/New Zealand)
Graham Jones19/02/2018

The Activations are so powerful as you feel them showering over your head. I feel at peace, a calmness within.
I learned so much more about the Divine and how protected and special I am to the planet raising up higher in Love Consciousness. Being in the moment, clearing, grounding, and forgiveness.
No fear or uncertainty anymore in my life. So much more to learn & look forward to.
Learning manifestation and how powerful my mind thoughts and emotions really are. I know my life's purpose now.
Thank you & I am so grateful please bless me more.
Much love & gratitude, Jennifer xox
Jennifer Petro-Goth - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (USA)
Jennifer Petro-Goth19/02/2018

This Weekend Two was amazing.Taken into greater higher minds as well as the Violet Flame has grown within me for higher thoughts as this helps me to manifest more. It helps me about growth.Learned more to be in the moment of love, grounding and clearing.Thank you Caeayaron.
Much love. Much light.
Lance B. - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Lance B19/02/2018

I have truly been at the University of Light.
Caeayaron came through in sessions which were 'lessons' when information and training was given to us for our spiritual development. This was sacred, magnificent information much of which had not been given before.
I received training on techniques to reach higher realms, to connect to grids and angels and my star family. There was laughter, discussion and instruction and I am so very grateful for the whole weekend.
All our questions were answered as we went & our frequencies were harmonised so the whole group learned collectively. What a wonderful experience to know it's all about "Project Me".
I call all to come to the activations & please come and discover yourself on a greater level and get the freedom to experience true love and peace. This is truly life changing!
Thank you so much Suzanna & Caeayaron, I love you so much.
Claire Guthrie - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Claire Guthrie19/02/2018

The necessary Swiss army knife for the future, to cut through the dead wood within you that is holding you back, to turn your own screws to greatness, to feel the confidence to handle any task because you have all the tools needed to build a life of joy and satisfaction.Be ready for a full frontal tactile roller coaster ride, nothing else is like this, come and see for yourself. If you are looking to help yourself achieve the peace in your life that has eluded you and spread that peace to the larger world at hand; come.This is the time to move from hoping and praying to doing, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel gifts you your toolbox back. Come and build the better world that is you.
Andrew Kramer (USA)
Andrew Kramer19/02/2018

My body is still buzzing after the last activation, an incredible experience that words can't begin to describe.
The most amazing tones came through Suzanna (The channel) that wouldn't seem humanly possible.
Experiencing the feeling of your codes returning is something else!
This weekend I learned so much more about collective love consciousness, how it works and feeling it in action, Woohoo!! My life purpose has become clearer, learning about our cells frequencies & how to change them up higher ‐ truly beautiful!
These activations are more important than is humanly possible for many to comprehend, but all I can say is trust your inner heart & allow yourself this opportunity this lifetime to heal on a whole new level, experience more love, joy, peace & harmony as well as giving you your ticket to freedom when you leave this plane.
Thoroughly recommend to anyone who wants a more fulfilling, loving, meaningful, purposeful, exciting life.
Much love & gratitude to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Caeayaron & the divine light team that is making this possible for all who desire.
P.S best done before 2020
Donna Richmond ‐ Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Donna Richmond 19/02/2018

I am very grateful to be here at the activation with Caeayaron and many love beings from the highest spaces.This weekend has been such a beautiful experience making everything clearer to me now. How can I work more on myself? I've learnt that I am a divine being. I've learnt how to grow more into the love and how it is important to get activated and how important it is to receive my codes back and how I can help myself to move upwards.I am open to learning and loving myself, forgiveness is so important at this time.
Shannon Wetini (New Zealand / Australia)
Shannon Wetini 19/02/2018

The activation helped me to hear & become more grateful for all the awakening to who I am in the Love & the Light.
I feel the vibrations in my body.
My heart is awakening to higher understanding of the Path of Freedom.
Jane Lanteigne (Canada)
Jane Lanteigne 19/02/2018

Wow Wow WowI am so grateful and thankful for the Sacred World Healers, who had bought thru an amazing Magnetic Healing on me yesterday. I had experienced the most amazing release in my sacral chakra, lots of pain, lots of tears but the joy of the release overcame everything.
Thank You Thank You. I now feel lighter and feel the love flows and feel so energized.Learning the importance of grounding, clearing and forgiving are so powerful tools to do daily.
We learnt so much greater wisdom, the powerful Violet Flame how powerful it is and what it can do for my life and the people around me.I am so grateful, so blessed, so full of love and joy.
Thank You Caeayaron, Suzanna, and all Divine beings.The most amazing experience ever. Everyone should get Activated. ? Learn to Self Love. Project Me is huge.Wow Wow Wow ?
These activations are all about self love, the most powerful thing for everybody. You can only heal yourself thru self love.
Karen Bell - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Karen Bell19/02/2018

Beautiful star activations this weekend, Thank You Suzanna and Caeayaron!
Also, I loved the teachings on the higher mind/cosmic brain, on our cells, and on the collective love consciousness.
Felt the frequencies & flows increase, so much Love, peace, joy & harmony, thank you!
Also looking forward to use the violet flame star manifestation skills when going back home next week.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
With lots of love & gratitude, Sophie
Sophie (Switzerland)
Sophie 19/02/2018

This week's activations have been truly amazing. I can't possibly put into words how it has left me feeling or the gratitude I have. The flows of beauty and love were so great.Through the activation, the chair I was sitting on became small as I felt myself grow to about 8 feet tall!!!The toning was amazing. I can't explain it but it felt like it was talking to every cell in my body, and then I actually BECAME the tone (for a few seconds anyway). My heart filled with such love and gratitude I couldn't stop the tears falling.If someone would have told me I would experience such love and wonder before I was activated I would have had a hard time believing it.My trust in divine has gone up 1000 times since the weekend. I sometimes get impatient with my growth but over the activations I think I finally understand the line from the forgiveness statement, 'Everything is perfect as it is.'Thank you Suzanna for being you and what you do. I love you.
Thank you Caeayaron for loving me and I love you.
Tina - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (England)

I am so grateful for the teachings of Caeayaron transmitted through Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.I've learnt so much to stay in the love.I've never been the one to talk in front of people. The teachings are helping me so much to bring in more courage and self love. Helping me to stay out of the toilet by forgiveness in myself and others, and more information to teach us all how to be in the love.You'll have to come get activated with Caeayaron transmitted through Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Lisa Paerata (New Zealand/Australia)
Lisa Paerata19/02/2018

Shifting, clearing, healing, divine flows, I am so happy, so grateful to be able to open my heart and receive your gifts wonderful divine Caeayaron. Receiving has been the most amazing experience of this weekend.
My heart had been closed, I am grateful for Caeayaron, and wonderful Suzanna for keeping me safe and ready for this.
Healing me and see the beautiful star beings was the most loving present I receive. To know I am going to be able to go home now and my star being family rejoice to see me and they are ready to help me in my mission on this planet earth.
Feeling love, feeling belonging to my planet, to Suzanna and to be part of Caeayaron, is the most loving, the most precious huge present. Thank you for bringing me here, for reminding me what I am.
All the most beautiful tears of gratitude drop out of my eyes as I saw my beautiful heart glowing. My body was moving, my cells were dancing in the orchestra of the toning.
It is so beautiful to be in the most important university, being your student is the present I have waited for so long.
The changes in me are immeasurable, the amount of light waves flowing in me are beautiful, having my codes back makes me feel so proud, so full of pride, all I have & love has been worth it for you and for me. I have a heart full of love and that I am a Lemurian is such a privilege.
I love you Caeayaron
I love you Suzanna
El amor que siento es tan grande que no se puede medir.
Patricia Berry (Ecuador/England)
Patricia Berry19/02/2018

Wow ‐ what a magnificent weekend. Suzanna the greatest channel on this planet was awesome!
I've lost count of the beautiful blessings
- learning to connect to the higher mind
- regaining our connection to the higher star beings we used to be connected to in Lemuria before the fall.
I could fill pages & pages.
Eternally grateful to be healed, taught, guided, loved & nurtured Direct by the divine is the Greatest Blessing ever.
I love & forgive also my human teachers, for no human can reach these high flows of love & great wisdom and I bless the day when millions realise that the greatest light has returned to bring love & peace to mankind.
Glenda Rainey - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Glenda Rainey19/02/2018

I have so much gratitude for being able to come to the Activations 2 weekend.The teachings were magnificent and the energies so high and loving.So many tools and gifts were given to grow stronger in the love, to become a great manifestor, to forgive and heal. WOW!How amazing it is to feel these beautiful loving energies and to feel how I grow.Thank you so much Suzanna and Caeayaron!
Olivia (England/France)