Reviews ...

If you are considering coming to the Activations, if you are feeling pulled and drawn, come! The gifts you will receive at the activations will be perfect for you. At this time, you can’t imagine the blessings you will receive. In addition to spiritual expansion, you will be gifted with practical skills ( like manifestation, grounding, clearing ), you can use each day to enhance your life, your family and friends’ life’s.There are no prerequisites to come to the Activations, you don’t need any special abilities, just a desire to bring love into the world. When you are here you will recognize and remember the truth of this path of love. Don’t hesitate. Trust your inner knowing, your intuition, trust the love.
Zanna, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, USA

The energies were very powerful today, but I felt really peaceful and grateful for receiving the activations.I felt very humble about what Halisarius and Caeayaron said today.I feel stronger and more positive for a wonderful future ahead for us.
Carolyn, Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON Scotland

To all sleeping Beauties! Please, open your heart, feel the call. Say: ‘Yes’ to Divine Love, trust and go for it.There is no time to wait.Greetings!
Elena, Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON

The activations have been so amazing. I have learnt so much.The important points would be learning to love self, to forgive, to heal self, grounding in the most loving way every day. Learning to find time for self to BE and to allow the energies to flow within me. Toning for the collective spaces was so Awesome.We have opened portals and we learnt to hold vibration. We built the violet flame greater within ourselves. Our heart bodies open up more in the healing grid, growing stronger.Visions have come much stronger and starting to become clearer.Our karma has been taken away. We learnt about healing water.We have freed those in the high realms and ourselves. We have now been given the tools to maintain our love greater, forgive greater, heal greater, to be thankful in everything we do and learn.Come to the activations, come and meet CAEAYARON’s mountain of light and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.Alice, Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, New Zealand

“BEAUTIFUL”, “ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL."I had tears of joy in my heart and gratitude, love and appreciation for all the blessings and also for receiving our mantles back. Wahoo activated.Thank you, Caeayaron, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great and the Galactic Team.These few days have been about so much learning and receiving of gifts and blessings and staying in the love and forgiveness. All the energies and flows have been enormous, the feelings of abundance in all is just out of this world.Loved it with all my heart. So much gratitude within.Thank you Caeayaron, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, The Galactic Federation, The Highest Archangels, Highest Spirit Guides and Highest Loving Beings.NAMASTE.
Rowera, Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON New Zealand

If you truly understood this choice for Caeayaron’ s Divine Pineal Gland Activations, then you would do everything to make that plane, bus, car journey possible. You would just do it! Freedom from density, pain, fear, anger, limitation energies and thoughts – to be able to heal and let go. And to open your heart to receive the highest flows of love and light - to heal and evolve.This is transformational! For you, loved ones, families, animals, earth, mankind and the Universe in which we live.I am so grateful to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for her great love, strength and courage. No one else on our planet can bring to us what she does. Through Suzanna is a beautiful path that you would choose to walk on – if you’d choose it for your greater good.Thank you, Suzanna, Caeayaron, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel, Halisarius, Adama, Ammorah and all the beautiful Angels

This was the greatest gift I could have ever received on my Birthday. I was back for the third time to experience the great Activations. It’s transformational, it’s physical, emotional and spiritual awakening. Wisdom, knowing and understanding is clearer. I feel peace, I feel joy! Everyone looks younger, freshened and at peace.Thank you so much Caeayaron.
Jennifer Ann, Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON
Jennifer Ann04/09/2019

Thank you for an amazing weekend. During the first reading from Sovereign Lord Emmanuel’s new book I remembered the pain and sadness that the people went through during Jesus’ crucifixion. Immense sadness came up and I was crying – Forgiveness was needed.During the second reading I remembered the journey of taking Jesus in a boat to safety – a memory that came through a few months ago initially.I have been on such a high flow of love energy over the last 2 days. I feel so grateful and appreciate it so much. The portals are amazing each week, however here at the activation there were such strong feelings during the group portal with the Divine Love Element – Suzanna. I felt such beautiful Star beings around us who are so happy with the growth. My heart space is open even more – it was open a lot before but I am surprised how much more love I am able to hold – it is wonderful. I loved the healing water exercise.I am in appreciation and Gratitude for all that you do Suzanna and Stephen. Much love to you.
Debbie, Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, England

Suzanna and Caeayaron have taught me so much in the last few days. We have done some amazing Spiritual exercises and our growth has expanded enormously with many spiritual gifts given to us to grow in-to.Other people shared what they see spiritually so that we can all connect into it and see too. It is so important to receive your life codes back and get activated, there is only one way up with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and Caeayaron. We are so blessed to walk with Divine and work with Divine Will in a Love Collective. We are truly blessed to feel Caeayaron’ s love flows, flowing through us, our pineal glands pulsating and our hearts truly opening. Every day I am in gratitude to be part of Team Light, to be protected by Divine Angels, Pleiadians and Star Beings, is truly amazing, it’s something that I appreciate so much and I know I am so blessed to have this most beautiful Privilege.Namaste.
Jo, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, England

I am becoming more aware of the gifts that are coming to the Star Sacred World Healers. It was amazing to listen to what the future holds for humanity if they choose to be activated by Caeayaron. It is beyond magical and I am so grateful that we can be free eternally. It is the best gift in all lifetimes.I really recommend people to come to the Divine Pineal Gland Activations to learn what it means to live in love, peace and safety with Beings of incredible integrity.
Micheline, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, England/France

Every pineal gland activation is more beautiful, more healing, more powerful. It is incredible to watch myself to grow layer by layer. Thoughts are shifting like magic. Bring ease to forgive and let it go. Much beauty and great appreciation, awareness for all that I have received and how I am privileged to be present here.Strong flows came when Halisarius talked, my heart, feet and hands grew in the energy flows and my body was buzzing. I learnt how to hold the streams stronger. I healed and refreshed in the love flows. I am asking people to come and feel love come to you again. You will gain yourself back as I did and you will love your star love self very much.I am eternally grateful for Suzanna, for her love for us! It is not possible to put into words. Grateful hugely and forever to the Galactic Federations of Light and for all on the light team.Thank you, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and CAEAYARON for the celebration. With all my love to you.
Marija, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, England

Unbelievable experience! I feel like I now finally have the tools in meditation, forgiveness and love to live in the one-ness I have been seeking forever.Eternally grateful. Thank you,
Richard, Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, England

The Divine Love Element is our only gateway and the Divine activations are the Key. Become part of the Collective Love team with our Galactic Family.This beautiful workshop is the only way to ascend with the loving help and guidance of CAEAYARON the creator of the consciousness grids, beautiful divine being and our galactic family.I am so grateful for the most magnificent healings. The wonderful gifts and information never before available to mankind. I am grateful beyond words to Suzanna the Word, the Divine Love Element - Light Grid Programmer. I am grateful to myself for recognising the light and the truth.
Glenda, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand

This is the most amazing process to feel the body transform and observe everyone grow glow and grow. To understand that we are never alone just ask and CAEAYARON will be there, he will also remind us what we are required to do to help save the planet.The love flows in the room with a learning of how to work in the highest divine love. This is the most amazing activation process. Everyone should come to be activated, with the love of Earth growth and how we work to protect and heal everyone as required and yourself. Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and Caeayaron.
Denise, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically attuned healer, and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand

These activations mean eternal freedom for not only you but your multi-dimensional families as well. We can hardly appreciate how important that it is from our perspective yet it remains true. CAEAYARON’S activations are truly the greatest gift in the universe.
Andrew Harris , Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically attuned healer, and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, USA
Andrew Harris 14/08/2019

Exciting lessons and activations for myself I need to have all this to sink in and settle and then excited to live alive and apply the teachings and hope to come back soon with more star babies.
Ali, Star Sacred World Healer of CAEYARON

We heard the REAL story of Easter and how Jesus didn’t die. Feeling my star family even closer and knowing how protected and guided we are when we stay and work in the Love, is the divine partnership I feel building and I can express the love I am feeling. We were so high for 2 days and the love kept building. Caeayaron showed us how to hold the energies to save our Planet Earth in portals and gave us so many gifts to step into. We were reminded we were so blessed, and we could feel it. The room was so hot as we were given a greater light system and exercises to work with. The violet flame is so strong within me now.Forever grateful to be in service to Divine and I am so eager to grow. Thank you Suzanna and her magnificent team in the love. I am a part of team light and I love it more than words.
Jules, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically attuned healer, and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand

It is time for collective love. I feel my toes in the Galactic Love alignment stream. This feels magnificent. What an opportunity. Please look, discover, investigate this for yourself.Suzanna Maria Emmanuel shared her divine messages from her books from Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great. The messages are profound. Please wake up little flowers for we wish to grow greatly in the collective love together.Suzanna shares an exquisite orchestra of divine tones reaching our planet at this time. Wake up little flowers, awaken to the light rising. For you will forever be able to play in the higher dimensions. Follow the light stream to eternal bliss. Intense flows of pure love power can be experienced this lifetime, on this planet now. With the Divine Love Element, how beautifully she shines at the divine pineal gland activations of CAEAYARON. Come to the divine activations dear ones for you will be forever blessed. Namaste.Thank you Galactic Federations of light, Halisarius, Reuben, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the great and CAEAYARON. Thank you for my ticket upwards I am in pure bliss and so forever appreciative and grateful.Love you always
Natalie, Star Sacred Word Healer , magnetically attuned healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON

Wow! What an incredible weekend it has been! We are no longer in the human template but are now in the Universal Star Love template where there is no restriction. This is the beginning of the Universal Light Grid Programmer, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s growth, as she is rising. Such awesome love flows and Caeayaron gave us some wonderful gifts. Please, if you feel the calling to get activated, come to the Divine Pineal Gland Activations. Thank you so much Caeayaron, Suzanna and the Galactic Federation for everything you do for us.Namaste,
Caroline, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer, and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Singapore

With the increasing powerful flows of love and healing, I have never felt so alive within. I have learned so much, and my heart sings at knowing the truth of Divine Will. I can see light and colours beaming through me, and my body and energies transforming. I can feel my heart opening and expanding like I’ve never experienced before. And my inspiration to create has blown upward in the most wonderful way. I’m finally excited for the future, and can’t wait to work with the beautiful Angels, Star Beings and Star Sacred World Healers to bring healing to our world. I am so eternally grateful for the miracle of being here for this opportunity at this time, and for being gifted back my life codes and all that Caeayaron, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Archangelic/Galactic and Star families have blessed us with. Please, if you haven’t already, become Activated. It is the most beautiful and important thing you can do for yourself and everyone you love. It’s time to shift, and step into the love and light. I’m so honoured to be a part of Team Light! Namaste,
Rosanna, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer, and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand

Simply on a physical perspective, these last days I struggle to put into words the shifts I feel my body has gone through. I struggle to feel the energies, but wow, this weekend has blown my mind. I have felt so much. This is no longer metaphysical but physical. “Realer than real.”Eternally grateful, Michael, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer, and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, South AfricaBeautiful to share these last few days together. Amazing learning. Gaining more codes, holding greater flows coming in, our gifts grew. My vision improved. The healing grid grew. Our focus grew. My solar plexus just felt so strong! Growth and strengthening all over! Thank you Suzanna for holding this incredible space. Without you nothing could change! “It’s a celebration, it’s a celebration! Tears of joy and gratitude for each other and every new Star Sacred World Healer. Thank you so much for making it! Greatest gratitude and love to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel the Divine Love Element, the Blue Archangel! Oh wow, bring it on Caeayaron! Thank you so much for helping me to make it here again! Thank you so much for all the Divine Star Beings for your help and support and allowing us to be and work in your Galactic Collective! Namaste,
Kathrina, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer, and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, New Zealand

Such a special day to be activated as a Star Sacred World Healer. Feel so grateful, so full of blessings and so many gifts received during the activation. This is the greatest gift I’ve ever given to myself. Found my way back to Lemuria. I have received my Galactic and Universal mantles back. A time of celebration, a beginning of my whole new life. Been waiting for this day since I attended level 2 in November 2018. Worth waiting to be graduated in the university of light. I am starting a new way of life, understand more love, joy and peace. To be in forgiveness and to protect myself more and more. Love all the teachings from Caeayaron, Suzanna, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great and all Star Beings and Light Grid Programmer. Great Teachings. Love the heart hug with all the Star Sacred World Healers and Suzanna. Felt the vibration of my heart chakra opening up greater, so good and so wonderful. A lotus flower in my heart. Caeayaron brought us to a beautiful portal, meditation and toning. Building up our light body system. We are all being placed in the healing grid to be healed at our own pace, to grow more in love so we can be healed greater and greater. Grateful for everything. No words can describe more. Heartfelt thank you. Happy Birthday Suzanna. Thank you for all the beautiful teachings.Namaste,
Verena, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer, CAEAYARON, Malaysia

At the Divine Pineal Gland Activations, we learn to bring healing into our bodies with energies. But more importantly, we learn to walk the narrow path, which is the path of higher love consciousness. By doing and supporting the Will of Divine, we can help to build all of the Universes back upwards again. We now have the ability to heal all of Mother Earth. It is truly a gift to be activated and I am so grateful. Thank you Ms. Suzanna. Namaste
Victoria, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer, and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, UK

So much experienced in one weekend. I met some old friends and made many more new. Together we opened a portal and that was a huge revelation to me…I actually felt changes in me. It is all so very true, what many people say about activations. Time is of the essence, so if you are thinking of coming, don’t hesitate anymore. Come and take all three activations and you will see it yourself. Namaste,
Ari, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON, Finland

I am so grateful that behind all this suffering, there is a plan to alleviate it, and the plan is the activations. This is the only route to freedom. All forms of pain like disease, poverty, aging can become healed because of being activated. I will strongly recommend activations because this is the only way, and there is no other way to stop suffering permanently. There are millions of people suffering on planet earth and this is the only remedy. Thank you to the Light Grid Programmer Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Caeayaron the Magnetic Master and Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great. Namaste,
Mirriam, Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer, and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, UK

I have always known that I needed (to find) a connection with the Divine to heal truly. These Activations will create that connection and you will feel it so strongly and be forever thankful. Nowhere else on earth you can find this.

I am so grateful to myself for coming to the activations. I have found truth, love and healing. My heart is so full of gratitude to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, I feel it may joyfully burst. How can I ever thank you Suzanna, you are so beautiful and humble and so full of love. I thank you with all my heart and soul.To sit in love and peace and harmony and then be taught how to be on a greater level, with songs and laughter is such a grand experience. What a clever being Caeayaron. He is talking to a group of people, who are all getting personal messages at the same time! How I love it when he speaks to me.The information is so practical and do-able. Everyone can do it! You can begin straight away, creating a new you. Happier, balanced and strong. Thank you Caeayaron for giving me the tools and knowledge I need to heal my life. For showing me love, healing and making me laugh out loud. For showing me songs and dance and joy. I LOVE YOU.May I give a special thank you to Lord Maitreya here:Lord Maitreya, you are amazing! Every time you speak you give such valuable advice and ways to get to know self. The tears flow with gratitude when I think about you talking at the activations. I truly wish I had stood up and told you that Lord Maitreya. I love you so much. What a wonderful teacher you are for me. I thank you with everything I am.Tina Kane - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, England
Tina Kane08/05/2019

Caeayaron guided us through remote viewing which was so fascinating. I could feel my energy shifting all around me giving me a great sense of my light body. My consciousness felt separate from my physical self. I saw myself from the front, then moved around to see my back, then moved above my head. I became excited, extremely high love flows came in then I felt as light as a feather floating to the ceiling. Wow, this felt like playtime to me it was fun. Meditation connecting to DNA was amazing. I learned how to connect to my thought field. I saw the DNA strand and I believe it can show me all my past lifetimes and help me discover myself greater. I learned how to go deep within my DNA and reach spaces in my Light Body so I can release and forgive all energies that hold me back. And help me to discover myself greater. Collectively we opened a portal led by Caeayaron. I discovered more about my chakras. We reached beautiful high spaces and received cleansing and a powerful healing. This was blissful and a moment of greatness.Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great speaks greatly to my heart. I remembered times from the past and this was emotional for me. What a mighty energy love force. It is our greatest gift to be here at this great time of awakening and I am eternally grateful to the Great Divine for returning to us, healing us and helping us grow in Divine Love and guiding us home. There is nowhere on Earth you can learn so much and hear truth other than the Great Caeayaron. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. I thank you with all my heart and soul for standing for so many hours and hours channeling extremely high divine love beings to help us heal our lives and grow into our higher gifts and bring us back to our greater heart of love. Thank you for all the activations which become stronger and stronger. I am so grateful and I love you forever. May the greatest light and greatest love flow and grow forever more. Thank you Caeayaron for all the gifts, codes, DNA and healings. I love you Caeayaron, thank you for all the Activations. Would you desire to experience magic, greatness and reach extremely high spaces. The Great Caeayaron and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel are the only magnificent team that can take you there. Thank you for taking me home to my Universe of Love and allowing me to travel forward in time to see my hearts desire become manifested. Thank you Caeayaron you are an amazing being. Thank you, Suzanna, you are a gift to humanity from the Great Universe of Love and I pray you rise with all your might. Xxx xxxJulie Kane - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, England
Julie Kane08/05/2019

Caeayaron is my principal of my school. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is my teacher/channel.Through her, she guides me, educates me about; being in the now, protection and grounding etc.•Our mind subconsciousness and consciousness power.•Our DNA, our energy which is/can exchange, transfer and multiply.•Our bodies – spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, light bodies.•Our exercises to be done daily strengthen our spiritual muscles, mind, body, soul, faith, hope. And more awareness of self thoughts, intentions.•Healing self and others from near or far that is gentle to our being.•That you don’t have to understand or know everything as long as you have a knowing.•And it is your choice to come to this school.•You have nothing to lose but a whole lot to gain. •Of course, Suzanna is guided by the Board of Trustees’ (Divine, Lord Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great, Federation Galactic Force Team).Selina Eruera - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Selina Eruera18/03/2019

Phenomenal Activation 3!! Outstanding!!Wow, the energies were so high and the lessons so beautiful. It’s unexplainable, the experience, but I’ll try …Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is such a glorious Universal Channel. She is the ONE. The one we have all been waiting for … for lifetimes!Caeayaron and Suzanna work perfectly together it’s such a sight to see and an energetic power flow to experience. I have learnt so many lessons to utilize in my life. The healing is so profound. My heart is opening more. I am so excited for the future when my friends and family become activated so we can work in the love together. To bring more peace and harmony to our lives and world. Thank you for the high teachings Suzanna. I am forever in the gratitude and am enjoying the light ride.
Natalie Wojak - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Natalie Wojak10/03/2019

The activations are very important to all the humans because they are the only way upwards. This is the only way to freedom and abundance in this last earth life as well as after transitioning to the other love dimensions. Initially, we were not meant to be humans but due to the Darkness tricking the Lemurians a second time, we ended up being humans and disconnected from the love dimension. Darkness took over and we have only known human consciousness which is what we have been going through for billions of years. This suffering is coming to an end and the Pineal Gland Activations is the only way to be freed. All humans need to get activated because there is no other way.
Mirriam Maila - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, England/Zambia
Mirriam Maila10/03/2019

My learning and personal growth continues. Day 1 of the Level 3 Activations, I learnt about magnetic grids which are part of a healing grid and how important it is to work together collectively. This journey is always about healing, loving, growing and knowing how safe we are.We learnt about our DNA, how important it has become and the significance of our spiritual, physical and DNA selves.Sovereign Lord Emmanuel came through and spoke about how each lesson guides us to another, and how all our experiences and thoughts are stored in the magnetic grids.It is important to protect our thoughts. Uplifting music is so important.Halisarius sends love and peace from the Star Families. Mankind is special to the Universe because of the gifts we hold within. Dimensions are being created to help us rise. This is a time of learning greater love flows and how to connect within. We’re too focused on the outside world feeding into the negative energies.Caeayaron spoke about collective love consciousness, the importance of protection and asking for gentle lessons. Everything has consequences and responsibility. I’m so grateful I have the time to heal, manifest and learn. Healing in the love is more important than knowing all the facts. When I release my fear I can evolve and heal.Day 2 of the Activations started with a truly inspiring talk from Suzanna. She spoke of how our manifestation powers are so important in achieving our desires what ever they may be, writing, art, music, starting or growing a business and so many more.This is a path of trust, seeing, flowing, learning and building a strong foundation. For me personally I know I will feel more confident now in our business. Whether it is in preparation for meetings or the day to day business decisions. I know I have the right “tools” to prepare and smooth the way. I am so grateful. I’m feeling excited about my hopes and dreams for the future. We did some amazing meditations which helped us build ourselves collectively and connect to the healing grid. The more people activated, the stronger the healing grid will become to help save mankind, but it is always about healing yourself first so you become stronger. I now appreciate why I am here at this time, I have so many notes and as I go over them I feel a peace within and confirmation that I am on the right path.Thank you Caeayaron. Thank you Suzanna. Carolyn.
Carolyn Holmes - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Carolyn Holmes10/03/2019

My learning and personal growth continues. Day 1 of the Level 3 Activations, I learnt about magnetic grids which are part of a healing grid and how important it is to work together collectively. This journey is always about healing, loving, growing and knowing how safe we are.We learnt about our DNA, how important it has become and the significance of our spiritual, physical and DNA selves.Sovereign Lord Emmanuel came through and spoke about how each lesson guides us to another, and how all our experiences and thoughts are stored in the magnetic grids.It is important to protect our thoughts. Uplifting music is so important.Halisarius sends love and peace from the Star Families. Mankind is special to the Universe because of the gifts we hold within. Dimensions are being created to help us rise. This is a time of learning greater love flows and how to connect within. We’re too focused on the outside world feeding into the negative energies.Caeayaron spoke about collective love consciousness, the importance of protection and asking for gentle lessons. Everything has consequences and responsibility. I’m so grateful I have the time to heal, manifest and learn. Healing in the love is more important than knowing all the facts. When I release my fear I can evolve and heal.Day 2 of the Activations started with a truly inspiring talk from Suzanna. She spoke of how our manifestation powers are so important in achieving our desires what ever they may be, writing, art, music, starting or growing a business and so many more.This is a path of trust, seeing, flowing, learning and building a strong foundation. For me personally I know I will feel more confident now in our business. Whether it is in preparation for meetings or the day to day business decisions. I know I have the right “tools” to prepare and smooth the way. I am so grateful. I’m feeling excited about my hopes and dreams for the future. We did some amazing meditations which helped us build ourselves collectively and connect to the healing grid. The more people activated, the stronger the healing grid will become to help save mankind, but it is always about healing yourself first so you become stronger. I now appreciate why I am here at this time, I have so many notes and as I go over them I feel a peace within and confirmation that I am on the right path.Thank you Caeayaron. Thank you Suzanna.Carolyn.
Carolyn Holmes Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Carolyn Holmes10/03/2019

What a big day today was! What a huge privilege to be sitting here listening and learning of the wisdom and teachings of Caeayaron. We learned of the rescue mission now on how to save our planet earth, and of how the fear has caused society to collapse. How planet earth is the most important planet in the universe! How important it is to love ourselves and each other every day as happy is the one who deserves a happy path!The star love beings are working with us to accelerate our DNA and how our intelligence will grow, this is the first time they have helped a race come to the love and how hard they are working to protect our planet. Everything is created by thoughts and how important it is to protect them as the dark leaders are very clever and understand the power of thoughts.Music is so important and we need to surround ourselves with happy music. We must always hold onto hope for without it, we can do nothing! We need to be in the now and become strong! Healing in the love is more important than knowledge. We need to learn to become a balanced being with abundance, protection, appreciation and gratitude! When you grow spiritually you grow spiritual muscles!To grow spiritually you have to have a settled mind “Be in the love and be happy!” You need a strong mind to move on. Our minds are stronger than we realise!Caeayaron talked about our light suits and codes and how music has tones for healing. The shift is on for us to grow into a strong planet again, society doesn’t have a stable base and Caeayaron’s wish is for the people to be in a place of love and peace!We need to work with our higher purposes and we need to stop judgement of ourselves! Gain appreciation of ourselves.Caeayaron took us through some beautiful meditations again today and Suzanna connected us to the ancients by the most wonderful stone circle. The energy from the circle was amazing, to say the least, everyone was buzzing after that!We are now Star Sacred World Healers. Wow! Activated! How exciting is that!Thank you, Suzanna for your guidance, your laughter and your love.Thank you Caeayaron for your wisdom, your knowledge and for your eternal love for us all.
Ali Wickman - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, New Zealand
Ali Wickman 10/03/2019

What a game-changing, life-altering, mind flowing and massive awakening inside and out this level was for me. We covered so much and grew to evolve so much as a collective let alone as individuals. We gained so much more power and great blessings. We learned about, grounding deeper, become Master Manifestors, how to practice remote viewing for the good of the world and it’s healing, how to heal ourselves, how to build our spiritual muscles, about love force and magnetic fields and our DNA. We were given another Lemurian Mantle and headgear! Suzanna made a set of Wisdom cards blessed by Caeayaron. How to build a solid foundation and how to keep it, building upon layer by layer on top of it. We learned a whole new way of powering up our chakras and we learned about our new chakra! How to just be patient and let all things flow! We learned how to program a crystal and how it can hold messages and intentions to better our lives with! Suzanna did 3 readings which were detailed and she used the new cards! Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great came in as did Halisarius. We learned how to open love portals and hold those flows! We learned how to open ourselves up to more love, wisdom and harmony codes. I learned so much more than I have space to write. However, my most memorable moment was being in a Human Stone Circle! Gaia became a part of this and Ancient Lemurians, Druids, Indians and many Star Beings and Suzanna ended with a closing statement that eternally altered my mind and life forever. I’ve made it, I’ve finally made it!!I am now able to be my authentic self 100%. I have so much eternal gratitude for these times for Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Caeayaron, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great, Halisarius and all Star Love Beings! I cannot stress enough how important these Activations are especially to come before 2020 to catch the Highest Light Wave in all of existence!!Don’t delay catch this Highest Light Ray!!
Michelle Renee Kmieciak - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, USA
Michelle Renee Kmieciak10/03/2019

Being here in Driffield, England, at Caeayaron’s beautiful Pineal Gland Activations was very magical for me. I have learned that as humans we hold the keys to save the Earth!To save Humans, to save Lemurians who are trapped in other Universes. To free our spirit families by becoming activated means to get your Lemurian codes back, power, no more aging, no more diseases, wars, pain and suffering. The dark ones changed our DNA so we would not awaken at this time of the Great Alignment. They tweaked our thoughts also to not awaken at this time! We need to come to Caeayaron’s Pineal Gland Activations before 2020 so as a collective group in the love, we can save our dying earth, save the animals, the forests, the whales, all life on Earth depends on you getting Activated by Caeayaron!Please come and help our Mother Earth and all that is living on it! I’m so very grateful to be a Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher and be Magnetically Attuned Healer!Thank you, Sherry
Sherry Pagoria - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, USA
Sherry Pagoria10/03/2019

Today was so exciting with Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great and Halisarius coming through to talk to us.We are learning why there is a need to harmonise and how to work with our DNA in very great detail and how that helps us to explore our very existence. We learned how remote viewing can be developed and how to use it for the purposes of the love.For the first time, in this life time, I finally understand we have enough gifts given to us to get insight into the unlimited nature of our light bodies.It is also so wonderful to know that we are finally no longer alone but have the opportunity to build relationships with star beings, Divine beings and our Guides to work in partnership, being guided, which I never really experienced as a human. It is a huge relief.
Michelene Mauvis - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, France/Zimbabwe
Michelene Mauvis10/03/2019

First day of Level 3 of Pineal Gland Activations with Suzanna and Caeayaron was very powerful with deep healings for me. I am healed more and more. My chakras are open and healing. I witnessed how Great Caeayaron balances our energies and thoughts, that for me is phenomenal and magical.All day with fun and beautiful meditations where we learn to see, to feel and go deeper within.Together with Great Caeayaron we sang Lemurian tones. I enjoyed it very much. I literally bathed in the Light during the toning. I saw and felt strong energy flows going through me. Something very powerful and great happened for me and all of us.Next day starts with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s lesson how to stay in the Love in life and ground. It was a very powerful and clever lesson based on life experience. Caeayaron took us into meditation where we learnt to go within our light body. I felt like a student and was very proud to be a student of Caeayaron and Suzanna in the University of Light. Flows come one after another. Great shifting happens in my physical body.I’m very grateful for Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for her great work and her growth. And very exciting to see it. Because if she grows we all just boost up despite differing energy. Great balancer Caeayaron makes all things right like “magic”. I am grateful for Caeayaron and Suzanna I love you so much.I am looking forward to working with my new “Light Body”.I am very proud to be a student of the University of Light.I am very proud to reconnect back into my Lemurian mantle.With all my love to you.Marija L.
Marija Laurineniene - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, England
Marija Laurineniene28/11/2018

Today has been an amazing day, the teachings from Caeayaron have been so full of important information that everyone on earth needs to know and be aware of.I am so grateful for this life changing experience, we have learnt how we are programmed by sound frequencies and the re-programming of our DNA for us to rise back to our authentic selves. We have opened the most beautiful Divine Love portal, which brought through so much light, I experienced such deep healing on a very deep level, I have never experienced anything like this.With each activation, my life changes in magnificent ways which also helps my children, husband and family to heal too.The activations are the most precious gift you can do for yourself and loved ones.I have so much love and appreciation for Suzanna, and the Galactic Federation of Light and all that they do for us to help us go back home to the love. XxxxJo Sims - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, England.
Jo Sims28/11/2018

Once again in the presence of Caeayaron, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great and Halisarius I have felt totally loved, guided and protected. I have received many lessons to help me grow and heal and in turn, guide, teach and protect my family. As a mother and a grandmother, this is a gift in this insecure world.I have been taught to use energy to manifest in very practical ways and I can see how I have missed many opportunities in the past. Learning to use my light body to build power to use for manifestation is exciting personally, but in the future, as Star Sacred World Healers grow in numbers and power, the vision of collectively being able to eliminate physical and emotional suffering for mankind is more than I ever wish for.I am so grateful for Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. To have the courage to do this work is beautiful! How we are all blessed.Gail Watson - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned by CAEAYARON, New Zealand.
Gail Watson28/11/2018

Suzanna & CAEAYARON spoke in depth on how our DNA system works and more importantly how DNA is programmed by Magnetic Grids. The different various types of Magnetic Grids were explained very clearly, details of human DNA (magnetic grids) and The Healing grids (Star DNA) gifted in these Activations.
Halisarius honoured us into the Galactic Families of Light. He also explained how hard the Galactic Federation of Light Family has worked to create this pathway, also how protection for Earth is being gifted to help us. Amazing meditation techniques and tonings for our new light bodies were taught on both days and were very advanced.
If you are a newbie like me you will be truly amazed. I am very grateful to be here learning from the Divine Love Element, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, the builder of light frequencies Archangel CAEAYARON, one of the wise ancient beings from Lemuria we forgot.
Come remember Caeayaron and many other ancient beings and feel it for yourself.
With love, Tim.
Tim McIntyre - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, Australia.
Tim McIntyre28/11/2018

I was Activated in June 2018 and it was the best present I gave myself. Since June til now, my life has been unbelievable. So many exciting things have happened and I have received so many blessings from Caeayaron.When I returned to Bali after being activated in June, I shared with my friends all over the world about my experiences at the Divine Pineal Gland Activations. I was overjoyed when 4 of my friends from Singapore signed up for the Divine Pineal Gland Activations in November.They have now received their Sacred Light Lemurian Codes back and life will never be the same for them again because their karma has been deleted and they can ascend to the higher star love realms.Without the Sacred Lemurian Light Codes, a person will not be able to get out of this Blackhole which all humans are trapped in.I urge everyone to awaken to the importance of being activated. This gateway will remain open only for a limited time, so please don’t miss this opportunity, or you will regret it for all eternity.I am so grateful for Caeayaron for revealing this and to his one and only designated Light Grid Programmer, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, for being his sole channel to bring through his teachings.The Choice is yours, folks. Be wise and choose to be Activated!Caroline Cheng - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Universal Love Teacher by CAEAYARON, Bali/Singapore
Caroline Cheng23/07/2018

The Activations were, for me, to support my families and friends for their spiritual path to be reopened and give guidance to help gain access to the steps of freedom and to the higher realms of Caeyaron.
The Teachers were very beautiful to help me with more love & peace for all to understand what love is, to learn to hold more understanding and to become greater teachers and healers and to feel greater connection to spiritual energies.
Namaste Caeayaron. Thank you Suzanna.
Lance Brady - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON. New Zealand
Lance Brady13/06/2018

"The way out of fear and pain into a free mind and to meet and experience Star energy - in my whole body through all chakras up into my star chakras, is such a gift I can't describe.Love is not what I thought it was. These precious gifts are available to help heal my life and family who want to feel more love in their lives. I can't wait to go home to use my heart with more love and direction.The importance of these awakening times makes so much sense when explained by the Greatest Archangel Caeayaron.I feel lighter, happier and enthusiastic and passionate about becoming a greater healer and stronger in love and forgiveness.None of this is possible without the activations and although some do not understand, I hope the many who have love for peace in their lives and families will remember these times of awakening are so precious and beautiful and look into the Activations.Thank you all the Love Universal Beings, Caeayaron, and Suzanna for a magical and healing few weeks. Namaste."
Jules Boonen - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Jules Boonen13/06/2018

"The only way to heal your lifetimes is to get your pineal gland activated with Caeayaron through his Light Grid Programmer, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.Haven't you had enough pain and seeing your families suffer from pain not just from this lifetime but from thousands of lifetimes?Once activated you receive codes to help you to heal. You also allow your loved ones in spirit to be given the choice to get activated up there. Not only that, you allow thousands of star beings to be released so that they and everyone goes into the healing grid.The only thing you have to lose is pain.The teachings are clear and loving. You know you've heard this before. Let's heal our planet. Come on! Come to the Activations with the highest loving divine beings."
Lisa Wetini - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Lisa Wetini13/06/2018

"The experience was very powerful in love flows. An honor to receive such blessings from Caeayaron and the Star Beings. I have grown so much in confidence and in my thoughts. It's real, it's so real!Come to the activations and free yourself from the dense earth plane. I am looking forward in sharing the teachings and healings and growing more in the light and love flows. I wish I could find all the right words to share right now. I am still feeling so high after the most incredible Activations that just took place with the Star Beings opening up a portal and connecting.Set yourself free, don't miss the opportunity to change your life and your soul's path. Thank you Caeayaron. Thank you Star Beings. Thank you Suzanna.Love and gratitude,
Jennifer Petro-Goth"Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (USA)
Jennifer Petro-Goth13/06/2018

"Many talk of making a difference in the world, this Activation is the difference in the making the world needs.Add your intentions with the power of angels and star beings to bring the heavens to earth and greater peace and joy in your life."
Andrew Kramer - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (USA)
Andrew Kramer14/05/2018

"I appreciate so much how Caeayaron teaches us how to release our pain and fear so that we can go up to the higher frequencies. The portal openings are so powerful.I felt the cosmic Love flows coming through when Halisarius did a portal with us. If felt like I have been reunited with my star family. It was very touching and I enjoyed their presence. It is not something that can be felt with words and I never thought I would ever be writing this.One must come to the Divine Pineal Gland Activations to experience the frequencies and flows.Be blessed always, Georgianne."
Georgianne Crawford - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Georgianne Crawford14/05/2018

"It was a great weekend of healing that was needed to grow more in love.Our physical bodies have been also healed.Great teaching from Caeayaron.I'm grateful again to be part of what has happened this weekend. I've been transformed during this weekend: to be able to forgive is not a problem anymore.Thank you Caeayaron."
Patrick De Misse - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (Germany/Cameroon)
Patrick De Misse14/05/2018

"I am very grateful to be at this time. So much fun and joy Caeayaron brought through his channel Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, together with healings and guiding us how to go further in our own growth as teachers and healers.Suzanna shared with us her precious experiences of growth in Love and Light to become a strong channel.I felt energies more, deeper and deeper. I completely new in my own energy, my body is more lighter, my thoughts in peace, my heart in Love, confidence growth, no fear and anger anymore.I know how to connect with my Star Beings, Angels.So forgiveness, grounding, clearing, claiming energy is very important. We all adjust with Star Beings and we opened a portal together, it was awesome!! very powerful!Suzanna's growth and beauty is beyond words.I am very grateful for Suzanna. Without her we will be not able to experience Universal Love flows. Thank you.All my Love to you, Marija"
Marija Laurineniene - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (England/Lithuania)
Marija Laurineniene14/05/2018

"The first star portal has been opened. It felt so intense! The toning was beyond so strong, so beautiful!All our chakras were in the healing flows strongly. Our lower chakras got connected to our higher star chakras! I am so grateful. I feel so so blessed to be part of this moment. There are no words but tears are running down my cheeks.Suzanna, thank you for all you have done to make this possible to guide us up to bring us back home.Thank you Caeayaron. Thank you Halisarius. Thank you for all the hard work you have done for the love to come back. Please guide me on my way up, let me feel this loving connection to my star being stronger, more beautiful.Let me do my part the best I can. My desire to bring others to be with all of us in this most beautiful love flows is growing stronger and stronger. Show me how I can do my very best. I wish to be of divine source!"
Kathrina Hagler - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (New Zealand/Switzerland)
Kathrina Hagler 14/05/2018

"Activation weekend 3 was the best learning experience for me of all three.I recommend doing all 3 within the same activation groups so you can grow together as a group and keep the same vibrations flowing.This weekend I've learned so many lessons. From learning how to work with angels, opening portals (magnificent!), learning about the ego, and the heart.Suzanna is such a remarkable teacher throughout all this. She teaches at the rate of the student's ability to receive the energy. She knows if and when we can handle more healing or when to slow down and take a break.I think the biggest lesson I've learned this weekend is the importance of Love and how we view other people... because we are all just a reflection of each other living in an illusion. If we can understand that, we can start to see more love in each other and learn to say no or block out the things/people in our lives that bring our vibrations down.To reach our highest mind and become in contact with our true identity (star being) we must work every single day to raise our vibrations, open our hearts into receiving the healings, forgive, and stay in the love and forgiveness.It is our duty as an activated Star Sacred World Healer to raise the vibrations, hold the love flows, and heal from within. The change will start to happen once we start being rather than doing.Everything will start to work when we heal from within.Everyone reading these testimonies can become an activated Star Sacred World Healer if you can trust in yourself, in your intuition, believe in the love flows and give yourself the chance to reach your highest vibration of love.
Stephanie Strom" Star Sacred World Healer and Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (USA)
Stephanie Strom14/05/2018

"This weekend has been amazing. Feeling the flows of healing, learning about the collective love consciousness, opening portals and toning and feeling the flows totally awesome. You just have to experience this to truly understand how beautiful these activations are.I have gained so much from all the activations but this weekend level 3 has really shifted my vibration and helped me reach a deeper understanding about myself, my life journey's experiences and how each experience has been an important lesson for me. I am so grateful to Caeayaron for all the teachings, and guidance I have received, not to mention all the healing on such a deeper level.I am also grateful for Suzanna our Light Grid Programmer and all the light team who never gave up on us and fought so hard for us to come home.Thank you, Caeayaron.Thank you, Suzanna.Thank you for all I have received."
Audrey Dobson - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (England)
Audrey Dobson03/04/2018

How much do you desire peace on earth? The Star and Angelic beings desire it for us and have constantly worked for it. How much will we work for it?Constantly these activations inspire me to do and be more. To be a part of Galactic Collective Love Consciousness, so all suffering on all dimensions is gone forever.The suffering has been great, but will we hold on to it or let it go and forgive it. Because the joy can be greater if we allow it.How do we allow it? Get Activated and experience the love every day. The Divine Feast has been prepared, will you come to the Love Table? I hope I can do enough to be there and I hope to see all my universal friends there; everyone.So let's rock and roll in the light and follow the love directions every day.Thank you Star Beings, Caeayaron, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great. I love you all so much. Divine Will is amazing.
James Donaldson - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (Australia)
James Donaldson03/04/2018

In the days that approached the 3rd activations, I was not sure that I could make the event. Because I was unwell - I gave myself permission to rest and recover, and I also asked Caeayaron for help and to make being there possible. In reflection of that time, with two hours sleep before the event started, I remain in gratitude that I was able to attend.
Thank you Caeayaron and Team Love
Barbara Derecourt03/04/2018

Saturday was an amazing day. I left here absolutely buzzing. Today it was much more grounding.Thank you, for the opportunity to learn, grow and Be.I fully intend to practice my forgiveness every day, my grounding and clearing. Gratitude has been a part of my daily routine for a long time now. I'll just be "upping" it! And using the Violet Flame for protection, living in the love, forgiving everything, and working on my self-love - Project Me.Again many thanks CAEAYARON and all the Angels.
Adrienne Marks - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (England/Spain)
Adrienne Marks03/04/2018

Such another beautiful weekend! The shifts and flows I feel are so peaceful and beautiful. There is nothing in life like these activations! They make you realise things about yourself and show you how to live a beautiful life. The whole time you are at the activations you are smiling, laughing, growing and loving.You are shown how to free your mind and to manifest and to love life more. The people you meet at the activations are so beautiful and happy, it's such a joy to get to know them.Do something you will cherish forever, Get activated with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and Caeayaron. You will be so thankful you did.Thank you Caeayaron.Thank you Suzanna.XxxxxXxxxXxx
Tina Kane - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (England)
Tina Kane03/04/2018

Wow! The gifts I have received over the past 3 weekends have been enormous. I never knew or imagined that I would grow this much. Though this growth may appear to be "new", it actually feels like "home", the place I've always searched for. It is here and I've finally found it.I've discovered and learned new ways to grow in the love, light and peace for myself and all of mankind. I am humbled and eternally grateful for the opportunity to be here and grow into the light - into my greatest potential.Thank you to my follow Star Sacred World Healers for walking this journey alongside me and supporting my growth.Thank you to Suzanna for your continual commitment and tireless sacrifices - you amaze me.Thank you Caeayaron, Thank you Sovereign Lord Emmanuel.
Zanna Hittner - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (USA)
Zanna Hittner03/04/2018

This weekend for me has been life-changing. Caeayaron's teachings have really grown so much since the previous activations I attended in August.He is the most incredible teacher in the world, he is so funny, loving, entertaining. I could not expect that such high knowledge can be expressed with humour and songs.It has been a privilege for me to witness how his channel, the beautiful Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, has grown so much, is so powerful and is able to do amazing things.Personally, these days have been so important. I have been able to have a deeper understanding of who I truly am, my soul path and my highest purpose. Now I have a great connection, my gratitude and compassion have reached a level I could not even know I could have.I am so grateful for having been chosen to be present and be part of the most beautiful times. Now I can experience inner peace, connection and purpose. All my answers have been given to me.My eternal gratitude to Divine, to the Galactic Federation of Light and to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.Much Love.
Monica Carvajal Salmeron - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (Spain)
Monica Carvajal Salmeron 03/04/2018

I Sean Strom, have become aligned through the great master Caeayaron. I became grounded, aligning my chakras upward, and became physically aware of the healing taken place on this date.It is through healing that I have become activated. My chakra energies have shifted and become more grounded than ever imaginable. It is only by this way that I am able to be healed and connect to the higher dimensions.I am grateful and now loving of the great galactic love family that I am now a part of.Thank you Caeayaron, Master of Magnetic Flows, Alignments, and Energy.
Sean Strom - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer of CAEAYARON (USA)
Sean Strom03/04/2018

Caeayaron, I thank you with all my sacred heart for all the healings and gifts I have received through these magnificent activations.Once again I seen the fall of Lemuria which brings a great sadness within me. Thank you Caeayaron for showing me this because now I see I need to forgive it greater. Also thank you for helping me to see the love, peace and joy we once all shared. Thank you Halisarius for showing me how very sacred portal openings are, giving me the experience of standing in a light pool with five other star beings seeing our hearts and chakras connect then an opening with great light coming through bringing great love frequencies to us.I now feel a stronger connection to star beings and I am so grateful.The flows of love and healing from Caeayaron are worth more than all the gold in the world. Thank you Caeayaron, thank you Great Divine Love.Suzanna, you are so amazing :-) I will be forever grateful and I love you with all my heart. I am also grateful for all who are here.
Namaste. x
Julie Kane - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (England)
Julie Kane03/04/2018

Caeayaron there are so many ways I have felt your love I am so grateful.I have exploded inside because you have found my heart that has been calling for you to see my little me. Now I am part of this magnificent Being Caeayaron.Gracias, for allowing me to see some of the colours of your love, thank you for allowing me to shine your light and helping me to be proud of being part of you.This activation shook my whole being and I love the songs that Suzanna sings to work our brain while our bodies are re-aligned and how gently you have been with all of us.Thank you for all your teachings, thank you for your immense love, thank you for your forgiveness and to allow me to forgive myself.It is all been so beautiful it is so magnificent and to be able to help more people to understand your love it will be a beautiful way to shine my light.The waves of light I have received are so Divine. Thank you for your compassion towards me so I can have compassion within myself and others. Thank you Caeayaron for helping in all my journeys but this is the Best most wonderful University of Light I have been waiting for so long and I found you.Thank you for your Divine love and for all the changes and happenings in my new life.
Patricia Berry - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (England/Ecuador)
Patricia Berry03/04/2018

Wow, the energies I could feel (and I felt them, hooray!) are enormous, stronger with each activation weekend. Our light body got a proper workout with Caeayaron and the star beings of love. It was so much fun with them, Caeayaron has upgraded his channel, Suzanna to the musical star.We were reminded that "we don't need to do anything" but really if we want to get anywhere high after we pass over "we better do something" (all presented in an entertaining musical form).More advice was given about manifesting, healing your life. We learned how to open portals to heal our intention. Toning becomes more important at this stage. We explored more about forgiveness - how we learn from pain and how with Divine assistance we can release more pain, claim back our energies and how we grow from that.We explored more about project "me" how it's about healing us, our thoughts so we can help heal others. It was contrasted with project "me" being about ego self and doing nothing because others are doing all the hard work in the healing grid and lifting "me" upwards.Some interesting thoughts were shared in the group about protection and how powerful we are as activated.Although I would like to stay longer and have more activations, more charged up days, I know now it's time to digest, learn to use our lessons, live through the challenges of life with love and angel guidance and see how our gifts from Caeayaron unfold.
Katarzyna Jablonska - Star Sacred World Healer, Angelic Frequency Healer, Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON (Poland)
Katarzyna Jablonska 12/03/2018

This has been the most beautiful and enlightening weekend of all my lifetimes. Everything Caeayaron has gifted to us this weekend is to help us heal our own lives and to become more of love so that we can help others to heal and become more of love.
Divine Love is so beautiful, so powerful and so inspiring. The Truth is felt so deeply within me as the teachings are brought through and the flows of love I feel like a great warmth that brings tears of remembrance to me.
It is the most beautiful gift we can receive at this time and I am so grateful that I am here to experience the MOST AMAZING, MOST MAGNIFICENT, MOST MAGICAL, & MOST LOVING FLOWS that are gifted to help us return Home.
Each day of activations has changed my life in a beautiful way. I have even witnessed my family on the other side of the world receive beautiful healings. I have awoken feeling stronger each day. I am totally amazed how much healing and growth has happened in only 2 1/2 weeks.
The Activations have grown so much in strength since 2015 when I first received them. Suzanna has grown so much as a channel and CAEAYARON is able to shine even greater with each day. Today it was a stage show greater than any other before, with Suzanna in deep trance and CAEAYARON bringing in activations and showing off his channel so greatly.
Please come and experience the Great Love, receive the Activations and begin your healing journey Home.
Thank you Divine, CAEAYARON, Suzanna and all the Star Love Beings. Love always and forever, Jacqui
Jacqui Hanson - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)

The most amazing seminar. Hard to find words to describe it. I know so much has happened on so many levels and I feel different in a marvelously wonderful way.Please come to the activations so you can step out of the limitation and into a wonderful exciting world of love, greatness, unlimitedness, manifestation and joy. xxx
Glenda Rainey - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (New Zealand)
Glenda Rainey12/03/2018

The end of the course but not the end of working into the light, love and peace. These teachings will remain within your heart.I live on my own, no family, until now, the Family of Love and greater Family of Higher Angels that will be protecting me throughout my new Awakening new life in the greater Universe.You will not be able to understand all the teachings but in time you will be a greater you in the Love.The world has lost its pure love and light, it can only be recovered by the great channelings from Jesus, the Great DIVINE.Thank You to Suzanna and the team for your valuable teachings of love.
Dail Gibson - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (England)
Dail Gibson12/03/2018

Need to find harmony in our life
By going inside of you
You receive help by Caeayaron & Divine
You are never alone
Who connects you back to who you really are
Which is love & peace
To free you from density
And by forgiveness, healing, gratitude
You trace your way to higher privilege
And permit you to develop & rebuild
An all new Universe
Jane Lanteigne - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (Canada)
Jane Lanteigne12/03/2018

Coming to the activations I didn't really understand what I was getting myself into. Well, I definitely understand now. Everything in life here on this plane is a big fat game that we are playing.I finally understand and know my higher purpose. It's not just mine, it's every being on this planet.I've received so many gifts from Caeayaron, from all the star beings, the Galactic Federations, from all Divine, from Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. I'm deeply grateful from my heart.It's time to awaken people and get activated.If you desire to get activated, Caeayaron will get you to the activations. Trust in Caeayaron. The sacrifices that you do will be rewarded in sooo many more ways.
Lisa Paerata - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (Australia/New Zealand)
Lisa Paerta12/03/2018

I stand in deep gratitude for all the gifts & codes I received all throughout the three weeks of activations; Forgive, Ground, Clear, and stay in the Love is all I have to do.
Work on Project Me, before helping another and to know that working together with the activated one's is so much fun. :-)
Love is a force and that it's the only thing that is real.
Thank you Caeayaron & his team of High Divine Beings and Angels for helping me grow.
Shannon Wetini - Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON (Australia/New Zealand)
Shannon Wetini19/02/2018

During this 3rd weekend of Caeayaron's University of Light, I listened to the teachings that were channelled through Suzanna to the group ‐ not comprehending at the time how pertinent this wisdom would become during my 'Earth School' experiences in the days that followed. Knowing I am here to evolve: I understand that compassion and courage helps us to go deeper. Appreciating the tools for releasing, changing daily patterns, thoughts and consciousness; for healing self, connecting upwards, and creating a stronger energy field through understanding situations and experiences from energetic perspectives; and the continued importance of releasing and being in greater forgiveness.I continue to learn to walk on a higher pathway of love, to ask for help, guidance and assistance from Angels; to manifest and be more of peace and love within; understand more about Collective Love Consciousness; and appreciate how grounding, clearing, protection and connecting everyday has a profound impact on my well-being and life experiences. Thank you Caeayaron and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for bringing us the highest truths, wisdom, understandings, beautiful loving flows and healing rays, blessings, gifts from Star Beings, and a greater Violet Flame. The love, humour, and songs were fabulous ways for my being to be more open and receiving; and my appreciation grows for the ways in which Caeayaron and Suzanna work together in a beautiful partnership ‐ thank you! Woohoo!!!For those who read and listen to the messages on YouTube, Caeayaron's website and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel facebook page ‐ if you're feeling a resonance within then there's an invitation to explore and investigate more of what the Divine Pineal Gland Activations might be for you, your life, your world, the Universe ‐ open to evolving in the highest and best ways available to Mankind.Gratitude and love to Caeayaron, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Stephen, Halisarius, Sarah, Pleiadians, Galactic Teams, Star Beings and Angels of Love
Barbara Derecourt18/12/2017

From Level 3 Weekend August 2017.This homecoming weekend we discovered our greater star missions and remembered our friends on deeper levels.It was a very emotional and liberating time, learning to forgive all that we have been through, often together, in so many lifetimes to keep the love and the light alive on Planet Earth.We are family and now we have been given our next star missions for bringing peace and love to all of humanity.Woohoo!!! Now we can heal. Now we can set everything free to live in spaces of love again FOREVER! This has not been possible for a long, long, long, long time, longer than I can even comprehend. No wonder we had forgotten the ways of love.Coming to the Divine Pineal Gland Activations with CAEAYARON and His Light Grid Programmer, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, at this time was all I needed to do to set myself and many other star beings free. And now I am healing with the help of so many Divine and Star Beings of great love, along with our Lemurian brothers and sisters living in the higher dimensions at this time.We are all free to rise when we become activated this way. Compared to living in the denseness it really is easy peasy.So much love and gratitude for all the Divine
Jacqui Hanson